The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1455: Secret behind

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There is no sound in the entire peach garden, and everyone's eyes are focused on Long Aotian and Fu Linhai. At this time, Yang Linglong heard that Fulinhai was talking nonsense, and the whole body was shaking with anger, but she was not an opponent of Fulinhai at all, and she was suppressed from moving, and she could not even speak.

Along the side, Long Aotian showed a sneer: "Do you want to catch me? Just rely on you?"

Fulin Haiyin smiled and smiled: "I am a dwarf star and a star owner, you still don't deserve me."

Having said that, he took a step back and stepped forward to the dragon Aotian step by step in the late nine-day Xuanxian.


Long Aotian and Long Gufeng couples shot at the same time. Dwarf star five nine-day Xuanxian late peaks divided two monks to meet the Long Gufeng couple, while the remaining three nine-day Xuanxian late peaks were against Shanglong Aotian. .

Long Aotian is not a monk who cultivated metality to the late nine-day Xuanxian. Even in the late nine-day Xuanxian period, he did not fall to the top of the last nine days of Xuanxian.


A few people just had a hand, and they heard a cold drink. A few people made a hard fight, and they all stepped back. They turned their heads and looked at the vocalization. They saw Sun Yan’s face standing up from the chair and chilling a face:

"Fu Linhai, what are you doing? Don't forget that this is the Sun family, not the Xinghai. It is not your dwarf star. And here is the Wanxian Conference, not the place where you are wild."

Fulin’s look was a whole, and he said to Sun’s body: “The grandson of the Sun, there is no offense in the next. I just take Yang Linglong and take him away.”

Speaking of it. Reach out and point to the dragon proud.

"If I don't agree?" Sun Yan said with a sullen face.

Fulin Lin proudly smiled: "The two men are mine, I will take them away. I don't want to misunderstand with the Sun family. But if the Sun family is forcibly blocked, it will become our dwarf star." enemy."

Sun Hao’s look is stagnation. The eyes looked at Liu Xianjun involuntarily. His grandson's family has no strength to withstand the dwarf star who owns Xianjun. Although the most powerful star of the Dwarf Star is just a mid-June, unlike the ancestors of the four super-families, it is the peak of the late Xianjun. However, that is not what the Sun family can resist. If you are targeted by such a family, the outcome is definitely a disaster.

However, today is the Wanxian Conference, so many monks are watching themselves. If you shrink back like this, don't show up in the fairy world in the future. Besides, this thing happened now at the Wanxian Conference. It is no longer possible to count only the things of the Sun family, but the things between the constellations of the entire fairy world and the Xinghai.

And this dwarf star is not a pure human race. They have colluded with the Mozu and become the slaves of the Mozu. The four super families and the hidden family can't always watch it. Even if the hidden family does not intervene in these things, the four super families can not ignore it?

Thinking of this, Sun Hao’s tone was tough: “These two people are not your dwarf star. You have no right to take them away.”

"If we want to take them both?" Liu Xianjun faintly opened.

Sun Hao’s look was a tight one, and his look was a little uneasy, and he and a Xianjun were screaming at the beginning. He still didn’t have that confidence. At this time, Jiang Fujie spoke up.

At this time, Jiang Fujie can't help but open. Although it is a grandson, it is also the sphere of influence of Jiang. The dwarf star is so deceived by the door. If he does not speak again, he will be laughed at by the whole fairyland.

"Our people are not taken away if you want to take them away. You may wish to try."

"Call~~" I heard Jiang Fujie finally speak. Sun Hao spit out a long breath. This matter has been picked up by Jiang. It has nothing to do with him.

Liu Xianjun looked at Jiang Fujie and he was afraid of the four super families. Although five years ago, their dwarf star once smashed the Terran and the Yaozu, and had some cheap. However, the comprehensive strength is still far less than the four super families. They are relying on the Mozu behind them. His eyes passed over Long Aotian and Yang Linglong, and his eyes revealed a trace of greed. The look hesitated a little, and finally gritted his teeth:

"Jiang Xianjun, are you sure you want to do this?"

Jiang Fujie smiled faintly: "You have seen your dwarf star too high, but it is a small planet in a starry sea."

Liu Xianjun’s face showed a trace of anger: “Jiang Xianjun, you said it is good. But, don’t forget, now we are a dwarf star, but we have formed an alliance with the Mozu opposite the Xinghai.”

“嗤~~” Jiang Fujie smiled aloud: “Ally? The slave of the Mozu?”


