The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1468: flaming Phenix

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Xu Ziyan’s heart was raised at once, and the eyes looked straight at the enchanting woman, and she shouted in her heart:

"This is Xianjun, there are more than one hundred and nine days of Xuanxian! Just so gently, just... it’s all dead..."

The enchanting woman turned her head and looked at Xu Ziyan, and the hand gently spread out, then began to gently hold it...

Xu Ziyan’s heart almost jumped out of the chest and hurriedly said: “Predecessors, I have not offended you, you will not prejudice your predecessors?”

"The reason?" The woman's mouth flicked a trace of sarcasm and slowly began to make a fist.

Xu Ziyan only felt that the whole body was imprisoned by an invisible force, and could not move at all. The force was too strong, completely beyond the understanding of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan immediately operated all the repairs in Dantian. At the same time, he opened all three hundred and sixty-five points of the body, and even introduced the power of the world of purple smoke into the meridians, and then slammed outwards.

However, the result made her very disappointed and frightened. This outward expansion of Xianyuan was suppressed by the other side, and her body was squeezed even more, that is, the body of her mid-eight peaks could not stand, " He spurted a spurt of blood.

Xu Ziyan has never been so helpless since he cultivated immortals. It is a helplessness that cannot be resisted. Xu Ziyan saw that the power in his body could not be released, and he had to take back the power of the body. A pair of eyes. The magical spurt of the "soul of the soul" came out, and the eyes were blue and covered with a glamorous woman.


The sorrowful woman’s eyes and Xu Ziyan’s eyes met and they were not lost. Only an accident, slammed his eyes, and the "soul" supernatural power released by Xu Ziyan was bounced back.

With a pain in his eyes, Xu Ziyan involuntarily closed his eyes. Both eyes shed two lines of blood and tears.


The enchanting woman even recognized the magical power of Xu Ziyan from Qi Peng, and looked up and down Xu Ziyan carefully. She frowned slightly and hesitated:

"You are not a Peng Peng!"

Xu Ziyan knew that his chance was right in front of him, and he hurriedly said: "I have a friend who is Zhai Peng."

“Really?” The sorrowful woman’s eyes sparkled with suspicion.

At this time, it is impossible to consider the purple smoke, and when the mind is moving, it will summon the white. Xiaobai came out. I saw Xu Ziyan injured, turned his head and looked at the enchanting woman angrily.

The seductive woman looked up and down the white, and nodded with satisfaction. "Yes, you didn't have a **** relationship with this Peng Peng. You are really friends. Well, forget it, you have not offended me. I will not be embarrassed." You, I am a very reasonable person."

The imprisonment on Xu Ziyan disappeared, and Xu Ziyan did not dare to move, and his heart was still nervously looking at each other. I don’t know why the other party will see myself when I see Xiaobai. Is the other party a demon?

"This...the dark space will not be hers? Is she the master here?"

However, Xu Ziyan dare to ask? Of course I dare not ask. Only standing there honestly, one hand grabbed Xiaobai, for fear of Xiaobai’s anger and rushed over and offended the other side.

The seductive woman glanced at the white, and then she fell on the face of Xu Ziyan. The face burst into a smile:

"Come in and sit down!"

The smile on the face made Xu Ziyan have a burst of embarrassment. The heart could not help but secretly said: "It is a fairy!"

Xu Ziyan followed the enchanting woman into the canopy of the boat. Once inside, she knew that it was a mustard space. It was very spacious and beautifully decorated.

"It’s beautiful!"

Xu Ziyan could not help but admire. Two people and Xiaobai were sitting in the gazebo of a garden, and the enchanting woman personally gave tea to Xu Ziyan and Xiaobaiyu. Then pick up the teacup. Soft voice:


Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai are not polite, nor dare to be polite, honestly pick up the cup and drink tea. When the tea was drunk, Xu Ziyan felt his mind clear, and his heart could not help but secretly nod. This tea is really good, and it is a little worse than his own tea.

Soon, three people finished drinking tea, and the seductive woman looked at Xu Ziyan and said:

"I have already hosted you. Do you have any good things to entertain me?"

Xu Ziyan smiled a bit, and the other party was really rude, not the master's consciousness. Where do the hosts let the guests entertain? However, they dare not refute. After thinking about it, he took out a wine gourd and filled it with a seductive woman and herself and a white cup.

