The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1560: Giant beast

I am very grateful to Long Yu, distant classmates, snow night pistachio classmates, Nanxun rain frog classmates, Rangers GB classmates, yueyuemm classmates, momotrista classmates, wjff19931998 classmates, beans ^-^ bean classmates, lenafish classmates, fantasy の青青草同学, Lin Yue Lan Lan, the old butterfly classmate, the maylao classmate's pink ticket!


Two thousand fairy boats violently bombarded the Mozu. At the end, Xu Ziyan released four hundred small fairy boats in the war castle. Their speed and attack power were faster and stronger, like pear blossoms, silver. The fairy boat shuttled rapidly in the air, pulling out a white line with the friction of the air. The powerful bombardment of the three-dimensional rune gun caused more damage to the Mozu monks.

The Mozu monks finally did not run, and their hearts knew that they could not run. Being forced to a dead end, one of the devils became more fierce. Nearly ten thousand Mozu monks sacrificed their magical devices and slammed them toward the two thousand fairy boats of Xu Ziyan.

Two thousand fairy boats and four hundred small fairy boats kept changing their positions, and then the rune was bombarded. However, after they blasted for several rounds, only about 5,000 or so of the Mozu monks had already rushed to the front of the fairy boat, and countless Mozus rushed to the fairy boat with great power.

At this time, the rune guns have lost their function, and the defense of the fairy boat can not withstand the constant bombardment of those magic weapons. Just in an instant, in the order of Xu Ziyan, tens of thousands of monks came out from the fairy boat and killed the five thousand demon monks. Only the four hundred small flying boats are still swimming around in the distance. Looking for opportunities to bombard the Mozu monks.

Tens of thousands of people gathered on one plain and killed a group in the air. Xu Ziyan stepped on the cloud baby and floated high in the air and looked down.

She did not join in the killing, the eyes passed, the top of the Mozu monks here is only the peak of the nine days of Xuan Xian. How is this half-step Xianjun going on?

I have to say that Xu Ziyan is now not in the Cangwu mainland and the lower Yuan galaxies, and it is time for a group of strong people to chase and run. She is now a strong man. And there is a Xu family behind it, and it is also a person with status. Of course, you must be self-respected.

What's more, at this time, Xu family is tens of thousands of people who have more than 5,000 people in the Mozu, and dozens of ones. If this requires her half-step Xu Ziyan's Xu Ziyan, this fairy war will not have to be played. Therefore, Xu Ziyan stood on the cloud baby leisurely. Looking at the changes in the situation below.

To say that there is no change in the change, that is, the Terran is squatting on the side of the Mozu, and as the Mozu fall down one by one, the Demon War on Haijie Star is over.

Sea prisoner star.

The Sanxian League and the two second-rate families joined forces to attack the sea prisoner. However, this sea prisoner is very special, and there are many stars and sea beasts, as if the sea prisoner is the nest of a starfish. but. Those Mozus were able to sneak into the depths of the sea prisoners without being harassed by the Xinghai behemoths. The Terran can only fight with the stars and beasts on the edge of the sea prisoner.

By communicating the message that Yu Jian received from Hai Kuixing, Xu Ziyan’s middle road fleet has defeated the Mozu on Haijiexing and is chasing the Mozu who fled. Sun Jia and Xue Jia’s two-way fleet also defeated the Mozu on the four stars of the sea, and they are also chasing the Mozu who fled.

This time, I was anxious to the patriarchs who were unscrupulous and those second-rate families. If Xu Ziyan, Sun Qiang and Xue Xiao had their battles over there, but the Mozu escaped, it was not exhausted. face? What's more, is it a half-step fairy?

At this time, the second and third-rate families who had had disputes with the squad and the squad had also given up the barrier and offered to follow the command of the unscrupulous. After all, the repair to the unscrupulous is placed there. Do not say anything to no jealousy. Concentrated all the fairy boats to open fire to those Xinghai behemoths, open a road, and chase after the Mozu. Fortunately, there are not many behemoths on the periphery, so they can easily kill a path. Going to the Mozu.

In fact, the monks of the Mozu are not attacked by the monsters of the Xinghai. The devils of the Mozu will sacrifice a bead. The bead hangs high in the air, releasing a huge mask from the top of the bead, shrouded the real Mozu and the semi-devil, and some of the indigenous people, and fled to the depths of the sea prisoner.

The reticle exudes the breath of the stars and the behemoths, so those sacred beasts do not attack the reticle, so the gangs in the hood are safe. However, those who did not enter the mask were in crisis, and they were constantly attacked by the stars and beasts. They were dying one by one, and the number of people was drastically reduced.

