The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1462: Quarrel

I am very grateful to the fairy-smelling classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates, four plus five classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, Yan Yu 645098 classmates pink ticket!


Once the Terran is united, it is easy to occupy these planets, and then form a line of defense. With preparations, it is not afraid of the raids of the Mozu. In this way, there is no need for a hidden family to shoot. If the hidden family shot, both lost the big resources and lost control of Xinghai, it is really no harm.

I thought about it all, and the four patriarchs immediately stopped talking about it. Instead, the topic was transferred to the other side. After some conversation, the two sides were very harmonious. The four old men put down their faces, and with their knowledge and experience, they talked with Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, and how could they not get along.

The time of one hour passed quickly. Chu Yun moved very politely to take out two storage rings and handed it to Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. On the side of Jiang Zixiong, Yunbao and Xiangye also took out two storage rings and placed them on the table. On, pushed to the front of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. So there are four storage rings in front of Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang respectively inspected the gods into the four storage rings in front of them. There are some materials of more than eight products, and there are some precious nine materials. And there are some winemaking materials in the storage ring in front of Xu Qinyang. The four patriarchs were really bleeding. When Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan looked up, the four people said politely:

"Lingbo Fairy. Mr. Yang, we brought the family's seven-pronged masters, and now live in the Sun House, hoping to get the guidance of the two."

Xu Qinyang waved the storage ring on the table. Lazily said: "You can go to my sister for these things."

The four patriarchs did not want Xu Qinyang to give pointers. When they heard Xu Qinyang’s words, they looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was also polite, waving his four storage rings. Said faintly:

"Working with the four patriarchs and going back to the Sun family, I will prepare a different hospital for me."

The four patriarchs had a happy face and knew that Xu Ziyan had promised it. Then he looked at Xu Qinyang again. Xu Qinyang touched his nose and smiled. He took out four wine gourds and handed them to each of the four patriarchs. After thinking about it for a moment, he took out four wine gourds and gave them to Chu Yunfei. Jiang Fujie, Yun Dan and Xiang Gong.

Four people were overjoyed. They did not expect that Mr. Yang would give him a gourd scent, and he hurriedly thanked him for collecting it. The four patriarchs are very satisfied with the results. After chatting for a while, I got up and said goodbye.

A month's time passed, and during this month, the atmosphere of the Wanxian Conference became more and more enthusiastic. Xu Qinyang has ended the duel. He won thousands of victories and won a reward of 100 million cents. The four super families and the eight first-class families also formed a plan for the Xinghai expedition, and they are preparing to announce these plans to the second-rate family and the third-rate family.

In this month, Xu Ziyan also communicated with the seven super-family's seven-character Xiandan, the fairy ware, the singer and the singer. While pointing them out, they also learned about the alchemy of the Zhongyuan galaxy and the knowledge of the various schools of the refiner, which further deepened her understanding. I feel that I have made great progress in alchemy and in terms of characters and symbols. As for the refiner and the array. She did not comprehend at all, but only said what the other party said, the original local retelling to the device one and the second, and one. Then, the device and the second, and the first one, are relayed to the other party.

Xu Ziyan is very clear. The energy of a monk is limited. It is impossible to be proficient in all aspects of the alchemy system and the refiner array. If it is true, it will definitely affect its cultivation. Therefore, she consciously gave up the understanding of the refiner and the array.

However, in this way, the device and the second, and the array have a great understanding, they originally had the complete inheritance of the Yanshan soul, and another heart is immersed in the refiner and array, and now merge The genre of the Zhongyuan galaxies made them all through one another, reaching the seven refiners and the seven sects. And Dan Yi and Dan Er, and Fu Yi still stay in the realm of the peak of the six products.

It is natural that the four Qipin Xiandan divisions and the seven-character fairy charms are pointed out by the realm of Xu Ziyan's alchemy. Moreover, Xu Ziyan did not give the essence to them, but gave some marginal knowledge to them a little bit, and let the four old people feel excited. Every time they saw Xu Ziyan, they were deeply envious and treated with courtesy. .

The first one and the second one, as well as the array one, although it is a six-character sorcerer and a singer, it seems that it is not as good as the four seven-character sorcerers and sects. However, don't forget that the four seven-character sorcerers and the sects of the sects are not the seven products in the true sense, but the pseudo-seven products.

