The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1540: Win again

I am very grateful to the t366 classmates, listening to the ∷ classmates, 玟绫 classmates, lost his heart ゙ classmates, KELLY classmates who love dogs, empty canned classmates, zhaojade classmates, nikannikan classmates, wd2222 classmates, memeqweroo classmates, Yiyi Jianxin classmates, Bohai deep blue classmates , wymasd Wang classmate, Yu Xiaokai classmate, Shali's worm classmate, Lao Yang or Lao Yang classmate, breeder adult classmate, plum child ~~~ classmate, Eason to classmate's pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked up, and the message sent by the chaos was finally finished. Xu Ziyan stretched out with one arm and the phantom appeared in her right hand. The breath of the body suddenly changed, and the dark attribute smell spread out, black air, bloodthirsty, brutality and mystery...

The Terran monk stunned and looked at the black-and-white Xu Ziyan. Xu Xintian asked: "Is there a dark root of purple smoke?"

Xu Qinyang spit out an airway: "That is what she realized in the black space."

"Open the crack!" Xu Ziyan's voice slammed into the ground.

In the khaki mask in front of Xu Ziyan, a crack was immediately cracked, and the shape of Xu Ziyan rushed out.


The five-way rune guns bombarded Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan's right hand swayed in the gloom. The secluded scorpion grew up in an instant, and toward the five-run rune-gun, a five-way rune was inside the flag. There was a silent muffled sound inside, but the nine products were not damaged.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan sipped a big sigh and sacrificed the phantom. The Nether has grown rapidly. The flagpole fell from the sky, in the early days of the 4th and 9th days of Xuanxian, in the middle of the 2nd and 9th days of the Xuanxian, the 1st and 9th days of the Xuanxian period and a fairy snarled from the flagpole.

A piece of black pressure. Everything grows, releasing a powerful breath and throwing it into the air.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

After a short embarrassment, the Mozu and the indigenous coalition responded, and the rune guns bombarded the dark creatures. The cultivation of dark creatures is not low. The reaction was also very fast, escaping from the past in a canonized cannon. However, despite this, after several rounds of rune guns, more than two thousand dark creatures were killed.

However, the remaining 5,000 dark creatures, including the dark creature of the Xianjun period, rushed to the front of a boat, and held a fairy boat with open arms. Then there was a bang that blew.

Only this time, the demon and the indigenous coalition lost more than 3,000 ships, and more than 1,000 boats were not completely destroyed, but they also lost the possibility of combat.

Only the remaining 6,000 ships of Xianzhou launched a fierce bombardment against Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan held the secluded scorpion in both hands, and the whole long scorpion was like a black river rewinding and protected around. However, there is still a rune bombardment on the body of Xu Ziyan. Even if she is the body of the mid-peak of the Eight-Faired Fairy, she is also blown out like a meteor, and slammed against the shield behind her, let her Blood spouted in his mouth.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan seems to have forgotten the pain, the blackness around the body is more intense, a black bead is attracted by the dark attribute of Xu Ziyan, jumping out of her storage bracelet and hanging on her head. The black gas that hung down was shrouded in Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in bloodthirsty. In the dark, violent atmosphere, both hands hold a glimpse of the emptiness, and countless sacs are like being hit by the waves. Flying in the air.

Xu Weitian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang are stunned. Suddenly put away the big array, each holding the soil flag rushed to the Mozu and the indigenous coalition. The heavens and the earth, the three talents of the earth, the flagpoles fluttering in the wind, flying countless Xianzhou, and smashing in the air.

Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu led the remaining more than a thousand Xianzhou madly rushed to the Mozu and the indigenous coalition forces, and the rune guns slammed the flames violently.


Xiaobai screamed and restored the body. A giant claw was extended from the cloud, and the Mozu was caught by a fairy boat. When it was hard, it was crushed.

The people of Haikuixing have red eyes, and now they have more than 300,000 monks on Haikuixing. At this time, regardless of the release of various fairy devices, they rushed to the Mozu and the indigenous coalition forces.


The black bead hanging above the top of Xu Ziyan's head was cut in half. The breath of Xu Ziyan suddenly violently, and he stepped into the half step of Xianjun.

Xu Ziyan’s time has returned to Qingming, and his mind has moved. A touch of green and a red-violet light linger, but it is hope and water.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Hundreds of thousands of fairy weapons bombarded over more than 6,000 fairy boats. When they arrived, they made countless fairy boats broken. With the runes of the Mozu fairy boat, there were countless human monks who smashed their bodies and sprinkled blood.

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang, even if they are consumed very badly, it is also Xianjun. In the hands of the seven-character fairy, the power of Xianjun has spread.

The scent of Xiaobai’s Xianjun Junpeng hangs from the sky, plus hope and water. And Xu Ziyan is now a half-step Xianjun. Is this half-step Xianjun comparable to the ordinary Xianjun?

Today's Mozu and Aboriginal coalition forces are not just the beginning of more than 50,000 Xianzhou, only the remaining 6,000 ships. Under the power of these seven great emperors, one by one is flustered. They did not expect to be in a first-class family. The Xu family will appear Xianjun.

