The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1556: Thoroughly high-profile

I am very grateful to Tang Tang 8719 classmates, lonely fleeing classmates, oldandstupid classmates, 4652249 classmates, Xiong Zizi dream classmates, cheeze classmates, Ai Feng C classmates, purple strange students floating pink tickets!


The son was forged with a smile, Xu Ziyan personally poured a cup of scent for him, and asked in a hurry:

"Forging friends, what is the situation on the mainland today? How is the Xu family? How about the Xu family in the lower galaxies?"

The son of the forge laughed and said: "All the continents are well-prepared. In these years, there are not a few monks flying up the fairyland. Now they are practicing in Xujiaxian. According to them, Xu has become the first force in the mainland."

Speaking of this, he frowned slightly and said: "However, it seems that today's Cangwu mainland seems to have a tendency to contend. The demon and the ghosts of the Netherland seem to have a tendency to move, but have not yet threatened our human race.

As for the lower meta-galaxies, the development of the Xu family is also very smooth. Today, fire dance, Ye Fei, Xu Lin, Xu Xingfan, Ling Yijian and Ximen Yu are all very successful in the Xia Xingxing system. With huge resources, everyone's entry is very fast. And these people are the great elites on our vast continent, and they will not be too long to come to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. ”

Xu Ziyan and others listened to their hearts and they all rejoiced. At the beginning, these young Junjies on the vast continents had fought side by side, and they had a lot of feelings. Nowadays, I heard that everyone’s entry is very fast, and I am thinking of the scene of fighting again and again in my heart.

Xu Tianwo is a rectum, and he is very puzzled by the fact that the male forging can be the first to come to the middle of the galaxy. Because in his heart. His qualifications should not be the best. These people are fighting side by side on the vast continent, and they know each other better.

Like the fire dance, the fire is combined with the fire light, which opens the blood of hell. Xu Lin opened the Qilin blood, Ling Yijian got the inheritance of thousands of miles. Ximen jade was transformed into a water spirit by the solitary smoke of Ximen. The qualifications of these people should be more than that of the male son. Here, Ye Fei’s qualification is equivalent to that of the male son, and Xu Xing is more because of the five attributes. The improvement of cultivation is weaker than that of the son. However, everyone else should come to the Zhongyuan Galaxy before the forge.

Of course, personal differences are different, and if you are not qualified, you must be high. But the son of the forging can force all young Junjie, or Xu Tianwo is very curious. And he couldn’t help himself in his own heart, he asked directly;

"Forging friends, how come you are up before them?"

Xu Tianwo’s words were exported, Xu Ziyan. Xu Qinyang and Ling Xiao’s faces are awkward. It is rude to ask such a direct question, as if the son of the forging should not come to the Zhongyuan galaxies now. However, Xu Ziyan and Ling Xiao are also very curious, but also look forward to the male son forging.

Gongzi Forging also understands the temper of Xu Tianwo, but there is no slightest unhappiness. Still quietly smiled:

"Do you think that fire dance, Xu Lin should they reach Da Luo Jinxian before me?"

At this time, Xu Tianlang also felt that he had asked the abrupt, and he did not get angry when he saw the son. The note nodded. The look of the male forging reveals a trace of sadness:

"Maybe because of your sake!"

"We?" Xu Ziyan, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao looked a glimpse.

The son of the forging smiled and smiled: "I may be too sentimental. I am watching you fly away one by one. I just feel that the friends around me are getting less and less friends, and the mood is getting more and more sad. Every day I am immersed in In this mood, I did not expect that I would realize the meaning of sorrow into the realm of Dacheng, so I am coming!"

Xu Ziyan and other four people were wrong at the moment, but they were instantly impressed by the deep affection of the son, and they calmed down for a while, only feeling a warm flow in the heart.

a long time. Xu Ziyan took the wine glass and said: "Come. We congratulate the forging road!"

"Friendly for the forging road!"

Everyone toasted each other and slammed on the lake. After everyone drank it, after putting down the glass, Xu Ziyan smiled:

"Forging friends. You just came up, not practicing in the Xu family. How come you came here?"

Gongzi forged his head and smiled: "I miss you from the vast mainland, to the lower galaxies, and from the lower galaxies to the middle galaxies. Since I came to the middle galaxies, I know that you are all here, you think I will stay in Does the Holy Land practice?"

The look of Xu Ziyan can not help but be a little embarrassed, but also some moved. However, Xu Tianwo slaps the shoulders of the male forging and laughs proudly:

"Enough friends! It is my best for the Sirius!"

The son was forged by Xu Tianlang and took a slap on his teeth: "Sirius, what are you doing now, what am I doing, don't be so strong or not. Or no matter how excited you are, please shoot yourself!"

