The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1570: I... don't want to be alone...

Thank you very much ------- 艹 艹 classmates, students in the water, students, Wen Xiaowen, heartbreak 33 students, milanozy classmates, nana8214 classmates


The first lord was a metal spirit, and at this time he sacrificed a celestial fairy. The tower of Sendai was instantly enlarged in the air, and the whole of Sendai was released to a size of ten feet. A tall shelf was hung with a knives. At this time, the knives were slamming back and forth, and the cold light smashed toward the sound wave dragon.

The second lord is the root of the water attribute, and at this time he sacrificed an ice-covered bead. The bead released a ray of light in the air and illumined the sound wave dragon that rushed to him. The light did not shine on the sound wave dragon. The space swept, the water power was frozen, like a Frozen world.

The third lord is Huo Linggen. At this time, he is also holding a flagpole in his hand. He will wind up in the wind and instantly become a sea of ​​fire, spreading toward the Sonic Dragon.


The three Sonic Dragons suddenly made a scream, and the sound waves fluctuated rapidly in the space, welcoming the Sendai, the Frozen Pearl and the Fire Cloud.


The sound wave hit the Sendai, the ice-bound beads and the fire clouds, and the dragons were blown to the east, the frozen world was broken, and the sea of ​​fire was reversed...

The three princes could not help but feel a cold sweat, knowing that Xu Jiayin was amazing, but did not expect it would be so powerful. The three hands and six hands instantly hit thousands of mysterious fairy tales.


A burst of vibration, the Sendai, the frozen beads and the fire cloud once again stabilized. The light was so loud that the tsunami-like sound waves suddenly reversed, and the three sound waves were crumbling.

Xu Qinyang's hands pulled out countless fuzzy afterimages in the space, and a circle of sound waves swayed toward the periphery. After smashing dozens of meters, they were included in three sound waves, and the three sound waves suddenly screamed and steadied again.

Outside the reticle. It is tens of thousands of monks who kill each other, and then there is a piece of Xinghai.

In the midst of a fog, two monks stood on a fairy boat.

It was a man and a woman, two monks, two eyes locked tightly inside the huge khaki mask, watching the fight of Xu Qinyang and the three temple owners.

"Exquisite, Xu Qinyang can't support it!" the man repaired softly.

"Aotian, Xu family saved you and me several times. We can't watch Xu Qinyang die here." Yang Ling bit her lip and said.

"But..." Long Aotian’s gaze revealed a trace of anxiety: "With the repair of our two, we will not enter the mask."

Yang Lingling’s gaze also became anxious: “How is this good? Why hasn’t the purple smoke yet?”

"Xu Jia received the message. It will take time to get here."

Speaking of this, Long Aotian looked at Xu Qinyang inside the mask and said softly: "Let's see, we only have to wait until the mask is scattered before we have the opportunity to help Xu Qinyang. I think that the repair of the two of us, even if it is Heli can only pull out a fairy for a while..."

"It’s been a while to hold it for a while, maybe because of this. Purple smoke they are coming."

"That... if we insist on the arrival of Xu Ziyan..." The look of Long Aotian's face is uncertain.

Yang Ling’s eyes flashed in the eyes for a long time, and said softly: “We try our best! If we can’t drag it, we will only give up Xu Qinyang and escape. At that time, there was Xu Qinyang there, and the three immortals could not give up. Xu Qinyang, and come to chase us two. No matter what, we can do our best."

"it is good!"

Long Aotian nodded. Although the two were negotiating on one side, their eyes did not leave the mask from beginning to end.

Inside the mask.

Xu Qinyang has reached the final critical point, with the speed of Xu Qinyang's ten fingers further accelerated. The corner of the mouth began to bleed out of the blood.

Within the war castle. Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao have handed over the command to Xu Tianzhu. Two people stood on a small platform, and looked at Xu Qinyang in the mask with anxious eyes, ready to rush out.


The three sound waves inside the mask smashed away. The khaki mask was scattered. And the Sendai Terrace, the Frozen Pearl and the Fire Cloud are also momentarily paused. but. The pause time is very short. After that, he rummaged to Xu Qinyang and forced it to the past.

Xu Qinyang’s “squeaky” spurt a blood, but his body figure stood up very quickly from the mountain. The guqin on the lap has already been put away, and the right hand holds the flag and lifts it up. In the hands, the figure hovered and flew up, the flag in the hand was rolled up, and countless mountains were connected to one place, like a huge dragon, facing the Sendai, the ice-bound beads and the fire cloud. past.


The two sides collided, even if Xu Qinyang's cultivation is infinitely approaching the peak of Xianjun's early stage, even if Xu Qinyang is a five-in-one spiritual root, he can be challenged. But the other three are one in the middle of Xianjun, the peak of the two Xianjun, the cultivation of any one is higher than Xu Qinyang, let alone the three people join hands?