And it doesn't matter if Xianjun appears!

Do you want to be so exaggerated? So many times?

Xu Ziyan and other seven immortals led more than 300,000 monks to surround more than 6,000 ships in the fairy boat. At this time, the Mozu and the indigenous monks in the fairy boat had not dared to put a cannon. Facing the seven immortals, they are really afraid of angering Xu Ziyan and others. If they still have more than 50,000 Xianzhou boats, they will immediately attack without hesitation, but now...

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and stopped the attack of the Terran. All the human race monks gathered their eyes on Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked at the more than 6,000 ships in the middle of the emptiness:

"Leave the fairy boat and let you go."

All the human race monks immediately understood, and Xu Ziyan took a fancy to these fairy boats. It must be known that Haikuixing originally had only 3,000 ships. Today, there are more than a thousand ships left. How can I fight in the Star Sea without a fairy boat? If you can leave these six thousand canals, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of Haikuixing. However, if the Mozu rebelled, they would have to smash these fairy boats. That is a pity.

For a long time, a voice came out in a fairy boat: "We will leave the fairy boat, do you guys really let us go?"

"Do you think that our human race is like your demon? We are talking about the human race. Especially if our Xu family is saying something to export, there is no count."

On the one hand, Xu Ziyan really wants these six thousand ships. On the other hand, it is also necessary to make a gesture of speaking and speaking. It is necessary to know that there are Xinghai indigenous people in these fairy boats. As long as Xujia can give them an impression of speaking and speaking, it will have a great effect on Xu’s future recruitment of Xinghai indigenous people. As long as these indigenous people go back and spread the things of today, the Xu family wants strength and strength, and the character is a must, and the rise of the Xu family in Xinghai is unstoppable.

As for the Mozu, let it go for a while. Today, I have killed each other for tens of thousands, not bad for this.

"Good!" A Mozu flew out of the fairy boat, and stood in the air and looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "You are strong, I believe in you."

When the words fell, I turned to the more than six thousand Xianzhou and said: "Leave the fairy boat, let us go!"

The figure flashed, and more than 60,000 Mozu and Aboriginal monks flew out of the fairy boat. There are only about 10,000 demons here, and the rest are indigenous.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand, and more than 6,000 monks and monks flew toward the fairy boat, while the Mozu and the indigenous monks silently retreated to the side. Each of the more than 6,000 people of the monks came to the front of a fairy boat, wiped out the gods in the fairy boat, and then thought of the fairy boat to be put away, which was retired to the Terran team.

"We can go now," said the Mozu, looking at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan once again waved his hand, and the Terran monk gave up a passage. The Mozu left the Haikui Star with more than 60,000 Mozu and Aboriginal monks and flew toward Xinghai.

Xu Ziyan looked at the back of the Mozu and the indigenous monks and frowned slightly. Thinking in my heart:

"The number of Mozus is obviously not as good as that of Aboriginal people. If the Aborigines can be fully recruited, the Mozu will not be enough. It must be said that the four super families have made a stunt to the Xinghai Indigenous People."

Super family. Chu family.

A magnificent mansion is built on the top of the mountain overlooking the Xinghai.

Enter the gate of the mansion. It is a spacious and straight bluestone road that leads directly to the nave.

Within the nave, Chu Yun moved several Chu family executives to sit inside the hall and listen to the news.

"The patriarch, Haijiexing's first-class family Sun family has been defeated, and now accounts for less than one-third of Haijiexing, and is still surrounded by the Mozu, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will completely lose the Halle."

"Let Yunhai bring a team of monks to rescue." Chu Yun's face is full of exhaustion: "Even if you can't win back Haijiexing, try to save the Sun family."

Sighing, Chu Yun said, "The power of the sudden eruption of the Mozu makes us unprepared. The number of demons that appear is more than several times that of our mastery. It seems that they have been planning for a long time, this time they are The total attack. We... missed the opportunity, if we started the general attack on the Mozu earlier..."

"Big brother!" Chu Yunfei suddenly said softly: "The demon war has reached a critical moment, but the ancestors of Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia are silent, will not be the same as our Chu family ancestors..."

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a meditation: "It is very possible, but what happened is that the four ancestors will be the ancestors of the late peaks..."

Hai Kuixing, the hall of the council.

Xu Ziyan sat on the top, Xu Zhenshan was on the left, and Xu was on the right. A parent is standing in the center of the main hall to report:

"The handsome family leader of Haijinxing was killed by the Mozu because he did not want to be a striker. The original patriarch's younger brother took over the position of the patriarch. When attacking Haiyinxing, he lost most of his strength. He asked the Mozu When he was removed and replaced by other Aborigines as a striker, the Mozu did not hesitate to refuse. The handsome warfare looked like this continued, and the handsome family would be wiped out, so they sneaked away."

"Running?" Xu Ziyan blinked.


Half step Xianjun, and ask for a pink ticket for Xu Zihe!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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