The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1484: Prosperous

I am very grateful to the pig head to the Zunbao classmates, the woundup555 classmates, the dark fragrant classmates, the ykwxh classmates, the small stone 0012001 classmates, the book friends 100323202559007 classmates, the book friends 120927170647085 classmates, the espflykite classmates, the little love cc classmates, the A_bin classmates, the Cather_zheng classmates, the book friends 120927170647085 classmates, the pink ticket of the oriental Yu Yu classmates!


The amount of peaks.

Xiao Bai stood up from the chair and walked toward the door. When I got to the door, I got down and didn't look back, just whispered:

"Small ring, when I am not there, you take care of the owner."

"Where are you going? Where are you going?" Xu Xiang Huo stood up from the chair.

"I... want to break through!"

When the words fall, Xiaobai jumps and disappears in the amount of Tianfeng.

Xu Xiang looked up and his eyes were a little confused...

The light was dark, and the shape of Xu Ziyan appeared in the bamboo building. When I saw Xu Xiang sitting in the chair, I couldn’t help but jump. Is there any problem with the small ringing body?

Xu Ziyan went up two steps and stood in front of Xu Xiang’s concern and asked: "Small ring, what's wrong with you? Is there any problem with the body?"

Xu Xiang returned to God and looked at Xu Ziyan: "Sister, White Sister is gone."

"White is gone?"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, remembering what Xiao Bai had said to her, isn’t it a good thing to say nothing? The look of Xu Ziyan could not help but say:

"She...what is the place to go?"

"She said it was a breakthrough!" Xu Xiang said softly.

"Going to break through?" Xu Ziyan's heart was put down a bit. In the heart, "Maybe Xiaobai is really going to break through, will she come back?"

In the next few days, the Xu family worked out. The disciples on the mine have all been withdrawn, and all the power is concentrated in Yuejicheng. Then re-planned for Yueji City. More than 30,000 monks of Xujia were also diverted, and two-thirds of the disciples were assigned to the original Yang family, the iron family and the family.

The central area of ​​these three families is also extremely rich. It is more concentrated than the ordinary areas of the family, and there are not many disciples in Xu family. They are divided into three parts to stay in Yang family, iron family and family, so those central areas are fully enough for them to live.

After these disciples lived, they began to open other areas into medicine gardens. In this way, the entire Xu family is busy in Yueji City.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had left the Yueji City with twenty-eight disciples. The twenty-eighth disciples were left by Xu Ziyan after they had received the medicine in the Tianfeng. Therefore, what was seen inside and outside Yueji City was that Xu Ziyan left the Yueji City alone.

I left the place of Yueji City. Xu Ziyan has continuously performed two major moves. This kind of big move, even the purple smoke, does not know where to move, not to mention those who follow Xu Ziyan. Whether or not anyone followed, Xu Ziyan was not clear, too lazy to explore, so she moved directly away.

After the two big moves, Xu Ziyan only showed the gods of the Xianjun period and explored it around. As a result, no traced monks were found. This changed the appearance, determined the direction, and went to Tiangui City.

Half a month later, Xu Ziyan changed his appearance and entered the Tiangui City with twenty monks. Not far behind them, the remaining eight disciples, Xu Ziyan bought a restaurant at a high price in Tiangui City, and then the restaurant was temporarily sealed up, and the publicity was to be renovated.

In fact, it is indeed redecorating, but not only in the decoration of the restaurant, but also in a room in the backyard. A underground secret room is still being laid.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was riding in a transmission array to the family of the super family Jiang family closest to here. And before that. The eight family disciples who did not follow Xu Ziyan had secretly taken Xu Ziyan’s jade slip to the four major families.

Xu Ziyan and two Xu disciples came to Yongcheng, the land of the Jiang family. Out of the transmission array, Xu Ziyan broke up with the two Xu disciples, and then turned into the trading hall. This time she came to Jiang’s trading floor to buy some materials that were missing from the layout.

After posting the task in the trading floor, she went shopping alone in the city of Yongcheng. She can't count on the trading floor. Some things are often found in these shops.

Xu Ziyan stayed in Yongcheng for a month and purchased a lot of materials for the transmission array. Then he left the land of Yongcheng and took a transfer to the Tiangui City.

At this time, Xu's restaurant has been opened, called the Sifang Restaurant. Xu Ziyan entered the Sifang Restaurant without any attention, and then entered the secret room and began to deploy the transmission array. After three days, Xu Ziyan will complete the transmission. Later, the disciples of Xu and the family were called to the secret room at night, telling them how to start the repair of the small place in peacetime. Another array of methods was placed outside the secret room, and this stepped into the transmission array.

