The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1274: End the fairy battle

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Above the battlefield, the bodies of the Mozu piled up like mountains. Xu Ziyan sacrificed He Boxian, and quickly zoomed in the air. The gate of He Boxian House opened up and absorbed the body of the Mozu of the mountain. Then he will harvest He Boxian again into the body.

All the spoils have been left in half, for the resources of more than two million cents. The remaining half of the resources, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to leave half, the other half, by Texan Mang and fourteen Luo Tianshang early monk equals, and then let Texan Mang arrangement for more than two million monks Reward. After that, all the monks entered the rest.

Xu Ziyan returned to his secret room again, and set up the next array, and his body shape disappeared into the purple smoke space. When she released He Boxian, she already knew that He Boxian had recovered 90%. After a while, she could fully recover. She came here mainly to see the solitary smoke in Ximen.

A glimpse of the gods into He Boxian, I saw that the solitary smoke of Ximen is still a state of madness, and there is no waking time. However, seeing the breath released from him gradually calmed down, knowing that he was not far from the time of waking, and that his cultivation had already broken through the fairy season. It reached the peak of the early days of the fairy.

Xu Ziyan put away the sacred knowledge and stepped toward the chaotic planet. The emptiness stands above the chaotic planet and looks at the chaos on the ground. I can't help but look at it, in what time is it. The confusing chaos has already reached the end of the period from the foundation period.

"According to this speed, maybe this avatar can really give me a surprise!"

The figure disappeared in the air, and when it reappeared, it was already standing on the purple smoke star. The resources of this harvest were handed over to Peach Blossom and Chun San Niang. Then, the six monks of the first class continued to refine Dan, Fu, Ma, and.

After that, Peach Blossom made a meal for a long time that he had not eaten, drank the scent, and waited for the solitary smoke of Ximen to wake up.

After eating the food, I drank a pot of Wudao tea. Leisurely content.

Estimated that the time is almost the same, Xu Ziyan's body shape disappeared in space, to appear again, has stood on the edge of space. I will see a glimpse of the solitary smoke in the West Gate.

The figure was in front of the solitary smoke in Ximen.


"Western predecessors, how are you?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

“Oh...” Simon’s solitary smoke said with a smile: “Ziyan. I am now able to wake up seven hours a day. I don’t think it will take a long time to be fully awake.”

"Great!" Xu Ziyan could not help but jump.

The solitary smoke of Ximen saw that Xu Ziyan was happy for him, and he could not help but be moved. If there is no purple smoke, he does not know what kind of ending he will be. Standing up from the ground, I sincerely bowed to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, thank you!"

Xu Ziyan hurried to the side and whispered, "Sister Ximen, you don't want this. Before, on the mainland of the sky, you didn't help me less. I think I mean you know!"

"Understand! I understand!" Speaking here. The look of the solitary smoke in Simon is somewhat awkward. After half a sigh, I sighed and said:

"When you come to the fairyland, you know that the vastness of the mainland is small, and you know that the fairyland is not so beautiful. If you know this early, why do you have so many kills in the vast continent? Come to the fairy world. If we can't unite the monks on the mainland, Helping each other. It is really not easy to survive."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan also sighed.

The two men were silent again. For a time, both of them were a little heavy in their hearts.

"Ziyan, what's the situation outside?" The solitary smoke in Ximen broke the silence, and there was a craving in his eyes. Longing for the outside world.

Xu Ziyan saw the eagerness in the eyes of the solitary smoke in Ximen. The heart could not help but sigh. The solitary smoke of Ximen, who was in the early days, was now trapped in He Boxian. Then, in detail, what happened outside is said to the West Gate alone.

I heard that the solitary smoke of Ximen was ups and downs, and the blood was boiling. When the purple smoke was lost, his eyes were lost. For the mentality of the solitary smoke of Ximen, Xu Ziyan did not know how to persuade him, but he accompanied him silently. For a long time, the solitary smoke in Ximen seemed to calm down, and the complex color appeared slowly on his face:

"Ziyan, I really didn't think that after you entered the fairy world, the repair would be so fast, and it would build such a force in such a short period of time. Hehe... I should be able to think of it when it was on the mainland. Your cultivation will be promoted very quickly, and the Xu family that has been scattered for millions of years will be re-established."

When I heard the solitary smoke from Ximen, Xu Ziyan’s face also showed the color of memories, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Ziyan, according to what you said, in this fairy war, you have locked in the victory. After the battle of the demon, your power will become the first person in the Yuanyuanxian after the Jade Emperor. And you The foundation is the flying star. The monks on the mainland will fly from the ascending star to the fairyland in the future. I don’t know how to treat the enemy of your family who has risen from the vast continent.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment and looked at the solitary smoke in Ximen and said: "The predecessors of Ximen, I seriously thought about it. It seems that on the mainland of the sky, I have no enemies now."

