The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1419: Sting

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Xu Ziyan fell in the big array and spurted a blood on his head.


"The Holy One!"

The Xu family was nervously surrounded. Xu Ziyan was turned up and sat up from the ground. There was no pain in his face. Instead, he was full of surprises. His eyes looked in a direction through the big array.

"Teng" jumped out of the ground and opened his mouth to say something, but he finally closed his mouth, but the joy on his face could not be hidden.

At the moment when Xu Ziyan flew to the big array, a voice was heard in the ear:

“Ziyan, Yueji Inn!”

This voice is too familiar. She immediately heard that this was the sound of the solitary smoke in Ximen. Sure enough, after she fell off the big line, she saw the solitary smoke of Ximen in the direction of the sound, as well as Di Yi and Yan Xingyun.

This surprise is too unexpected. Xu Ziyan instantly forgot his injury. Looking at the solitary smoke in Ximen, Di Yi and Yan Xingyun quietly retired, which felt the physical and mental weakness and the body swayed. Another **** sat on the ground.

At this time, outside the big array, the monks of the Dragon family could not see the situation within the big array. However, they knew that Xu Ziyan did not die. This fact made Long Gufeng feel horrified.

Xu Ziyan was able to withstand a two consecutive hits in the early peaks of Xianjun. This is too unexpected...

In the air.

The momentum of the disintegration began to decline, and the virtual image of the heart behind it gradually faded and finally dissipated in the air. His breath also descended from the peak of Xianjun to the peak of the original nine-day Xuanxian. Paled face. Very weak, the body swayed in the air and fell to the ground, looking at the eyes of the Xu family guards full of regrets.

When the ancient wind of the dragon jumped, he flew to his front, and the eyes of the scattered eyes immediately showed vigilance. Long Gufeng hurriedly said:

"No brothers, come to the cold house to cultivate, Dragon House will provide you with the best medicine."

The look and tone of the dragon is very sincere. Not sincere, not! Now Xu family has appeared in the late nine peaks of Xuantian, although Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Ziyan are seriously injured, but they are not dead after all! If the three of them recovered after they recovered, they would be able to resist/

In this way, iron has become more important. Before the Sun family sent people, the iron is boundless is the reliance of their dragon family, so where dare not accompany the smile?

The endless iron also instantly understood the heart of the ancient style, and a little smile on his face nodded. Long ancient winds personally reached out and supported the iron without leaving.

Within the family.


Xu Haotian has already woken up. Xu Ziyan and Xu Zhenshan also sat in the hall of the parliament with injuries. Because they have things that they can't wait to discuss. This time, the Xu family suddenly broke out three monks of the late nine-day Xuan Xian. Will definitely pass to the ears of Sun's family, they need to agree on the direction of Xu's future. Therefore, everyone only swallowed the drug, and immediately sat down to the hall to discuss it.

Xu Haotian whispered the situation to Xu Ziyan. After that, Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. However, it is only a short time. Xu Ziyan raised his head and said with a firm look:

"We can't surrender to the grandson!"

The eyes of the monks in the main hall are bright and have deep worries. Xu Ziyan naturally saw the worries in their eyes and said softly:

"In fact, we are not able to surrender to the Sun family, but we are not allowed to surrender."

"Well?" Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly: "Now our Xu family has been different from the previous Xu family. Our Xu family has already had the foundation to take off. However, it is this foundation that we cannot surrender to the grandchildren."

All the monks in the hall were immersed in meditation, and gradually their faces were shocked. Seeing everyone reacting, Xu Ziyan continued to say softly:

"Let's think about it. The reason why the Sun family used to ask us not to ask us is because they didn't have our family at all, but now the dragon family has failed again, and we have a nine-day Xuanxian late peak monk. If at this time I still surrender to the Sun family, then the Sun family will send people to come and observe, why do we suddenly have three monks in the late nine-day Xuanxian period.

In this case, the amount of Tianfeng’s cultivation of the Holy Land could not be saved. Their grandchildren saw the cultivation of our holy land. I am afraid that there will only be one result, that is, plunder. Because under such conditions, our Xu family will only continue to appear in the late nine-day Xuan Xian, the peak of the monk, constantly threatening the Sun family, this is not the result of the Sun family willing to see.

