The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1481: Successor

I am very grateful to the 2 students of the post-rain season forever (1888), Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (600), classmates (588), seaphay classmates (200), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (100), Yan Dayu classmates (100), the pink ticket of the old antique love classmate (100)!


The amount of peaks.

Inside the bamboo building.

Xiaobai and Xu Xiang sit opposite each other. Xiaobai looked at the Xu Xiang, who was sitting there and changed his look. He said softly:

"Small ring, rest assured, the master will always treat you as a younger brother."

Xu Xiang looked up and looked at Xiaobai and asked: "Are you a sister's demon pet?"

"You are the demon pet!" Xiao Bai slammed his eyes and gave a look.

"You are not?" Xu Xiang asked strangely: "Why do you want to call your sister?"

Xiaobai thought for a moment: "I have no blood relationship with the owner, which means that I can leave the owner at any time. From this point of view, I am not the master's demon pet. However, I was raised by the owner from childhood. ......"

Xiaobai fell into the memory: "At that time, the master was still very weak. I used to flee with her and fight together. She never used me as a demon pet. I never used her as a master. Although I always called Her master, but in my heart, she has always regarded her as the closest person in the world, just like her mother.

The owner is very kind to himself and very hot to the enemy. I have challenged the enemy and challenged myself since I was a child. Master, she is very good to me, no matter what mistakes I made. She does not blame me.

The master is not like other monks who are adoring their demon. She makes me feel that I am equal to the owner. I like to follow my master.

No matter what happens in the future, I can't separate myself from my master. If someone dares to hurt the owner. I would rather lose my life and protect my master.

And I also believe that the master will treat me like this. ”


The main hall of the proceedings.

At this time, the top of the hall in the main hall was placed with three chairs side by side. Xu Yutian sat in the middle as the patriarch, and Xu Zhenshan sat on the left as the second generation of the Lord. Xu Ziyan sat on the right as the first generation of the Lord. Sitting in the left and right rows below, the peak ancestors.

At this time, Xu Haotian has already said in detail what happened in these days, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang are immersed in contemplation.

The silence in the hall was filled, and everyone’s eyes were on the back and forth between Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan. Before everyone was waiting for the two of them to come back, especially looking forward to the return of Xu Ziyan, to see if she has any means?

Can't help but say that only when you lose it, you know it is precious. Before Xu Ziyan established a holy place to fight against the dragon family. Let the Xu family monk have another look at the young Xu Ziyan, but have not yet felt that the Xu family will not have what kind of situation. However, in these days when Xu Ziyan was absent, they really realized that Xu Ziyan had become the backbone of Xu family in a very short period of time and became the real leader of Xu family, even if it was the patriarch Xu Yuntian.

Xu family has experienced thousands of years and has never been as vigorous as it is now. This development, this is brought by Xu Ziyan. It was Xu Ziyan brought in a very short time. However, it is also an unprecedented crisis. At such moments, they miss Xu Ziyan even more.

Now that Xu Ziyan is back, they are looking forward to Xu Ziyan’s eyes. Even Xu Tiantian and Xu Zhenshan are no exception.

However, Xu Ziyan did not speak. On the one hand, she did not think of a perfect way at this time. On the other hand, she also wanted Xu Qinyang to have an opportunity to express. She hopes that Xu Qinyang will grow up as soon as possible, so that she can be separated from the trivial matters of the family and will practice when she is willing to cultivate. Willing to travel around and travel around. Live the true fairy life she has been yearning for.

Xu Qinyang saw Xu Ziyan not talking, and saw Xu Ziyan hanging his eyes, he also understood her thoughts, and I was very grateful to Xu Ziyan. And at this time he also had a general idea. Then he said:

"The patriarch, the saint. You elders. Today, we have two things to do."

Xu Ziyan raised his eyes and looked at Xu Qinyang, his eyes full of encouragement. Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan’s eyes touched and they were moved. At this time everyone's eyes were gathered on Xu Qinyang's body. He took a deep breath and said with a deep voice:

"On the one hand, we have to solve the problem of buying and selling family resources on the bright side, and on the other hand, we have to solve the problems of those forces that have been secretly attacking our Xujia mine."

The first one of Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Ziyan were slightly foreheaded, and their eyes were in agreement.

"But... what do we have to do to solve these two problems?" an elder asked.

