The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1395: consult

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When Xu Ziyan fell, he walked in the air and flew into the air. Xu Zhenshan and Tu Xingmang also hurriedly flew into the air and followed Xu Ziyan. Looking into the distance, I saw a group of people who had a thousand electric yak, thousands of them, drinking water on the edge of a lake.

"What is that?" Xu Zhenshan pointed to the ground in the distance.

Several people flew over and saw some wreckage, and some fairyware and the like. Xu Ziyan is awkward. This place should be a place of trials established at the beginning. These wrecks should be the skeletons of some ancient monks who died, and those who are dead are owned by the monks who died.

Several people have fallen and collected a few storage rings, not to mention that there are really many resources inside.

Xu Ziyan looked around and said softly:

"On the first floor, there are some beasts who are at the peak of the early period of the immortal period. Let's take a look and then transfer them into layers to understand."

Half a day later.

In the valley, in front of the nine-story pagoda, Xu Zhenshan looked at Xu Ziyan, and then looked at the nine-story pagoda in front of him. His eyes were full of emotions. There is no doubt that the mainland of China will rise.

Xu Ziyan discussed his thoughts with Xu Zhenshan. In the future, here is the place for the trial of disciples in Tianfeng. Of course, it can't be provided to disciples for use, and it takes a lot of time for each use. At the same time they harvested within the pagoda. The amount of Tianfeng can also be recycled, and a certain contribution value is given according to the price. In the future, the disciples in Tianfeng want to get the elixir, the fairy, the fairy and the fairy. It is up to the individual's contribution value.

As for the operation of these rules, Xu Ziyan threw his brains to the ancestors to deal with, and then handed over the task of guarding the valley to Texan Mang. As a reward, Texan Mang can enter the pagoda for trial at any time. At the same time, Tianfeng will also issue a certain welfare to Tuxingxing.

Texan Mang is naturally overjoyed, and Xu Ziyan handed over a large number of jade cards that were refining these days and the second class to the Texan Mang. Then I left with my ancestors.

Tu Xingmang is beginning to work in the valley to open the cave house. Later, here is where she is practicing. Xu Ziyan came to the ancestral Dongfu, and handed over the jade card of the refining of the large amount of in and out of the Tianfeng yin and yang five lines to the ancestors, and simply said some of the thirty-six disciples' practice.

Then I will give the ancestors who are ready to distribute to Tianfeng disciples, and let the ancestors distribute them to Tianfeng disciples. The various syllabus jade that will come from the Yanshan soul will be handed over to the ancestors. As for the future, the disciples on the Tianfeng will become an independent space, and there will be various branches. Like a small sect. These Xu Ziyan will not be re-managed, Xu Zhenshan will naturally take care of everything. An old man who has lived for nearly 10,000 years has a lot of experience in this respect than Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan completely ignored it.

And the most important thing is that Xu Ziyan needs time to cultivate, and her cultivation now becomes more difficult. Since she broke through the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian, she felt that she wanted to get a breakthrough, and the sectarian power that needed to be accumulated became even bigger. Even if Xu Ziyan keeps swallowing the drug, I don't know when it will accumulate to the extent of the breakthrough. Unless she is able to wait until the epiphany. At that time, in the understanding of the heavens, the fairy power between heaven and earth will quickly condense into her body. In the situation of the integration of heaven, the celestial power between the heavens and the earth will be extremely large. From ancient times to the present, the monks who got the epiphany did not break through.

However, it is difficult to understand how heaven is!

After leaving his ancestors, Xu Ziyan left the amount of Tianfeng and went to Qi Tianfeng. On the way back to her family, she already felt the stagnation atmosphere in Yueji City. She was going to tell the patriarch about the current situation of Xu. In the twinkling of an eye, Xu Ziyan came to Qi Tianfeng.

The figure has just landed on the peak of the sky. I saw a figure playing the piano between the shadows of the bamboo. The sound was bound in one direction and passed to the air.

The eagle has been flying through the air, and suddenly the body has shattered, and it has been shaken into powder, and a **** fog is scattered in the air.

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Qinyang who was immersed in Fuqin. In the heart of the move, the other party has actually broken through to the mid-ninth period of Xuanxian. Pass a glimpse of the gods. The emptiness transmitted through the cover of the piano sound, the strong extinction of the soul through the sacred knowledge into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

"His voice has improved!"

Xu Ziyan stood quietly and looked at Xu Qinyang quietly, while listening to the sound of Xu Qinyang through the gods.

Until the last tail of the ecstasy was dissipated in the air, Xu Ziyan applauded gently. Xu Qinyang smiled at the forehead and waved to pick up the guqin:

"Ziyan, you are back!"


