The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1542: Longitudinal

I am very grateful to the classmates who are forever in the rainy season, laughing and laughing, classmates, classmates, bookmates 110,908,074, 409,551 classmates, classmates of the oriental feathers, charlottew classmates, listening to the pink ticket of the ∷ classmates!


When I heard the Terrans of the Terran, they even ran to the Xinghai camp and robbed them, and the anger in their hearts could no longer stand. Xu Qinyang shouted:

"One day, I will promise to annihilate all the thieves in the world!"

The murderousness of Xu Ziyan gradually subsided, and he calmed down and said softly: "Yinyang brother, don't get angry. In the future, our Xu family should be more careful not to be confused by the pirates. There are also monks who are allowed to come and land in the future. Be sure to check their origins carefully, don't let them mix up. Whenever we encounter these pirates, we will not accept surrender and see one kill one!"

Xu Zhenshan saw the appearance of Xu Ziyan's anger. She patted her shoulder and said: "Ziyan, don't be angry. What we should do now is to contact the four super families and the eight first-class families to discuss the joint action. ""

Xu Haotian shook his head in frustration: "Contact can, but don't hold too much hope."

Xu Ziyan sat down on the chair tiredly and sighed: "Yes, the four super families and the eight first-class families are also suffering from the Mozu at this time. Haven’t our family suffered three times of the Mozu invasion? In the case, the defense will become the mainstream, and it is difficult to get their consent if you want to unite against the counterattack."

Standing up from the chair, I walked to the door of the main hall and looked up into the air. A layer of khaki hood shrouded the entire sea. In the position of the world's three talents in Haikuixing, there are three soil-based flags, which are Xu Qitian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang's seven-character flag. A fairy array is set up around each flagpole to maintain the energy of the three flagpoles.

usually. Xu home to the three flags under the defensive big array, just use the fairy crystal to motivate. When the Mozu invasion, it was Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang personally took control of the flag.

Xu Ziyan's gaze passed through the yellow defensive shield. I saw a head-sized metal sphere that floated outside the shield:

“The resurgence of the refinery and the martial arts halls that are researched by the refining halls and the martial arts halls are terrible, so that the family will increase their investment and make some.”

At this time, the Xiangzhou, where the Xu family went out to patrol, returned from Xinghai. After the defensive monks on the Haikui Star confirmed the other party, they played a set of handcuffs. The flagpoles in the position of the Tiandi people were slightly expanded, first floating in the The outer Qiankun Lei slowly moved to both sides. Let a passage, let Xu Jiaxian boat slowly come in. Then the yellow defensive shield opened a crack, and the patrol boat that Xu’s patrol sailed into Haikuixing. The yellow cracks gradually closed, and the outer Qiankun Lei began to return to its original position, slowly rotating around the Haikuixing.

"Ziyan, since it is difficult for us to form a unified opinion with the four super families and the eight first-class families. We would like to contact those second-rate families." Xu Qinyang said with indulgence.

"Secondary family?" Xu Ziyan said: "Well, let's contact the four super families and the eight first-class families to see if there is any result. Also contact the second-rate family to see if they can form an alliance."

"Not only the second-rate family, but also the third-rate family, we have to contact, uniting a force is a force." Xu Zhenshan said quietly.

"Well, there is still a force, their strength is not low, and the required benefits are also less." Xu Haotian laughed.

"What kind of power?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"Distribution alliance! Their strength is not weaker than the second-rate family, even stronger than the first-class family. And they do not have the same appetite as the family. The demand for benefits is much less than those of the second-rate family."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and Yan Yan smiled: "Then the patriarch will contact the four super families and the eight first-class families to discuss with them and see if they can agree. In the recent joint action against the Mozu."

Having said that, he turned his attention to Xu Zhenshan: "The Holy One. You are responsible for contacting the second and third-rate families to see if you can form a small league headed by our Xu family."

"Qin Yang brother, you are responsible for contact with the scattered alliance."

Xu Qinyang smiled and said: "We have no problem, but you have given everything to us. What are you doing?"

Xu Ziyan got up and walked outside the hall and said, "I am going to see the repair of the war castle!"

Three days later.

The war castle is enlarged to the shape of a square, and the Xu family is doing the final restoration. At this time, Xu Ziyan also stood in the war castle to repair the damage.

