I am very grateful to my classmates, Tang Tang 8719, hknt16104, yiminluo69, Tang Tang 8719, Linye71, baby bubble gum, xiao980, xiao980, snow 1225, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


"Ziyan, thank you!" Cheng Xiang said with a red face.

"I don't thank you!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "Several friends, the younger sister has left. We will have a period!"

"Ziyan, let's go together, here, we get together, always better." Lin Yuer came and said Xu Ziyan's hand. Through a meal just now, they all know the hardships in the Zhongyuan Galaxy.

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head: "I still have some things, I will not bother you!"

"That... okay!" The six people saw Xu Ziyan's look firm, but they were not so reluctant, and they said a few words of resignation with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan turned and left.

Of course, she did not immediately walk into the opposite inn. If that was done, wouldn’t it be Cheng Xiang’s face? Therefore, Xu Ziyan will wander all the way, just looking around, visiting several refining shops, several alchemy shops, several manufacturers, and several refining shops. She has a general understanding of the Chinese Yuan Galaxy.

Whether it is the alchemy system, the refinery array, in the Zhongyuan galaxy seems to be four goods is the mass goods, the five products are more precious, six products are rare, as for the seven products, it is almost a legend.

Xu Ziyan swayed back to the five-storey inn. There is always a big Luo Jinxian late peak behind her to follow her, Xu Ziyan has already discovered, just too lazy to take care of him.

A foot crossed the entrance to the inn, and a monk in the fairy greet. Politely asked:

“Predecessors are invited, what kind of room do you want to live in?”

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan said with a light voice, faintly said: “Give me the best room!”

"Predecessors please come with me!"

The Tianxian monk politely introduced Xu Ziyan to the counter and took a jade card to the Xu Zi flue:

"Five-storey Tianzi No.9 is still idle. This is the jade card that opens the array. I don't know how long the seniors have to live, please pay Xianjing first!"

Xu Ziyan took the jade card and said faintly: "How much?"

"10 million in a day, Xianjing."

Xu Ziyan didn't want to live here for too long. After thinking about it, she took out 300,000 yuan of fine crystals and handed it to the other side:

"I live for three days first. If I still want to live, I will say it later."

"Okay, senior!"

The monk in the Tianxian period received the fairy crystal. With Xu Ziyan walking toward the fifth floor. When I arrived at the Tianzi No. 9 room, the monks of the Tianxian period politely retired.

Xu Ziyan licked his mouth, and some complained about the inn. Ten thousand yuan a day to sell Xianjing, just leave yourself here, this service attitude is too bad!

Reaching out to push the jade card into the empty space on the door, the door opened, and Xu Ziyan took the jade card again. I received the storage ring and stepped into the door. The look is a glimpse.

This...where is a room!

In the sight of Xu Ziyan is a garden with small bridges and flowing water, hills and grasses, and a small building in the shadow of the mother-in-law.

This... is a mustard space!

Four fairies are flying towards her, flying to her front, kneeling and praying: "Master!"

Xu Ziyan can't help but smile, no wonder so expensive!

After being bathed by four fairies, Xu Ziyan entered the small building and came to the master bedroom. The knowledge of God went to explore in all directions. After a quarter of an hour. Xu Ziyan's face relaxed, she did not find anything wrong. However, she still took out the five-character flag and set up a lineup in the room, which was sitting on the bed with peace of mind. Start to carefully organize your plans.

Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space, first went to the purple smoke planet. I hope that the peach blossoms, the spring thirty-naughter will come, and they will practice well, and the peach blossoms will let the tree demon take care of their own medicine garden and the tea tree of the enlightenment. I hope that the peach blossoms and the spring thirty mothers will take the opportunity to propose some cultivation to Xu Ziyan. The problem, Xu Ziyan began to explain to them some of the heavens she realized.

As he spoke, Xu Ziyan was immersed in it, and he was very cheerful about the heavens that he did not understand before. The sound spread farther and farther, like the sound of the sound, gradually echoing in the entire purple smoke space.

Fire Linger and a palm of the water opened their eyes and flew toward Xu Ziyan, who fell silently in front of Xu Ziyan. Countless demon people flew toward Xu Ziyan, quietly falling, spreading from the front of Xu Ziyan to the back, sitting down in a dense manner, quietly listening to Xu Ziyan preaching.

Xiaobai woke up from the slumber, and the celestial scent of the heavens made her break directly from the fairy period to the peak of the late Tianxian. When I woke up, I heard the sound of Xianyin and let him indulge.

In the air, a white cloud floats quietly on the head of Xu Ziyan, it is the cloud baby.

Suddenly, the few demons in the back broke out with a strong momentum, but it was a few of the Mahayana's late peaks that broke through the fairy period.

The clouds rallied in the sky, and the sound of rumbling was deafening.

