The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1353: First fight nine days Xuanxian

The comrades used the afternoon to push the best from the twentieth to the 16th, as if the seal of the evil temple was uncovered, and the heart of the ring was alive again. Will the best rankings advance? ?


In the extremely high clouds, a black robe youth is in the air, but it is the soul of Yanshan. The eyes passed through the enchantment and stared at the three characters of the "Evil Lord" above the palace plaque.

The flames of the eyebrows pulsed in a burst, and the memories that belonged to you were like the tides.

Immortal! Lord of the Lord!

At the beginning, I entered the evil temple into the void, just for my return to this day. After a long call, the House of the Evil Lord finally returned.

Immortal! Lord of the Lord! where are you?

Oh, I really miss you a bit!

At this time, the soul of Yanshan is already the cultivation of the peak of Xianjun. It is hidden in the air and no one can find it.

Yanshan soul is also very headache at this time, because he is not really embarrassed in the strict sense, he is not a sturdy body fusion, but a reincarnation. There is no such thing as a source of power in the body. If it is not in the process of refining and refining the body, it is impossible to say that there is memory and some awkward breath. It is impossible to summon the house of evil spirits from the void.

However, now the House of the Evil Lord is summoned, but because his body does not have the power of the shackles, he can't enter the enchantment. He can only enter if he waits for the enchantment to disappear automatically. Find the town hall stone monument of the evil main hall, refine it, and then be able to regain control of the evil temple.

However, Yanshan soul is not very worried, after all, he inherits all the memories of 琅琊. I am very familiar with the situation in the evil house, which is much stronger than other monks.

He did not go to Xu Ziyan. He did not think that Xu Ziyan would break through Da Luo Jinxian in such a short time and come to the Zhongyuan Galaxy.

A month's time passed quickly. There are constantly monks coming from various planets. In this month, Jiang, Chu, Xiang. The cloud, four ancestors also appeared one after another. These four ancestors were the masters of Xianjun's late peaks, and in addition to the unknown Yanshan soul in the Zhongyuan galaxies, there are only four peaks in the late Xianjun.

These four ancestors also each shot, and finally joined forces to attack the enchantment, but it is still the best way to take the enchantment. I have to wait patiently.

After another month, the enchantment finally disappeared.

Jiang, Chu. Xiang, the figure of the four ancestors of the cloud appeared at the entrance of the enchantment for the first time, and stood in front of the gate of the huge evil main hall.

The hidden Yanshan soul in the cloud is not in a hurry to enter, the corner of the mouth is a trace of disdain, where is the evil main hall so good?

At this time, Xu Ziyan changed his appearance. He had the experience of the last time in the Peng Peng world. Xu Ziyan knew that he was in the time of winning the treasure. It is best to hide your identity. As the stream of people flew into the air, they entered the enchantment and stood before the gate of the House of Evil.

The shape of the Yanshan soul suddenly appeared in the crowd, looking up at the plaque above the gate. God's knowledge came out with a sigh of breath, hitting the plaque.

The four ancestors standing in front of the door hurried back. They did not discover the knowledge of Yanshan soul. The gods of Yanshan soul were much higher than them. They could not find the gods of Yanshan soul, but they felt vaguely. A touch of breath. However, the breath of the Yanshan spirit is only a moment. And that breath is wrapped in the knowledge of God. By the time they felt the smell of the four, Yanshan soul had already recovered the knowledge.

The eyes of the four people looked behind and felt that no one would play tricks in front of themselves. The reason that the heart is determined to be this evil main hall is not to think again. Also focus on the door of the House of the Evil.

At this time, the three characters of the evil main hall above the palace gate suddenly released black light. The light is fleeting. But the door of the House of Evil Lord slowly opened to both sides.

As the dusty door slowly opens, the dust falls like a rain curtain.

When the dust is gone, the door will open like a giant mouth, as if to devour everything. It’s dark and deep, and it’s scary.

The shape of the four ancestors disappeared into the gate. All the monks rushed into the inside.

Inside is a wide passage, and when it is not far away, eight martyrdoms are separated. Xu Ziyan did not make too many stops. She knew that she could not find out anything in such a palace. She chose a channel on the far right to fly towards it. The Yanshan soul chose a passage, and the body shape disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ziyan's body shape swiftly flew forward, but in less than a quarter of an hour, there were eight rumors in front of her. Xu Ziyan also chose the first passage on the right. It took another quarter of an hour to fly, and eight more passages appeared in front of him. Xu Ziyan also chose the first channel on the right. In this way, every quarter of an hour, there will be eight passages, gradually separating the flow of people, and the monks of each ramp are drastically reduced.

