The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1535: Breakout (two more pink)

I am very grateful to the 2 students (588), the rolling classmates (588), the ploverrodger classmates (588), and the Shangyu classmates (100) for the forever rainy season!


Xu Ziyan can't help but she is not very confident about the strength of the Xu family. At the very least, you can follow up, if you can't get out of the way, you can release the war castle. In fact, she had long wanted to release the war castle, but now that she has not seen Xu Qinyang, it has not played a role in releasing the war castle.

More importantly, this battle of the Xinghai is of great significance. It is not only a question of the victory and defeat of the battlefield itself. It is related to whether the Xu family will take advantage of it in the future and whether it will be successful. If it is defeated, let alone These hopes are that the families that belong to the Xu family at the moment may be heart-thinking.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan insisted that he must come, and made a decision in his heart. If Xu Qinyang dies, even if he loses more than half of the 3,000 ships, he will annihilate the more than 1,500 ships of the Mozu, and use a victory to establish the prestige of Xu. Under the insistence of Xu Ziyan, Xu Zhenshan was left behind at Haikui Xing, Xu Ziyan and Xu Yutian personally took the command ship and led the team into Xinghai.

The fleet was approaching the scene of the accident, and each of the fairy boats was filled with Xianjing, raising the speed to the extreme and posing an attacking formation.

At the forefront of the fleet, there are seven of the fastest Xianzhou in the outpost, but half an hour has passed, still not seeing the shadow of a fairy boat, whether it is Xu Qinyang or the Mozu. Xu Ziyan is a little anxious. Standing in front of Xu Linghou in the first two steps, looking through the window to the front, suddenly shouted:

"Let the seven boats in front of the boat float out and search around!"

Xu Ziyan opened his mouth. Xu Linghou automatically retreated to the side and handed over the command to Xu Ziyan. He has no complaints, and Xu’s disciples have a blind trust in Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, it is reasonable to say that we have reached the area where Qinyang and the Mozu are fighting. How can we not find a fairy boat..." Xu Yutian’s eyebrows revealed anxiety.

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety in his heart. He said calmly: "The patriarch, without the shadow of the fairy boat, proves that Qinyang brothers have not had an accident, and may have already destroyed the Mozu."

Xu Haotian heard that his eyes were bright, and at this time, Xu Ziyan’s face was changed, and he could not help but blurt out:


Xu Haotian heard a look of shock. Looking through the window to the Xinghai, I saw the wreckage of some fairy boats floating in the sea of ​​stars, and there are some monks' bodies.

Xu Ziyan’s face was gloomy and he said: “Slow down, check if the wreckage and body of the fairy boat are our home?”

Soon dozens of monks flew out of several fairy boats and flew above the stars to see the wreckage and bodies of the fairy boats. soon. The voice came from the communication jade:

"Reporting patriarchs, there are people of ours, there are also people of the Mozu. But the people of the Mozu are the majority."

"Follow the direction of the wreckage of the wreckage! The front sentry of the fairy sentiment first explored." Xu Ziyan's eyebrows revealed a trace of anxiety.

The entire fleet speeded up again, and the front seven boats were instantly disappearing in front.

Time passed by in anxious, and soon it was two quarters of an hour, and there was still no area where the two teams confronted each other. Xu Ziyan’s voice was filled with anxiety and ordered:

"Pay attention to the wreckage and body of the fairy boat of Xu Qinyang in the Xinghai!"

The faces of Xu Haotian and Xu Linghou were tight, and their eyes became worried. They looked at the wreckage and body inside the Xinghai.

After another quarter of an hour, I saw only seven bright spots in front. I quickly came to the front of the fleet. The communication jade in the command room came from the voice of the monk in the sentinel:

"Reporting, the battle area was found in the front, and it took us about a quarter of an hour. The fleet of the young patriarchs was surrounded and was trying to break through."

Xu Ziyan’s face is a happy saying: “The patriarch is okay?”

"The fairy tales of the young patriarchs are still there. We are far apart, and we don’t know how many cemeteries we lost. However, the Mozu did not find us."

"All the fairy boats open the battle state, all obey my orders!" Xu Ziyan stood in front of the window of the command room, looking at the starry sea and screaming.

Red tide!

In a mysterious Xinghai area, the flow of this sea area is red, and the time and space seem to be somewhat distorted. Even if the fairy boat wants to fly here, it feels heavy.

At this time, there is no shadow of the starry beast in the red tide area, and the space is filled with a brutal breath, mixed with **** smell.

Red tide center.

Xu Qinyang’s 300 boats have only 221 ships left. Surrounded by a group of people surrounded by the Mozu fairy boat. At this time, it was not more than 1,500 ships. I don’t know where it came from nearly a thousand Mozu Xianzhou. Although the Mozu’s fairy boat also suffered losses, it exceeded 2,000 in total.

After encountering the Mozu, Xu Qinyang fled into the Xinghai Red Tide. At this time, 221 ships in Xianzhou were posing a defensive formation, which was supported by bitterness. From time to time, there was a smash of the fairy boat.