On the other hand, their inheritance is much worse than the one, the second and the second. So, even if there are occasional ones, if you don’t understand the two points, you can check the inheritance immediately, and then pick one or two mysterious words from the inheritance and throw them to them. Let them understand. . After the first one, the second and the first one broke through to the seven-character sorcerer and the singer, they were easy to follow.

This made the four immortals and the singer's admiration for Xu Ziyan gradually become worship, and even became fanatical. Nature is also treated as a teacher.

The attitude of these eight monks to Xu Ziyan was naturally fed back to the four patriarchs, and the attitudes of the four patriarchs to Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang were even more respected.

This day.

The patriarchs of the four super-families were deliberating in the room, and they saw two of the Chu family's seven refiners slammed into the room, clenched their fists, their faces were red, their chests were ups and downs, and they looked straight. The great patriarch was there, and Chu Yun asked inexplicably:

"what's going on?"

The two seven refiners stood angrily and said: "The patriarch, the singer of the Jiang family has been in the Lingbo fairy for three days and three nights, and he still can't come out. Originally according to the previous deliberation, the family took turns one day. I would like to ask Lingbo Fairy. After the Jiang family, it is our Chu family, but the Jiang family will not be able to come out for three days."

Chu Yun took a look at Jiang Zixiong, Jiang Zixi smiled and said: "This way, then I will call them out."

The Chujia refiner shook his head and said: "Gan patriarch, it is useless to go."

"Oh?" Jiang Zixiong looked at the two fairy masters strangely.

One of the fairy sorcerers said with a smile: "Now the courtyard of Lingbo Fairy is covered by a large array, and it is impossible to enter."

Chu Yundong and Jiang Zixiong both thought a little, and they understood the reason for the incident. This must be a large array of Xu Ziyan, so that the Jiang family's fairy strategist cracked the understanding within the big array. When you understand it, you can come out. The two looked at each other with a smile, but Jiang Zixiong’s eyes revealed his happiness.

And things are really the same thing. This is a big array of recent research. When it is itchy, I begged Xu Ziyan to set it up, so that Jiang’s fairy strategist can try his new power. Xu Ziyan It is also laid out. However, I did not think that the two sects of the Jiang family had been cracked for three days, but only cracked one percent.

However, for this matter, Chu Yundong and Jiang Zixiong have no way, and the person who Lingbo Fairy decides, who dares to deny. It’s not bad for people to be able to point you out. Therefore, Chu Yundong only perished with a smile:

"Well, since this matter was decided by Lingbo Fairy, you will wait outside the door."

Two fairy sorcerers said: "Where we dare to disobey the decision of Lingbo Fairy, we have been waiting honestly outside the door. Who knows that Yundan’s Xiandan and Xiangjia’s fairy charms ran to tell us Even if the Jiang family’s fairy singer came out, it would not be our turn, because the day they asked the Lingbo fairy had passed, and it was their turn.”

The clouded leopard and the projectile, who had been sitting on the side, were watching the excitement there, but they did not expect to be involved. And it seems that the main contradiction is still in their two. The two men looked at each other and showed bitterness on their faces. At this time, the two seven-character Xiandan of the Yun family and the two immortals of Xiangjia also rushed in.

"The cloud is heavy, I said to you, the time for your Yun family to ask the fairy has passed, that is, the fairy is free, and it should be our turn."

"Why? Today is the third day, the first day is the Jiang family, the second day is the Chu family, the third day should be our Yun family, by what said it has passed."

“Hey!” Xiang Jiaxian Fu Shi coldly said: “Clouds, you may wish to look at the time of today, it is already dusk. After midnight is the time for our family.”

Chu Jiaxian singer snorted: "Hey, you don't want to be shame there. One day, I haven't got a turn yet. Why is it your turn?"

"You go to the Jiang family!" The four monks of Xiangjia and Yunjia sang in unison to the Chu family.

Six people began to quarrel in the room, and the louder the noise. Being able to get the guidance of Lingbo Fairy is a rare opportunity for them. Don't say that it is a time of delay, it is a quarter of an hour. They are all heartbroken and die. How can they not fight for you?

The four patriarchs are sitting there, and these seven sects are not in the family when they are in the family. Nowadays, like a fairy scorpion, the face is red and red, and the big bangs are shot, and the four chiefs are blushing.

Moreover, these people are the seven masters of the family. They are highly weighted. In the family, the patriarchs have to give a few faces and are polite. At this point, it’s really hard to swear, but I can’t keep watching them.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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