"Things about resource trading, I think Ziyan has already solved it for us. Purple smoke, let me talk about it." Xu Qinyang sincerely looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled helplessly. She knew that this was Xu Qinyang’s return to the Tao, and she wanted to have a chance to show her before the crowd. However, Xu Ziyan really does not need it. It was not easy to refute Xu Qinyang’s face. He had to cough and said slowly:

"I have brought back thirty-six disciples who have gone abroad to study. Now they are the lowest five-pronged master, and there are still a few disciples who are already six-pronged. And I have received an apprentice outside, called The prince is proud."

"Prince arrogant?" Xu Haotian's body is a vibration: "But the six-product Xiandan division?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Everyone looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes and changed. I didn't expect Xu Ziyan to even be an apprentice to the prince who was famous in the world. At first, I heard that Xu Qinyang said that Xu Ziyan had solved the problem of resources. They still had doubts. Now they all sit up straight and wait for Xu Ziyan to continue.

"So, the alchemy hall, the refining hall, the sacred hall and the sacred hall of our Xujia holy land can be established. In this way, the resources produced by our Xujia mine will not be outward from now on. Selling. You know that there is not much profit at all for selling those ores, and if we sell finished products such as fairy wares, fairy tales, fairy tales and elixir, the profits are enormous."

The eyes of the people in the hall are all bright, and they exchange their eyes with excitement. As a result, from now on, the Xu family does not have to sell basic resources, so the pressure on the Xu Jiaming face will be solved.

Xu Ziyan turned his gaze to Xu Haotian and asked softly: "The patriarch, according to your analysis of the situation, should be Sun Jia behind to support all these actions."

"Not bad!"

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly: "Now, our Xu family does not have absolute strength and the Sun family is open to war. Even if it is a battle with the Doujia of Tiangui City, it is not the time."

“Not bad!” Xu Qinyang said: “This is not a question of the peaks of the nine-day Xuanxian period, but the issue of comprehensive strength. Our current comprehensive strength is not enough. If the steps are too fast, there is no family. Nothing works."

Everyone thought and nodded, Xu Qinyang looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan nodded to Xu Qinyang and encouraged him to continue. The performance between the two of them made Xu Haotian see it, and the heart was very pleased. It seems that the purpose of letting Qin Yang and Ziyan go out together this time has been achieved.

With the encouragement of Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang continued to talk about it: “The first step we need to do now is to manage Yueji City. This operation is divided into three aspects. First, we must give Yueji City a safe environment. Let all the monks who come to the city of Yueji feel the safety in the city. This is the foundation that must be possessed. Only in this way can it have the foundation to attract monks from all over the world."

The eyes swept over the crowd and saw that they were all nodding. Xu Qinyang’s face was full of confidence and continued:

"The second is to give a fair environment to the monks from all over the world, which will enhance the attraction of Yueji City and have a foundation for prosperity.

The third and most important point is that our shop in Yueji City will no longer sell the four pieces of fairyware, Xiandan, Xianfu and Xianzhen from now on. Only sell more than five products. This will enhance the quality of our Yueji City.

Imagine that there are several cities in the fairy world that can do this? Although the five things are rare in the fairy world, they are not unusual, but we have already had six masters of the sects, so we will have a steady stream of six high-quality items, and not just one. Kind, but Xiandan, Xianfu, Xianzhen and Xianju have all four aspects.

What kind of sensation does this cause? At that time, even if we don't expand our home, we will only occupy the city of Jicheng in a month, and it will become the most famous city in the fairyland. ”

"Good!" Xu Haotian could not help but sigh. He is very satisfied and very happy at this time. He didn't think that Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan went out for a trip, and they would grow so fast. It seems that the experience is really important for the monks. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be more interested in the experience of Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan on the outside. I don't know what methods they used in the end, and the Xu family's crisis was lifted. My heart decided to ask Xu Qinyang after the meeting. .

Everyone also praised Xu Qinyang’s plan, and his eyes were also showing gratification. Looking at Xu Qinyang, look at Xu Ziyan again, one by one:

"Xu has these two, why isn't it prosperous? Xu family is succeeding."


Xu Qinyang looked at Xu Ziyan and revealed his inquiries. Other people's appreciation he did not care, he went out and practiced with Xu Ziyan this time, but he knew the wisdom of Xu Ziyan. Only Xu Ziyan agreed, and he felt that his plan had the possibility of implementation.

Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Jin Yang’s brother said it was right, but how to implement these three points requires us to discuss it carefully."

Everyone can't help but nod, it's not easy to implement these three points smoothly! Xu Qinyang smiled slightly, regardless of sitting down, that means, the following is yours, I don't care.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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