Xu Ziyan was sober, looked up and couldn't help but smile. She saw at a glance that the thunder in the air was the one that made the giant sword. It turned out that the giant sword did not disappear, but turned into a vain of the purple smoke space. Slightly narrowed his eyes, the heart secretly:

"I am already the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, waiting for a chance to try and see if I can surrender the great sword!"

Waving a wave and letting everyone disperse. Fired Linger, a palm of water and Xiaobai called to the front. The realm of Huo Linger has been improved, and it is also seen that Xiaobai broke through to the peak of the late Tianxian. However, when I saw that the water in one palm was still very weak, Xu Ziyan’s mood was heavy.

Waving a wave of chaos and letting a palm of water take it down, the water of the palm of the hand slammed out and slammed into the fairy river.

Xu Ziyan's body shape disappeared, and then appeared to come to that ghost star. The seven tree demons saw Xu Ziyan coming, and hurriedly bowed to Xu Ziyan. Call the master.

Xu Ziyan waved them up and looked around. Seeing the undead grass and some of the herbs I got from the ghosts grew very well, and I couldn’t help but be happy. I saw another forest on the Nether Star and asked the tree demon. It turned out that they started to open branches and leaves, and the heart was even more joyful. They threw them some medicinal herbs and flew away.

Reappearing has reached the edge of the purple smoke space, using the gods to look at the warm and tidy Lotus and Ruyi Aquarius. It was a heartache. I really don't know when they can recover, and her biggest card can't be used now. The market was taken out, and now the market has been upgraded to eight products under the warmth of chaos. Xu Ziyan feels that he should focus on comprehending the technique. As soon as possible, I will understand the nine characters, and I will paint the formations. At that time, I will have a self-defense baby.

There are too few babies to defend themselves, and there is only one fire.

I thought about it. Moved the cloud baby and Xiaobai instantly. The cloud baby didn't have to use the words of purple smoke. When he saw the chaos, he immediately got into it. Xiaobai was busy there, and even made a nest for himself with chaotic gas. Then he squatted comfortably inside.

Going to see the earthen dragon soul, today's dragon soul has become a real dragon. Under the strong fragrance of Xianyuan in the purple smoke space, it has already broken through to the middle of the fairy. This makes Xu Ziyan can not help but sigh, the beast is a beast. In cultivation, there is a talent that human beings cannot compare.

Finally, I remembered the confusion and went to the chaotic planet with the expectation. Sure enough, the confusion brought her a surprise. She actually broke through to the peak of the late immortal.

Pulling away from the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan sat on the bed and began to check his own body. Xianjing has 80 million best products, one million top grades, less than ten million middle grades.

Luo Tian Shang Xian Qi a glimpse.

At the beginning, the ancient seal of the ancient continent was sealed with a life of 3,228.

A lot of nine-day fire crystals like mountains.

There are also a variety of resources that are currently available.

As for the fairy, the fairy, the flag and the elixir, when she left the lower galaxies, she was almost left to the family. Six people are now in the process of refining.


what is this?

Xu Ziyan found a metal sputum. Thinking for a while. I remembered that this was originally taken in the auction in the Dragon World. At the time, this thing was called "God Gold." Her curiosity was mobilized again, using God's knowledge to explore, but still can not be explored. After thinking about it, the figure once again entered the purple smoke space. The gods spread out overwhelmingly. Instantly found a metallic planet and threw the **** gold onto the metallic planet. In the heart:

"Since you are called Shenjin. I will put you on a metallic planet and see what changes you will have in the future."

After observing for a while, I did not find any change in the **** gold. There was some disappointment in my heart, and I left the purple smoke space.

Sitting on the bed and thinking about it, I don’t know if my current family is in the middle of the galaxy. However, she felt that it was enough for her time to practice. In the long run, this general life is not a long-term solution. I remembered that Bai Lifei said that this meta-galaxies are the family's world, and I can't help but think of Xu.

Take out the blue Ruoyun to her jade to the eyebrows, the gods transmitted into the jade, a galaxy figure appeared in front of her. Intuition, she felt that the Chinese galaxies were much smaller than the lower galaxies.

She has also seen the galaxy map of the lower galaxies. It is not known how many times it is bigger than the Chinese galaxies. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was swept through the galaxy’s map, and it was immediately clear that the Chinese galaxies had only 186,676 planets, which was much smaller than the lower galaxies. However, she can also see that every planet in the celestial galaxy is much larger than the planet in the lower galaxies, and it is also much more stable.

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. Is it that this fairyland is like a tower? The smaller the space, the smaller the space? Suddenly remembered the space in his body. The body shape flashed, once again into the purple smoke space, the body of the purple smoke space heaven, immediately found the difference in the purple smoke space.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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