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In the roaring sound, the ripples of the weather were lifted, and the two vortexes were forced to deviate from the direction. Xu Ziyan rushed out without stopping, his hair was messy, sweaty and his clothes, and his heart looked around.

A jump in the heart, seeing a monk in the distant peak of Luo Tianshang, has fallen into a time vortex, and this vortex is rotated clockwise. I saw that the monk in the whirlpool was aging at an extremely fast speed. A dozen breathful hours became a skeleton and then turned into ashes.

At this time, another Luo Tian Shang Xian late peak monk also rushed out, and Xu Ziyan looked at it from a distance, and his heart was shocked. He did not expect that the monks of the peaks of Luo Tianshang’s late dynasty would have died here, and Xu Ziyan’s early days in Luo Tian’s early days were safe.

Xu Ziyan looked around and getting bigger and bigger, and the more and more dense vortex, could not help but anxious. In this case, relying on only the eyes, you can't see the vortex of these rapids.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, calling out 50 water scorpions from the purple smoke space, and letting them form a circle around themselves. I walked around twenty meters from my own, and then stood in the air to sense.

After a while, Xu Ziyan was a happy heart. Behind her, she felt a otter dying and suddenly turned back. Sure enough, I saw a whirlpool rushing towards myself. Xu Ziyan rushed to dodge, and at the same time summoned a otter to fill the position of the otter that had just died.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was slightly relaxed. With these 50 otters, Xu Ziyan is like fifty more eyes. The location of the surrounding vortex can be felt in advance.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyelids jumped. She looked at a position about a kilometer away from her. There was a thumb-sized cyan gas swirling like a small vortex. According to Texan Mang, it is a sacred celestial temperament, as long as it is cultivated to the peak of the late Tianxian, refining the gas of the heavenly fairy. It is possible to break through the heavens.

At this time, the peak of the Luo Tian Shang Xian also saw the blue gas, and the eyes were bright. Although he is now the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, this fairy tales have no effect on him, but he has relatives. Even if there are no relatives, it is a huge fortune to sell.

He saw Xu Ziyan flying toward the heavenly fairy. Can not help but snorted. In the early days of Luo Tianshen, I also wanted to rob myself with a monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang. I really don’t know how to write the dead words.

As soon as the figure was moving, it also swept away toward the heavenly fairy.

However, what made him angry was that he did not have a purple smoke. With the help of fifty otters, Xu Ziyan is more than twice as tall as the peak of Luo Tianshang. When Xu Ziyan came to the front of the heavenly fairy tales, the Luo Tian Shang Xian late peak monk was still more than 500 meters away.

At that time, he was on the blood, and shouted at Xu Ziyan: "The juniors will leave Luo Tianshang Xianqi. Speed ​​away."

Xu Ziyan naturally will not pay attention to him. When the mind was moving, the brilliance of the eyebrows flashed, and the wishful bottle flipped, aiming at the heavenly fairy.


Luo Tianshang Xianqi disappeared. Xu Ziyan received the wishful bottle.

In the distance, the Luo Tian Shang Xian’s late peak monk’s look was a stagnation, and his face fluttered toward Xu Ziyan. but. His attention was too concentrated on Xu Ziyan's body, and his heart was too shy. I ignored the whirlpool of time and space around me, but the momentary negligence brought him an irreversible ending. Engulfed by a space vortex, a few breaths of time, then die.

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not have time to pay attention to the fairy tales in the Ruyi Aquarius. She lost seven otters just now, and hurriedly summoned seven otters from the purple smoke space to fill the position, and then swayed the figure. Dodge a whirlpool and fly toward the depths of time and space.

Time passed with the deepening of Xu Ziyan, and it has been two months since the river of time and space was opened. At this time, Xu Ziyan was surrounded by five-foot-sized whirlpools of time and space. Xu Ziyan was the clothes that were blown to hunt and long hair fluttering. Even the figure was slightly shaken.

Xu Ziyan knows that he can't go deeper. If he goes deeper, even if he has a water raft to explore the road, it is also a dead end.

Because now she has a little bit of stability, if she goes deeper, she will completely lose her autonomy. It will be like a leaf in the wind, and will be swallowed up by those time and space vortex.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan looked deep into the river of time and space. Seeing that the vortex was deeper and deeper, there was a vortex of about seven feet in her vision. The attraction formed by it made Xu Ziyan feel the fear.