The seductive woman sucked her nose and revealed her interest in her eyes. She took the cup and drank it. Then he picked up the wine gourd on the table and put a cup of himself. After another drink, he looked up at Xu Ziyan:

"Is this what you brewed?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head quickly. If it was said that it was brewed by himself, it would be a big problem for the seductive woman to get rid of it.

"Who is brewing?" The seductive woman looked directly at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan said without thinking: "I was attending the Wanxian Conference of Tianjian City a few times ago. I met a monk called the dulcimer. This wine was made by him. When we two, I gave me two gourds. ""

Xu Ziyan hurriedly took out a wine gourd and put it on the table: "There are only these two gourds. I don't usually have to give it up and give it to my predecessors."

The seductive woman nodded with satisfaction and took the two wine gourds on the table and saw each other's look happy. Xu Ziyan asked tentatively:

"Predecessors are the masters of this space?"

"I?" The seductive woman shook her head and said, "I am not! I just think it is quite strange here. Come in and see."

"So... what did the seniors find here?"

The seductive woman snorted and said: "I didn't find anything, I probably turned around. There are also a lot of monks here. It should all fall into here."


Xu Ziyan looked at the look of the seductive woman, but she really wanted to ask the other person if she could leave here. But I dare not open my mouth.

At this time, the seductive woman suddenly squats in a sleeve: "The Chinese galaxies are not fun, I have to leave here and go back, drink your wine, this light will be given to you."

Xu Ziyan only felt that she had been swept away by a gust of wind. When she stabilized her body shape, she found that she had stood on the ground and had already lost the trace of the charming woman. Holding the lamp in his arms and rushing around, he found that Xiaobai was standing by his side, and he was relieved.

Xu Ziyan has the lamp lighting in his hand, but he does not care about Xiaobai. At this time, she was very curious about this lamp. I don't want to know that this lamp is a treasure. In such a space that can absorb light, it can still be illuminated, absolutely extraordinary.

I reached out and picked up the lampshade. I looked at it and my eyes could not help. This light did not have a wick, but a flame leaped above the lamp.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze narrowed, and she found that the flame that jumped in the group turned out to be the appearance of a phoenix. It seems to be bound by the lamp, just jumping in the range of the lamp, releasing the light.


Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a move in his heart, remembering the phoenix that was originally made on the mainland of the Cangwu, which was not known from the fire. God immediately rummaged through his storage bracelet. Soon, she found the phoenix. Take the phoenix out, hold the lamp in the right hand, and hold the phoenix in the left hand.

When the two came together, the flame of the phoenix shape suddenly broke away from the shackles of the lamp, and the sound of "嗖" plunged into the left-handed Phoenix fairy.

The Phoenix fairy in the left hand suddenly shines brightly, and the Phoenix fairy in his hand suddenly flies out. The light is getting brighter and brighter, forming a huge phoenix in the air, overlooking Xu Ziyan, and the whole phoenix body is spurred by the forced breath.


From the body of Xu Ziyan, a flame was thrown out, and Xu Ziyan looked at it, but found it to be a fire spirit. Xu Ziyan knows that it must be that Huo Linger feels the existence of this phoenix in his own body. Since this phoenix can attract Fire Linger, it must be extraordinary.

"Fire Linger, what is it?" Xu Ziyan asked anxiously.

However, what made Xu Ziyan unexpected was that Huo Linger did not pay attention to her at all, but the "call" rushed to the phoenix, and the whole body turned into a skyfire net, covering the entire fire phoenix.


The air was like an explosion. The power that was emitted could not stand the purple smoke. Pulling the white back to the rear, looking at the violent flame in the air.

Xu Ziyan understands that the fire spirit wants to swallow the fire phoenix, and the fire phoenix is ​​naturally fighting, or in turn, wanting to swallow the fire spirit. Xu Ziyan certainly wants Huo Linger to swallow the fire phoenix, because Huo Linger completely listens to himself, but the fire phoenix does not necessarily listen to his own, after all, he did not refine it.

The huge flame in the air could not help but tumbling. One hour passed. Two hours passed. Xu Ziyan simply sat on the ground and looked bored at the flame like the sun in the air.

It is estimated that after a day and a night, the flames in the air are still tumbling. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan heard the footsteps, and then he heard a call:

"Fire, it's really a fire!"

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at it. He saw a shadow from all directions, about a thousand people. At this time, within the radius of the circle, the fire group in the air shines brightly, and the monks can be seen clearly.

I saw those monks who were skinny, one by one looking at the flames in the air. Even some monks began to sit on the ground with their knees, absorbing the fire attribute of the air.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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