The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1592: I'm sure

I am very grateful to the t366 classmates, the MONTE 629 classmates, the jj Xiaojin adults, the eryanu classmates, the pink tickets of the Tianzhuer classmates!


Xu Liangtian has no words, but he nodded slightly. The Xu family monks also smiled and nodded. Xu Ziyan also came out of thinking and looked at Chu Yun.

"But..." Chu Yun’s gaze was swept through the monks in the hall, and finally stayed on the Xu family.

"We should discuss one thing before this."

"What?" asked the project immediately.

Chu Yun smiled with satisfaction: "All of you here know the strategy of our four super families after coming to Xinghai, that is, we completely occupy the Xinghai, whether it is the Mozu, the semi-devil and the Xinghai indigenous are our enemies. They must be annihilated."

Xu Liangtian heard the first glimpse of the words, and then passed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes first looked at the clouds with deep thoughts, and then looked at the Xu family. Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang were also a glimpse at first, but in an instant they also speculated that Chu Yun’s mind was gloomy, and his face could not help but gloomy, and he could not help but nervously in his heart.

Xu Ziyan sighed in her heart. How did she not know Chu Yun’s thoughts? But can Xu family give in? What is the result of this concession? Can Xu family make it?

“Everyone knows!” Chu Yun’s look became serious and just: “Xinghai indigenous people have never had a heart with us since ancient times. We often have battles with them. Xinghai Indigenous people have always regarded themselves as an independent race. Such an indigenous people must have their own heart.

and so. At the beginning, our four super families had to order the slaughter of the Xinghai indigenous people for our entire human race. This is entirely for the sake of our immortal people. I hope that I can exchange for a peaceful world for the people, and that is to pay more. Our four families are also doing their best. ”

Having said that, Chu Yun’s look has become more serious and even more stern: “But after Xu’s family came to Xinghai, not only did not encircle the Xinghai indigenous people, but instead they were envious of the Xinghai indigenous people. How can I trust it? Xu’s doing this is simply to bring disaster to the entire Terran. I hope that Xu can give us an explanation for the entire Terran."

Xu Ziyan has no words, but his eyes are getting cold. Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan were angry at the face, and the whole face became red, but suddenly the town was sharply prepared by Chu Yun, and could not say the rebuttal. But don't forget that there is also a Xu Qinyang, a Xu Qinyang who once played the entire Xinghai Indigenous in the palm of his hand. Xu Ziyan was laughed at by Xu Ziyan as a conspiracy to everyone.

Xu Qinyang’s initial face was also angry, but only instantly turned into a sarcasm, said faintly:

"Chu chief, a big hat!"

"How? How many patriarchs do you have, isn't I right?" Chu Yun said coldly.

"Want to know why our family did not kill the Xinghai indigenous people like your four big families, but treat them kindly?"

Xu Qinyang’s eyes were fixed on Chu Yun’s eyes, and the sarcasm looked serious. Speaking word by word:

"Because they are human!"

His eyes were removed from the face of Chu Yun’s movement, and they swept through the crowd in turn, and said with a voice: “They are the same human races as us! Not the semi-devils, not the devils!

We came to Xinghai this time to expel the Mozu, and the Xinghai Indigenous is the Mozu? Is it a semi-devil?

Do not!

They are the same people as us!

And they have been resisting the Mozu before they came to Xinghai in order not to be alienated by the Devil. They have never been with the Mozu, and they have never rushed to the Mozu. They are the enemies of the Mozu and the pioneers of the Terran. They dragged the Mozu to fly out of the Xinghai and enter the footsteps of our Terran territory. For them. Some of our people’s hearts should only be thankful.

but. What did the four big families do after they came to Xinghai? The massacre of the Xinghai indigenous people who are also the Terran have been carried out. Why do you endure? How does this differ from Enqiqiu? ”

Speaking of this, Xu Qinyang’s face is ridiculous: “What is the result of your cruelty? The Xinghai Tus are forced to go to the Mozu and become the accomplice of the Mozu. The enemy of our Terran has increased us. The difficulty of the Terran overcoming the Mozu. Just because you made a wrong decision. How many monks have we injured the Terran?"

“Hey!” Jiang Zixiong stood up and took the chair and stood up and said: “Junior, are you accusing us of the four super families?”

"Not accusation!" Xu Qinyang said faintly, then violently screamed: "It is a reprimand! You must understand the truth of being a man! Do you know how much effort our family made to make up for the mistakes you made?