"Ha ha ha..." There was a burst of laughter in the octagonal pavilion.

"Don't say, I came here really right!" said the son of the foreman.

"Well?" The crowd looked at him inexplicably.

The gaze of the male swept over the drizzle of the sky, with a sigh of exaggeration in the voice: "The rainy fog of the Xinghai makes people feel a little beautiful, but it is the perfect place for me to understand the meaning of sorrow. I think that I will soon realize the meaning of sorrow to the great realm."

Speaking of it, squinting at Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiaodao: "You two must work hard, don't let me catch up with you!"

"Cut, we are waiting for you!" Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao said with disdain: "And, why don't you say catch up with purple smoke?"

"Hey!" The son of the forging did not know when he had a paper fan in his hand, and opened it with a sway and said: "Catch up with the purple smoke? What kind of joke? On cultivation, I don't compare with her metamorphosis. In order to chase her, it is to add to the self. If you chase her as a Taoist, I am afraid that Yanshan soul will slap me!"


Xu Ziyan smashed his face with a red face, but the Xu Tian wolf laughed a little, and Ling Xiao was laughing, just a bitter bitter smile.

"Right!" The son of the forging turned Xu Ziyan asked: "Where is the Yanshan Soul?"

Xu Ziyan’s expression has a sigh of sorrow: “He... Go to the Yuan Galaxy!”

The son of the forge smashed his mouth and said with envy: "It is a metamorphosis."

Xu Qinyang sat down and watched the four people snoring, and the eyes were envious. As a young patriarch of the Xu family, he grew up under pressure from an early age, and the family also regarded him as the future patriarch since he was a child. He is very respectful to him. These two aspects add up to make him a lot of followers in Xu family, but the intimate friends are none.

Only when Xu Ziyan came to the Xu family, there was a feeling of brother and sister between the two people, and it was more suitable for friends. This made his mood more cheerful. Now I saw Xu Ziyan, a friend from the mainland, and the friendship between them, Xu Qinyang suddenly had an emotion that he wanted to integrate.

"Okay!" The son of the forging "snap" slammed the paper fan together: "I have already said everything, you tell me about the things of Xinghai."

"I will talk about it!"

Xu Qinyang said that he attracted everyone's attention. He was a monk of the Xianjun period and a minor patriarch of the Xu family. He began to talk about the situation of the Xinghai in the early days of a big Luo Jinxian who had just arrived at the Zhongyuan Galaxy.

After Xu Qinyang finished, the son of the forging wrinkled and frowned: "So, this fairy war is not a few years to end?"

Xu Qinyang smiled and shook his head: "Where will it be so easy to end? And it will not end. It is the advantage that our Terran has completely occupied in Xinghai. It is very difficult to drive away all the Mozu. What we can do is to be the Mozu. The forces are compressed as much as possible, so there is no need to invest too much energy. In the future, it will become a place for the Terran."

"But it is not easy to do this!" Gongzi forging nodded in agreement with Xu Qinyang's comments and sighed.

Xu Tianwo said with a little anger on one side: "In fact, if the Terran can really unite, it is not too difficult. I think that within two years, the strength of the Mozu can be compressed to only passive defense. To the extent that they are completely driven away, but the human race has different minds."

Xu Ziyan puts a hand in the hand: "We will not say these things. Since the four families have different minds, then the matter of driving away the Mozu is done by our Xu family. Now we have united three first-class families, one hundred There are more than two second-rate families, and the third-rate family is more than one hundred and five. There are also scattered Xianmeng. Now our strength has surpassed any super family in terms of number.

And the four super families have also warned us. Maybe it will give us a scorpion and a sinister hand. Therefore, at this time, we must stand up to the righteousness and start a large-scale demon battle with the Mozu as soon as possible.

In this way, their four super-families did not dare to take action against the Xu family in this situation, and as long as our family continued to win, it would highlight the incompetence of the four super-families. At that time, more monks will come to us. Under the general trend, the four super families will be more timid and afraid to take action against our family. Since our Xu family has been high-profile, let us be more high-profile! ”

"Not bad!" Xu Qinyang patted the table: "Let Xu Jialai become the master of the fairy war!"

"Qin Yang brother!" Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Qin and said: "How about the recruitment of the indigenous people in Xinghai? Especially the family of Haijixing and the home of the Cape Star. Now our Xujia League has greatly increased in strength recently. The monks came to the run, and the families who had gone to the race also mobilized monks from the tribes. Although the wars of the past made us lose a lot of fairy boats, after supplementing, the Xianzhou has now reached 20,000.

However, after all, we are still not familiar enough with Xinghai. If we can recruit Xinghai indigenous people, we will have certain advantages in the fairy war. ”


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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