Ximen’s solitary smoke looks awkward, and this reminds me that Xu Ziyan has already told him that those who had been against Xu Ziyan, such as Wang Woyun, have been killed by Xu Ziyan before they soared.

"I have to say that I really have no enemies on the mainland. Da Luotian and Lingbao Island have been destroyed. From the fire, now is my brother's fire and control, Xiao Luotian, Tianzhicheng and the three major cities. It’s all my friends. The three great ancestors have been destroyed by the Yanshan soul. The Kunlun sect was destroyed by the guardian, and now there is only a sacred machine. But...”

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter bitterness: “I am afraid that only this **** machine can become my enemy in the future, and it is a terrible enemy.”

"How do you say?" Simon's solitary smoke looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise.

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "The predecessor of Ximen. You will not forget, it is me and Yanshan soul who killed the emperor of the **** machine in the alchemy city. And the branch of the **** machine, the dynasty of the gods and the demise of the northern **** machine They all have a direct relationship with me."

Simon smoked his nod and remembered the past.

"The main thing is that there is a **** machine in the Shangyuan Galaxy, which should be the sect of the **** machine in the fairy world."

The solitary smoke in Ximen is a glimpse. The half-sounding voice whispered: "That... how are you going to deal with their relationship?"

"How can I handle it?" Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "Can I still kill the killer? They are flying up one, and I kill one?"

Do not! I won't do that. After they have ascended up, I will treat them like the other monks on the mainland. As for the final enemies, or to become a stranger, it is necessary to see the choice of the **** machine. ”

"Hey ~ ~" West Gate lonely smoke long sigh.

The two people are sitting opposite each other for a long time. Xu Ziyan stood up and said: "Senior Ximen, you are here to practice, purple smoke is gone!"

"Well! Purple smoke, don't look for the body of the Mozu in the future. With these demons, I think it is enough."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan fell, and the figure retreated from He Boxian.

Seven days later.

Xu Ziyan started the Terran Army and went to the unique Mars. The fairy boat in the sky travels in the stars. Approaching the unique Mars.

Sure enough, as Xu Ziyan expected, the devil has realized that the ending of this fairy war has been doomed. From the moment of the appearance of Xu Ziyan, the Mozu has already lost. The single Mars is in ruins, and the Devil retreats with the Magic. In this way, Xu Ziyan began the process of recovering lost ground.

Every time he regains a planet, Xu Ziyan picks up a monk to seal it as a star, then leaves some cents, and then approaches the next planet. later. Xu Ziyan simply stayed on a planet. Hundreds of star princes were sealed in one breath, and then they were assigned to some of the celestial soldiers to fly to the sealed planet, and she returned directly to the flying star.

Flying star.

Xu Ziyan accumulates Xianyuan force while taking the medicinal herbs daily. While concentrating on the sword, I watched the news from various planets.

Three months time. All lost planets are recovered.

Another month later, the transmission center of each planet was established and each planet began to rebuild. At the same time, the resources of each planet began to gradually flow to Xu Ziyan.

In another two months, the entire star field controlled by Xu Ziyan has completely recovered and embarked on the road to recovery. And Xu Ziyan is also preparing to start refining the gun.

At this moment, Duan Xiangxiang once again came to Feishengxing, Xingjunfu, and asked Xu Ziyan.

Today's Xingjunfu has changed its name, called Tianwangfu. The Temple of Stars is also called the Temple of Heaven.

In the Temple of Heavenly King, Xu Ziyan asked intimately: "Sister, are you coming here?"

Duan Xiangxiang said with a wry smile: "Ziyan, you win over the Mozu, and after the news of the complete loss of the lost land is spread back, the monks of the Yuanyuan Xianguo were greatly encouraged. At one time, they were deadlocked with the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king. However, After all, the strength is not enough, we are defeated again. And..."

"And what?" Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a little bad in his heart.

"And... the end of the world..."

"What happened to him?" Purple smoke stood up from the chair.

Seeing that Xu Ziyan was so concerned about Xu Ziyan, Duan Fangxiang’s eyes revealed a gratitude: “He seems to have problems in cultivation.”

Xu Ziyan looks awkward and looks a bit stunned. Her heart has already been determined. It must be that Duan Tianya did not listen to her own words, forcibly extracting the essence of the monks in the dragons and dragons, which caused the unstable foundation. Sit back slowly back to the chair and ask softly:

"This is what the horizon tells you?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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