The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1348: Xiangjia ancestors

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Xu Ziyan’s heart is more firmly determined because this stone platform doubles the gravity within a square kilometer, and it is precisely because this stone platform makes the earth bears have the possibility of gestating the fruit.

"This stone platform must be moved into the purple smoke space!"

Xu Ziyan made up his mind and jumped off the stone platform. For this stone platform, Xu Ziyan was very careful, and did not use violence, but took out a fairy, carefully digging on the ground around the stone platform.

The land around this stone platform was very hard. Xu Ziyan dug for seven days and seven nights and dug down five feet deep, but found that the stone platform was still not dug out. It is bare below three meters above the ground, but it is very large at the bottom.

Xu Ziyan dug for another three days and three nights and finally dug the root of the stone platform. Xu Ziyan’s eyes were shocked and widened. In this stone platform... no! It should be said that it is under a huge stone pillar, and there are actually three terracotta lotuses.

A huge, two tiny.

The huge square is more than a foot, and the tiny one is only the size of the palm.

This is... extremely earthy lotus.

It’s really a land treasure! Only such a soil-based treasure can make the surrounding kilometer form a gravity space, and only such a treasure can be a variation of the bear of the earth. Forming a land bear.

And... This is a very valuable help for the understanding of the soil properties. Ok? There is also a dragon in that space.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment. First, he took the big one and the small two very earth treasures and collected them. Then he took the remaining little polar earth lotus and the extremely earthen stone column and entered the purple smoke space. On the planet where the earth bears are located, the gods transmit into the planet and find the origin of the earthen planet, which makes the heavenly mana. Drive the little polar lotus into the ground.

Then the source of this earthen planet is led to the little polar earth, so that the origin of this earthen planet moistens it. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that as time goes by, this little polar earth will grow up under the moisture of the earthen planet. In the end, she smashed the extremely earthen stone column into the ground, and was seated on the top of the little polar lotus, which also made this polar stone pillar three meters above the ground.

It is also strange to say that those big bears seem to be sensitive to this little polar lotus or to this extremely earthy stone pillar. As soon as this extremely earthy stone column appeared, the earthly bears immediately quieted down. Then came the gathering of the earthen stone pillars. When they saw the earthen stone pillars again, they happily jumped around the stone pillars.

Xu Ziyan took advantage of the nine-day Xuan Xian's land-like bear, and his mind was moving. At this time, the earth-like bear was in her space, and Xu Ziyan wanted to collect the holy fruit on his head and it became easy. Just a thought, the mature fruit was put in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

The big bear seemed to feel that the fruit on his head had disappeared, and he reached out and touched it. But I don't care. I climbed up the stone platform and lay down.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and laughed. He didn't know if this holy fruit had anything to do with the big bears in the earth. He would no longer pay attention to it. Looking down at the holy fruit in my hand, I can feel the eternal power and the heavenly path. I thought about it, I have both enlightened tea, and as long as I find Luo Hongcao, I can refine the nine-day Xuandan. The most important thing is that these big bears will continue to produce their own fruit after the bear, this holy fruit will be Leave it to Texan Mang!

The fruit was collected, and Xu Ziyan came to the planet of Tulong.

The rumbled ground cracked and the earth dragon drilled out from the inside. Turn into a human form. Worried to Xu Ziyan:

"See the host!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and threw the big Polar Lotus from the air to the Tulong. He said:

"Tulong, this is a very earthy lotus. You refining it!"

The dragon's eyes are immediately beaming, and it can be felt. As long as you refine this extremely earthen lotus, there will be a great improvement in the repair. Open your mouth and use a force to **** it, then swallow the very earthy lotus, and then worship in the direction of Xu Ziyan:

“Thank you for your master's grace!”

"Cultivate well!"

When the words fall, Xu Ziyan’s body shape has disappeared, and he has searched for a soil-based planet. He placed the last small polar lotus seed on the origin of the planet. He thought that he would wait for his time to refine and refine this earth treasure. Lotus collars understand the properties of the soil.

From the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan followed her to make her jade slips in Xiaopeng. She began to scrape various herbs in the Peng Peng area. Because of the map, those precious herbs were easily found by Xu Ziyan. There are just a lot of precious herbs that are protected by the deep beasts, which caused a lot of trouble for Xu Ziyan.

Finally, Xu Ziyan can only use the purple smoke space to collect the grasses that are guarded by the nine-day Xuan Xian. As for the fairy grasses guarded by the immortal beasts, Xu Ziyan would not dare to pass. She is afraid that her space will not be able to hide from the search for the fairy tales, and they will find and attack.

