The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1256: Stiff

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In the purple smoke space, the water of a palm appeared in front of the **** of Xu Ziyan. Speaking to Xu Ziyan’s milk, he said:

"Master, there is nothing in your knowledge of the sea."

Xu Ziyan heard great joy and returned to his own knowledge of the sea. Looking at his own knowledge of the sea, the nervous heart was put down, and his own knowledge of the sea was not damaged. After thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help but laugh. A **** in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian could not hurt his own knowledge of the sea, that is, he could hurt his own god.

Xu Ziyan slightly narrowed his eyes into a slit and sneaked away in the cave. At this time, the singularity of the sky became a center of the plaque that was retracted to the center of the air. Looking at the coffin again, I saw that the gods in the three souls are crumbling.

In the quilted eyes, the blue strobe flashes, and the eyes of Kuang Peng’s eyes are turned toward the air. She wants to know that if she uses the fire or the water of a palm, she can't smash that pattern, or destroy the sacred god.

Xu Ziyan just glanced at it and closed his eyes and gave up the thoughts in his heart. That pattern is not a high-grade pattern, but it is seven. If it is a general pattern, even if it is seven, Xu Ziyan also believes that today's Huo Linger can also destroy it. What's more, I still have a couple.

However, this pattern is not a general pattern, it is a kind of soul-like pattern. It sends out a soul attack, the same is true. It is also not afraid of physical attacks. If you want to destroy it, you can only have a soul attack. To say that Xu Ziyan's Heidilian also has the power of soul attack, but its effect is too big for consumption. I am afraid that I have not waited to destroy the streak, and the force in the body of Xu Ziyan is consumed.

Xu Ziyan sighed in his heart. It seems that if you want to leave from here, you will only rely on the sound. However, as long as you make a sound, you will be attacked by Quebec. With his own knowledge of the gods, he can't resist the attack of the other party.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and lay on the ground, thinking about the way to deal with it.

A monk wants to defend, he can release the defensive charm on his body, and he can wear equipment. It is even more possible to arrange a lineup.

When Xu Ziyan’s knowledge is in the air, can he build a defense system in the sea of ​​knowledge?

The purple **** of Xu Ziyan floated in the sea of ​​knowledge. Looking around the sea of ​​knowledge. The sea of ​​knowledge is full of spiritual strength, and the **** of Xu Ziyan looks at the sea space, and the space has gradually changed. In the vicinity of Xu Ziyan Yuanshen, there are a few stars that are condensed by spiritual power. The stars are connected into a line, and the lines form a face, and the faces are formed one by one. stereoscopic. The three-dimensional ones floated in the air, and soon a palace was built around the purple **** of Xu Ziyan. Wrap the **** of Xu Ziyan inside.

Xu Ziyan sat in the middle of the Palace of the Sea, and extended a finger to start the void painting. A piece of Wu Pin Xian Fu appeared in the air, Xu Ziyan flexed a finger, a piece of five-character fairy floated to the wall of the palace, the brilliance flashed, hidden in the wall.

Xu Ziyan had five hours of time, and the entire palace was covered with five ornaments. With the proficiency of Xu Ziyan, she began to instantly make a void picture, and the five-character fairy symbol flowed quickly between the hands of Xu Ziyan Yuanshen. A path through the labyrinth was formed around the palace. The scope of the maze is getting bigger and bigger. Layers.

After doing all this, Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen was sitting in the palace at the center of the maze, frowning and frowning. It seems that the fourth movement of the evil spirits is not very useful for Quebec. It seems that only the sound of the stars with power can be realized in the ancient ruins of the Cangwu mainland.

Think of this kind of sound. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but laugh, and he hasn't given the name of the sound work he created. His eyes flashed. Since the formation of the phase of the stars, then it is called the stars.

In Dongfu, the knowledge of the three souls above the coffin is getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan, who had been lying on the ground, turned up and sat up. The jade flutes across the lips and a humming sound rang in Dongfu. In the air, a circle of galaxies is crushed toward the air.

The gleaming galaxies slammed into the air on the plaids, and the striated lines began to sway. The striated lines rotated more quickly, and the lines of the striated lines expanded outwards to meet the purple stars.

At the same time, he also woke up with Kui Tian, ​​who was shrinking in the pattern. Kui Tian snorted coldly, but he seemed to realize that the stars were so powerful that they did not dare to rush out of the patterns and did not dare to go with the stars.诀 Direct confrontation, but burst out of a glimpse of the gods, directly bombarded the sea to Xu Ziyan.


Kui Tian’s knowledge rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, but the result was Kui Tian’s accident. His gods did not bombard the Xu Ziyan’s god, but slammed into a maze.