Inside a fairy boat in the middle, a monk said to Xu Qinyang:

"Small patriarchs, we can't defend here. If this continues, I'm afraid we won't be able to use it for a long time."

Xu Qinyang looked around and said: "Today, the Mozu has been successful, and the layers are looking at the past, and there are five layers. It is difficult for us to break out."

"If you don't go out, you have to be abrupt! You can't sit still!"

Xu Qinyang also knew that the other party said that it was completely correct. He eventually bite his teeth: "Suddenly!

In the siege of the Mozu, the Xu family's fleet suddenly changed the defensive formation, and rushed to the past in a direction like a huge arrow. In an instant, the sound of the air broke, the sound of the guns rumbled, and the Xu family’s fleet slammed into the first line of defense of the Mozu.

The first fleet quickly approached one of the Mozu, and when the two armies contacted, the intensive artillery fire opened a hole. Xu’s counterattack was too sudden. At this time, the Mozu did not think that in this situation, the Xu family dared to fight back. In their imagination, the Xu family should defend their defenses. Just for a moment. The fairy boat of the Mozu is like a fireworks bursting in the air. Let the first layer of the demons panic.

The emotions of Xu’s repressed for a long time were completely released, and the sentiment of the dead and the afterlife was spread in the hearts of every Xu family’s monks, and the roads continued to bombard them, and they did not care about the collapsed Mozu . Just look for a direction and violently bombarded.

The artillery fire was in full swing, and the formation of the Mozu was completely chaotic. It was with this brief panic that the Xu family fleet rushed out of the first Mozu camp and rushed toward the second camp.

Xu Qinyang was not living at this time, but personally drove the fairy boat with fifty boats in the forefront, like a meteor madly rushed to the second layer of the Mozu camp. Wherever passed, Xian Zhou flew and roared. Before the hard-rooted rushed to the second layer of the Mozu, the temperature of the entire Xinghai was rapidly increasing.

The red tide is even more red!

Xu Qinyang, a runeman, smashed a Mozu fairy boat in front of him, and did not stop at all. He slammed through the flames of the celestial shards in the sky, and there were countless Mozus who escaped from the fairy boat. Xu Qinyang's fairy boat was smashed.

A dazzling ray of light slammed into the fairy boat of Xu Qinyang, the moment when the fairy boat was hit. Xu Qinyang’s body shape rushed out of the fairy boat, and the seven-characteristic man-made flagpole was taken out in midair, and a huge mountain range was vacated. The magical fairy boat was smashed and the flagpole was exhibited. , loud and loud:

"Five lines of rotation, kill me!"

The rest of the fairy boat moved quickly, listing a five-row array and sending a fierce bombardment toward the front. Xu Qinyang flew high in the air. Do not hold the flag. The mountains fell from the sky, causing the celestial power in his body to be consumed sharply. Suddenly, Xu Qinyang’s figure fell sharply toward the back and bottom, and shouted:


At the same time, the flag will be displayed. The mountains are separated by the front of the Xujiaxian boat.

"Booming ~~"

The densely runic guns have been bombarded from the opposite side, and more than a dozen Xujia Xianzhou immediately burst. Xu Qinyang landed on a Xujiaxian boat and looked up to the opposite side. When he saw a fairy boat flashing, a defensive formation of the Mozu was rapidly forming.

Xu Qinyang’s heart is tight: “You can’t make the Devils form a defensive formation!”

In the hands of the flag, he shouted: "Firepower is full, give me a punch!"

"Booming ~~"

The Xujia Fleet followed Xu Qinyang into a fire as a torrent, and slammed into the Mozu camp.

The defensive formation that the Mozu had not yet fully formed was opened in a crack. Xu Qinyang’s body could not be smashed by the Mozu, and the fragments of the fairy boat flew away, blurring the eyes of the people. After losing a few dozen lucky boats, the Xujia fleet rushed into the crack.

Xu Qinyang’s heart was just a joy, and he saw the densely enchanted Mozu fairy boat floating in the air quietly, and a trace of uneasy emotions instantly rushed into his heart. However, the situation today does not allow him to think, only to continue to violently attack the enemy camp. Xu Qinyang shouted:

"with full force!"

More than a hundred fairy boats released the rumbling rune gun, Xu Qinyang stood on a fairy boat, the flag scrolled, and rushed to the Mozu without stopping.

Nearly, Xu Qinyang saw the enemy camp, and suddenly he was shocked and sighed: "Composite gun!"

The compound cannon is a powerful rune cannon that uses a complex array of characters that is twice as powerful as an ordinary rune gun.

At this time, in the eyes of Xu Qinyang, there are more than one hundred composite cannons in front of the array. Just listen to a high drink in the Mozu camp:


More than a hundred blazing lights, with a sharp burst of sound spurt, "Boom, Boom," bursting roar, Xu Jiaxian boat has been crushed and shattered into countless pieces.


Bells know that there are many readers who look at the best, and many of them have invested a lot of pink tickets for the best. However, many readers have not voted. While thanking the voting comrades, they appeal to readers who have not voted for the pink ticket to vote for the best. Even if they only vote for one vote, the best will take off.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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