The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1352: Evil Lord Hall

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Xu Ziyan finally thought about it and decided to leave Xu for a while. On the one hand, I went to find Luo Hongcao and prepared for the breakthrough of the nine-day Xuanxian. On the one hand, I also inquired about the journey of Wanli and Yanshan. After waiting for yourself to come back, you can say that you have discovered a monument and got these treasures. In this way, family disciples can only be grateful for their selflessness without doubt.

Out of the courtyard, along the way, the family disciples greeted each other intimately and came to the courtyard of the ancestors. I saw the ancestors drinking tea in the courtyard. When the old ancestors saw Xu Ziyan, they laughed and waved:

"Ziyan, go out, how about the harvest?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "There is no breakthrough."

The ancestors smiled affectionately: "Where you want to break through the nine days of Xuan Xian, it will be so easy! Don't worry, some things are more urgent and comprehensible."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said respectfully.

"Well, sit down and let me tell you the experience of breaking through the nine days of Xuanxian."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright. If he can break through the nine-day Xuan Xian by his own comprehension, it is naturally better than taking a nine-day Xuan Dan to make a breakthrough. Immediately sitting respectfully opposite the ancestors, listening to the experience of the ancestors.

Unconsciously, the time of two hours passed. Xu Ziyan was immersed in comprehension. The ancestance closed his mouth and looked at Xu Ziyan with appreciation. He broke through the experience of nine days of Xuan Xian and the nine peaks of the late Luo Jinxian in the family. But there isn't a real understanding like Xu Ziyan.

The sun in the middle has fallen to the horizon, and a red sun shines on the sky. Xu Ziyan slowly woke up, showing grateful eyes in his eyes and solemnly worshipping his ancestors. She felt that even if she didn't have Luo Hongcao. Without refining the nine-day Xuandan, it will break through the nine-day Xuanxian within three years.

The old ancestor smiled and lifted Xu Ziyan, and let Xu Ziyan sit down. This kindly said: "Is there something for me today?"

Xu Ziyan just remembered that he wanted to resign with his ancestors this time. Then whispered:

"My ancestors, I am here to want to resign with you. I want to go out and experience it. Maybe it will help me to break through the nine days of Xuan Xian."

The old ancestors said with a gratitude: "It's a good talk. It's better to go out and practice. It's better to go out and practice. Just two years later, remember to come back. At that time, it was a grand event of the family every 100 years. This is not only for you. It’s important, and it’s very important for us to be a continent.”

Xu Ziyan has a slight glimpse. Whispered: "Can you talk about it?"

The old ancestors laughed and said: "Of course, I want to tell you. The family is divided into nine days of Xuan Xian, Da Luo Jin Xian, Luo Tian Shang Xian and Tian Xian period four grades. Nine days Xuan Xian Da is to compete for cultivation areas, Xu Jia was It is divided into five regions, east, west, north and south. Each region has several cultivation valleys.

The most concentrated of Xianyuan is the central location, followed by east, west, and north. The East is second only to the central region, and the North is the worst. Each valley sent three nine-day Xuanxian to conduct a test, and redistributed the cultivation valley according to the results. If the nine-day Xuanxian of that branch is not enough. It belongs to the second level of this level. Each valley sent a nine-day Xuanxian test, and now there are a total of 128 branches in the Xu family and the family. We have fallen to the last one.

The competition for the nine-day Xuanxian can only determine the region, but the specific valley or mountain peak is determined in the test of the Da Luo Jinxian period. There are many valleys in the Da Luo Jinxian, so five people are sent from each valley, and finally the valley's 100-year use rights are won according to the results.

Luo Tianshang’s contest is a prize for competition. The top ten have prizes, which is not to say. The test of the Tianxian period is age-required, and only the disciples of the Tianxian period before the age of 100 can participate. The top ten will give the family a reward for the disciples. and so. In the test of the Tianxian period, the disciples will not participate, and all the disciples will participate. ”

Xu Ziyan nodded and understood the rules of the family. There is a great spirit in my heart. After two years, we must strive for a good cultivation environment for the mainland.

Looking at the look of the ancestors. The determination in Xu Ziyan’s heart is more determined. I remembered the things of the lower galaxies, and I would say that I would let my ancestors open my mind and whispered:

"Old ancestors, something has forgotten to tell you."

"Hey? What?" Sure enough, the ancestors were dragged by the words of Xu Ziyan, and his face slowed down.

"I have established a family in the lower galaxies, and I believe that as time goes by, it will become a fairy country."

"Really!" The ancestors' hands shook, and the tea in the cup smashed a drop.

"Really!" Xu Ziyan nodded firmly.

