The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1470: Was slaughtered

I am very grateful to the book friends 080315134415314 classmates, eryanu classmates, Qu Luo 绯 灬 灬 classmates, laughing to the last Swallow classmates, ruthless demon classmates, silina0628 classmates pink ticket!


The six monks flew over to Xu Ziyan and landed in the air in front of Xu Ziyan. One of the nine days of Xuanxian expected Xu Ziyan to ask:

"Which tribe is the Taoist friend?"

“Oh! Horde?” Xu Ziyan asked with a look: “Where is this place?”

"You..." The monk also stunned and then asked in amazement: "You are not going to fall into it?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "Yes, I just came in."

“唉~~” The six monks neatly gathered the sympathetic eyes on Xu Ziyan’s body, and the headed monk shook his head and sighed:

"It’s another unfortunate person!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the sympathetic eyes of the six people and asked weakly: "Is there anything special about this place?"

The monk shook his head again and sighed: "There is nothing to say, it is already alive."

Xu Ziyan’s face was depressed: “This big brother, that’s so... can you make it clear?”

"What is unclear about this?" The monk looked at Xu Ziyan with an idiot's gaze: "When you get here, don't think about going out again. Fortunately, you are practicing dark attributes, but you can live here. ""

Although Xu Ziyan had already expected this situation, but now he heard from his population, he couldn’t help but ask:

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you feel it?" The monk said awkwardly: "If you come in, don't think about going out."

Xu Ziyan's heart is wow cold. But still unwillingly asked: "Is there no exit here?"

"Export?" The monk shook his head and said: "I have been here for more than 20,000 years, and I have never heard of an export."

Xu Ziyan looked at the look of the other person's face seriously, feeling that the other party did not lie and fool himself. I looked down for a moment and suddenly looked up and asked:

"If you continue to cultivate here, cultivate to a very high level, such as Xianzun, then you can always break through the **** here?"

"Xianzun?" The monk snorted and said: "I have never heard of any fairy here."

"How come? The dark attribute here is so strong, and the dark attributes are cultivated here. The realm will be raised very fast? In the long years, there is always a breakthrough in Xianzun?"

The monk shook his head and said: "It’s strange to say that it’s very reasonable to say that you, but the monk who entered here, if it’s not Xianjun, will be upgraded to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian. It is impossible to break through the immortal. If the monk who has fallen in is already Xianjun, then his cultivation will not grow any more. It will always stagnate at the level of Xianjun."

“Why?” Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably.

The monk sighed and sighed: "Because the heavens here seem to have been sucked away, only the heavens that can reach the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. So, if you secretly accumulate the power, you will eventually get it because of the state of mind. To the slightest breakthrough."

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but look around and saw the skinny monks still dealing with the beasts there, and asked:

"So... what is the living condition here?"

"Living conditions?" The monk's face was even more gray: "You just saw those fairy beasts? These are just Luo Tianshang Xian. There are even more powerful beasts. And they are all dark attributes. Most What is frightening is that there are dark attribute fairy animals everywhere, and the range of our monks is very small."

Xu Ziyan’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley and listened silently to the monk’s speech.

"Let's go! I will take you to us first. I can't stay here for too long. Once I am surrounded by a lot of fairy beasts, I will die."

Xu Ziyan followed six monks and flew away in the distance. Xu Ziyan looked around and asked:

"Daoyou, here is dark, how do you judge the direction?"

"Have you seen it?" The monk pointed to the ground, and Xu Ziyan looked down his fingers. Seeing a little distance from the ground, there is a faint glow. I couldn’t help but look at the monk. Seeing a bone hanging from his body, it was emitting a faint light, reflecting a bright light around his body, and his heart reacted:

"These directions are all we have explored bit by bit. We buried the bones of the beasts underground, revealing the upper end. Then use these spots to indicate the direction."

As the six monks flew for a while, Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered something, and then he asked: "Daoyou, is there a fairy in it?"

"Xianjun? I haven't seen it for a long time. It is said that there was still Xianjun at the beginning, but they never broke through. They went to find opportunities, but they never went back."

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan did not speak.

At this point, the monk said: "Dao friends, because there are too many fairy beasts, so we only have a common enemy, that is, fairy beasts. And because the land occupied by the beast is too large, our monks survive. The space is very small, so..."

