The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1487: Shadow hit

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Xu Haotian frowned slightly and whispered: "The two monks are the two elders of the Tiangui City Doujia. What are they doing?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed and he saw that the two monks were nine days of Xuanxian. The corner of the mouth passed a sarcasm, whispered:

"It won't be a good thing if they come."

Soon, three monks fell on the ridge. Xu Jia disciples to Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang respectively after the ceremony:

"The patriarch, the saint, the sinners come to see."

Xu Haotian nodded, and the Xu family monk retreated to the side. The two Doujia monks are very perfunctory in the direction of Xu Haotian:

"Xu patriarch, the two of us are coming to tell you about the family of the family of the Dou. From today, the original Yang family, the iron family, the family and the shops of the family are owned by our Dou family. People come to receive."

When Xu Haotian heard a face, he was gloomy, and his heart rushed upwards, and he could not wait for the two people in front of him. However, when I think of the Dou family behind these two people, I still have a strong breath:

"This is the thing of our month, and your hands are too long."

"Let's relax!" A sinister's old man sullenly screamed: "Do you think you can talk about it? How do you do it, don't make it wrong!"

Xu Haotian's hands were tightly held together in the sleeves, and the blue veins were exposed. But in the end, I took a deep breath and suppressed the anger, and said coldly:

"You can go!"

Another sinister parent looked at Xu Xiaotian and smiled and said: "Of course we have to go, but we will come back in a few days. You Xujia put the Yang family. The family and shops of the iron family and the family are given to us. The family poured out, and the things in their three treasure houses also gave us back home, otherwise don't blame us for your ignorance to you."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at Xu Qinyang, and Xu Qinyang’s gaze was just looking forward. Xu Qinyang's gaze was barely transmitted to the intention of killing the two men. And Xu Ziyan’s gaze is to reveal what it is waiting for.

Waiting for the support of Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang still can bear it. The momentum that belongs to the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian is completely released, and the hands are from the sides to the middle. Two hemispheres appeared in the air, releasing a substantial metallic light, shrouded the two sinister monks.

The two sinister monks showed a panic on their faces. The two men hurriedly flipped their backs against their backs and tried to smash the two metal hemispheres. At the same time, the figure flickers and wants to escape the cover of the metal hemisphere.

but. The two hemispheres fixed the space around the two sinister monks, and Xu Qinyang’s nine-day Xuanxian’s later peaks were not going to kill them. What’s more, Xu Qinyang is a five-property root, how can he tolerate it? Two people escape?

It was only in an instant that the two hemispheres were combined and the two Doujia monks were covered. Xu Ziyan's hands slowly held together. Xu Haotian finally complained with some worries:

"Qin Yang..."

Xu Qinyang shook his head and his hands suddenly slammed. The original ball with a diameter of about one foot was shrunk to the size of a fist. A wave of sleeves. The metal ball of the size of the fist dissipated in the air, and some blood was spilled in the air.

"Father, Ziyan once said a paragraph, if the heart is weak, the cultivation is higher and passive, and only the heart is strong, can be strong. In the place of Yuejicheng, no family can be relaxed. This is also For the future security of Yueji City, no matter who it is, as long as it comes to Yueji City, we must abide by the rules of our family. People who dare to threaten us with such a family must die."

Xu Haotian no longer speaks. Instead, I fell into meditation. Xu Qinyang said that it is completely correct. If Xu Jia does not say that he wants to develop, he will say that if he wants to stabilize Yueji City, he must be strong. Otherwise, individuals can go to Yueji City to make a surprise. Where is the order in Jicheng that month? What's more, it may not be enough to expand outward with the strength of Xu's present. But keeping your own territory is still emboldened.

Thinking of this, Xu Haotian is no longer entangled, faintly said: "If you kill, you will kill it! As long as Doujia dares to send people, we don't mind killing a few more."

"Ha ha ha..." The people on the ridge screamed and laughed.

In this laughter, Xu Ziyan’s body shape rises to the north and flies toward the north.

The city of Yueji is quiet.

However, the streets are full of people. It’s just that no one is vocal, and the eyes are looking at the four people above the roof.

Xu Ziyan sat in the middle and closed his eyes to adjust his interest. Xu Weitian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang three people into a triangle will be surrounded by Xu Ziyan in the middle of the law.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already laid out the northern big array, just waiting for the last step, uniting the five big arrays to form a huge moat.

