The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1310: Trapped in the king's palace

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These two elders were so tired that they were sweating, and they did not transmit their own fairy power into the body of Xu Ziyan. Two Xiandan divisions recovered the Xianyuan force, and they wanted to use the gods to transmit into the body of Xu Ziyan.

is it possible?

Even the gods of the purple smoke were confined inside, and it took a few hours to think of it. The two gods of the gods, just touching the skin of Xu Ziyan, were bounced back.

The two elders were silent. After a long time, the two men whispered for a while before they were told by an elixir teacher:

"Jade Emperor, the king's injury, the subordinates can only see the truth, never encountered this situation, only one speculation."

"Speak!" Duan Tianya's eyes have revealed a trace of impatience.

"The body of Uranus seems to have been invaded into the body by something in the long river of time and space. It completely impedes her sect and force, so that the king's celestial power and knowledge can't move, so the king can move and talk. ""

Duan Tianya’s look was a shock. He asked, “Would it be that the king of heaven swallowed the glory of time and space?”

It is said that Duobao Tianwang and Fuqin Tianwang are also shocked. The two of them just returned from the long river of time and space. They did not find any treasures, but they knew that the time and space opened up, and the monks who entered the time and space searched for treasures died the most.

As usual, they are generally dead monks in the middle of the sky. This time, there were more than a hundred monks in the late days of Luo Tianshang, who did not come out of time and space. The Purple House, which has a lot of strength in the lower galaxies, only has purple clothes and her Taoist hyacinth. And her sister purple ring is safe to come out.

No one knows that the monks of the peaks of the more than one hundred days of the heavens were killed by Xu Ziyan, because the two guns that had been shot at the beginning of the guns had smashed the more than one hundred monks who had killed Xu Ziyan.

She did not know the result, but the heart of the purple clothes was completely relaxed. In this way, she can push everything to say no, she also suspects in her heart whether Xu Ziyan will kill the purple sword and others. But there is uncertainty, and I can only hide this in my heart.

At this time, in the VIP room, the two Xiandan divisions slightly thought about it: "Impossible. If it is Luo Tianshang Xianqi, the king will absorb it. If it is the treasure of the Da Luo Jinxian, it will directly support the king. Explosion, and as the situation in the king today is very strange, like a pool of stagnant water, that thing does not know what it is, even the subordinates of the gods have bounced out."

"What do you mean..." The look of Duan Tianya changed and changed: "Is there something in the body of the king, maybe a kind of fairy?"

"This is not easy to say!" The Xiandan teacher said cautiously: "In any case, the body and the gods of the king are as if they have been imprisoned. The other subordinates are really unable to detect."

"So... is it possible for Uranus to recover?"

The two elders looked at each other and shook their heads together: "The subordinates don't know, but it looks difficult..."

"That... is it going to die?" There was a nervousness in the eyes of Duan Tianya.

The two elders shook their heads again: "The subordinates really can't see it, but with the subordinates speculation, the king may be like this forever, wait until she..."

The two did not dare to go on, but all of them understood. Xu Ziyan has no hope.

Duan Tianya’s eyes became complicated and flickering. I took a deep breath: "We will send the king to the king of the city of Qianyuan City to cultivate it!"

Tang Linger remembered the encounter with Xu Ziyan at the beginning, and some experiences afterwards, he could not help but walked to the front of Xu Ziyan, bowed his head, and reached out and touched the cheek of Xu Ziyan. The tears flowed involuntarily, and whispered softly:

"Ziyan, what's wrong with you? You are getting up!"

Duan Xiangxiang also walked to the front of Xu Ziyan, thinking of everything that Xu Ziyan did for Duan. Can't help but feel awkward. The tears also slipped down, looking at the spring thirty mothers said:

"Give her to me!"

Chun Sanniang turned her hand back and did not hand Xu Ziyan to Duan Xiangxiang. Let the fragrant face look a bit ugly.

"Bold!" Fuqin Tianwang shouted, and it was necessary to start with the Spring 30.

Duan Xiangxiang puts a hand in his hand: "Forget it. She is also a loyal, let her hold it!"

Fu Qin Tian Wang's face sank. Close your mouth and stop talking. Duan Xiangxiang looked at the spring thirty mothers:

"follow me!"

Chun Tie Niang shook her head and said very firmly: "No, I want to send the owner to fly the rising star."

Duan Tianya’s face was completely gloomy, and he said with a sigh: “What is going to fly to the rising star? This is the Yuanyuan fairy country, and I’m talking about it. Immediately follow me to the Heavenly King’s House.”

There was finally a fluster in the face of Chun Sanniang, and she constantly called for the fire in the gods. Huo Linger also saw everything that happened in front of him, but these people did not make a threatening move to Xu Ziyan. Moreover, when Xu Ziyan first thought of this kind of thing, he also passed through the water of a palm of the hand. If this happens, as long as they do not reveal the danger of Xu Ziyan, they will listen to them temporarily. Therefore, Huo Linger still has no movement, just looking at everything that is happening in front of him, ready to rush out at any time.

