The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1377: The final gathering of the Chinese galaxies

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What makes Xu Ziyan unexpected is that as long as there is a match between the mainland and the mainland, almost all the disciples of the Xu family are coming to watch, the other enchantments are deserted, and the popularity of the mainland is bursting, almost all the disciples are Supporting Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan’s name was uninterruptedly cheered by Xu’s disciples.

The first game shocked the ancestors of the clouds. They are not shocked by Xu Ziyan. At this time, they already know that Xu Ziyan’s combat power will not be unexpected even if he defeats the late nine-day Xuanxian. They were unexpectedly the strength of Xu Zhenshan. They did not expect Xu Zhenshan to have two pieces of six-product peaks, one defense, one attack.

How is this going?

The ability to break the defense of the other side, but also can not defend Xu Zhenshan's attacking fairy, one by one is very depressed.

And Xu Ziyan wins more cleanliness. Since he has exposed his own thunder property, Xu Ziyan is no longer hidden. It is a big thunderbolt first, then when the other side is paralyzed, a teleport moves to the other side and punches the other side.

In the face of Xu Ziyan’s play, how can this be played?

At the beginning, there were still ancestors who wanted to cover the big lightning by the repairing shield. So the purple smoke would not be close to them, but the remote thunderbolt was released far away. Thunder and lightning together hit them. Where are their immortal forces, there is a strong purple smoke, and finally they can not drag Xu Ziyan.

There are also monks who want to rely on the fairy to resist the thunder. At this time, Xu Ziyan sacrificed a six-product late peak fairy to directly shoot down their fairy. Then use the big thunderbolt to bombard them and let them laugh and cry in depression.

Xu Ziyan has defeated many of the ancestors of the mid-nine-year-old Xuanxian in the family, and it is not too difficult to perform, and the patriarch Xu Tiantian is very speechless. He is now very suspicious. It’s just that you are able to overcome the purple smoke. I am looking forward to waiting for Xu Ziyan to take a look at her last strength in the late nine-day Xuanxian monk.

However, the result disappointed him. As long as he was a monk in the late nine days of Xuanxian, the mainland of the Canggu was simply confessed. On the one hand, even if Xu Ziyan won, Xu Zhenshan may not be able to win, so the mainland is still defeated. Second, Xu Ziyan does not want to expose his strength too much. You know, when Xu Jiada is. There are other family monks watching and revealing too many cards of their own, which has no slight benefit to her.

Even so, the mainland of the Cangwu continent has entered the central region without any suspense, making the entire Xu family monks very envious.


Just envy!

On the one hand, the strength of Xu Ziyan makes everyone agree, on the other hand, it is more important, that is, Xu Ziyan defeated Long Aotian. Everyone knows it now. In the four major families of Yueji City, only Sun Jia and Xu Jia defeated the challenge of the Dragon Family, while the other two iron family and Chengjia were defeated. At this time, they were facing the overall suppression of the Dragon family.

From this point, the Xu family's various monks are only grateful to Xu Ziyan, that is, the patriarch Xu Tiantian is no exception. Only some of the eight branches of the central region suffer from loss, because the mainland of the Cangwu continent must enter the central area, and I don’t know if I will see the territory of that branch.

In particular, the peak of the star peak is even more disheartening. It is an inevitable trend for them to leave from the central area. But their hearts did not hate Xu Ziyan. I just sighed that my strength is not enough, and I admire a purple smoke in the mainland.

Dusk on this day.

The patriarch Xu Tiantian came to the valley of the mainland of the Cangwu continent, and Xu Ziyan had a secret conversation in the room. All the ancestors of the pulse are concerned about the results of the two people’s secret conversations. Finally, Xu Haotian left the cultivation valley of the mainland with a satisfied smile. Xu Ziyan personally sent Xu Haotian to the valley.

Then, before the next day, Xu Haotian announced a message.

The Tianfeng Peak, a vein of the Cangwu continent, is stationed in the central area. This news has relieved the eight branches of the central region, especially the peaks and peaks of the peaks, they do not have to leave the central area.

Dabi ended in three days.

The amount of Tianfeng is a joyful laughter, and the mainland has moved into the Tianfeng, and the ancestors of each branch have come to congratulate them. They celebrated the five-day period and the Tianfeng recovered.

Xu Ziyan stood in the peak of the sky and looked around.

This is a huge mountain peak, covering a very vast area. In addition to this mountain peak, in the center of the volume of Tianfeng, the square is divided into the pulse of the mainland.

Xu Ziyan is scanning everything around him, thinking about how to arrange everything here. Suddenly my heart frett, she heard the call of Yanshan soul. I have thought that I have been with Yanshan Spirit for more than half a year. I can’t help but sigh the passage of time. I am now one year old.

The figure disappeared instantly in the space, flew rapidly toward the void, and stepped into the starry sky, and rushed along the call. Between the stars, the void undulated, and the House of the Evil appeared in front of her. Xu Ziyan flew into the gate, and the door rumbling closed and disappeared into the void.

