The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1371: Xu Qinyang's choice

I am very grateful to Jiang 1877372 (1888), seaphay classmates 2 (588), Tu Yishui classmates (588), jiang1877372 classmates (200), forever after the rainy season classmates (200), Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Cangyang Feixing classmates (100), light rain think Han classmates (100), Xueyong Languan 0000 classmates (100), book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), soil Yishui classmates (100) reward!


The reality makes Xu Meiling very disappointed.

Do not!

It should be said that she was shocked! Xu Zhenshan simply didn't hear her talking. She still looked down and seemed to be sitting there and falling asleep. More like a statue that you don't know.

Today's Xu Zhenshan is no longer the past Xu Zhenshan, because today's Cangwu mainland is not the same as the past. They have their own monks flying up from the mainland of the sky, and because of the arrival of Xu Ziyan, the pulse of the mainland has changed dramatically, that is, he himself is now the mid-term cultivation of the nine-day Xuanxian, why should he A small gimmick in the middle of a big Luo Jinxian whispered in front of him?

Xu Meiling's face could not be put on, she felt that she was ignored. The flames were released from the eyes, and the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term monk who followed her in the middle of the day would not look at her young lady’s humiliation, and she sighed with a sigh of relief. The sea of ​​Xu Ziyan shocked the past:

"Bold. This is the daughter of the patriarch!"

A fierce gonggong attacked and rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, the intensity of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge is restored, and it has only reached the peak of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian. This middle-aged monk was in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian, and the sound immediately rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. If it wasn't for the purple smoke, the maze and the palace were always established in the sea, and Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea would be injured under the attack of the other side.

However, it is precisely because of the labyrinth and palace that Xu Ziyan built with his heart, the middle-aged monk's sounds rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. Immediately fell into the maze, instantly divided and disappeared.

Xu Ziyan’s heart raised an anger. If he did not know the defense system in the sea, the opponent’s attack would not be fatal, but it would be enough to hurt her. In a few months, it will not recover.

I lifted my eyes and glanced at each other coldly. Xu Meiling saw Xu Ziyan finally lifted his eyes, only the monk behind him gave Xu Ziyan a lesson, and his face reappeared with a proud color:

"Xu Ziyan, do you know how to do tomorrow's game? Don't ask yourself for trouble!"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze did not look at Xu Meiling’s slightest, but stared directly at the middle-aged monk. Xu Ziyan finally moved, just raised his right hand and spread the five fingers in front of him. The celestial force of the space condenses five strings, followed by a slap on the strings, and a humming sound, as if it is blasting in the soul of the middle-aged monk. In the eyes of the middle-aged monk, there are five formations, which belong to the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo. These five stars are so perfect that they are the first step to transform the five elements into the peak.

The middle-aged monk hurriedly screamed, like a golden dragon rushing out of his mouth, but broken under the crush of five stars. The middle-aged monk no longer dared to care about it. Blocked in front of Xu Meiling. A punch hit the Xu Ziyan bombardment.

The power of that punch quickly spread to the stars of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Zhenshan’s face changed a lot. Huo Ran stood up and was about to shoot. But seeing Xu Ziyan still looks light. Then he lived in his body and cautiously looked at the space for the confrontation between the two.

The middle-aged monk’s mighty punch rushed to the stars and was suddenly blocked by the stars. Become stagnant. The eyes of Xu Ziyan became cold, and the metallic star that was fighting against the other side suddenly burst.

Star burst!

The power of that punch was instantly fragmented, and the subsequent Jupiter hit the middle-aged monk. At this time, the middle-aged monk no longer dared to smack the purple smoke, and even dared not retain his strength. He was eager to strike with both fists. The space was immediately vast, and his water attribute exercises were brought to the extreme.

The ancestors couldn't help anymore, and they took a shot in the blink of an eye. A giant mountain pressed toward the middle-aged monk.

The power of the three parties gathered in one place, generating tremendous energy and erupting in the room.


The entire house collapsed. The middle-aged monk was forced to fly backwards under the joint force of Xu Ziyan and Xu Zhenshan. Xu Meiling, who was sitting in the chair behind him, flew. In a piece of smoke, the two figures tumbling in the air, and Xu Meiling spurted blood.

The monk outside the room looked at it. When the middle-aged monk who had been outside the door saw the situation clearly, his face looked very angry and just wanted to move. He was surrounded by people, nine nine-day Xuan. The early monk of the immortal surrounded him in the middle.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already walked down from the bed, looking at the middle-aged monk and Xu Meiling who were falling to the ground. Xu Meiling raised her hand and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were fierce and shouted:

"Xu Ziyan, you are so bold!"