“Don't I say wrong?” Jiang Fujie said faintly: “The Mozu plunder your resources, do you dare to resist? The Mozu robbed your woman in the street, do you dare to resist? The Mozu killed the people in the street, Do you dare to resist?"

Liu Xianjun’s face became red and Jiang Fujie said it was a fact, and there was no way to refute it. The fierce light in the eyes flashed, and the earth stood up from the chair and drank:

"The two men will be taken away today. If Jiang Xianjun dares to stop, then our dwarf star will not hesitate to fight with you."

Jiang Fujie also stood up from the chair and said coldly: "I want to see how you took them away today?"

Liu Xianjun’s look was stagnation, and he did not think that Jiang Fujie would be so tough today. The eyes could not help but look at a monk on the other seat.

"Ha ha ha..."

The monk slowly stood up from the chair, and the breath of his body spread, and the breath of the peak of Xianjun was released.

"Devil!" The monk's face on the scene is a change.

The Mozu stood up and walked slowly to Liu Xianjun. The Liu Xianjun took a step back and bent a little like a slave standing behind the Mozu. The eyes of the Mozu swept through the four immortals, such as Jiang Fujie, and there was a trace of pride in their mouths:

"The two dwarfs are fixed. If you fight the dwarf star, our devils will not sit idly by."

Jiang Fujie’s look changed and he said angrily: “The hands of your Mozu are too long to stretch out? Don’t forget where you are now.”

The Mozu monk smirked and said: "I am standing here, do you dare to kill me?"

Having said that, in the eyes of the four sides, sweeping through the people present, proudly said: "Forgot to tell you, our Mozu has now developed a large number of eight Pinxian boats, ready to break into your Terran territory."

The hearts of everyone can't help but shake. Can the Mozu have been able to make eight ornaments? This is not impossible. The Terran and the Yaozu have had a huge scale and a long war. But the Mozu did not, so their inheritance did not break because of the fairy war, maybe there will be some eight refiners.

If the war with the Mozu is at this time, is the Terran ready?

Jiang Fujie and Chu Yunfei exchanged a look, and everyone's look became dignified. Today's four major families are not the last four families. Nowadays, the four major families have no sedentary monks in the late Xianjun. Jiang Fujie took a deep breath and stabilized his emotional mood:

"Liu Xianjun, this matter is not as good as adjourning!"

Liu Xianjun glanced at the Mozu monk, and the Mozu monk said faintly: "There is nothing wrong with escaping. But these two people must take it away. Rest assured, we just brought them back to the dwarf star, Then we can negotiate slowly and we won't know how they will be before we negotiate the results."

Jiang Fujie’s original intention was that after the banquet was over, several people sat down and negotiated. Even if I finally handed Long Aotian and Yang Linglong to each other, I would not lose face in front of the public. However, I did not think that the Mozu was so tough, and the anger in his heart climbed. However, in the heart, there is a scruples of the strength of the Mozu, and there is a time to stand there and lose the square inch.

"You are not as simple as the little girl is Fulin's fiancee?"

At this time, Ouyang Xiang of the hidden family said faintly. The face of Liu Xianjun and the Mozu monk was changed, and his eyes looked coldly at Ouyang Xiang.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were condensed, and he could not help but look at Ouyang Xiang. Ouyang Xiang’s look became solemn and said one word at a time:

"You are just fancy that both of them have metallized to the extreme and have produced mutations, aren't they?"

The face of Liu Xingjun and the Mozu monk is a change, and the eyes are flashing. Ouyang Xiang’s voice continues to sound:

"You are thinking about waiting for the two of them to fully cultivate the whole body into metal, and then to make them into a fairy. A tyrannical is completely metallic, and the most important thing is to have a god. So you can fully practice one." A pseudo-innate celestial treasure that transcends the nine-piece fairy."

Xu Ziyan was shocked. She always felt that Fu Linhai’s words were not true, but she did not expect it to be the reason. I didn't know the reason. Now, when I heard Ouyang Xiangyi said, I immediately knew that Ouyang Yu said that it was not fake. Once Long Aotian and Yang Linglong continue to cultivate the metality, they will cultivate themselves like a piece of metal. It’s just that this metal is much higher than the real metal because he has the god.

Looking at Ouyang Xiang, my heart could not help but sigh, the inheritance of this hidden family can not be underestimated. As long as you can see from this matter, other families do not know, but the hidden family knows this secret. And from this point of view, the Mozu is equally embarrassing.

The eyes turned to Yang Linglong, and the eyes showed the color of worry.

At this time, many of the repairs were also shocked, but the truth of the facts was not. After the shock, the eyes of Long Aotian and Yang Lingling faintly revealed a trace of greed.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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