The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1343: Six Pinxian Master

I am very grateful to Zhang Muzhi, eryanu classmates, ruthless demon classmates, 蘩羽645098 classmates, snow marks 1225 classmates, wyftbb classmates, Fengqing people's classmates' pink ticket!


Tu Xingmang glanced at Xu Ziyan and continued to whisper:

"Tianguixing belongs to the sphere of influence of the super family Jiang family, but it is somewhat remote. The Jiang family is not too concerned. It is the first-class family grandson who is occupying the hegemonic position in Tianguixing.

Xu family is located in Yueji City, Tianguixing. There are a total of four second-rate families in Yueji City, and there are several third-rate families. Among the four second-rate families, Xu’s strength ranks second, which is not bad. ”

Seeing that Xing Xingman stopped, Xu Ziyan whispered and asked softly: "How is the internal situation of Xu family? Is it related to the Xu family on the mainland of China? Is there a family base in the lower galaxies?"

The reason why Xu Ziyan asked Xu Jia whether there is a family in the lower Yuan dynasty is that after she arrived at the Zhongyuan galaxies, she saw so many monks from the lower galaxies that she felt that the lower galaxies were too big. Even if Xu family has a family in the lower galaxies, or establish a country, don't say that he will not know, that is, Duan Tianya and others may not understand.

"The internal composition of Xu's family is mainly divided into two aspects, one is the lanthanism and the other is the branch. The so-called 嫡 is the oldest one born in the middle galaxies. They have mastered the biggest resources of Xu family since ancient times, so this The cultivation of a disciple is also the highest in Xu's family. The result is that this one is the only one. No one in Xu has the qualification to challenge. The branch is a monk who has risen from various small worlds.

Let's not talk about the mainland. There are branches of Xu in many continents. However, Xu Jia has no family power or established Xianguo in the lower galaxies. The reason is that Xu family, as a second-rate family, puts all its energy into the management of the Zhongyuan galaxies, and has no energy to manage the meta-galaxies.

but. More importantly, Xu Jia did not have the sturdy strength of the branch monk in the small world after flying to the lower galaxies, and the extraordinary wisdom, able to lay down a family business in the lower galaxies. This is also the reason why the various branches of Xu family are in a weak position in front of the shackles.

As for the Xu family of the Zhongyuan galaxies, it has nothing to do with the Xu family on the mainland. I checked for a year and finally got to know a family member under a chance. After a few years of interaction, I finally found a Xu family in the mainland. It is really one of the branches of the Xu family of the Zhongyuan Galaxy. I made a Xujia disciple who made a branch of the mainland with my heart, called Xu Tianxiu.

According to her, a long time ago, the Xu family on the mainland of China was disconnected from them. For thousands of years, the monks on the mainland have not risen. As for what reason, today's Xu family does not know, it seems that since the fairy world was divided into upper, middle and lower ternary galaxies, this is the case. ”

"Do you know why the fairy world will become the upper middle and lower ternary galaxies?" Xu Ziyan asked in a hurry.

Texan Mang shook his head and said: "I don't know."

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "Talk about the things in the Peng Peng world."

"The Peng Peng world has existed for a long time. It is located in the Tianji Mountain, a hundred miles away from the Tianzhu City. It is opened every five hundred years, and each time lasts only one year. And the Peng Pengjie is controlled by the four super families. There are quotas for the Qu Peng border. There are only two thousand places. If there is one more, it will be automatically popped up by the Peng Peng community. The two thousand places have left some of their own, and the rest are given to the following. Various families."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and it seems that this Peng Peng world is not anyone who can enter. I have just entered the Zhongyuan Galaxy and I have no way to get a quota. After thinking about it, he asked:

"Stars, do you want to enter the Peng Peng world?"

"Yes!" Tuo Xingman nodded, and the excitement of the eyes revealed: "It is said that there is a fruit in the Peng Peng area, called the holy fruit. After eating, you can directly raise a monk under the Xianjun."

The eyes of Xu Ziyan are bright, good things!

"Stars. You got a place?"

Tu Xingmang shook his head and shook his head: "No!"

suddenly. Texan Mang’s eyes lit up and looked at Xu Ziyan’s saying: “Master, there is a chance.”

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are also bright: “What opportunity?”

"The second-rate family in Tianzhai City, Gong family has two places to enter the Peng Peng world. Now the Gong family is ambushed in a trip. In the middle of a nine-secret vein nail, is seeking medical attention. Master. You are If you can cure the Gong family, you can definitely get a place."

Xu Ziyan was silent and searched in the inheritance. The brow wrinkled slightly, and she found the Dan Fang who healed the wound: Xu Dandan.