Just between a face-to-face, the mountain dragons released by Xu Qinyang were suppressed, and then further compressed. Seeing that Xu Qinyang would no longer have a way to live.


Two figures rushed out of the war castle, and a sword far away from the volley rushed to the third lord. The celestial force in the body madly poured into the sword of the hand. Blurred, hey, a mirage spread out with this sword, but the third temple was shrouded in an instant.


Xu Tianwo raised his hand and sacrificed the autumn water in his hand to the air.

"go with!"

Xu Tianwo has a big sleeve.


The head of the autumn water gun suddenly turned into a dragon head, and the whole gun body was turned into a dragon. One of them plunged into the mirage and rushed toward the third temple.

From the distant mist of the Xinghai, two brilliant arrows were suddenly shot, and the second main lord was lasing away...

In the mirage of the mirage, the third temple lord is deeply immersed in it. He did not touch the mirage in front of him, he took the defense cautiously, his hands slammed the fire, and a sea of ​​fire spread to the outside, blocking everything that might be close to him.

The long dragon that turned from the water gun in the autumn suddenly opened his mouth. Suddenly sucking, the sea of ​​fire will flow toward the mouth of the dragon as if it were a singularity.


Two sharp arrows rushed to the front of the second lord.


The second lord could no longer attend to deal with Xu Qinyang, and he felt sharp from the two arrows.


The two arrows were illuminated by the radiant beads, and they were frozen in the air and stagnated in the air.


Two sharp arrows suddenly burst into pieces and turned into thousands of pieces.

The second lord's face showed a smile, but this smile just floated on the lips, but stiffened on the face. I saw that the complete debris suddenly converge toward the middle, just a time of breathing. It turned into two people, one man and one woman, it was Long Aotian and Yang Linglong.

Long Aotian stretched out his left hand, and his palm quickly changed into a bow. The right hand was placed on the bowstring, and a metal sharp arrow was instantly extended at the finger to lock the second master. And Yang Linglong stretched out her right hand. Sharply extended, grabbed the ice in the air.

However, in the moment when Xu Tianlang, Ling Xiao, Long Aotian and Yang Lingwei temporarily caught the second and third temple masters, Xu Qinyang’s pressure dropped sharply, and the flag shook his head against Zhang Xiantai.


There was an infinite roar in the air, and the dragon that was invaded by the water gun in autumn was bombarded by the fire, which revealed the body of the autumn water gun. The whole body of the gun became dull. Swinging toward the Xutian wolf, the mirage was broken. Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao’s body rolled away from the back in an uncontrollable manner. Three feet of blood were sprayed in the mouth.

Long Aotian’s arrow shot out. Yang Linglong’s hand also grabbed the frozen bead. However, the second lord only raised the sleeves.

Yang Linglong’s hand just touched the ice-covered bead and saw her hand being frozen in an instant. The cold-blooded ice drove sharply along Yang Ling’s arm to her body. The sound of snoring is endless.


The second lord raised the hurricane that had turned out of his sleeve and hit the sharp arrow in front of him. The sharp arrow broke. The hurricane spread silently toward the front. After Yang Linglong grabbed the arm of the ice-covered bead, the arm that was extended for dozens of meters was broken, and the sleeve of the sleeve spread toward Long Aotian.


The bodies of Long Aotian and Yang Linglong were once again broken, but like two rivers flashing in the sun, they gathered toward the center and once again condensed into two figures, but they rolled uncontrollably toward the back, like two falling meteors.


Under the guidance of three people, the power of the three lords gathered toward the center to release the extremely dazzling light. Like a sun, the face was pale, and Xu Qinyang, who was holding the flag with his hands, hit the past.

Xu Qinyang’s eyes widened and his eyes were desperate. He knows how he can't stand this time. With his current physical condition, there is only one death under this attack.


"No! I can't throw down Sirius and Ling Xiao. The reason why Ziyan has so many friends in life and death in the mainland is that they have experienced too many lives and deaths together. Do I just fight with them once? , choose to escape?

Do not!

Young patriarchs can not do it, life can not, life and death brothers can not!

I... don't want to be alone..."

Xu Qinyang bites his tongue and makes his spirit more awake. His feet slammed into the air, and his body not only did not escape, but instead rushed toward the front with the last strength. His body shape was first rushed from the side of Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao, and Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao had already started to split and the blood was sprayed outside. If they are met by the powers of the three lords, even if they only touch a trace, they will be destroyed. After all, their cultivation is still low.

"Qin Yang..."


Ask for a pink ticket on the list! (To be continued~^~)

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