The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1272: burst

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The original Texan Mang was still somewhat worried, but when he saw the power of Xu Ziyan’s instant display, a worried heart instantly relaxed, and there was no baggage. Tuan Xingman would play the big singer and open his own. The power can be released to the fullest.

In the city of Lux, more than three million monks watched the blood, and the previous despair had disappeared. The resentment against Xu Ziyan became worship. Fighting spirits look toward the direction of the Mozu. The face could not be changed, and the five million demons were overwhelmed with pressure and pressure came from the surface.

Everyone knows that even a monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang is not a panacea. If a monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang was trapped in a million-strong army, there would be only one dead word in the end.

The so-called double fist is difficult to attack four hands, the good tiger can not stand the wolves, let you be iron, you can grind a few nails?

At this time, the Terran Monk, who was struggling to kill, including Tuo Xingmang, also changed color, and frowned deeply. Just between the discoloration of this Terran monk, five million Demon monks have come closer.

"kill ~~"

Among the human race monks in Lux City, I don’t know who shouted the word "kill." What followed was the shouting of "killing" by more than three million monks.

The killing sound went straight into the sky and shattered the black clouds in the air.

This neatly screaming, the blood in each monk's body surged. Although I feel that the Mozu is big, I already have a heart of death.

The gates of Lux City are open. The monks below the Tianxian period roared from the gate, and the monks above the Tianxian period flew into the air and flew toward the opposite Mozu.

"kill ~~"

The opposite five million Demon monks also screamed in unison, and the five million monks screamed in unison. Its momentum directly overshadowed the Terran monks, and the morale of the ethnic monks could not help but sigh.

Xu Ziyan in the middle of the Fu people blinked, and in her vision, the Mozu was approaching. The figure is up and down, flashing, standing on the top of the giant.

Compared with Fu's head, she is too petite. No monk found that she was standing on the head of the Fu people at this time, and the seven Mozus who joined the battle were not found.


The whole space was a humming sound, like a huge string between the heavens and the earth was suddenly swayed. Just fierce loudly spread infinitely.

Inside and outside the Lux, in the air, on the ground, everyone stopped and killed, staring blankly at the source.

I saw that on the huge head of the ten-character in the air, a tiny person stood there, stretching his arms to the sides. It is Xu Ziyan.

This is not shocking. What is shocking is that on her head, there are more than two thousand swords with red and purple colors hanging at this time, as if a red and purple fire cloud.

But it is not a cloud!

It is a long sword with more than two thousand handles releasing the four-character fairy fengfeng power!

The extension of the star is stunned, the demon king is smashed, and all the sorcerer and the two of the Luo Tianxiu are paralyzed. At the same time, the millions of monks in the fairy magic have collectively lost their voices, no shouts, only a dull gaze.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan’s arms jerked forward, and the two thousand-handed red-purple two-color swords slammed. Just like the beginning of the world. Whistling away, rushing toward the five million Mozu monks.

More than two thousand handles are red and purple, like two or more meteors, pulling up the brilliant light. The whole sky was bright, but it instantly rushed into the intensive Monk monks.

More than two thousand swords are like two thousand dragons. In the group of the Devils, the countless Demon monks fell from the air, and the blood was sprayed. The whole sky was like a **** rain.

Just a few breaths of time, there are tens of thousands of Mozu monks were strangled by more than two thousand qi swords. The devil looked red and red in the air. The figure flickered and swept away toward Xu Ziyan.

The extension of the star is five fingers, and there are thousands of golden swords in the air to the devil. The shape of the demon king flashed. Although he escaped the attack of the golden sword, he was forced to deviate from the direction of Xu Ziyan. The golden long sword in the air hovered and entangled the demon. At the same time, Tuo Xing's right hand and five fingers are another glimpse, and the golden long river that traversed in the air drowned the two middle-aged monks of Luo Tianshang.

At this time, all the Luo Tianxian monks have already reacted. The fourteen people of the Terran, the early emperor of the Terran, entangled the fourteen monks of the Mozu in the early days of the immortal. The face revealed extreme excitement, and even the potential was excavated. On the contrary, the fourteen demons of Luo Tianshangxian, the momentum was suppressed, and they could not play eight points at a very high level, completely suppressed by the human monks.

At this time, more than three million people from the Luxor star rushed out of the footsteps, his face mixed with excitement, shock, worship, excited look, looking at the air of Xu Ziyan.

The opposite Mozu has been messed up. They have no idea how to rush to the Luxor and kill the Terran monks at this time. They are thinking about how to avoid the red and purple swords.