In this way, Xu Ziyan has been scraping in the Peng Peng world for nearly a year, and almost wiped out the herbs in the Peng Peng world. However, Xu Ziyan did not go to the periphery of the Pengpeng world. One was that there were no herbs on the periphery that allowed Xu Ziyan to move. Second, there were many monks on the periphery.

On the purple smoke planet in the purple smoke space, now under the leadership of Taohua and Chun Sanniang, all the Yaozu are in the medicinal garden. More than 800 pharmacies have been opened, and hope is to lead those ancient vines to guard those pharmacies.

Xu Ziyan finally succeeded in the herbal medicine guarded by Xianjun, because she found a strain of Acacia, which is the main medicine for refining the nine-character elixir. Xu Ziyan really does not want to give up. In the end, she was still hiding in the purple smoke space. As a result, she found that her purple smoke space could hide the consciousness of Xianjun. This time, the purple smoke began to move toward the herbs guarded by the fairy monsters. .

Just when she is charging for the exhilaration. Suddenly, the entire Peng Peng world experienced dramatic fluctuations.

"not good!"

Xu Ziyan was shocked and immediately thought that this was the beginning of the integration of Xiao Bai. If it merges with Peng Peng, maybe you have to die here.

Xiaobai seems to have suddenly reacted, and the monks who entered the Qi Peng border instantly teleported out.

And this time. A few days away from the time of the year, on the Tianzhu Mountain, the monks of the major families stood there, waiting for their family's disciples to come out from the Peng Pengjie.

There are still a few days left, and they are all very relaxed, one by one chatting there.

Suddenly, there was a violent wave in the sky, followed by countless monks in the air.

"How... This time, the end of the Peng Peng world is over?"

The monks on the Tianzhu Mountain were surprised to see the monks who landed in the air. Xu Ziyan is naturally among these monks. Raised his head and looked at the air with concern. Because she knows that since Xiao Bai has begun to integrate Lao Peng Peng, she can't hide herself. At this time, the old Peng Peng community will be absorbed by Xiao Bai, thus revealing the white body. Only after she completely integrated the old Peng Pengjie, was she able to control the Peng Peng world at will.

Sure enough, with the fluctuation of space, Xiaobai’s body appeared. At this time, Xiaobai has already shown its original shape. A long stretch of thousands of miles appeared in the air, and it was swaying, obviously because it was blending with the old Peng Peng, and could not control his body.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are anxious, and Xiao Bai’s current cultivation is not high. So the beast appears in the air, and Peng Peng will cause the greed of all monks. Xu Ziyan immediately said to Xiao Bai:

"White, shrink the body!"

Xiaobai heard the voice of Xu Ziyan and violently reduced his body instantly. Xu Ziyan rushed past Xiaobai.

Tianzhu City.

Item home.

The ancestors of Xiangjia suddenly stood up in the garden, and their faces showed a surprise color:


The figure disappeared instantly.

Xu Ziyan has already refused to accept other things at this time. Mindful thoughts. Then he collected the white space into the purple smoke space. Then the magical power was immediately transported, and a big move disappeared.

However, when she put away the white, the ancestors of the family had already appeared. I saw Xu Ziyan moved out. His face sank and he gave a cold cry. The figure disappeared in the air. What was actually made was a big move. And it is still a big move than the purple smoke. The large shift of Xu Ziyan is only a momentary space transfer, but it can not be directed to move, but the ancestors of the Xiang family can be oriented to move.

And with the strength of his late Xianjun peak, only a few big moves have been very close to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan rushed back to open the eyes of Wu Peng, and immediately knew the cultivation of the ancestors of the family, and his heart was extremely nervous. Waving and throwing out the cloud baby, Xiaobai also knew that he had encountered a hard scorpion, and immediately wrapped in Xu Ziyan and swiftly swept.


The ancestors of the family were cold again and chased after the cloud baby. Just a moment, the cloud baby rushed out of the star of the sky and entered the interstellar space, escaping like a meteor.

In the interstellar, the ancestors of the family seem to have been restricted, and the speed is not as fast as before. But still keep up, and slowly pull the distance.

Xu Ziyan can't help but feel that when he hasn't cultivated a big increase, he will not provoke Xianjun in the future. It’s terrible.

They chased each other and passed three days and three nights in the interstellar.

"Master, his speed is so fast, I can't beat him." Yun baby's voice rang in the ears of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also frowned and thought, if you continue this way, the Xianjun will catch up with himself. There is only one dead road.

Only fight!

Xu Ziyan turned He Boxian into the same place in Ziyan Space as himself. He thought that he would sacrifice He Boxianfu, and his heart was really reluctant. After licking the fire, he ordered the baby to fly to the nearest planet.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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