During these two months, Xu Ziyan never found a sigh of relief. Now he was forced to continue to go deeper. He looked at the depths of time and space and shook his head helplessly. Xu Ziyan decided not to go deeper. Just follow the river and search for it below.

Three months later, Xu Ziyan also encountered some other monks, but the monks who were able to get here were the peaks of Luo Tianshang's late stage. When they saw Xu Ziyan as a monk in the early days of Luo Tianshang, they could not help but be shocked.

However, these monks also returned to normal immediately, no one was looking for the trouble of the purple smoke, but also faintly warned Xu Ziyan. No one would think that Xu Ziyan is really the beginning of Luo Tianshang, can the monks in the early days of Luo Tianshang be able to come here?

Are you kidding?

All the monks think that Xu Ziyan hides the cultivation, and there is still disdain in his heart. One heart and one mind:

"Is it necessary? Who doesn't know who? If you can get here, it's the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage. You show a Luo Tian Shangxian early, who are you cheating? Take us as a fool?"

Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not encounter any trouble along the way. What's more, everyone is looking for treasure. If there is no treasure, everyone can stay calm.

After more than two months, Xu Ziyan still lingered in the rivers of time and space, still no longer find a treasure. Standing in the gap between the vortex, Xu Ziyan sighed.

This treasure is really hard to find!

As the figure fluttered, it flashed a five-foot-sized vortex, and his eyes looked unnoticed. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed. She saw a group of monks. The one who was headed was smiling at her. It was a purple sword. His eyes quickly looked around and found himself surrounded.

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped. It was obvious that these people had already discovered him in the distance, and then quietly laid out the encirclement, which made her difficult to fly.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the surrounding monk who was avoiding the whirlpool and slowly approaching her. Xu Ziyan’s eyelids also jumped, and a group of green gas floated out of a whirlpool.

Not bad!

It is a group! Not a trip!

There are a total of five apes, which are connected end to end, forming a ring, as if they are chasing each other in general.

"Peace ~~"

Behind Xu Ziyan, a pair of beautiful wings were stretched out, and the body shape swept away toward the group.


Around the hundred-and-a-half-day heaven, the monk's monk was like a fryer, and all of them flew toward the group.

Xu Ziyan is not the closest to the regiment. Although her speed is the fastest, she is not the first monk to reach the regiment.


Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly appeared in the shape of a red-skinned red-colored sword. Like a meteor falling into the ground, he rushed to several monks who were approaching the group.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to detonate the qijian, fearing the energy of the riots and destroying those celestial gods. It’s just that you can’t ruin it. Once you let them run, isn’t it a happy one?

Thousands of swords are whistling, and it is much faster than people. Although it has the constraints of time and space rivers, it is several times faster than the speed of monks. Just a moment of rest, the thousand swords went to the front of the monks. These monks are the peaks of Luo Tianshang's late stage, and they are all jade emperors or female emperors. They have honoured their own five-piece celestial seals, and while they are releasing them with a thousand-handed swords, they continue to struggle toward the direction of Qingqi.


A series of dense crashes sounded uninterrupted within the space, deafening. The Baoguang and the red-violet two-color swordsman of Quanyin swayed above the long river in time and space, and went straight into the sky. At this time, other monks also flew here.


With the red and purple two-color sword blocking, Xu Ziyan's figure first flew to the front of the group. The white eye shines, the Ruyi bottle flips, and the bottle mouth is aimed at the group.


The group’s heavenly fairy tales disappeared, and Xu Ziyan was included in the Ruyi Aquarius.

The surrounding monks are all in shape, and their faces are white. Xu Ziyan, a monk in the early days of Luo Tianshang, surrounded by more than a hundred monks in the late Tianxian period, even dared to compete with them for the heavenly fairy?

And it has succeeded!

The muscles on the face of the purple sword were distorted, and shouted in the direction of Xu Ziyan: "Xu Ziyan, handing over the heavenly fairy spirit!"

Xu Ziyan grinned disdainfully, too lazy to take care of him. Her eyes swept around, and she was looking for a gap to escape. However, her eyes gloomy in an instant, she found that because of the sudden appearance of Luo Tianshang Xianqi, everyone is going to grab the group of heaven and earth, speed up the flight. At this time, more than one hundred Luo Tianshen's late monk monks had surrounded themselves in a circle with a radius of less than 100 meters, and there was no trace of space around them.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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