Three figures in the sky passed, "嗖~~嗖~~嗖~~" fell to the war castle, and in the midair, I saw the Xu Ziyan, where the war castle was being repaired, and when it was empty, it fell to the body of Xu Ziyan. before. It is Xu Tiantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang.

Xu Ziyan will take his hand, and the meaning of the fire will be fully recovered. The damage in front of him has been completely repaired. Turned around and said to the three:

"Let's go, let's go to the command room."

After the four people came to the command room, Xu Ziyan whispered: "But the result?"

Xu Haotian sighed a bit: "There is no result."

"How do you say?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly.

"The opinions are not uniform. The meaning of the four super families is that nowadays the line of defense of the Terran is too long, there is no way to concentrate on counterattacking the Mozu. So what they mean is that let our nine first-class families give up now. Planet, all the power is concentrated on the planet occupied by the four super families, and then unified to listen to the four super-family commanders, counterattack against the Mozu.

This includes the nine first-class families, including our Xu family. Naturally, they are not willing. The eight first-class families are also very popular with us. They have spent a lot of effort on governing their own planet. If the four super-families want us to give up, then How is it possible to go to them?

More critically, if our nine first-class families did this, then the four super-families would not attack the Mozu, but use our power to strengthen the defense of the four super-families. At that time, we gave up our interests, but did not get the opportunity to counter the Mozu, but became the cannon fodder of the four super-family defenses. This is the result we cannot accept.

Therefore, the nine first-class families rejected the advice of the four super families. Rejected by our nine first-class families, the four super families will no longer negotiate with us. And our nine first-class families decided to set aside the four super-family alliances. ”

Speaking of this, Xu Haotian’s face showed a bitter smile: “But in the end, our nine first-class families did not reach an agreement. I told them that we can give up the position of the alliance’s ally, as long as everyone can work together and allow Within the scope of the counter-attack against the Mozu. However, their eight top-ranking families have fought. They want to compete for the position of the lord, and have not vie for a result."

Xu Ziyan thought about it and decided: "We have a family that has withdrawn from the nine major families. At this time, for the sake of self-interest, this alliance is not worth trusting."

Xu Haotian slightly thought about it, then nodded and said: "You are doing a good job, we Xu family immediately quit."

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Zhenshan again, and Xu Zhenshan’s eyebrows showed a smile:

"Ziyan, I have contacted those second- and third-rate families. Most of the second- and third-rate families nowadays are attached to first-class families and super-families. Such families have neither territory nor autonomy, so such a family I simply I didn't contact. I contacted the second and third-rate families who occupied the planet and had autonomy."

Xu Ziyan has no words, but the light of appreciation in his eyes.

"But these second- and third-rate families do not have the strength to occupy a single planet independently. The second-rate family usually has several families united to occupy a single planet. The third-rate family is even more exaggerated, and more than a dozen families form a small league to occupy a planet. There are a total of eighteen such planets today, and the second and third-rate families on the twelve planets have long been dressed in four super-families and eight first-class families, becoming a planet with semi-autonomy.

There are also six planets that are not attached to either side. The two or three streams of the six planets formed a small league, but their strength is still too small. Now they have been robbed of three planets by the Mozu. Retired on the last three planets. The situation is very bad, so when I got in touch with them, we immediately expressed our willingness to form an alliance with our Xu family, and we will take our Xu family as the ally and listen to our orders. ”

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan was happy to shoot the thigh, although there are only three planets, and it is still a second-three-stream family, but this is a good start.

"Just they have conditions." Xu Zhenshan said softly: "They proposed that they only handed over 30% of the resources they gave us, and asked us to sell them to the Xiandan Xianfu Xianxian array at a price of 80%."

Xu Ziyan said strangely: "This was originally the rule that our family made."

Xu Zhenshan smiled and said: "Yes, they are asking us according to the rules that our Xu family originally proposed, and we are afraid that we will change the rules. Xu Zi, you have to know that today's four super families and eight first-class families are targeting those who have gone to them. Second and third-rate families, but they are required to get 50% of the benefits, and the materials sold to the second and third-stream families, such as Xiandan, are not cheap. Therefore, they are inevitably worried that we will change our family."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Tell them, we will not change our family. However, we must let the family send a batch of supplies as soon as possible, and here we must also send the resources obtained in Xinghai back to the family. The patriarch..."

Xu Haotian nodded: "This matter will be handed over to me, I will do it immediately."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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