The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1405: Victory and breakthrough

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Everyone in Xu’s family understands that this is because Xu Ziyan has fixed the 16th nine-day Xuanxian mid-term monk of the Dragon family, otherwise he really does not know what the outcome will be.

The dragon monks finally lost their confidence in resistance and began to flee everywhere. The first thing they thought of was to flee the north, but they found that they could not go out. The clever monk hurriedly asked for help through the jade, and found that the news could not be transmitted.

This time they were completely confused. Waiting for Xu Ziyan to collect all the resources in the treasure house, and after coming out from it, he found that the five thousand monks of the Dragon House were almost eliminated.

Xu Ziyan looked up and saw that it was less than midnight. The gods swiftly spread out, and the corner of the mouth couldn’t help but pass a smile. She didn’t think that Xu Zhenshan had killed so fast. Now the remaining monks of the Dragon family are the highest, but there are not many.


The dense water scorpion flew back, not to mention that the eight nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term has been bitten by the leeches. The voice of Xu Ziyan rang over the entire Dragon House:

"Clean the battlefield!"

Then Xu Ziyan spread his own knowledge completely, and captured a dragon monk, and then ordered the water to separate into a dragon monk. The Xu family was starting to clean the battlefield. These people all understand that the resources in the treasure house are not to be thought of. If those resources have the purple smoke to use, Xu Ziyan will naturally stay. If you don't use it, you will leave it to the Tianfeng family.

And they believe that most of the purple smoke will be left to the family, because with the home of Xu Ziyan, a treasure house of the North Dragon House, I am afraid that there are not many things that can be seen in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. The resources left by the 5,000-year-old monk after the death of their monks are theirs. Who gets who it is.

They immediately gave up the pursuit of those dragon monks and began to collect resources with one heart and one mind.

Under the command of Xu Ziyan, the otter quickly eliminated all the remaining monks and monks. After the monks and squats on the storage rings and equipment of each dragon’s body, they began to scrape the medicine garden. Medicinal materials. Not until dawn, these Xu family monks have already scraped the North Dragon family.

Xu Ziyan put away the fire spirit, and let the cloud baby come to his side, and the Xu family monks entered the cloud baby. Then the cloud baby was put away, turned into a black eagle and left the northern dragon family, and stared at the night to fly to the family.

Entering the Xu family, Xu Ziyan slightly pondered, and felt that the monks of the Cangwu mainland should be debuted. Moreover, the entire Longjia northern clan will be killed and the Xu family will soon know that this time, the light will be erected for the Tianfeng. The Xujia monk in the province has a lot to say about Tianfeng.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan released the monk of the Cangwu mainland from the cloud baby, and then put the baby in the cloud, with the amount of Tianfeng monk flying in the air, Xu Ziyan took the hand in front, the amount of Tianfeng monk immediately followed, Slowly flew toward the amount of Tianfeng.

At this time, the sky was already bright, killing almost a night of the amount of Tianfeng monk blood dyed robes, a killing breath spread from the air.

quickly. The monks of the Xu family were alarmed. One by one flew up into the air. The smell of this killing was that they were shocked and thought that the dragon family had come in, and Zhang looked at it, but they saw that Xu Ziyan and others were volleying, and they could not help but stunned.

Did the Cangwu mainland pulse go out to kill the Dragon Masters last night?

The sky is flashing. Xu Haotian and some of the pulse elders flew toward Xu Ziyan and others.

"Ziyan Elder!"

"Zhenshan Elder!"

"The patriarch!"


Xu Ziyan, Xu Zhenshan and the patriarch greeted the elders. After being polite to each other. Xu Haotian smiled and asked:

"Ziyan, where are you going?"

"The Hui nationality, we measured the peak of the first night out of the test, and killed more than 5,000 monks in the northern family of the Long family."

"Trying... What? What are you talking about?"

Xu Ziyan simply said things, and every monk’s eyes showed unbelievable eyes. Suddenly, their gaze was shocked. At this time, they discovered that the monks of the Cangwu mainland were different from the past. Even... the only ones that were repaired were Luo Tianshang, and the ancestors Xu Zhenshan. It was actually the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term.

The eyes of the people could not help but fall to Xu Ziyan's body. I saw that she was still the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian. The hearts of the monks were very complicated. I don't know if I hope Xu Ziyan did not break through, or regret that Xu Ziyan did not break through.

However, everyone’s expression immediately rejoiced. This time, the mainland of the Cangwu continent will completely remove the north of the Dragon family. This is definitely a big victory for the Xu family, and it is definitely a heavy blow for the Dragon family.

Xu Haotian immediately proposed to celebrate the feast, but did not allow the purple smoke to refuse. Said to go back to let these disciples rest, summed up the sentiment brought to them by this trial.