You have already broken the hearts of the indigenous people in Xinghai. Do you think it is easy for us to regain the trust of the indigenous people in Xinghai? Do you know the grievances that have been given to the entire human race? It’s hard for us to re-introlate the Xinghai indigenous people to the side of the Terran. Do you want to feel them in the Mozu? The same is the Terran, why is it fried? Are you a human or a demon? ”

"Let's relax!" The clouded leopard looked at it with a glance, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Xu Qinyang snorted and snorted: "The cloud patriarch, don't waste your effort. You are just the peak of Xianjun, and I am the peak of Xianjun. But don't forget that I am the five attribute root, your momentum is against me. Nothing at all, why bother to be like constipation."

"You are very arrogant!" said the project faintly: "I just don't know if you represent yourself or the whole family?"

Xu Liangtian has never spoken, but he also wants to understand the minds of the four families. However, this does not mean that he is going to contribute. It is best to get the benefits without any effort. Therefore, his eyes have been scanning back and forth between Xu Jia and the four super families.

"Nature represents Xu family!"

Xu Haotian finally spoke. At this time, he already understood that Xu had no retreat. Even if he had completely turned his face with the four super families, they could not give up one step in this matter. If you give in, the heart will be gone.

The project slowly stood up from the chair, and the yin test said: "So, you Xu family wants to be an enemy of the four super families?"

Xu Haotian’s look was stagnation, hesitating and not making a sound. There was a sardonic smile on the face of the project, but this smile just floated up and was smothered by Xu Qinyang’s words:

"Do your four big families really accept the consequences of being hostile to our family?"

This is completely hard and hard, and does not put the four super-families in the eyes, let alone the four patriarchs, that is, Xu Tiantian did not think that Xu Qinyang would be so bold and so determined. The temperament is extremely angry and laughs:

"What are the consequences? The only consequence is that you four don't want to leave here today. I don't know if Xu has lost your four immortals. What is the result?"

Xu Qinyang directly ignored the words of the project, and did not put his threat on his mind. I thought that Xu Ditian, who was the peak of Xianjun in the early days, took the five main lords. The final release of Jiuling space did not stop them. Nowadays, their cultivation has grown, but they can't escape. Therefore, Xu Qinyang raised his sleeves and laughed happily:

"You can try to leave us!"

The look of the four patriarchs became extremely ugly. Xu Qinyang was nakedly despised. The look of Xu Tiantian was also extremely ugly. He certainly knew that Xu Qinyang’s confidence was based on his multiple escapes from his hands.

Although the look of the four patriarchs is extremely angry, they have to pay attention to the fact that the Xu family is different now. If it is really here and Xu family, the other side must be prepared for damage. It’s not wise to turn your face with Xu when you haven’t pulled the amount of water into the water. At this time, Chu Yun can't help but talk.

"Coughing cough..." Chu Yun coughed two times and said faintly: "The Xinghai indigenous thing is not that we can ignore it, but it is an indisputable fact that the Xinghai indigenous people once went to the Mozu."

Xu Qin Yang said, this fact is caused by your four super families. Just want to open, Chu Yun moved but did not give him the opportunity to immediately grab the words and continue to say:

"Now most of the Xinghai indigenous people have gone to the Xu family, but this is an extremely unstable factor. Once this unstable factor breaks out, it will cause unbearable consequences for the human race, so we can't prevent it.

There are a large number of indigenous people in Xinghai. It is not enough to monitor and control them. Therefore, I think we should divide the Xinghai indigenous people into six pieces. Our Chu family, Yunjia, Jiangjia, Xiangjia, Tianzhumeng and Xujia are each responsible for this, so that we can put an end to this unstable factor. I don’t know how everyone thinks. ? Hehe... Our Chu family just made a suggestion here, completely respecting everyone, and the result can be voted through our six joints, and the minority obeys the majority. ”

"The few who go to your mother* obey the majority!" Xu Qinyang almost took out his heart.

Xu Liangtian’s eyes are bright at this time, and he is not prepared to watch the fun. This is an opportunity to expand his strength and weaken his strength. He naturally cannot miss it.

"I agree!" Yunbao said.

"I agree!" Jiang Zixiong nodded faintly.

"I agree!" The project shot irony at Xu Qinyang.

"I agree!" Xu Liang said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Qinyang has not spoken yet. Xu Haotian suddenly laughed and said: "Do you agree? Is this useful? I tell you, Xinghai indigenous people belong to our Xu family, don't say that you want to divide them, that is, from At this moment, whoever dares to make any harm to the Xinghai Indigenous people will get a revenge from the Xu family."

"You are sure!" Chu Yun's face is dark and watery.

"I am sure!" Xu Xiaotian said hard.


Jin Ling asked weakly: "Are you sure to give me a pink ticket?"

"We are sure!" said the best comrades.


*(To be continued~^~)

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