More than a month ago, when Xu Ziyan left Xu, he was already in the Tianfeng, and Xu Xiaotian personally selected a transmission array in a valley.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan took the transmission line in Tiangui City, but only returned to the Xu family after two days.

When Xu Ziyan came out of the transmission array, the disciple who had the guardian transmission array found her and hurriedly came to see him. Xu Ziyan waved his hand and flew toward the hall of the Tianfeng Summit.

As soon as I entered the hall of the House of Representatives, Xu Tiantian’s eyes on the top of the table were bright: "Ziyan, you are back! How about the transmission of the layout?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I just came back in the transmission array."

"Really!" Xu Haotian asked with a big squint, then he laughed.

Xu Ziyan casually found a place to sit down, Xu Haotian ordered a person to give tea, Xu Ziyan took a sip of tea, hands holding the tea cup and asked softly:

"How is the family going on?"

Xu Haotian’s mood is very good. He smiled and said: “Now the people who work outside are the ordinary disciples of the family. The elite disciples of the family and the monks who are high-educated are practicing in the Tianfeng.

I went to Tianfeng yesterday, and it seems that there will be monks breaking through these days. And things in Yueji City have gone very smoothly. Now the family disciples have been diverted, and the drug garden has been opened. They also entered the cultivation. The shops in Yueji City are now empty. After all, the shops of Yangjia, Tiejia and Yunjia are now owned by our Xu family. The shops of our four families have stood almost 80% of the entire month, and the remaining third-rate families and non-invasive families and scattered repairs accounted for only 20%.

However, only 80% of this is a lot for our Xu family. Today is not the best time to sell a store that rents out these. At this time, our Xu family was jointly suppressed by the various families of Tianguixing, and they could not sell the price at all. Therefore, I let the family disciples take up all the shops, and the finished products made by the alchemy hall, the refining hall, the system and the temple will be sold to these shops. After the prosperity of Yueji City, we will rent or sell it again. ”

"Well, the patriarch is doing very well!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"But..." Xu Haotian frowned and said: "When will Yueji City be able to prosper?"

Xu Ziyan chuckled: "The patriarch does not have to worry."

"What will not worry?" Xu Haotian looked worriedly at Xu Ziyan: "Do you have any way?"

"The patriarch, this is not difficult." Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "When we Xujia will solve everything almost, we can refine the six disciples of the family disciples, six-piece fairy, six-piece fairy and six products. Sendai sent a few pieces to the auction houses of the four major families to auction, let the four family's auctioneers tell the buyers that these things are refining our family. The world's monks will naturally flock."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a confident color: “When we get there, we don’t have to entrust the materials to be purchased in the four families. Naturally, other businesses or families will come to negotiate with them. Now sin The family can block and suppress our family, because the influence of our family is not enough. After the auction, the reputation of our family will spread far beyond the fairy world, and it is not that they can block the suppression."

Xu Xiaotian’s eyebrows were picked and his face was bright. However, in an instant, I was asked with some worries: "However, if our family is so famous, will it bring any disaster? After all, if the strength is insufficient, it will be embarrassed by others."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought about it: "Nothing. The four families will not shoot, they have to worry about the hidden family, and now their minds simply do not have time to focus on a small family like our Xu family. Their energies are now at the time of organizing the Xinghai Fleet and conquering the Xinghai.

Therefore, the four major families can be excluded. For the remaining eight first-class families, we only need to consider the Sun family. After all, this is the sphere of influence of the Sun family. They cannot allow the other seven to run into his sphere of influence to attack our family. And the seven will not be stupid to attack us.

Don't say that we can't attack, even if they occupy our Xu family, so their power is surrounded by Sun's forces, how can they survive? Therefore, we only need to beware of the grandson. However, with the Sun family alone, our Xu family is really not afraid of them.

Our Xu family is no longer the Xu family in the past, although the Sun family’s nine-day Xuan Xian late peak monk is much more than our Xu family. However, Xu Jia has me and Qin Yang brother, and there is a big array of care. As long as we don't expand our forces and stick to the moon, the Sun family will have no way to take our family. ”

"Where are you and Qin Yang?" I asked Qin Yang, he said that he is the invincible under Xianjun. Is this... true?"

"Of course I said it is true!" At this time, Xu Qinyang came in from outside the hall and said proudly.

Looking at Xu Qinyang proudly, Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I said that is not true."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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