Chun Tie Niang stood up helplessly from the chair, holding Xu Ziyan followed these people to fly to the Tianwang House. After an hour, the monks landed in the clouds and landed outside the king's house.

This Tianwangfu was given to Xu Ziyan at the beginning of the Tianyao. The staff inside was very complete. The monks sent Xu Ziyan into the Tianwang House, and Duan Tianya arranged a bright and dark monk to protect the Tianwang House. Only then did everyone sigh and leave the Tianwang House.

Xu Ziyan was placed on the bed by the spring 30-year-old, and the spring 30-year-old was on the chair next to him. Some people want to move the little white pheasant, but they are stopped by the spring 30-year-old who heard the sound, so that Xiaobaiyu stayed in the courtyard where Xu Ziyan lived. Then he ordered all the next people to order not to enter the courtyard.

Those who have disdainful gaze on their faces, they are very disdain for the Spring 30. They have never heard of Xu Ziyan’s being surrounded by Chun Sanniang. So, they quickly went to report to the housekeeper of the Tianwang House, which was sent by Duan Tianya. When I heard it, I remembered the task that Jade Emperor gave him, that is, to monitor Xu Ziyan.

Now Xu Ziyan has become a waste person, and mortal people, he naturally does not have to converge again, immediately with the guards in the king's house to the courtyard of Xu Ziyan, want to force the spring thirty mothers to grab, and then change in the side of Xu Ziyan It is also convenient for people who are on their own to monitor Xu Ziyan.

Spring 30 is not stupid, when the next person left, she has already seen it from the eyes of those who are next. Immediately, Xu Ziyan gave her the flag and took it out. She began to arrange the arrangement according to the method that Xu Ziyan taught her. In less than a quarter of an hour, she set up a four-element like a closed array around the courtyard. It is necessary to know that the array is already a four-character mage, and the refining flags are all four.

When the housekeeper of the palace came to the courtyard that day, there was no change in the eyes of the courtyard. He did not hesitate to take people with him.

However, when he did not step into the door, the scene in front of him changed completely. It turned into a dense deep forest, and from time to time there were fairy beasts.


These people are panicked!

They have taken out the fairy and fight with these fairy beasts, but Chun Sanniang does not care about this. Because Xu Zi once told her that there should be no monks who can crack the four-character array in the Yuan Dynasty. There may be a whole lower galaxies, but even if you go to the end of the world, you can't get it in a short time. And in order to be such a waste person, it is necessary to spend a lot of money to ask a four-character mage to break the battle. Is it worth it? The 90-year-old Tianya will not do this.

Sure enough, three days later, the people in the Tianwang House found that the butler had entered the courtyard of Xu Ziyan for three days and had not come out, and reported to the Jade Emperor. As soon as I listened to Duan Tianya, I knew that the courtyard was laid out. I couldn't help but jump in my heart. I didn't think that the spring 30-year-old is still a mage! So, he took a few of the mages in the Lingxiao Temple to come to the king's house.

The strongest of these arrays of mages is the Mt. The array of the spring 30 maidens is the peak of the four products, directly let the three-character mage lock the brow, can not find the slightest break.

Duan Tianya waited for a day here, while being shocked by the spring realm of Chun Sanniang, raised the mind of the recruiting, and shook his head helplessly, knowing that even the three-character peak of the mage was inspired by this array of methods, suddenly improved. The grade, which breaks this formation, is not completed in a short time, let alone this is his wishful thinking. Then the three-character 巅峰阵法师 broke here, and he went home and returned to the Lingxiao Temple.

What is Chun San Niang doing?

She is making tea!

Enlighten the tea! Then Xu Ziyan was helped, relying on the pillow, and using a spoon, a small mouthful of mouth to feed Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan only drank three pots of tea a day, and then he realized the heavens in the tea, and enhanced his own knowledge and mental strength. The spring 30-year-old was after the first time she had finished feeding Xu Ziyan Wudao tea, and she used Xu Ziyan to contact her communication jade Jane and Feishengxing’s Ximen solitary smoke.

The solitary smoke in Ximen heard the big surprise in his heart, and immediately he would greet Xu Tianwo, Di Yi, and Ling Xiao. When these people heard it, they immediately wanted to rush to Qianyuan City and appeared in the side of Xu Ziyan.

However, it was stopped by the solitary smoke of Ximen. In the end, the solitary smoke of Ximen was based on the reason that Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiaoxiu were too low. They also made sense and told them that this is the foundation of Xu Ziyan and cannot be accidental. Keep them in the flying star, and they and the captains of the two Luo Tianxian early must keep the flying star, no matter who, even if the Jade Emperor wants to recapture the flying star.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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