The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1568: Dangerous Bureau Xu Qinyang

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Xu Qinyang took the 20,000-year-old boat and quietly stopped in the air. At this time, they had seen countless fairy boats in all directions. Unconsciously, they broke into an encirclement that seemed to be a fairy thief. At the entrance, there were about 60,000 people in the fairy boat. These fairy thieves seemed to be very familiar with the Xinghai. Xu Qinyang was surrounded by the fairy boat of about 60,000, and even the face was not found.

The fairy boat around the fairy thief has gradually become close...

On the other road, Xu Tiantian personally led the Tianyi League Xianzhou also encountered a fairy thief, and Xu Tiantian first fired, and then is killing a road, retreating toward the sea tying star...

After Xu Ziyan set up the defense array, he returned to the Xujia League area and began to transport the family stationed on the planet. Before the expedition, the ownership of these five planets has been planned, and the families that will occupy these planets have also handed in enough crystals and resources. Xu Ziyan flew to the second planet with the remaining 5,000 centuries.

The second planet is like the first planet, and there are not many fairy thieves stationed there. I saw the fairy boat that was covered in the sky and flew over. These fairy thieves have long escaped with the fairy boat, anyway, as a fairy thief. They don't care too much about landing, they can't keep running. Go to another place and grab another one.

Therefore, what the Xujia Alliance has to do is to use the rune gun to blast the five-defense defensive array, and then occupy the planet waiting for Xu Ziyan. Waiting for the purple smoke to arrive with five thousand lucky boats. They are flying towards the third planet.


Xu Qinyang immediately made a decision and could not continue to march toward Hai Qiaoxing. Even if this breakthrough is broken, who knows that there is no ambush in front, and the only way out now is to return to Haikui.

Xu Qinyang gave a command. The former army became a post-military, the latter army changed its former army, and 20,000 centuries sailed away in the direction of coming.

The first lord, the second lord and the third lord were all blocking the route of Xu Qinyang's retreat. They have already expected Xu Qinyang that they will choose this direction as a breakthrough and return to Haikui Star. They came here to annihilate the 20,000-year-old boat of the Xujia League, but the most important purpose is to kill Xu Qinyang.

A Xu family patriarch!

In the early days of Xianjun, it was also the beginning of Xianjun, a five-in-one spiritual root.

If you can kill him here. Not only has it greatly affected the present of Xu, but it has also cut off the future of Xu.

Tianzhu League has made all the preparations for Xianzhou. The top rune cannon of Xianzhou has been condensed, releasing the radiant light...

The distance between the two sides is rapidly advancing, and in the left and right behind the Xujia League, tens of thousands of Xianzhou are rapidly approaching, and it is within the range of the range.

"Prepare!" The first lord's eyes flashed with endless killings. Through the communication of jade, the order was issued.


A huge war castle rotates in the air to zoom in, instantly zooming into a radius of dozens of miles, across the Xujia Alliance and the Tianzhu League fleet.


At the same time, the first lord issued an order, and 20,000 ships were neatly released, and more than 20,000 beams formed a network of light to spread rapidly toward the front...


The 20,000-way rune-gun was not bombarded by Xu Qinyang's 20,000-class boat, but was blocked by a huge war castle. The two thousands of light bombs were all bombarded on the war castle, covering the entire war castle in a light curtain.

At this time, Xu Qinyang’s 20,000-cent boat was divided into two fleets from the middle, appearing on both sides of the war castle. The rumbling rune guns bombarded the opposing Scorpio fleet. Simultaneously. In the middle of the war castle, while rotating, the rune gun facing the direction of the Tianzhu League was opened and slammed into the other side.

At this time, Xu Qinyang did not know that the opposite fleet was the Tianzhu League, and at this time he could not manage so much. Only by killing a road to get rid of these fleets can he survive.

Xu Qinyang directed the fleet to the other side. While telling Xu Ziyan through the communication of jade. At this time, Xu Ziyan was laying a large array on the second attacked planet. After she had set up a large array, she read the message left by Xu Qinyang. The face is a change.

About 60,000 ships in the ambush Xu Qinyang, is that the power has such a large handwriting? Is it a fairy thief? What forces are bringing together so many fairy thieves?

The five planets outside the Xu family had little resistance to the forces, and a large number of fairy thieves disappeared neatly. I didn’t know where they went. It turned out to be ambushing Xu Qinyang.

The communication jade Jane once again sounded, and it was the news sent by Xu Haotian who was sitting on Haikuixing. The disciple who was attached to the Xu family’s handsome family was sent back to the news. The fleet of Xu Qinyang was completely twisted together with the other’s fairy boat. The Rune Guns had lost their function. The two sides had begun to pedal the fairy boat and kill one. group. Moreover, there was another news that caught the attention of Xu Ziyan. In another area, the Fleet of the Tianzhu League was also attacked by the fairy thief. At this time, it was breaking through the encirclement and returning to the sea storm star.