"Shut up!" Xu Ziyan sneered: "Leave here, otherwise, I don't mind grabbing the three of you and shutting it here."

Xu Meiling's look is a glimpse, looking at the look of Xu Ziyan, and found that the other party is obviously not joking. I saw that the middle-aged monk around me was already injured, and another middle-aged monk was surrounded by nine nine-day Xuanxian early days. Of course, he does not dare to move, even if he is now in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian, but there is no chance of winning the first nine people in the early days of the nine-day Xuanxian. If this is the case, isn’t it looking for abuse?

Xu Meiling was used to it. She never thought that someone in the Xu family would dare to do anything to her, and she would not give the slightest face. Originally thought of taking his own identity, and then taking two nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term to eat the pulse of the mainland, I did not think that this weak and deceivable branch has become so strong now. Hatefully looked at Xu Ziyan and turned and flew outside the valley. The two middle-aged monks also followed their sullen faces.


Xu Haotian and Xu Qinyang heard the reports of their men, and Xu Xiaotian laughed loudly. Looking at his father laughing there, Xu Qinyang’s heart was full of shock. He did not think that Xu Ziyan was so fierce, and did not put Xu Meiling, who was a shackle, in his eyes, directly giving blood.

To know that Xu Meiling is her own sister, the daughter of the Xu family! For Xu Ziyan's repair, she was not shocked, because according to the report, Xu Zhenshan was also in the house. It must have been Xu Zhenshan's shot, and the nine-day Xuanxian mid-time monk who defeated the system was defeated. What he is worried about at this time is that Xu Ziyan is so strong, will he embark on the road of the original amount of money?


Xu Haotian stopped smiling and waved his hand: "Qin Yang, I know what you are worried about. You once told me that the purple smoke is only fifty-six years old. What does this mean? This means that Xu Ziyan has great potential. I am afraid It will become the biggest potential of Xu family in history. In the future, it will be the highest monk. It is a talent that has more talent than Xu Tian. Now we have only one path for Xu Ziyan. Qin Yang, it is better to choose."

"Which two roads?" Xu Qinyang knew that this was his father's consideration of himself, and his look became solemn.

"The first way, in order to keep us in the control of the Xu family, Xu Ziyan has not yet become strong, killing her."

Xu Qinyang’s look changed dramatically and stared at his father. Xu Haotian extended a second finger and said:

"The second road, in order to promote the development of Xu family, let Xu Ziyan develop, and Xu family will also provide her with all the resources that can be provided, so that she can grow up as soon as possible. She wants to give them, even if she wants patriarch s position."

When the words fell, Xu Haotian looked at Xu Qinyang with a burning gaze. Xu Qinyang was immersed in meditation, and his face was in a dilemma. On the one hand, it is the interest of the system, and on the other hand, the development of the entire Xu family makes it difficult for Xu Qinyang to make a choice.

At this time, Xu Meiling’s crying voice came from outside: “Father... Father...”

Xu Haotian frowned slightly and whispered: "Come on!"

A figure appeared silently inside the house, and Xu Haotian said with a sigh: "Take the lady off."

"Yes!" The figure disappeared.

As Xu Yutian’s words fell, Xu Qinyang’s look became firmer, looking at his father and firmly saying:

"I don't choose these two roads!"

“Hmm?” Xu Haotian asked strangely: “Do you still have a third road?”

"Yes!" Xu Qinyang said, "I will not kill her, nor will she give her anything if she wants anything. Like me, she is a disciple of Xu family, then everything must be in accordance with Xu’s rules. I will give her a fair chance. If she is indeed better than me in the future, I can give him the position of the patriarch. If she is not so good, she must make a disciple in Anan."

Xu Haotian’s gaze reveals appreciation: “Qin Yang, you are very confident.”

Xu Qinyang said: "I admit that her talent is very high, but the high talent does not mean that the future road of cultivation will be smooth. There are too many geniuses in the fairy world, but ultimately nothing. And she is now the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, And I am already the peak of the nine days of Xuanxian. In three months, I will break through to the mid-ninth period of Xuanxian. I have no reason to feel inferior in front of her. It is even more impossible to give up now. Babe firmly believes that his cultivation will always be The front of Xu Ziyan."

"Good!" Xu Haotian reached out and took a handful of Xu Qinyang's shoulder: "Qin Yang, tell your sister, let her move out from the amount of Tianfeng, wait for the big ratio, then the amount of Tianfeng will be given Xu Ziyan."

"Yes!" Xu Qinyang went to the door and turned to look at Xu Weitian: "Father, you said that Xu Ziyan will be a person to go to Tianfeng, or will the whole Cangwu mainland be moved to the amount of Tianfeng?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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