The ancestors screamed for a while, suddenly burst into laughter, and laughed straight and tears. When the laughter falls, pulling Xu Ziyan will let her carefully follow the things of the lower galaxies. Xu Ziyan has already said very finely, but his ancestors are still childlike, and they still turn over and let Xu Ziyan talk again. Xu Ziyan understood the feelings of his ancestors and then repeatedly talked about it. Until the middle of the month, the ancestors were satisfied enough to let Xu Ziyan leave.

Xu Ziyan left the Xu family the next day, she did not bring the extension star. With the extension of Xing Xing in the Xu family, there is a connection between the two of them to control the soul. If something happens to Xu family, Xu Ziyan can know in time.

Xu Ziyan did not travel fast. He usually stayed in the main city of each planet for ten days. While searching for the traces of Wanli and Yanshan, he searched for Luo Hongcao. Of course, there is a good alchemy system, the materials of the refiner array, she will not let go.

After a year of rush, Xu Ziyan did not find the slightest trace of the soul of Wanli and Yanshan. On the contrary, there are only 20 million of the best crystals on the body of the fairy crystal flower. Those who have spent the fairy crystals have allowed her to purchase various materials for the alchemy. At the same time, in this year, Xu Ziyan constantly comprehended the emperor's technique every night, and her time has reached seven items.

Xu Ziyan is looking for a thousand miles to just hold a lucky heart. In fact, she knows that she must return to the Shangyuan Galaxy. However, she is very much looking forward to finding the soul of Yanshan. She feels that it is not slow to break through the Da Luo Jinxian. It is only a matter of five years before the Yanshan soul comes to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. The Yanshan soul may not be able to break through the realm of Xianwang. Upper Yuan Galaxy.

However, the time of one year still makes Xu Ziyan very disappointed in the heart, not to mention the encounter with Yanshan soul, that is, there are no rumors of hearing the Yanshan soul.

On this day, she was staying in the Tianyi City on the stars, and heard a message. An ancient enchantment appeared in the Tianyi Plain, a thousand miles away from Tiancheng City. Countless monks are heading towards the plains of heaven.

Xu Ziyan is also idle at this time, and his heart moves. If the ancient enchantment on this heavenly plain is sensational enough, maybe the Yanshan soul will go. Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately left Tiandi City and went to the Tianyi Plain.

A thousand miles away, Xu Ziyan took a ride on the cloud baby. Come out from the cloud baby, put the baby in the cloud, stand up in the void, and look around. Between now thousands of monks have appeared on the Tianyi Plain, and the number of people is constantly increasing.

Looking up into the air, I saw a transparent enchantment in the air. Through the enchantment, I could clearly see the scene inside the enchantment.

Within the enchantment stood a huge palace, the palace was too big to clearly see the plaque on the palace gate. That is three big words full of evil:

"Evil Lord!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a shock.

"Evil Lord!"

Could it be the palace of Yanshan soul? In this way, as long as the Yanshan soul is in the Zhongyuan galaxies, it will definitely appear. It is only the sudden emergence of this evil main hall, is it a direct relationship with the Yanshan soul? Now I don't know if the lord and the demon are there. If the Yanshan soul appears, will it be dangerous?

Xu Ziyan looked around with anxiety and searched for the trace of Yanshan soul. Here, she does not dare to use the gods to find the soul of Yanshan. She has seen a dozen or so nine-day Xuanxian around. If her own gods collide with each other, in this sensitive moment, it is undoubtedly looking for trouble.

However, just looking for it, looking for a half ring, Xu Ziyan could not help but be discouraged. Did not find the trace of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked around and looked down to the ground. He fell into a group of Da Luojinxian. It didn't look like a sudden, and looked up to the enchantment in the air. I saw this time, a nine-day Xuanxian late peak monk, slammed a fist, the energy of the power has caused small cracks in the surrounding space, the monks on the heavens are excited, looking forward to that In the late nine days of Xuanxian, the monks of the peak blasted the enchantment.


An infinite loud noise, the wind in the sky overflowed, the whole space seemed to sway, but the enchantment did not change at all, still like the lake, calm and waveless.

"come together!"

The nine-day Xuanxian late peaks drank a sigh of relief. In the sky, a dozen or so nine-day Xuanxian period monks took out the fairy, condensed the fairy power, and smashed toward the enchantment.


The huge power made the big Luo Jinxian on the ground stand up and the whole body swayed. A huge black hole appeared in the sky, covering the entire enchantment. After half an hour, the black hole began to slowly disappear. However, it is disappointing that the enchantment is still the same, and there is no slight change.

A dozen or so nine-day Xuan Xian in the sky glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly, one by one from the air to the ground. After that, they sit cross-legged and stop talking.

In fact, these monks present can feel that the enchantment is solid, but it can feel that it is gradually weakening. As long as you are willing to wait here, there will always be a time when the enchantment disappears.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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