Therefore, in order to do it once and for all, they will use all kinds of methods to make us a family. If it is just right for the local attack, we can counterattack. If they use conspiracy after our Xujiachen service, we don’t know how to die. ”

After listening to the analysis of Xu Ziyan, the silence inside the hall was silent. Gradually remembered the heavy breathing sound, everyone's face is very ugly and scared, if you chose to surrender to the Sun family. It’s really hard to be eaten by the Sun’s family.

"That...we are going to fight with the Sun family?" Xu Tiantian's confidence is not very good.

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head and said: "Of course we must be prepared to completely face the Sun family, but we still have to strive to not face the Sun family as much as possible, even if it can drag on for a while, give us a room to grow up. time."

Xu Haotian squinted: "How do you do this? You have already thought about the plan?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head again: "No. But... we always have to fight for it. I want to go to the Sun family after the injury has improved, maybe I will meet the opportunity."

"You want to go to the grandson's house? No!" Xu Xiaotian said categorically: "That is too dangerous."

"Yeah, purple smoke. It is too dangerous, you should not go." One of the masters of the family said.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "My mind has been set, and I will bring back thirty-six disciples who have gone to study."

Dragon family.

Long ancient style will arrange the iron to the quiet room after the interest rate adjustment, and Sun Xiaoqian, Long Aotian sat in the room, the three people look very heavy. Wherein she was very sorrowed, but it was even better. Commonly known as the disposed dragon, is a worry. He did not expect Xu to be so strong. Half-sounding, only said:

"Mrs., Xu's situation must be known to the Sun family. Today's Xu family is not something that our Dragon family can handle. If the three peaks of Xuzhou in the late nine days are restored, it is probably the day of our Dragon family. ”

"I will return to my grandson immediately!"

The devil star.

Tianmo City.

Temple of Heaven.

A peerless beauty was ushered into the hall by the demon.

Tianmo, one of the two major families in the Mozu power, was rebuilt in the late stage of Xianjun. The beautiful woman was cultivated in the early days of Xianjun.

She is not someone else. It is the woman who has come out from the darkness of the void and has a double-horned head.

Within the hall, two people were seated. As a monk in the late Xianjun period, the monk did not have a little high in the early days of a Xianjun. Instead, he smiled at the woman with an equal attitude:

"Stabbing, you haven't come for more than 500 years."

"Giggle..." The thorns smiled and said: "The devil, you also know that our hidden family is usually not born. Otherwise, it is not out to compete with you for resources."

"Oh..." The devil smiled and said: "I don't know what you can do this time, can I help you?"

"On the one hand, I exchange some resources with you. On the other hand, I ask the demon. What did I ask you to investigate five hundred years ago?"

Tianmo laughed and said: "There is no problem in exchanging resources. As for the thing that you come up with every time you come, I got a message recently."

"What news?" The stinging eyes lit up.

The demon smiled faintly: "It is said to be within the sphere of influence of the Terran. There is a Xu family on Tiangui. There is no fame. It is just a second-rate family, but it has been strong in recent years." That thing is related to the fact that Xu Jia is said to have a large array of seven-country guardians. You know, there are only four super-family legends in the Terran territory, and there are seven varieties of guardians. I told you before. Mang, can you tell me whether the four big superfamilies of the Terran are a few?

The thorns smiled and said with a smile: "The big four family's big arrays usually give people the feeling that they are the peak of the six products in the late stage. In fact, it is indeed a big seven. But they are not the object we are looking for. ”

Having said that, the thorns of the thorns flashed a little: "I was very interested in the sudden appearance of the seven-piece big squad. Thank you, the demon. After we have finished trading, I will go and see."


Yue Jicheng.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang walked on the street, and Xu Ziyan recovered his injury in a month, and the chaotic injury was completely restored. The most important thing is that after she has exhausted her mental energy, her spiritual strength has grown and is infinitely close to the critical point of breakthrough.

Xu Ziyan is determined to leave the Xu family to go to the Sun family to see, and finally no one can stop her. Xu Haotian had agreed to Xu Ziyan's opinion, but raised a condition that Xu Qinyang needed to go with her.

Xu Haotian did this after deliberation. On the one hand, he felt that Xu Qinyang should also go out and practice. What is more important is that Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan are Xujiawang, one is Xujiasheng, if two people can have fusion The relationship is crucial to the future of Xu. This is the opportunity to create mutual understanding between Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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