This labyrinth is too big, and there are so many rumors, but the moment of the sky is the secret of the secret room, in the middle of the labyrinth.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a joy, and he continued to play the stars and attacked the air pattern. Kui Tian realized the danger and began to fiercely hit the gods in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. He wanted to rely on violence to break the maze. However, the power of the five-character fairy is just like the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and Xu Ziyan is the five-character peak, and the Kui Tian Shen at this time is just the beginning of Da Luo Jinxian, so the labyrinth of Xu Ziyan naturally occupied. The upper hand. There is no way to let Kui Tian's **** know.

And Kuitian knows his own knowledge. Now, if there is no way to get Xu Ziyan, if he wants to get out of the maze, it will consume his huge knowledge. This is what he can't afford today. Therefore, he decisively retracted the knowledge of God, shrinking within the striated pattern, that is, he wanted to rely on the defense of the pattern and the time of Xu Zi.

As long as the three gods of Roland dissipate and the soul merges, he can rush into the coffin. After he refines the soul after the fusion, he can eat Xu Ziyan.

The pattern is really strong, and it takes four hours to fully consume the celestial power of Xu Ziyan's body. It is only necessary for Xu Ziyan to start releasing the power of the hole.

The power of a single hole is continuously turned on, and time is passing fast. Two days passed, and the air pattern finally allowed Xu Ziyan to wear off the power by relying on the water and kungfu, and turned into stars to dissipate in the air. The stars of the sky did not hesitate to crush the gods of Kuitian.

This time it was the turn of the Kuitian gods to escape, he wanted to rush into the coffin with danger, but Xu Ziyan had already expected his thoughts. At this time, the stars in the Dongfu divide the Dongfu into two upper and lower spaces.

A galaxy is traversed in the middle of Dongfu, dividing the coffin in the sky and the coffin on the ground into two parts. Then, another layer of galaxies appeared in the air, clinging to the top of the cave, pressing the sky underneath. After that, the upper and lower galaxies began to squeeze toward the middle, and the space of the sky was rapidly reduced.

The stars in the upper and lower galaxies slowly rotate, and a star power is transmitted from the stars, criss-crossing in the space of the two galaxies, as if weaving a fine network, further compressing the activities of the sky. space.

After a quarter of an hour, the two layers of space are already intertwined with dense stars, and countless stars are strangling the knowledge of Kuitian.

That Kui Tian also fought hard at this time, and rushed to the next layer of galaxies. He wants to break through the space of the galaxy with the intensity of the gods in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian. I thought that it was easy to break through the galaxies in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian, but I did not expect that the cultivation of Xu Ziyan was only the peak of the late Tianxian, but the actual Both the strength of combat and the intensity of the gods reached the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, and the stars of Xu Ziyan played directly to enhance the power of sound power to a realm, which was able to reach the beginning of Da Luo Jinxian.

On the realm of the realm, although it is also the beginning of the Great Luo Jinxian. However, Kui Tian still has to be slightly higher. Therefore, Kui Tian’s knowledge stirs up the clouds in the space of the galaxy, allowing the space of the galaxy to bulge from time to time, on the edge of a broken edge.

Xu Ziyan has repeatedly opened the power of the hole, and has released the power of 116 points. At the same time, mental energy is also rapidly consumed. The huge maze within the sea has a tendency to collapse, and it is really too much mental energy.


Xu Ziyan knew that the maze in the sea began to collapse, and the mental power of the collapse turned into a purely spiritual power that rushed out of the sea, and with the stars of Xu Ziyan, it was transformed into a galaxy space.


Another layer of galaxies appears in space, close to the first layer of space. The embarrassing stars slowly rotate in the galaxy, releasing a star power.

Kui Tian’s knowledge is still constantly impacting the first layer of galaxies. His gods are constantly being consumed, although it is still the realm of the early days of Da Luo Jinxian, but the group of light groups has shrunk quite a lot.

The two sides are now deadlocked together, or the Kuitian gods are finally wiped out by Xu Ziyan's stars, or the final Kuitian's gods break through the space of Xu Ziyan's galaxies and drill into the coffin on the ground. Or Xu Ziyan eventually exhausted Xian Yuanli and his mental strength and died.

Both sides entered a moment of consumption.

One after another, the force of the hole in the body opens, and the labyrinth of the sea has collapsed by a third.


Kui Tian's **** light group finally broke through the space of the first layer of galaxies. Just wanted to find the coffin on the ground, but suddenly found another layer of galaxies appear in front of him.

Kui Tian’s gods panicked, and he was now sure that he could not break through this layer of galaxies with his current strength of consciousness. What he can do now is to keep dodging, and Xu Ziyan spends time to see who can stick to the end.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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