Xu Ziyan’s words are already very clear, not only do not want to participate in the celebration, but also refuse to enter the amount of Tianfeng, because they must immediately enter the sentiment. Although the monks were greeted by the monks of the mainland in the past, they were fascinated by the amount of Tianfeng, but no one asked any more. In their vision, the figure of Xu Ziyan and others disappeared. A large array of Tianfeng.

As soon as he entered the amount of Tianfeng, Xu Ziyan immediately distributed two Shenyuan Dan to everyone. Then let them take a break and then break through their current cultivation.

Naturally, everyone did not immediately follow what Xu Ziyan said, but rushed to count their own harvest, and went to Tianfeng to contribute to the exchange of points.

Xu Ziyan also first counted the resources obtained in the Dragon Treasures. I can see that there are really few resources in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. I will leave the resources I can use, and then I will put out some of the temples that I put into the thirty-six disciples to give to the 36. A disciple is used for practice. At the same time, I also observed the thirty-six disciples with the knowledge of God.

Today's thirty-six disciples have already entered the four-grade level. Even a few have already entered the peak of the four products. It seems that they have studied hard and they are very serious in teaching. More importantly, there is a lot of resources for them to conduct countless trials, and there is a constant waiting for people to correct their mistakes. They have an interest and talent in this area, and it is impossible to make rapid progress.

Before this, they just lacked inheritance. Nowadays, there is not only inheritance, but also the unreserved teaching of the first class, which makes them madly absorb the inheritance like a sponge.

Another thing that makes Xu Ziyan happy is that after waiting for such a long time, the first class has finally passed the five products. Became the first six masters of fairy wares, Xiandan division, Xianfu division and Xianzhen division.

The entire amount of Tianfeng entered the silence after less than a day of noisy, and every monk entered the cultivation. After Xu Ziyan gave the remaining resources to Xu Zhenshan, he also invested in alchemy. Now she is only the early stage of the seven products, she wants to constantly improve herself.

It was silent here. The whole month of Jicheng was chaotic. The Dragon family finally discovered the situation in the north. At this time, the ancient wind of the dragon stood in the northern dragon family, a face has been so gloomy that it can drip out water, and the eyes burst into anger.

These people in the Northern Dragon family are disciples who have been abandoned by the Dragon family, but they also have a huge role. Many shops and mines rely on them to take care of them. Now the whole place has been killed, and the family business has all fallen into瘫痪 status.

Even if Long Gufeng can pick up a group of less qualified disciples to take over these businesses, it will not be able to resume business immediately. Cultivation requires qualifications, and doing business is not something that anyone can do.

Moreover, what kind of method did Xu family use to sneak into the northern land by the encirclement of the dragon family. Also in the process of killing. Nothing was heard, which made the ancient style very uneasy.

I took a deep breath and remembered that my wife could come back with the grand master of the Sun family in less than two months. As long as Master Bai can break the big family of Xu family. Must be Xujia Manchu Tuguang.

In a month's time, Xu Ziyan raised himself to the peak of the seven products. Xu Zhenshan took two Shen Yuandan. It became the late nine-day Xuanxian monk, including Tuo Xingmang, and the ten-day nine-day Xuanxian early peak monk also broke through the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term with the help of Shen Yuandan.

Sixty-eight nine-day Xuanxian early monks reached the peak of nine days of Xuanxian, and only one chance would break through the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. Ninety-five of the late Luo Jinxian's peaks broke through to the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian, and it was not only as simple as the beginning, but infinitely close to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, but only a difference from the peak of the sixty-eight nine-day Xuanxian.

The Shen Yuan Dan’s effect on the lower level of the monk is greater. In the late period of the 125th Luo Jinxian, the nine Da Luo Jinxian’s mid-term has actually broken through to the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian. At the beginning of the nine Da Luo Jinxian, it was also a continuous breakthrough, reaching the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. Forty-one monks in the Luo Tianshang period were inspired by two gods, and all of them broke through to the middle of the Da Luo Jin Xian, but there was still a slight difference in the middle level.

Xu Ziyan saw their breakthrough, and his heart was very surprised. If you have your own **** Yuan Dan, will you not be so immediate? And the speed of this breakthrough is too fast. She thought that she had to get three months. She didn't think that it was only a month, and she got a breakthrough.

However, after hearing a sentence from Xu Zhenshan, she reacted. It turned out that these disciples were not alone in seeking a breakthrough there, but they formed a group of twelve elephants together and practiced together. So they got a bonus on the basis of Shen Yuandan, and they got the sentiment in the trial of the pagoda and the dragon family hunting. They added together in many ways and got this miracle.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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