The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1517: Fairy robbery

I am very grateful to Miao Ling Qing Zhang (588), forever after the rainy season (400), An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates (200), sand time classmates (200), Tu Yishui classmates (100), book **** thousand magic classmates ( 100) pink ticket!


Inside a hall.

Xu Liangtian was shrouded in a black robe and sat on the first big chair. The fifth lord stood in front of him and said,

"On the Lord, that Xu Ziyan is back. She is now the cultivation of the peak of the nine days of Xuan Xian."

"Nine days of Xuanxian late peak?" Xu Liangtian whispered, the tone is very interesting.

"Yes, it is what the subordinates see with their own eyes."

"Well, Xu Ziyan came back this time. It seems that he is ready to participate in the first-class family after half a year." Xu Tiantian said faintly.

"It should be like this!" said the fifth lord respectfully.

“How has the strength of Xu’s family developed over the past five years?”

"On the Lord, from the outside, Xu Jiaxiu is the highest peak of the nine days of Xuanxian. Their strength is that we can't find out. In the past five years, they have never left Yueji City, and even the family has rarely come out. They should all be practicing, in order to participate in the first-class family rankings."

"In any case, I can't let the Xu family develop any more. We ambushed them in the Xiliang City of the West Cool. They can't always take the transmission line, which is very bad for the monk's body, so Every time they take a transmission array, they will stop and rest for a while. Xiliangcheng is just a second-rate family to be a star owner. There is no threat to us at all. We will go to Xiliangcheng."

Xu family.

The amount of Tianfeng Holy Land.

Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan accompanied Xu Ziyan from the hall of the proceedings. Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped and turned and asked:

"Right, patriarch. How about the castle's fairy boat making?"

As soon as he mentioned the fairy boat, Xu Haotian was a bitter smile: "The boys have tried it over and over again. They haven't made it yet. But their realm has improved. According to their own analysis, there is another year. They can break through, and by that time, they can make the castle fairy boat."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Everyone is doing a good job these days. After half a year, we will not be calm on the way to the Fengjia.”

I heard the words of Xu Ziyan. Everyone remembered the shadow and it was silent for a while. Xu Ziyan said goodbye to everyone, his figure flew up and flew toward Tianfeng.

Returning to the Tianfeng Bamboo Building, sitting in a chair, began to think about the plan for the next six months. Xu family is far away from the wind home and basically takes three months. This means that the time left for Xu Ziyan is only three months. But what can be done in three months?

In a short time, Xu Ziyan will not break through again. It is useless to always cultivate. Alchemy and the system have reached the level of Xu Ziyan, and there is no possibility of any growth in three months. Xu Ziyan was able to conclude that he would encounter an ambush of shadows on his way to the wind home, and he must be prepared.

But how do you prepare?

All that can be done now is to condense some swords. When the gas sword was used against the thorns, it was basically consumed. Xu Ziyan thought of it. First, he informed the Yihe and the second refining system. After that, Xu Ziyan sat in the bamboo building and gathered a handle of the sword.

A month and a half or so, Xu Ziyan condensed three thousand handles of gas swords, all of which are the mid-peak peaks of the eight-piece fairy. After that, Xu Ziyan began to make seven products. It was also made for about a month, and the air rang out of the air. Xu Xiaotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang fell from the air and saw that Xu Ziyan was making a fairy charm, and he stopped at the door and did not enter to disturb her.

Xu Ziyan carefully made a seven-character fairy. Get everything done. This came out of the door and ushered in three people.

Four people were seated, Xu Ziyan soaked on the tea, which revealed the color of the inquiry.

Xu Haotian put down the teacup and smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "Ziyan. The wind home sent an invitation letter and invited us to participate in the first-class family ratio."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes screamed: “This is a good thing. So our Xu family is justified.”

Xu Haotian nodded and put away a smile and said seriously: "Ziyan, we discussed it, and decided that you will represent our family in the first-class family."

"Well? Why?" Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably.

Xu Haotian said with a sigh: "The eight first-class families have been circulating for thousands of years, and the foundation is profound. Therefore, if you want to get the first place in the first-class family ratio, you can't play. You can't win the other monks in the family. First, but there is no way to grasp it. We have risen too fast, so we must stand up and show strength. This will enable the eight major families to recognize our current status in the heart and get in the future. The fair rights of the eight families to get along."