Behind them, the unrestrained fleet was constantly releasing the Rune guns and bombarding the star beasts in front of them, stubbornly approaching the depths of the sea prisoners and chasing the Mozu monks. Gradually approaching a forest in the southern part of the sea prisoner, and chasing in the forest for a long time, finally ordered to stop moving forward.

In front of them there is a vast river, the whole river is full of starry beasts, and there are countless flying behemoths flying in the air, densely covered, obscuring people's sight, only through accidental gaps There is an island in the middle of the river, and the Mozu monks have escaped to the island.

Sighing long and sighing, it seems that this is the nest of a starry behemoth.

In this case, if you still have to go forward, I am afraid that I have not yet rushed to the island occupied by the Mozu, and there are not many cans left on this side, that is, the remaining fairy boats will eventually rush to the one. The island, I am afraid it will be killed by the Mozu.

Looking at these dense starry beasts, looking sad. I was able to kill all the way before, because the number of star beasts is not enough, but the number of stars in front of me is too much. It is undoubtedly an idiotic dream to want to be hard.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, he suddenly moved in the heart. If the other party ran to the other side, waiting for himself to chase after the past, the Mozu had long since escaped without a trace.

Along the gap between the flying behemoths, I saw that the demons were all tuned in the mask. I am afraid that after a few hours, after they have adjusted their interest, they should start fleeing to the other side. When I think of this, I can't help but spit a spit. This sees the destruction of the Mozu, but let the Mozu fly in front of her own eyes. How do you think that you feel uncomfortable in your heart. Looking back and looking at my own hand, I asked:

"How about other fleets?"

"According to the news, the Xu family's fleet has already won, and Sun Jia and Xue Jia are fighting with the Mozu. It is said that they will soon win."

After listening to the words of the people, the face of the unscrupulous face is even more unsightly. The fleets that have come out have won, and they let the Mozu run. Although they also occupy the sea prisoner, they are counted as victory. But the color is a lot worse.

His man hesitated and said: "The lord, there is a plan, do not know if it is good!"

He is arguing with the unscrupulous eyes. He is very knowledgeable about this subordinate. He is resourceful and conscientious. Most of his own affairs in the Xianxian League are planned by him. Immediately reaching out and pointing his arm:

"Follow the younger brother, what is your idea, let's talk about it!"

After the smile, he said: "The lord, according to the observations, has two discoveries. One discovery is that the Xinghai behemoth here is different from other Xinghai behemoths. The Xinghai behemoth here has no magical powers, let's play with them. For a long time, they did not see that they released a fairy. They just fought in their strength."

“Not bad!” Nod to no doubt: “But what does this mean?”

"The lord, according to the observations, these starry beasts not only do not have a sacred magical power, it seems that there is no wisdom, but instinct to kill the creatures that are not like them. And they will not kill each other.

My second discovery is that the mask of the Mozu monk seems to exude the scent of these sacred behemoths, and their beads are likely to be refining with these Xinghai behemoths. The breath of the beast, so that these Xinghai behemoths feel their own kind, without attacking them. ”

Looking towards the island in the river, the eyes looked a little suspicious: "After the tour, even if you said, how can we? We have no refiners, even if there is, now it is too late."

"The subordinates think this way." The tone of the follow-up tour is also somewhat uncertain: "Do we put the blood in the Xinghai monsters that we have killed and put them on the body and the fairy boat, so that we The body and the fairy boat have the breath of the stars and the behemoths, maybe they will not attack us."

Picking up the unscrupulous eyebrows and nodding, "Let's try it first."

When the words fall, turn to the next subordinate: "You go to put a fairy boat on the blood of the starry beast, and then fill it on your own body, then go to the starry beast near the river. test."

The subordinate turned back with a few monks on a path leading to a comer, where there were many bodies of starry beasts.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the fairy boat flew back. At this time, the fairy boat was covered with the blood of the starry beast, and it was red, and it could not see its original color.

Waving to Wuji, the fairy boat began to slowly approach the starry beasts in the river. Tired to Wu Wu and the patriarchs of the second-rate family, clenched their fists and looked at the fairy boat nervously.

The fairy boat slowly approached the starry beasts, and they were very careful and slowly entered the sphere of influence of the stars and beasts. The end result is that the monks who have been paying attention to the shore have been overjoyed by the monks who have been paying attention to the shore, and spit out a long breath.

Those starry beasts, as the followers said, turned a blind eye to the fairy boat, letting the fairy boat wander around among them.


Hot, sick, my brain is wooden, can't write!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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