The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1448: rumor

Thank you very much An An ^_^ Jing classmates (400), forever after the rainy season classmates (200), night moon 缥缈 classmates (200), seaphay classmates (200), Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates (199), one or two small stars classmates (100), Yan Hui (100), Tu Yishui (100), Zi Yan (99), anna1978 (99), Tang Tang 8719 (99), flying over Yueguanghai (99), wqiy2003 Classmate (99)'s reward!


On this day, Sun Qiang finally created an opportunity to let the six brothers Sun Qing collect some strange things and lead Chu Qing and others. Only he alone accompanied Xu Ziyan to wander around, and finally invited Xu Ziyan to Tianjian. Restaurant.

Sun Qiang has a relationship with Xu Ziyan. His heart is very clear that if he can be associated with the fascinating family disciples of Lingbo Fairy, his position in the family will be completely stabilized, and Sun Yue will not pose any threat to him. However, Lingbo Fairy always has a faint look to him. Seeing the noble and proud appearance of Lingbo Fairy, Sun Qiang bit his teeth and knew that he had to come up with some real things to be able to impress Lingbo Fairy and whispered:

"Fairy, don't know what is your relationship with Xu?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and Sun Qiang hurriedly explained: "Under the purpose of inquiring about the privacy of the fairy, I just got some news about Xu family recently..."

Xu Ziyan’s brow stretched out and said faintly: “I am sister with purple smoke.”

Sun Qiang’s face showed hesitation. If this matter is said to Lingbo Fairy, it is likely to destroy Sun’s plan. Maybe it will threaten the grandson in the future. But... Sun Qiang finally chose the immediate interests, and believed in the foundation of the Sun family, and whispered:

"Fairy. The Dragon family that Xu Jia has always played against is my second brother, Sun Yue. Now my second brother is not willing to hand over Yueji City to Xu, so he is thinking about dealing with Xu in secret. Things are like this... ..."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze was shrinking. She did not think that the matter was not over. Sun’s family would turn the battle on the open floor into the ground.

Not bad!

It is a grandson! Definitely not the second son! A second son does not have such a great ability. There are not so many resources. After Xu Ziyan heard Sun Qiang’s speech, he immediately analyzed everything. It’s just that this thing is probably the Sun family gave it to the second son to do it.

Her heart also knows very well why Sun Qiang will tell her such things, but she wants to have a relationship with her. If she can give her a little benefit to her grandson or her, then she will defeat the grandson of Sun’s son. action. Thus, in the game of the two sons competing for the position of the world, he occupied a complete advantage.

Xu Ziyan sat quietly there, frowning and wondering how to solve the Xu family. She can expect it. As long as the Xu family opens the mountain gate again, it will be a storm-like blow. This is a huge test.

Sitting in the opposite of Xu Ziyan, Sun Qiang looked at Xu Ziyan in contemplation, and some said:

"Fairy, this thing is at the risk of telling you, if this thing is known to the family..."

Xu Ziyan immediately understood the meaning of Sun Qiang’s words. Of course, she would not foolishly ask Sun Hao. That will only make things worse. Because she Xu Ziyan is not a true hidden family. Was swinging toward Sun Qiang:

"I won't say this thing, and I can help you with the things of Xu. I can't arrange everything for Xu. I have my own things to do. Sun Yue... wants to secretly I will train Xu Ziyan with the cultivation of power to deal with Xu’s..."

Having said that, he waved his hand to Sun Qiang: "I won't tell you out."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan suddenly became extremely serious and said: "Sun Qiang, you have the opportunity to tell your father, as long as your grandson does not blatantly deal with Xu, I will pretend not to see. If Xu Jialian is in this darkness The wind and waves can't stand it, and the genocide will be destroyed. I just sent the purple smoke sister to my family."

"Yes!" Sun Qiang respectfully responded. In my heart, I was anxiously shouting: "You will not end like this? Will there be no reward?"

The opposite Lingbo fairy seems to have heard the screams in his heart, whispered:

"I don't like owing to people, tell me, what do you need?"

The spirit of Sun Qiang was immediately a boost. It seems that I have been drinking ice water in the sky, but I still maintain a kind of respect in my look:

"Don't dare. It is okay to work for the fairy."

Lingbo Fairy frowned slightly and said faintly: "To tell the truth!"

Sun Qiang’s look was a stagnation, and then he said a little slyly: “Then... there will be opportunities in the future... Please ask the fairy to be in front of the father, to say a few words in the next.”

Lingbo Fairy glanced at him, his mouth flicked a smile, and said faintly: "I understand what you mean, I will find a chance to talk to your father."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan turned his hand and put a jade bottle in his hand. He put it on the table and pushed it to Sun Qiang’s front:

"There are two six-product peaks in the late stage, you can use it!"