Yanshan soul smiled and stood in front of the gate of the Peak Palace, a pressure came. Xu Ziyan’s body shape fell in front of Yanshan’s soul, revealing the color of surprise:

"Mountain soul, have you broken through the king of kings?"

Yanshan soul smiled and nodded: "I will come to see you, then I will go to the Yuan Galaxy."

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a trace of reluctance, and Yanshan’s soul extended a hand: “Come on!”

Xu Ziyan put his hand into the big hand of Yanshan Soul, Yanshan soul lightly grasped, Xu Ziyan pulled into his arms, two people embraced and walked into the hall. Sitting side by side on a large chair, telling each other about their own experiences for half a year.

Gradually, the hall became silent, and the two men sat together and closed their eyes. Enjoy the silence of this moment, time seems to become eternal.

Xu Ziyan felt the Yanshan soul fretting, and a fiery sigh of breath came. There was a stir in my heart, as if I realized something. Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a nervousness in his heart, and his eyelids were uneasy.

The fiery lips were printed on the lips of Xu Ziyan, and the body of Xu Ziyan trembled in the moment, past and present. The first kiss made her soul lose in an instant...

It feels like...


Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul sit opposite each other, with a table in between, Xu Ziyan's face is still red at this time, and his eyes are shy.

The star of Yanshan soul is also like water, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan are full of love. The left hand was smeared on the right hand storage ring, and there were two long swords on the table, two white long swords.

Very ordinary, there is no trace of power leaking.

"Try it!" Yanshan soul whispered.

Xu Ziyan picked up a sword. A mighty power can be distributed from her hands to her soul.

this is……

The metallic element of the Xu Ziyan meridian runs in the body and is sent to the sword.


A sound of gold and stone, on the long sword, released a substantial metallic light. Xu Ziyan's eyes were slightly shocked, and he took up the metality and replaced it with the wooden attributes. The verdant green swayed out from the sword and showed a world full of vitality. Xianyuan force turns again. The nature of the water is sent, and the sound of the tide is heard from the sword. Then send the fire attribute.


The entire blade became a flame, and finally conveyed into the soil, and a heavy sense of power filled the hands.

"This is the inferior Xianbao! If there is chaos and constant temperature, it will slowly upgrade." Yanshan soul's voice sounded softly.

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan's eyes are full of tenderness, she knows that in order to refine these two swords, Yanshan soul pays a lot.

Yanshan soul reached out and stretched out from the opposite side of the table, gently stroking the cheek of Xu Ziyan, softly said:

"We also divide each other. You need it. I will get it for you."

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and pressed the big hand of Yanshan Soul on his cheek, and his cheeks became hot.

"I am going to the Shangyuan Galaxy. Do you want anything to do?"

Xu Zi’s eyes showed a trace of reluctance, and his eyes gradually became firmer. Whispered: "I will catch up with you soon, waiting for me in the upper meta-galaxies."


"Right. I want to build a trial place for the family. I want to catch some fairy beasts. Can you help me? Well, I still need some flags."

"This is a small matter! Come with me."

Yanshan spirit took Xu Ziyan's hand and stood up from the chair and walked toward a door behind the main hall. Going down the corridor, there is a door on both sides. At the fifth door, Yanshan soul opened the door and walked in. He stopped at the front of a shelf, took a nine-story pagoda above it, and then took off a circular space fairy. The shape of the space fairy hits the nine-story pagoda, while controlling the side to Xu Ziyan softly said:

"The inside of this pagoda is some of the fairy beasts that I caught at the beginning. They are used for subordinate refiners and alchemy. There are too many fairy beasts in them. Now after thousands of years, the beasts inside are More and more. And there are many fairy beasts beyond the level of Xianjun, I moved them to the ball. Only you will leave the fairy beast under Xianjun.

This nine-story pagoda is a nine-space space fairy with automatic selection. I reset it. ”

Soon, the ball was taken out of the pagoda by Yanshan soul and placed on the shelf. The hands are constantly playing the fairy sacs printed on the pagoda, a brilliance rises into the sky, and the time of six interest is gradually disappearing. Yanshan soul handed the pagoda to Xu Ziyan, and softly explained:

"This pagoda is a nine-piece fairy, divided into nine layers. From the first to the ninth floor, I gave grades in turn. They are the fairy period, the fairy period, the fairy season, and the Luo Tianshang period. Da Luo Jin Xian period, nine days of Xuan Xian period, the beginning of Xian Jun, the middle of Xianjun and the late Xianjun.

This pagoda has an automatic selection function. If a layer of fairy beasts is upgraded, it will be automatically transferred to the space suitable for its order. Of course, those newly born beasts will be automatically transmitted to the first of the immortals. Floor. In this way, your family's disciples can try to test which layer of space they choose. There is a transmission array at the entrance to the first floor, and there is a choice of space in the transmission array. ”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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