The remaining seven Luotian monks in the air finally reacted and rushed to the past with Xu Ziyan on the head of the giant Furen. It was still far away, and the fairy scorpion that had fallen to the sea had already slammed into Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the Fu people lost the control of Xu Ziyan, but they floated in the space, and they could not stop the attack of the seven Motians in the early days. The fairy tales from the seven heavenly monks were gathered at the top of the giant Furen.


The infinite explosion, bursting on the head of the Furen, a mushroom cloud rose sharply. Let the space above the head of the person hang over the mushroom cloud and lose the trace of Xu Ziyan.

The devils in the early days of the seven Luo Tian Shang Xian stood in the air. The hand is close to the fairy, and the eyes are tightly locked on the top of the Furen. As long as Xu Ziyan is still alive, they will not hesitate to explode the fairy in their hands.

Xu Ziyan?

Xu Ziyan was at the moment when the monks released by the monks in the early days of the Seven Dawro Heavens. It sank into the giant beast. At the same time, she also knows that when she controls the person, she cannot control the sword. then. She snorted without hesitation:


"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

More than two thousand handles reached the peak of the four-character fairy, but the continuous blasting was deafening, and the whole world seemed to be in turmoil. Countless demons were directly blown into powder, and countless demons fell helplessly. In addition to the roar of the sword, it is the mourning of the Mozu.

The monks in the early days of the seven Luo Tianshang who stood in front of the giant Furen suddenly looked back and were stunned by the scene of this hellish general. At the moment when they were in a daze, Xu Ziyan had already turned the handcuffs in the Furen.

I saw that the giant Fu people stared at the seven Luo Tianshang's demon when they looked back, and extended two big hands. When the void was held, two monks were held in each hand. At the same time, the body flew up and his feet slammed into the two demons in front of him.


The two monks in the early days of the early days of the celestial celestial beings were able to stand up to the singularity of the singularity of the sacred sacred princes. These two Mozus are also fierce tempers. When the Fu people's feet are approaching, the two Mozus are also suddenly alert. However, it is impossible to avoid it. The two demons were fierce in the eyes. Even turned back and clasped the Fu's feet tightly, although the lower body was kicked and crushed, but still released the magic power, the black gas of the silk along the two thighs of the Fu people, infiltrated into the inside, constantly eroding Fu people.

At this time, the two people in the left and right hands held two Mozu monks, and the two Mozu monks also saw the two demons who were kicked down. I feel that the big hands of the Fu people are shrinking and I want to kill them all four. These four demons have a big devilish bang.

The explosion of the two thousand-handed swords has not yet been exhausted, and the four Mozus chose to blew themselves. Although it is only the self-destruction of the monks in the early days of Luo Tianshang. It is also not a person who can resist the peak of the late stage of the fairy.

The four Mozu monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian’s immortal blasted. Directly smashed the two arms of the Shizhang Giant Furen.

The two Mozu monks holding the legs of the man, seeing the four Mozu monks blew themselves, and also red eyes. I bite my teeth and blew myself up. The huge power that came out of the crash smashed the two calves below the knees of the ten-foot giant.

Simultaneously. The last remaining Mozu in the seven heavenly celestial demons has become crazy, rushing straight toward the Furen, and screaming in the magic, clearly a gesture of self-destruction.

Xu Ziyan hurriedly flipped the handcuffs in the middle of the Furen, lifted the remaining half of the thighs and kicked the monk to the Mozu monk. The body of the Mozu monk suddenly swayed in the air, rushing into the sky, and instantly rushed to the top of the person's head, and spread his arms to hug the head of the person.


With the self-destruction of the Mozu monks, a skull of the Fu people was blown up and shattered.

Today's Fu people have no arms, no heads, no two calves, and they are fragmented and miserable.

More than three million people of the monks looked at the monk in the air, and their eyes were anxious, worried about the safety of Xu Ziyan.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The air swords around are still exploding, and the five million Mozu monks have died hundreds of thousands of moments, and these hundreds of thousands are still monks above the Tianxian period, and hundreds of thousands of Mozu monks are injured.

In the sound of this "rumbling", the broken person in the air suddenly moved, and the figure suddenly rushed up, rushing toward the battlefield of the high-altitude demon and the singer.

Rushing high, crossed the golden river and fell from the sky. In the middle of a Luo Tianxian immortal Mozu fighting in the golden river, he rushed over.

The Mozu monk only felt that the sky was dark, and a huge shadow shrouded over him, looking up and seeing that the huge futuristic man had fallen to his head. What he didn't know was that Xu Ziyan had already detached from the back of Fu, and was rapidly flying to the distance.



Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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