Xu Ziyan understands that in this space, it is very difficult to want to live alone. If you want to live, you must enter the gathering place of the monks. However, I am afraid that I will not be able to join it casually. There should be certain conditions. So, I asked faintly:

"But what are the conditions?"

"Come on!" The monk did not answer her words, but stopped in the air.

Xu Ziyan looked down at the bottom and saw the appearance of a village. The black stone was built around the wall and the houses were all made of black stone. A fairy bone is placed on the roof of each room, releasing a faint glow that illuminates the entire village.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had fallen to the ground with six monks and stood at the entrance of the village. The monk looked back at Xu Ziyan:

"The condition to enter here is to pay the fairy crystal!"

"Xianjing?" Xu Ziyan said strangely: "You are all practicing dark attributes, what kind of fairy crystals do you need?"

The monk turned a white eye: "There are very few monks who practice dark attributes. There are only nine people in this village. The rest are not practicing dark attributes. Now they are like mortals, if you can come up with some fairy crystals, At least they can recover some of the repairs, and they have more power to go hunting and killing the beasts."

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly had a feeling of being slaughtered, but there was no way to ask:

"How much do you need?"

"Two methods, one is that you don't live in our village. You are just the guests of our village. You pay 100,000 pieces of Xianpin in one year. The other is to live in a village and become a member of our village. This is much cheaper. Only 10,000 pieces of Xianjing are needed each year. However, you also need to take responsibility for protecting the village and hunting the beasts."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, if he lived in as a guest, I am afraid that they will have a lot of things to look at themselves, making it difficult for them to understand this place. Then whispered:

"Then I choose to live longer!"

"Long live? Welcome!" The monk laughed. In fact, he also hoped that Xu Ziyan could live for a long time. After all, Xu Ziyan is a monk who cultivates dark attributes. The defense of this village will increase a lot of strength. To the Xu Ziyan archer:

"My name is Gao Lisuo."

"In the next purple smoke."

"Please Xuanyou pay a hundred years of Xianjing, and after my assessment proves your strength, you can really join our village. And no longer need to pay Xianjing."

"Evaluation?" Xu Ziyan looked at the six monks around him. The high-distance training that he had been talking to was the highest. It was a late nine-day Xuanxian, and the other five monks were nine-day Xuanxian mid-term.

"This...the number of Xianjing just mentioned is for those monks with sufficient strength. If you don't have enough strength, if you want to join our village, you need to pay for the millennium." ”

Xu Ziyan thought about it. From the moment she entered here, her mood was very low. Especially after she learned that she couldn’t get out of it, the mood was even lower, and there was no mood to fight and kill. . Besides, even if it is a one-time payment of a thousand years of fairy crystal, it is only a million yuan under the fairy crystal. Xu Ziyan is not lacking in Xianjing, not to mention that there is a good fairy crystal on the body, that is, there are forty-five hundred million in the top grade Xianjing, and ten million yuan in the next grade is really nothing.

After Xu Ziyan won a billion yuan of top grade in Tianjian City, he exchanged some Chinese and lower grades, and handed the other to a storage ring:

"Here is 10 million lower grades."

The high-receiving rope took over the storage ring and swept it with the gods. The face was filled with joy:

"You are quite rich!"

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, and his heart, 10 million downsells, but only ten pieces of the best, there are some good surprises.

Several people entered the village and greeted the remaining monks in the village. There were three dark-character monks in the middle of the nine-day Xuan Xian, presumably the three monks who remained in the village. Gao Lisuo introduced it to Xu Ziyan, and told them that Xu Ziyan took out 10 million yuan of Xianjing, and exchanged a burst of enthusiasm.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the crowd and felt that there were about 800 people. At this time, the high separation was to order the monks to start building a house for Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan saw that there were nine houses in the middle of the village taller than the other houses. It must have been the room of the nine dark property monks. At this time, the monks were building a house for Xu Ziyan next to the nine houses.

Xu Ziyan entered his house with high separation, and the other eight dark attribute monks also followed. Ten people sat in the room and chatted. It took about two hours, and there was a loud noise outside. It turned out that the hundreds of monks who had packed up the dark attributes of the fairy returned to the village.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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