Everyone knows the value of the flag of the Six Pinfeng, not to mention the 30% of the family's resources. It is not enough to give all the resources of the family to Xu Ziyan!

At this time, at the time of the Xu family crisis, the family had this large group of guardians, which undoubtedly added a life guarantee for everyone. Therefore, every monk is grateful to Xu Ziyan, no one has any dissatisfaction with the family's gift to the mainland.

The family monks did not dare to fly high, for fear of disturbing Xu Ziyan. Therefore, those monks who sent resources to the vast mainland of the Canggu were flying at low altitudes and headed for Tianfeng. Xu Zhenshan, with his monk in the mainland, was outside the large array of Tianfeng, receiving a batch of resources, and everyone’s face showed no pride in their disguise. This is something they have never experienced before. An emotion.

On the ground, a stream of light flowed toward the hands of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan was caught in the storage ring. For a full time, Xu Ziyan collected all the five-character flags.

This stream of light lasted for an hour, and the monks in the whole city of Jiji were noticed. At this time, they are all paying attention to the Xu family. I don’t know what Xu is doing. They naturally recognize that the stream of light is a flag, and they do not even understand why when the situation is so critical, the guardian family will be removed.

The Yang family, the iron family, the family, and the family of the Dragon family are very concerned about the situation of the Xu family. They saw Xu Ziyan in the air. At this time, Xu Ziyan was not as obscure as when he first returned to Xu Jia. How could a young generation who defeated Long Aotian be obscured?

At this time, Long Aotian stood on the ridge of the roof, and a pair of eyes gazed coldly at the Xu Ziyan floating in the air. The cold mangling flashes, killing is in vain.

"Is she going to be a mage?"

This is the voice of all the monks in Yueji City.

"She removed the large-scale guardian of the Xu family in the middle of the period. Is it necessary to lay out a large array that is even more powerful than the mid-range of the five-products? Is Xu Ziyan a high-quality mages?"

Every monk has an incredible thought in his heart. Is Xu Ziyan a high-quality master? How can this be?


A stream of light was hit by Xu Ziyan. In the air, Xu Ziyan’s eyes opened, and her eyes were blue and strobe. This time she arranged a six-in-one squad. Kuang Peng's eyes accurately selected a block of nodes, and his hands quickly pulled up the shadows in the air. A flag was shot from her hand and turned into a stream of light and accurately penetrated into the deep nodes of the earth.

The seven hundred and twenty-faced flag, each side consumes a huge amount of energy, and it only takes an hour to collect the flag. When the flag is set, it is a time spent five hours.

The sky is already dark, and a crescent moon hangs high on the sky.

However, there was not a monk who went back to practice in the whole city of Jicheng in the whole month, and they were not paying attention to Xu Ziyan over the Xu family.

The face of the dragon family is a bit gloomy. At this point he has seen it very well, Xu Ziyan is in the array. In this way, the guardian troupe set by Xu Ziyan must be hugeer than the original guardian of the Xu family. However, to what extent, he did not know. However, he did not feel that he would go anywhere.

This is not to despise the Xu family, not to despise Xu Ziyan. It is the condition of the Chinese galaxies. The most powerful four super-families, the guardian squad is just the early stage of the seven products. Is it possible that the guardian squad set up by Xu Ziyan can still be a big squad in the early stage of the seven products.


Absolutely impossible!

At most, it is only the initial stage of the six products. At that time, it will only cost more.

He didn't want to immediately take the Dragon House monk and hold the Xu Ziyan before he had set up the guardian's big array, and rushed into the Xu family to kill him. However, since the last action against the family, he knew that if he did that, he would immediately force the four families of Yueji City to join hands.

Only looking at the Xu Ziyan over the Xu family's ground with a gaze, the killing was full.

Xu Ziyan stopped his handcuffs, and the fingers pointed gently in the air. There was a blue light around the entire Xu family. A strip of light criss-crossing, like weaving a huge net.


There was a scream in the air, and the dense blue giant swayed and then slowly dissipated. Just in the space just now. The entire Xu family was as distorted as if a piece of paper had been bent. It has returned to leveling.

Xu Jia is still the appearance of the original Xu family, but Xu Xintian knows in his heart that the Xu family seen from the outside is not the real Xu family, it is a magic array. Just like the magical array on the Tianfeng.

Xu Ziyan fell from the sky and gently fell in front of Xu Tiantian. He lifted his index finger toward Xu Tiantian's eyebrows. A Guanghua shot into Xu Xintian's knowledge of the sea. A message was sent to Xu Haotian. In the knowledge of the sea, that is the method of controlling the array of the six in eight and the jade card of the entry and exit method.

