The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1360: Five-line conversion诀

Double pink ticket, good opportunity! Eagerly eager for a pink ticket!


At the request of Xu Ziyan, the ancestors and thousands of miles of voices summoned the late disciples of the 68th Luo Jinxian. This time, Xu Ziyan did not have to stand up from the chair. These 68 people were her younger generations, although the age of Xu Ziyan was too small for them. However, the ancestors gave a certain degree of determination, and these people still respected Xu Ziyan with respect and respect.

Xu Ziyan did not say much. After watching the cultivation of each person, he directly sent a six-character chaos to each person. This six-category chaos Dan can help them break through a small order and reach the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. Later, according to their respective cultivation direction and cultivation attributes, each person gave them two defenses and attacking genres at the beginning of the six products. The ancestors on the side were on the sidelines, they wanted to keep a low profile. These people suppressed their joy, and once again thanked Xu Ziyan, and hurriedly ran back to retreat.

The old ancestors had already laughed at the flowers at this time. At this time, he already understood the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan, that is, to improve the overall strength of their pulse, he calculated it in his heart, although they have fewer people. However, if the overall improvement of the first order, the strength is absolutely terrifying. Although it is still weak in overall strength, it is enough to rise from the bottom of the bottom to the position of the middle. This is still based on his conclusion that he does not understand the strength of Xu Ziyan.

Therefore, this time, there is no need to open the purple smoke, and the ancestors immediately summoned the ninety-fifth Da Luo Jinxian middle-class disciples. At this time, the things that Xu Ziyan gave to the tribes Xiandan and the fairy had spread between the disciples in the valley. Therefore, after the ninety-five disciples met the ancestors and Xu Ziyan again, they eagerly focused on Xu Ziyan. Raised the ancestors and smiled:

"This bunch of rabbits!"

The faces of those disciples were red, but they still looked at Xu Ziyan with a burning gaze. Xu Ziyan did not let them wait. When they met with them, Xu Ziyan had already explored their cultivation. Knowing a six-category chaos Dan can completely push their cultivation to the late Luo Jinxian. There is no super genius in this one, but there is no mediocrity. The reason why they have been slowed down is that the bottom line is because the resources obtained are too bad. And usually have to pour out a lot of time to go out and do tasks in exchange for points, used to go to Xujia Gongdetang in exchange for the cultivation of purple smoke.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan quickly took out six products and sent them to each one. In accordance with their respective cultivation directions and attributes, they were equipped with defense and attacking two pieces of five products, and then these people were also impatient. The ground ran out.

Before I even waited for the call of my ancestors, I rushed into the 127 people, which was the family disciple of the early Luo Jinxian. The ancestors are not angry. But smiled and said to Xu Ziyan:

"It seems that I don't have to call them again, and the little rabbits are waiting outside!"

When the words fall, the ancestors and Xu Ziyan smile and look at each other, and the one hundred and twenty-seven people are not jealous. They just look at Xu Ziyan with excitement, but they just laugh and don't talk, but the eyes are excited.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan swept through this one hundred and twenty-seven. I can't help but sigh. Because of their lack of resources, they made their cultivation slower, but it is precisely because of this that the basics are played very solidly, just the opportunity to break through. Therefore, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and sent a six-character chaos Dan to each person. At the same time, he distributed two pieces of five-product late fairyware according to the characteristics of each individual.

The last wave of people who came in was the disciple of Luo Tianshang, a total of one hundred and twenty-eight. The most strong of these people is Luo Tianshang's late peaks, and the lowest is the early days of the fairy.

Xu Ziyan has a number of hearts. The repair of these people is relatively low. But it is precisely because their cultivation is relatively low, it has more value for improvement. It is almost impossible for the monks of the Da Luo Jin Xian period to want to improve their level. But these people can. As long as each person gives them two six products Chao Dan. Two months later, the Xu family will no longer have monks in the early days of the Immortals. There is no such thing as a mid-term monk. The worst is also the repair of the late Tianxian period. However, the continuous consumption of two six-category Chaodan Dan has reached the extreme for these people. After that, they will rely on them to accumulate slowly. There will be no such rapid breakthrough, that is, they will not give them six products.

Xu Ziyan quickly sent two six-piece chaos Dan to each person, and then two pieces of fairyware per person, one defense and one attack. The disciples of Luo Tianshang’s immortality gave the peaks of the five products in the middle of the period, while the disciples of the Tianxian period gave the peaks of the five elements. These five kinds of fairy wares are all refining in the purple smoke space, but they are not given by the Yanshan soul.

The courtyard of the old ancestors was quiet again. The ancestors smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan and asked: "Ziyan, the jade that I gave you, have you seen it? How is the cultivation?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward, and this reminded me that the jade that the ancestors had given to her had not seen it before, and she looked like a sigh:

"That... ancestors... I forgot to read."

The face of the ancestors is a sinking path: "Ziyan, the practice in the jade is the inheritance of our family. How can you not practice? I only know that you have your adventures and have your own practice." However, Xu’s practice is not a low-level practice, but no one in our family has trained it to the extreme.”