Xu Ziyan was light and should go to Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang single-handedly passed through the case. A teapot and two teacups appeared on the case, put in tea, took out a gourd, opened the gourd mouth, and a clear spring water flowed from the gourd mouth into the teapot. Xu Ziyan took a soft breath and whispered:

"The essence of this spring is rich and powerful!"

Xu Qinyang's eyebrows swept a smugly: "This is how I got this little bit on the Tianquan Peak of Tianquan Star."

When the words fell, the gourd was collected and a finger was heard. A small fire dragon appeared around the teapot, hovering around the teapot. After a while, the water in the teapot boiled.

The air was slightly swaying, and Xu Xiaotian stepped out. He said with joy: "Ziyan, are you back?"

Xu Ziyan hurriedly stood up, Shi Lidao: "I have seen the patriarch!"

Xu Haotian waved: "Ziyan, don't be so polite in the future. Just sit, let's play the tea together with Qin Yang. That Tianquan water has always been precious."

Xu Ziyan smiled, and Xu Qinyang took out a teacup and placed it on the case. One hand slammed the sleeves of the robes and held the teapot to fill the three teacups.

Xu Ziyan took a teacup and took a sip. Tea is not as good as Wudao tea. Water is not as good as fairy liquid. But there is a fresh taste. Three people did not speak, quietly tea. After Xu Qinyang once again filled the tea for three people, Xu Ziyan asked softly:

"The patriarch, what is the situation of the family?"

Xu Haotian’s leisurely look disappeared, his face slowly climbed into sorrow, and he sighed reluctantly:

"The situation is really as you said, Yang Jia, Tiejia, Chengjia and our Xu family went to the Sun family separately. They received our gifts, but the answer to us is that they will not care about our affairs in Yueji City. ”

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows screamed: “The meaning of Sun’s family is...”

"It means that the two don't help each other, neither will we control the four of us, nor will we help the dragon family. Let our five fight in Yueji City."

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows gradually stretched out: “Isn’t that the four of us can extinguish the dragon’s family with a bright alliance or drive out the Yueji City?”

Xu Haotian shook his head and said: "Where it will be so simple!"

"Is it because the Sun family said it?"

"I don't mean it!" Xu Xiaotian shook his head helplessly: "The Sun family really did not send people to Yuecheng to help the Dragon family. But the Dragon family is the grandson's cousin, and the Sun family has a strong strength. A daughter of the elders of the side of the branch married Long Gufeng long ago, which is now the dragon family. Although the Sun family did not send a monk to help the dragon family, Mrs. Long’s family gave the dragon some resources, those The resources include Xiandan Xianfu and Xianji Xianzhen. Originally, our four alliances were able to reconcile with the Dragon family, but now the Dragon family has those resources, and our four families have begun to fall into the disadvantages.

Nowadays, the Dragon family is only competing for the sites and some mines in the cities and towns of Yueji City. It has not launched an attack against the ethnic groups of our four families. The current situation is very chaotic. Although there has not been a large-scale fairy war, small-scale conflicts have continued. Not to mention the other three, it is said that our Xujiafang site and mine have been robbed by the Dragon family. ”

Speaking of this, Xu Haotian glanced at Xu Ziyan with some gratitude: "This is also thanks to your reminder. In the past few months, we have purchased a lot of resources in a lot of places. Now even if we close the mountain, plus The resources that our Xu family had had were enough for our family disciples to cultivate for the next hundred years."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, but there was no good way for the time being. I want to have a big array of my own layout, and other things are left to the patriarch to get upset. She leaned over and bowed to Xu Haotian and asked her the real purpose of coming to Xu Tiantian today:

"The patriarch, I am asking about the problem of meditation."

"Do you want to practice avatars?" Xu Haotian said with a sigh: "It is very difficult to find materials for cultivating avatars! If you make some general materials to make avatars, then you should not do it. You must know that making avatars is to hurt the yuan. God's, if this strength is not strong, it will be like a chicken. So, now there is no one in the fairy world to make a avatar."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment and then understood half of Xu’s words, that is, once the body was made, its strength was fixed. If the material sought is not strong enough, such as the original He Boxian, it still has a role for Xu Ziyan, but when Xu Ziyan's repair exceeds He Boxian, it becomes an accumulation. But why do the patriarchs say that they will hurt the gods?

Xu Ziyan asked Xu Haotian for his understanding and unclearness. Xu Haotian heard it and laughed:

"Ziyan, your river Hexianfu is not a avatar, only a fairy."

Seeing Xu Ziyan’s hairpin, Xu Ziyan smiled and explained: “The production of the avatar is very complicated. First of all, the material it needs is even the lowest level. It is also very expensive. Not to mention other materials, it is the life that needs to stimulate the life attribute of the avatar. The gas is now extinct in our Central Galaxy."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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