Sun Qiang heard a word, and then he was ecstatic. He was never eaten in the late stage of Liu Pin. His own thoughts were not in vain, not only did Lingbo Fairy promise to help himself in front of his father, but also got two six-product late peaks. More importantly, by transmitting the message to Lingbo Fairy today, the Xu family will be prepared, so it will be difficult for the second brother to succeed. When he fails again, he has no threat to himself.

As for the Xu family!

He also got an unexpected joy from Lingbo Fairy today, which is the attitude of Lingbo Fairy to Xu. She only cares about a person named Xu Ziyan. When the second brother fails, he will pick up the things that will contain the Xu family. I have already understood the bottom line of Lingbo Fairy, and then deal with Xu Jia, naturally will not shrink. As long as you don't openly deal with Xu, Lingbo Fairy will not manage it at all.

As for dealing with Xu. Need to deal with it publicly? There are a thousand ways to make the Xu family stunned.

Xu Ziyan returned to the World Inn. After Xu Qinyang returned, he just wanted to discuss today's things with Xu Qinyang, and suddenly stopped there. Reaching out and grabbing Xu Qinyang’s arm, said excitedly:

"Qin Yang brother, have you reached the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian?"

Xu Qinyang exclaimed with excitement: "Well, today I realized the meaning of the wood in the duel field to the great perfection, and the cultivation was then upgraded to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian."

Xu Ziyan waved out the octagonal bunting and set up the formation method. He happily turned around Xu Qinyang for two laps and said with a smile:

"Qin Yang brother, break through in the battle. So dazzling! Is it causing a sensation in the duel?"

Xu Qinyang proudly raised his voice and said: "Of course, there are still many fairies screaming!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The two laughed for a while, and Xu Ziyan told Xu Qinyang about the things that Sun Qiang said today. When Xu Qinyang heard it, he also glood down a face:

"What is the second son, this is clearly the measure taken by the Sun family. Oh, but I want to deal with the Xu family by secret means. The Xu family is not vegetarian."

"What are you going to do?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

The angry look of Xu Qinyang gradually converges. Meditating for a while: "When we left the family, we had already told our father that as long as we didn't go back, no matter what news we received, we couldn't seal it. So there is no way for Sun.

Besides, the Dragon family will also start to move away after the end of the Wanxian Conference, which will take half a year. Presumably, before the Dragon House left, we also returned to the family. ”

"Well, good!" Xu Ziyan nodded slightly: "But. You haven't told me yet. How are you going to plan for these grandchildren?"

Xu Qinyang’s look became serious: “The strength of our Xu family is still not strong enough, so I think we can manage the Yueji City first, as long as we don’t expand our power for the time being. Then our strength will be concentrated. And it will give the grandson an illusion that Xu has no idea of ​​expansion. This will also let the Sun family relax and be alert to us. So, their actions may not be big, and because we have not expanded, the strength is very Concentration, even if they want to take action, it may not be successful.

In short, my idea is to be steady and steady, and slowly. When we don't have the strength, it's good to recharge your batteries! ”

Xu Ziyan applauded gently and applauded: "Yongyang’s brother said it is good, just do what you said."

"Do you agree with my thoughts too?" Xu Qinyang looked excitedly at Xu Ziyan.

"Well! I support you!" Xu Ziyan nodded.


Time passed quickly in the busy waiting, and the Wanxian Conference finally began.

This day.

The entire grandchildren are almost completely open, except for a few secret important places. However, at this time, the monks of the parties are not allowed to enter, and a grand ceremony is to be held at the gate.

There are too many monks gathered in front of the gate, which is a sea of ​​people. Everyone is happily waiting for the beginning of the ceremony, and the twos and threes gather together to chat.

I don't know who brought up the Xu family and the Sun family, and it seems to be a person who knows the inside story better. Speaking of the end of the dispute between Xu Jia and Sun Jia is because there is a shot of the hidden family, Xu family does not know when there is a relationship with the hidden family, and the hidden family disciple is the first time in Tianjiancheng East District. The Lingbo fairy who made the seven-character Xiandan.

There is also a brother of Lingbo Fairy, called Mr. Yang, who has already won six hundred games in the duel field, and broke through in the duel in the past few days.

Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang live in the Tianxia Inn...

This rumor spread quickly among the monks, but they were also very strange, why the disciples who came from the hidden family would go to the inn instead of living in the Sun House.

To know that there are always some well-informed monks, they not only have to hear about Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, but also know that there are three hidden families in the Sun family. Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang do not live in the Sun family because their family is very weak in the hidden family. They are afraid to meet other three hidden families, but they are too strong and do not live with other hidden families. ?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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