Xu Ziyan's face turned red, and Ai Ai said: "I... I will go back to practice."

When the words fell, they jumped up from the chair and ran away without a trace. Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearance, the ancestors' faces showed a kind smile, whispered:

"How old is it? How is it like a child?" The words fell, and looked awkward: "Right, forget how many years old Ziyan is now?"

Xu Ziyan returned to his courtyard and saw the door of Tuo Xingman closed. When she knew that she was also closed, she returned to her room and found the jade in the storage ring. It was a change, and as time passed, Xu Ziyan’s face showed shock and surprise.

After putting down the jade, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a longing for color. In the inheritance of Xu Jia's inheritance. At first glance, it is only the true biography of Xu Jiayin. It is a true five-line conversion, not a conversion of the five elements of the Xu family on the mainland. This fairy can bring the power of the evil spirits and the dragon to the extreme, especially for the multi-attribute monks. Ability to convert various attributes without any hindrance.

However, this is only the first step in the inheritance.

According to the immortal in the inheritance, this second step is to fuse the five attributes to the extreme of sound. Converging into a world of temperament, reaching the true peak of sound work:

One sound breaks the law!

This is not the end. The third step is to truly integrate the attributes of the body, that is, to fully integrate the five attributes of the body, the wood, the water, the fire and the earth. According to the records in the jade, the in-vivo attributes will be fully integrated. Open up a real world in the body.

This makes Xu Ziyan shocked!

He still remembers that as far as Wanli once said, the practice of opening up space in the body is in the upper galaxies. But that is just to open up a single attribute space, and now there are also two attributes of Xian Xian, but the five attributes of Xian Xian are absolutely not, only his original creation. However, nowadays, in the promotion of Xu Ziyan, it seems that the conversion of the Xu family's five elements is more advanced than that of the thousands of miles, but both sides also have advantages and disadvantages.

Xu Ziyan is immersed in two exercises. She has a feeling that if she can combine these two exercises and create a new practice, it will definitely be shocking and has great benefits for her own body space.

One day... two days... three days...

A month has passed, and Xu Ziyan sits there like a statue, with no fluctuations in his body.

However, at this time, it was a sensational sound in the valley of the Xujia Cangwu mainland. This kind of momentum is not limited to this valley, but it has caused the attention of the whole family. Because in this month, it is in this inconspicuous valley. In the valley that was not noticed in the past. It is a frequent sensation.

At the beginning of the valley, a peak of the Great Luo Jinxian broke through the nine-day Xuan Xian, and it has not caused much sensation. It’s just a few veins that are similar to the strength of the Cangwu mainland. At the same time of envy, there is more vigilance. but. Then there was a constant breakthrough in the veins of the mainland.

In the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian's peak, it broke through to the nine-day Xuanxian, and Da Luo Jinxian later broke through to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian. In addition, there was a continuous breakthrough in the early days of the Tianxian period to the late Tianxian, and all the breakthroughs in the Cangwu continent. At this time, the branches of the northern region have already known that the strength of the Cangwu mainland has improved as a whole, and the ratio of one hundred years later. The Cangwu mainland is destined to stay in the northern region.

In this way, the branches of the southern region are wary, and in the hearts of the Xu family, there is no doubt that after the overall improvement of the strength, the mainland will not be satisfied with staying in the northern region, they will launch an impact on the southern region. . The branches of the East and the West do not have the slightest pressure. They all watch the reaction of the southern region in a lively heart. The shackles and branches of the central area will not have a bit of pressure. Even if a continuation of the mainland has caused a sensation, the eyes they look at are also overlooking.

After another fifteen days, Xu Ziyan wanted to come from immersion. Of course, she did not combine the two exercises successfully. However, it has determined a direction, because today's Xu Ziyan has discovered that her body's attributes are not only five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo, but also five attributes of light and dark wind and thunder space, and Xu Ziyan has no doubt that it should have time attributes. Therefore, Xu Ziyan's direction of combining the two exercises is to create a method that can fuse eleven kinds of attributes.


I am very grateful to Tianlong Wang 2263 classmates, Zishen Rui classmates, stray dog ​​classmates by the water, Qi 513 classmates, Fang Wenwen classmates, lida666 classmates, Nuo Xinyan classmates, Shun Shun 666 classmates, Xiaoai cc classmates, 岚月耀日Classmates, book friends 0810014134645450 classmates, → お咏 °C far away classmates, new no wins and recruits students, book friends 110404195134303 classmates, cold long classmates, eryanu classmates, Mimi rabbits love your classmates, blue confidant ぁ classmates, books Friends 110404195134303 with, cold long classmates, ※ rice grain ※ classmates, pine forest pony classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates, book friends 0810014134645450 classmates, Ai Feng C classmates, forever after the rain season classmates, Rangers GB classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, A_bin classmates, Little witch classmate, Luo Luoqi classmate, susantsh0905 classmates, ★ look forward to three years ★ classmates pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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