The fairy thief seems to be very fierce. He wants to completely kill the Tianzhu League. Even Xu Tiantian personally shot, and the other party does not retreat. The two sides played very fiercely in Xinghai. But the strange thing is that there is almost no damage on both sides.

Scorpio League!

Xu Liangtian!

Xu Ziyan squeaked her teeth and she quickly made a judgment. The news I got before said that Tianzhu League colluded with pirates, it seems that this is a fact.

The communication jade was a scream, and Xu Ziyan heard the news and his face was completely gloomy. On the battlefield of Xu Qinyang, there were three masked Xianjun, who were besieging Xu Qinyang.

Xu Ziyan was in a hurry and called out the cloud baby. Going away from the battlefield of Xu Qinyang. It was too late for him to inform other fairy boats.

Just flew for a moment, Xu Ziyan's face showed excitement. Her gods received a message from Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai, who has disappeared for a long time, broke through the middle of Xianjun, and is now returning to Haikuixing.

Xu Ziyan immediately informed Xiao Bai of the direction in which Xu Qin Yang was, and let Xiao Bai immediately assist Xu Qinyang. And she stopped the cloud baby. Fall into meditation.

All of this is undoubtedly the work of the Tianzhu League, using the opportunity of the four super families to convene the Xu family. From the appearance of three masked sages from Xu Qinyang, it is certain that it is the three lords of the Tianzhu League. And Xu Tiantian fights with the fairy thief, but it is like a look.

Since you can be disguised as a fairy thief to attack our Xu family. Then our family can't be so affected. To pretend that everyone is disguised, they are unaware of each other, as long as they can't grasp each other's handles, the losing party can only endure. For example, today, the two sides of the alliance attack, I am afraid that Tianzhu League should not have much strength. There is a war castle on the side of Xu Qinyang, and Xiaobai is also dare to go. Although there is a loss, this is certain, but it will not be wiped out. Xu Qinyang will not die. So we must make good use of the opportunity of the scorpion emptiness.

Xu Ziyan immediately let the cloud baby turn back and fly back, and he is divided into a glimpse of the **** into the purple smoke space. When the gods swept away, they saw that the Spring Thirty and the Peach Blossoms were already half-step Xianjun's cultivation, and there were hundreds of nine-day Xuanxian late peaks of the tree demon and the beast. In the late nine-day Xuanxian, there was more, and I ordered a few words from the Spring Thirty and the Peach Blossoms. Xu Ziyan took back the gods.

It was this time that the cloud baby had already flown to the third planet of the fairy thief. At this time, the 40,000 family of sensation boats were indiscriminately bombarded against the defensive array of the planet. Xu Ziyan flashed out of the cloud baby. Standing on top of the cloud baby, screaming:

"Everyone listens. Today, there are more than 60,000 pirate fleets besieging Xu Qinyang. We will go to the rescue immediately."

The voice of Xu Ziyan was clearly transmitted into each of the fairy boats, and also passed into the ear of the fairy thief in the planet. Forty thousand boats of Xianzhou immediately stopped the Rune Cannon, followed by Xu Ziyan. It just disappeared in an instant.

Xu Ziyan sat in the cloud baby, informing 10,000 people to continue to transport the monks to the two planets that had been occupied and laid out, and divided the 40,000 boats around them into two parts. Among them, 20,000 ships were handed over by Xu Linghou, who went to rescue Xu Qinyang, and handed over a batch of otters and ancient vines to Xu Linghou.

Xu Ziyan led the other half of the 20,000 ships to the sea typhoon. The 40,000 boat was divided into two parts. Like a big river fork. Going in two directions.


Xu Qinyang was completely at a disadvantage at this time, and the war castle did not dare to release the rune guns at this time, because the two sides of the fairy boat were completely strangled in one place. But the war castle, with its strong defense, rushed forward. Where did the fairy boat hit the war castle. As soon as they touched, they were smashed by the war castle. And Xu Jiaxian boat followed the war castle forward.

but. The war castle has an obvious weakness, that is, the speed is not fast. It had just opened a road and was quickly surrounded by fairy thieves and had to fall into strangulation again.

up in the air.

The three sages around Xu Qinyang kept spinning around, and among the three, there was a first lord in the middle of the immortal. Xu Qinyang is only close to the peak of Xianjun, but it is far from the middle of Xianjun. With the qualification of his five spirits, he may not lose to deal with the first lord, but there are two early sects around him, which makes him difficult to cope with.

Xu Qinyang holds the sky flag in his hand, his body is full of blood, there are others, and he has his own. His face was very pale, and the body's fairy power had begun to overdraw.

If he is not the root of the five attributes, and has the strength of the leap-level challenge, I am afraid that it has already been killed by the three main lords.

If he does not have the immortality that Xu Ziyan gave him, he will continue to swallow and restore the immortal power in his body. I am afraid that it has already been overdrawn by Xianyuan Li, and was killed by the three main lords.

However, even so, his body shape is crumbling, and blood leaks out of the seven inches.



*(To be continued~^~)

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