These days, the monks in Yueji City have seen Xu Ziyan been in the array. Now Xu Ziyan has already laid out the five-party array. They don’t understand why Xu Ziyan does not return to the Xu family, but continue to adjust interest rates here. Is this large array not yet laid out?

It is very difficult to see how the opportunity of the Xianzhen division can be seen in a place like Yueji City. How can such an opportunity be missed? Therefore, there are more and more monks watching Xu Ziyan arrays these days. Until now, almost all the monks in the city are watching Xu Ziyan.

At this time, nearly 20,000 monks flew outside Yueji City, and all of them were covered in a black robe. It is the shadow of the six branches.

Xu Jia evacuated all the disciples of the mine, which made the shadow lose its target. After the situation was reported to the main hall, the headquarters finally gave orders to the six branches. Commanded six divisions to jointly attack Yue Jicheng.

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang turned their eyes and saw that nearly 20,000 shadows were rolling in like a black torrent. The six people headed by them unabashedly released the breath of the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

"The shadow is coming..."

The monks who watched Xu Ziyan had a terrified color on their faces, and they panicked. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and his body suddenly slammed into the air, while he whispered in his mouth:

"Qin Yang brother!"


Xu Qinyang's body shape fell to the ground, and before the black torrent, the arms suddenly slammed, and the water properties were transported to the peak.

"The sea is infinite!"


An endless wave of oceans spread toward the black torrent. The streets of Jicheng in the whole month seem to be in a vast ocean. The waves are raging and the waves are turbulent.

Nearly 20,000 shadow monks are not in a hurry, flying toward the air, like a black cloud.

Xu Qinyang, who stretched his arms to the sides, suddenly lifted his arms up, and the ocean rose sharply toward the top, and at the same time, the clouds gathered in the sky, and the rainstorm was like a note. Nearly 20,000 shadows are completely enveloped in a vast ocean.


Wang Yangzhong stretched out the dense faucet, roared in the sky, and then the faucet jumped out into the air, pulling out the long dragon body. Going to nearly 20,000 shadow monks to kill.

The shadow monk is still not flustered, and even a sneak peek at the corners of his mouth. A nine-day Xuan Xian monk actually wants to block nearly 20,000 monks with his own power. Is he daydreaming?

Nearly 20,000 Shadow Monks each extended a hand and pulled out a handcuff, which was uniform and uniform. The handcuffs joined together, forming a circle of five-colored light that spread around. Only in an instant, the water dragon hovering in the sky was crushed by the five colors of light.

Xu Qinyang’s eyes narrowed, and he naturally understood what the five-color light was. That is, nearly 20,000 monks have combined their respective attributes through a kind of cooperation, releasing great power. This power is definitely not something he can resist.

While riding the tiger, a sapphire blue figure fell from the sky.

"Step by step lotus!"

Xu Ziyan fell from the air in the middle of nearly 20,000 monks, and stepped on the middle of Wang Yang.


At the foot of Xu Ziyan, there was a circle of ripples. The circle rushed to the surrounding area. As the circle spread, a circle of water lotuses opened silently around, but a beautiful lotus sea was formed in an instant.

The five-color light was broken silently, and nearly 20,000 shadow monks looked a little confused.

Xu Ziyan has released all of his own cultivation, and even the power of the body is fully open. The fairy power in the meridians is like a sea tide. It is a loud bang, and it is injected into the lotus, which is already an eight-piece fairy.

Xu Qinyang's eyes brightened, and the immortal force in the body was completely released. There was no reservation, and the water power between the heavens and the earth was condensed to maintain the ocean.


Although the strength of Xu Ziyan is comparable to that of the Xianjun, the step by step lotus is also issued by the eight-character fairy. But there are too many people in the shadows. There are still some high-ranking monks who are only temporarily lost, and the attributes come over, especially the six peaks of the nine-day Xuanxian late stage, and the sound waves caused by this shouting are making more monks awake from the loss.

Two figures flew into the air, and the figure fell toward the ridges on both sides of the shadow gathering place, and each of them had a guqin. With Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan sitting on the ridge of the knees, the Guqin fell on the knees of two people.


The two melody sounds merged into one place, as if opening the door to hell...

The Xu family’s extermination was vented under the guidance of two nine-day Xuanxian’s late peaks...

The annihilation of the soul shrouded all the shadow monks, falling from the air like the silkworms of the same soul. The lotus flower in the water is in full bloom, and the lotus leaves circling in the air. While cutting the body of the shadow monk, they also take away their traces of soul.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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