When you take your finger, you stand quietly. At this time, on the Tianfeng Peak, I stood full of ancestors, and each of them smiled and smiled at Xu Ziyan. In their hearts, Xu Ziyan is not considered a junior at this time, but a peer who can be equal to them. Although she has not yet seen her as the strongest monk of the Xu family, Xu’s main heart, but also gave enough respect.

Xu Ziyan also smiled back and then looked at Xu Haotian together. After half an hour, Xu Haotian opened his eyes and nodded toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan bowed to Xu Tiantian and his ancestors, and his body flickered in the air and disappeared.

"The patriarch, is this really a big stage in the early stage of the seven products?"

Xu Haotian was in a good mood at this time and smiled and said: "Would you like, try?"

"Try it and try it!"

A group of ancestors screamed from the peak of the sky, rushed toward the big squad, and even the monks of the late nine days of Xuanxian also flew into the big array.

Xu Haotian looked at the ancestors with a smile, and did not launch a large array of attack power. He also wants those ancestors to taste the taste of being trapped in the magical array of Tianfeng. There are also some high-ranking monks who have not tried the ancestors and the high-ranking monks who are in the same line, and they look at the ancestors with excitement and nervousness.

After the ancestors entered the big squad, they did not find anything wrong. Is this still not a family name?

Standing there and thinking about it, they think that the patriarch has not yet opened the array, perhaps the patriarch is just beginning to control the formation, still not skilled? They snickered one by one. I will wait in the same place.

Time passed quickly, and a quarter of an hour passed, but did not find the slightest change around, took a few steps. Still like the original appearance of the original family, there is no difference. One by one shouted in the direction of Hao Tianfeng:

"The patriarch, you have to open the battle!"


The ancestors on the Tianfeng Peak who did not go to the trial hall laughed and laughed all of them. They naturally could hear the shouts of the ancestors, but the ancestors shouted in the wrong direction. It’s not really the direction of the Tianfeng, but it’s so loud. And each face has a playful expression, which makes Xu Haotian can not help but smile.

In that magical array, the direction of each monk’s feelings has actually been misplaced, but they can’t feel it. The monks shouted for a while and saw no reaction around them. They finally felt it was wrong. Because they were rushing into the big array. Even if you are scattered, you should see a few people around!

but. At this time, around them, no one else can be seen except for themselves. Slightly wrinkled, one by one became cautious. They know that there are patriarchs, they will not be in danger, but they don't want to be embarrassed!

They didn't know, they looked carefully, and they had already let the monks on the peaks of Tianfeng be happy.

Xu family is still the Xu family, but these ancestors have spent two quarters of an hour in the entire family, and still have not met a person. Slowly they are anxious. Flying one by one. Flying toward the peaks of their own cultivation, falling down in the mountains or valleys where they cultivated, the knowledge spread, but they still did not see a family disciple.

Their hearts were slightly flustered. At this time they already knew that they were caught in the battle.

Xu Tiantian on the Tianfeng Peak suddenly handed out a handcuff.


The ancestors who fell into the big bang suddenly felt that the quiet world had become vivid, and their familiar disciples appeared around them. Those disciples are either practicing, or looking after the medicine garden, or seeing them, and coming to see them. Their hearts are also loose, and they greet each other with their disciples and take care of them. Also answer the doubts of cultivation for a disciple.

"Is there anything remarkable about this array?"

One by one, the ancestors thought secretly, and could not help but worry about the safety of the family. Suddenly, their look changed dramatically, and the physical forms of the surrounding disciples suddenly vanished, as if the reflections in the water were rippling. Then it spread out and became no trace.

Their hearts are complicated, knowing that everything just happened is an illusion, they are still in the big array. On the one hand, the family's safety is assured, on the other hand, I feel that my performance just now must be clearly seen by the ancestors on the Tianfeng, and I feel blush when I think that I just proudly pointed out the appearance of the family disciple.


I am very grateful to the cartoon 伶 classmates (10000), annalin classmates (1888), Miao Ling Qing Zhang classmates (1888), 13936957519 classmates 2 (588), Lishui Liunian classmates (588), 13936795519 classmates (588), annalin classmates (588 ), forever after the rainy season students (400), Zi Yan students (300), Nan pumpkin students (300), Shun Shun 666 students (200), An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates (200), want to eat cats consumption classmates ( 100), Hui Hui classmates (100), book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), ppzozo classmates (100), cheeze classmates (100), bskp classmates (100), Chongyang Feixing classmates (100) reward!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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