It’s another quarter of an hour.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes looked from the front to the front, and suddenly he was shocked because there was no martyrdom. Xu Ziyan immediately stopped her footsteps and she felt that the real crisis had arrived. The purpose of these martyrdoms is to separate the incoming monks. Now that there is no martyrdom, there should be dangers approaching.

Because Xu Ziyan has been making the fastest choice, in this ramp, Xu Ziyan ran ahead. When she stopped, there was a voice behind her clothes. It was the monks who came behind and rushed over. Seeing the front of Xu Ziyan parked there, his body shape also stopped. The coming man was a late Luo Jinxian. When he saw that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was higher than him, he stood in the channel and did not dare to speak. He also looked nervously into the depths of the passage.

Behind him came the sound of the smashing of the clothes, and one monk appeared beside Xu Ziyan. In less than a quarter of an hour, twenty-six monks gathered here. One of the nine-day Xuanxian early monks swept their eyes over the crowd, and saw their own cultivation was the highest, and the face appeared proudly:

"Who is the first to arrive here?"

Xu Ziyan looked back at him and said faintly: "I."

"what have you found?"

"Nothing found?" Xu Ziyan's tone is still faint.

The nine-day Xuan Xian monk face is a wrath. The cold voice said: "Nothing found, what are you doing here?"

Others are also curiously looking at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan knows that he must answer, if not answer. Not only angered the nine-day Xuan Xian, but the people in front of him will be irritated. At this time, she did not have any cards, all the cards were injured and did not recover. I said faintly:

"It was because no problems were found that the problem was explained. There were eight martyrdoms in about a quarter of an hour, but now there is no martyrdom. Maybe the front is dangerous."

The nine-day Xuan Xian looked a glimpse, and his face was solemnly lifted, looking toward the opposite channel. There was no movement in front of it, it was dark and deep. The transmission of the gods was revealed, but it was found that there was a ban on the knowledge of God, and it could not be transmitted far. Regaining his eyes and turning back and forth on the monks. Finally, I fell on the eyes of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan has always had a faint look and a faint tone that made him very uncomfortable, and he proudly pointed to Xu Ziyan:

"You! Go ahead and see?"

Xu Ziyan smiled silently and silently. In the early days of a nine-day Xuanxian, even if Xu Ziyan did not have a card, he would not be afraid of him. With the strength of his own body and the power of space, it is not too difficult to kill a monk in the early days of Xuantian. Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to him at all. Instead, he quietly opened the eyes of Kun Peng and looked into the depths of the passage.

When I saw Xu Ziyan, I ignored him. The nine-day Xuan Xian was furious. There are many monks here. He is also afraid of causing the immortality to hurt others. If it causes public anger, more than 20 Da Luo Jinxian besieged him for a nine-day Xuan Xian. It will also fall into danger.

Therefore, as soon as he was in shape, he came to the front of Xu Ziyan. Stretched out a hand and grabbed it towards Xu Ziyan. Close to the hands of the war. Not to mention that he is a nine-day Xuan Xian, that is, an immortal is not an opponent of Xu Ziyan. He is purely using his shortcomings to go to the strengths of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan slightly sideways, flashed the other's hand, reached out and grabbed the other's wrist. In the nine days, Xuan Xian immediately felt that his hand was hooped by an eight-piece fairy. In fact, the body of Xu Ziyan did indeed reach the beginning of the eight-piece fairy.

After grabbing the nine-day Xuanxian, an instant Xianyuan force rushed into the body of the nine-day Xuanxian. Let him have a mess in the body, and then Xu Ziyan’s arm directly pointed into the passage, and threw the nine-day Xuanxian into the passage.


The nine-day Xuan Xian was heavily dropped on the ground, and this face was lost, and it was thrown in front of a group of big Luo Jinxian monks. The most important thing was that he was thrown out by a big Luo Jinxian monk. It was really lost. Big hair.

The sound of "Teng" jumped up from the ground, and a face was red with anger and anger. The hand raised a handprint, and the golden light of the handprint floated in the air, bursting into a burst, turning into a dense golden rifle toward the flaming of Xu Ziyan. to.

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and punched it. The golden fist was filled with space. Six huge fists filled the passage. The other party was a metallic fairy. She also used a metallic fairy. Moreover, the metality of the other party is obviously only a realm of great success, and it has not reached the great perfection.

The two sides collided with each other, and the golden giant gun on the opposite side collapsed. There were only one of the six fists released by Xu Ziyan. He hit the body of the nine-day Xuan Xian with a bang, and flew the nine-day Xuan Xian in the air. Far from the ground, I continued to retreat dozens of steps, and then stopped, and a trace of blood leaked from the corners of my mouth.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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