However, this continuation of the pulse is a kind of six medicinal herbs, but today's Xu Ziyan is only a five-product Xiandan division. Now, there are only two months left before the opening of the Peng-Peng border. First, I don’t know if I can become a six-pronged master in two months. Second, even if I become a six-pronged master, I will refine it. Continued pulse Dan, I don’t know if the patriarch of Gong’s family has found Xuan Dan.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan finally decided to go out and see if he could find any chance. Let Texan Mang lead himself to leave the inn, stroll around Tianzhu City for a day, and did not find a chance, and the city is full of opportunities to find monks.

Xu Ziyan also went to the door of the Gong family and took a few eyes. Many monks went to the Gong family and said their own Xiandan division. Gong Jia politely greeted him, and then was sent out by Gong Jia black face.

Xu Ziyan finally decided to try his best to become a six-product Xiandan in two months. Xuanyan needs eleven kinds of herbs. Xu Ziyan checked his own storage ring. There are six kinds of herbs in it, and five kinds are missing.

The herbs needed to continue the pulse are not scarce, just above the middle. Xu Ziyan took Tuo Xingmang and searched it in the drug shop in Tianmao City.

Xu Ziyan not only bought the five herbs he lacked, but also bought some of the six herbs that were not missing. Because of the large amount of her purchase, she has completely lost her two million Chinese products, but it is two hundred million of the next product!

The Texan Mang was sent away, and Xu Ziyan paid the rent to rent an alchemy room in Tianzhu City. In the alchemy room, Xu Ziyan took out 11 kinds of herbs. She just prepared very well and prepared a lot of herbs. She wanted to attack the six-product alchemy in the next two months, and she did not refine the two months. The preparation of the medicinal herbs, specializing in refining the veins.

In the first three days, Xu Ziyan did not refine the refining, but repeatedly realized the alchemy in the soul inheritance. On the fourth day, Xu Ziyan took out the alchemy furnace, opened the fire, and began to experiment with alchemy while comprehending.

If it fails, it will come again. Comprehend little by little, correcting it bit by bit.

Finally, on the forty-second day, after spending more than one million Xianjing herbs, Xu Ziyan successfully refines a six-piece continuous vein.

The success rate of this furnace has only 50%, and only five renewed veins have been produced. But the grade is good, belonging to the quality of the six products.

Originally, Xu Ziyan still thought about refining in the alchemy room for a period of time, and improved the quality and success rate of Liupindan. However, as soon as I thought that it had already passed for forty-two days and only a few days had elapsed since the opening of the Peng-Peng border, I was worried that the Gong family would have been cured, and I lost the opportunity to enter the Peng-Peng world.

I packed everything up and got up and left the alchemy room. Going back to the inn, summoned Xingmeng Mang, and inquired, the Gong family was not cured, and the injury was aggravated.

Xu Ziyan nodded and let go of his heart. Think about it, how can a second-rate family want to find a six-character fairy in the middle galaxies? It is extremely rare to know that Liupin Xiandan is a very precious medicinal herb in the Zhongyuan galaxies. I am afraid that it is the Zhongyuan Galaxy, and there are not a few of the Six Pinxian Masters!

After a few words of the extension of Xing Xing, the Teng Xing Mang will be sent away. Xu Ziyan sat for a while, and then he left the inn. Looking for a place to avoid, Xu Ziyan changed his appearance with the use of morphing, which was going to Gong Jiaxing.

Entering Peng Pengjie, I don't know what will happen. Xu Ziyan is a monk who has just come to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Hiding his identity is a way to preserve himself.

When I came to the Gong family's government gate, I was seeing a monk from the Gong family, and a black face was sent out by several alchemists. Gong’s days are a lot of money. As a second-rate family, Gong’s family will have a pivotal position if it is on a remote planet or even a remote city on the Star of Heaven. However, it is in the city of Tianzhu. The base camp of the super-family project is in Tianzhai City, so the second-rate family of Gong’s family is insignificant.

If the owner of the Gong family is abolished, the strength of the Gong family will decline further. Maybe it will be annexed by other second-rate families in the city.

Liupin Dan medicine is extremely rare in the Zhongyuan galaxies. Even if there are few super families, how can it be sold to Gongjia? Therefore, Gong family can not buy a continuous pulse Dan when it takes time and effort. Only ask the alchemy teacher to see if there are other ways to heal the Gong family.

How can someone be healed?

Six Pinxian Xiandan is the most distinguished occupation in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. It is the owners of the four super-families who have to give enough respect to the six-character Xiandan. How did they come to the Gong family and give their identity to the Gong family?

Want to ask the six-product alchemy teacher to refine a vein?

Not to mention a continuation of the pulse to the family of Gong, the second-rate family spends one-third of the family property, even if Gong Jiaken spends one-third of the family property, they have to find six products. Even if they find the six-character Xiandan, they have to ask the six-character Xiandan to refine the elixir.

Liu Pin Xian Dan is not a cat and a dog, as long as the fairy crystal is to refine the elixir. They are very proud, and spend most of their lives in breaking through the seven-inner alchemy. The little time left is to occasionally refine some of the four super-families, or some super-powerful ones. How can it take time to refine the elixir of a second-rate family?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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