"And..." Xu Haotian said a moment: "Since we have the strength to compete for the first place, why not fight for it? It is important to know the reputation and status of a family for the development of the family."

Xu Ziyan indulged for a moment and nodded: "Good! This time I played!"

Xu Qinyang haha ​​smiled: "This purple smoke is finally going to be famous!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said, Xu Xiaotian went on to say: "This time we Xu Jia left a fairy in the family sitting in the town, with a large array of support, the family will not do anything. So we dispatched seven immortals, and then bring On the top of the fifty-day nine-day Xuanxian peak. I think even if we encounter the shadow, we will not suffer?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "We last encountered a few shadows of the sky, but we don't know if this is the strongest power of the shadow. However, even if only these five, we don't know if we can beat them. The strength of Xu Tiantian is too horrible."

"Right!" Xu Ziyan took out the three-faced flag and placed it on the table: "The three-faced flag is already refining. They are all seven-story late genius. The patriarch, the ancestor and the Qinyang brother. Since all three of you have cultivated the soil attribute exercises, none of the three of you will be refining them in the past few days. With their help, your combat effectiveness will be improved, and we will have a little more control."

Three people heard the news. This is the late stage of the seven products! It is higher than the grade of the only one of the family. With these three immortals, I immediately felt that even if I had a lot of confidence, my confidence increased a lot.

Looking at the table and releasing the flagpole of Bao Baoguang, the three people excitedly reached out and gently stroked the feeling, feeling the energy on the flag. Carefully took the flagpole from the table and repeated it carefully in the hand. The more the amount, the more I felt the power of the flag.

Half a ring, three talents satisfactorily collected the flag. After calming down the emotions inside, Xu Xiaotian said with a deep voice:

"Ziyan, there is still a bad news."

"What news?" Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse.

"In the past five years, countless times of the demon battles have erupted in Xinghai, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. And the Mozu side is constantly transporting the Mozu monks to the Xinghai side. Now the number of the Mozu in the Xinghai has been with our people. Similarly, in the recent year, we have lost 12 planets in the Xinghai, and gradually began to be at a disadvantage."

Xu Ziyan suspected: "What is this possible? The monks of the Mozu want to increase, need to travel far away from the Xinghai, where is it so easy? Their number must increase very slowly. And we humans can gather a large number of monks at any time, how can they stay Disadvantage?"

Xu Xiaotian smiled helplessly: "The four super families have not recruited monks in order to control the resources of Xinghai. Those tribes who fought in Xinghai are still the original families. This gives the Mozu in the Xinghai. The opportunity to stand and grow."

Xu Ziyan heard the heart and couldn't help but secretly worry. If the Mozu repels the Terran in the Xinghai and completely seizes the planet in the Xinghai, this is a huge threat to the Terran. The Mozu can use the planets in the Xinghai as a springboard to invade the Terran. At that time, I am afraid that the battle of the fairy will be completely open.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan hurriedly asked: "How is the decision of the four big families now?"

Xu Xiaotian smiled bitterly: "When there were interests, the four super families guarded the Xinghai and prevented other monks from intervening. Now that there is danger, the four families have begun to recruit monks from various stars to go to Xinghai. But, four What the big family did at the beginning is inevitably chilling. It is a phenomenon that some work does not work. With such a mentality to go to the Xinghai and the Mozu, I really don’t know what the result will be?”

Xu Ziyan’s face was discolored, and the tone was anxiously said: “Now the enlisting of the various ethnic monks has already begun? Are our Xu family also called?”

Xu Haotian nodded solemnly: "The call has already begun, not only for families of all sizes, but also for the dispersal. It is only that the current family and the scattered response are not active, but forced by the power of the four families. I also have to go. It is estimated that the first batch of monks will go to Xinghai, and it will take a year later. And our Xu family has also been called."

Xu Ziyan’s brow wrinkled deeply and sat there meditating. For a long time, she looked up:

"This fairy war is different from the previous one. The Mozu has gathered enough power. Once the war breaks out, they will try their best to grab all the stars in the Xinghai. They need to expand their foothold in Xinghai as a further magic here. The base of the family monk."

Xu Ziyan stood up and walked slowly in the bamboo building. The sunlight outside the window slid through the window and disappeared with the movement of Xu Ziyan. Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang sat there looking at the slowly moving figure of Xu Ziyan, and there was a trace of tension in his face.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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