The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1612: To kill the dragon

I am very grateful to the 3 students (99) who have been in the rainy season forever, Qingjiang Moliu (100), and the small candy classmates (99)!


Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "How long does it take for you to make a fairy king?"

The device thought a little bit: "If I join forces with the device, it will take about a hundred years."

"Hundred years..." Xu Ziyan's look suddenly stiffened there.

"This..." said a little embarrassed: "Master, the repair of our two is too low. If it is a little higher, it will not take so much time."

Xu Ziyan glanced at the two people and made a nod to express their understanding. And the second is tweaking at the moment:

"And it can't be made now."


"Because the materials are not complete!"

"Oh! What kind of realm can you make with the materials you have today?"

"Sinjun period!"

"How long does it take?"

"Ten years!" said affirmatively.

Xu Ziyan’s look was a stagnation. However, she couldn’t wait for ten years, and she hurriedly asked: “What kind of realm can I make in the shortest time?”

The device thought and said: "The nine-day Xuanxian period takes one year, and the one month of the Da Luojinxian period is enough. Luo Tianshang's fairy period takes two days. If it is the Tianxian period, half a day is enough."

"Then the fairy season. Do it now, be quick!"

"Master, we need a **** of the fairy."

Xu Ziyan looked like a sigh: "Do you need a god? Can I control with God?"

The device shook his head: "Master, if it is a Mahayana period, you can use God's knowledge to control it. You need a **** above the Mahayana period."

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it. The gods swept the purple smoke planet and selected a monster in the fairy season. He took out its god, wiped out its knowledge, and handed the **** to the instrument.

Half a day spent in an anxious atmosphere, and every monk in the hidden family bowed his head. Don't fall on your head when you pray to test the dragon. As the atmosphere became more and more uneasy, the voice of Xu Ziyan rang again:

"Let me try it!"

"Xu Daoyou, you..." Hong Dust and Gong Ming suddenly rushed, so no one can let Xu Ziyan go! If Xu Ziyan is dead, how can they go out?

Xu Ziyan is not a hero, but at this time, Yihe and Erji have teamed up to make a fairy. Although it is only a fairy, but it should be no problem to use it to wake up the dragon. Therefore, Xu Ziyan puts a hand in hand:

"When I was still in the lower galaxies, I asked people to make a knack for me. Although there is only a fairy, but let it try to give it a total loss for us."

The monks are all bright, and the dust and Gong Ming solemnly handed to Xu Ziyan: "Thank you!"

The rest of the monks also sincerely bowed to Xu Ziyan: "Thank you."

At this moment, they are sincere. Xu Ziyan did not have the resentment of being chased by them when they first entered the small world. They forced them to send a monk of the hidden family, which made them feel moved. From this moment, they began to accept Xu Ziyan in their hearts.

Xu Ziyan smiled and stood up from the ground: "Let's try it!"

The monks also excitedly stood up from the ground. Everyone left the ground a few inches away from the front. The flames from the dragons were still about a mile away. Everyone stopped and chose a boulder to hide. After the dust and Gong Ming did not hesitate to hide in the same rock with Xu Ziyan, they took out the fairy, and once they found it wrong, they also blocked the purple smoke. Xu Tianshen hesitated a moment, and eventually flew to the side of Xu Ziyan, but also took out the nine bells.

Xu Ziyan looked at three people and saw three people nod. Xu Ziyan took out the cockroach. This is a jackal. Xu Ziyan gave an order to the wolf, and the wolf wraps around a big circle, avoiding the flame of the dragon's breath, and ran to the opposite wall. Then he ran towards the dragon at the cave against the wall.

Soon, the wolf ran to the huge head of the dragon. Xu Ziyan and others are watching the wolf nervously. When the wolf took advantage of the dragon to inhale, he jumped up and opened his mouth, biting his mouth toward the dragon's nose. After that, the air conditioner turned to the body, and the two hind legs slammed on the nose of the dragon, and quickly fled toward the distance.


The violent pain awakened the dragon, and the pain snorted. The dragon shook his huge head and opened his eyes and looked around.

The head of the wolf and the dragon was too small, and the dragon did not see it for a short time, letting the wolf run out for a few miles.

However, the wolf eventually appeared in the vision of Xiaolong.


Seeing such a small thing hurts himself, the dragon is angry, and a big mouth, spurting a hot flame, spread to the wolf.

The wolf ran like a meteor across the sky on the ground. It had already ran for a few miles. When the dragon sprayed out the flame, the wolf finally ran out of the flames and ran towards the distance. go with.


The dragon was angered, and the huge faucet came out of the cave. The huge body was pulled out of the cave, and it flew through the air like a lightning, chasing the past with the wolf.


Thirty-five of the monks were hiding in the rock, tightly attached to the ground, looking at the body of the dragon, want to see if the dragon was locked.

"very long!"

This is the common voice of thirty-five monks at this time. The body of the dragon has left the cave seven or eight miles, but it is still not its full picture, and the body is hidden in the cave, making people look Whether it is locked in the body.


With a dragon scorpion, the dragon spurted a flame. The flame spread rapidly, and the wolf was drowned in an instant.

The monks could not help but sigh in the heart, and finally did not try to find out if the dragon was locked in the body.


Suddenly there were a few exclamations in the air, and Xu Ziyan and others looked at it. When I saw six monks flying in the direction of the maze, I was looking at the dragon that was a few miles away from them.


The dragon screamed, and the figure again slammed forward and rushed out toward the six monks.

"Oh la la..."

A chain of sound came. Xu Ziyan and others, Huo Ran looked back, and his face could not help but surprise. At this time, the body of the dragon had completely left the cave, and a large chain at the end of its tail was tightly locked. At that time, the chain was tightened, and the dragon in the air could not fly forward again, screaming in anger and anger, and ejected a magma-like flame, instantly drowning the six monks.

At this time, the dragon had crossed the place where Xu Ziyan and others were hiding. The huge body is on their heads. Thirty-five of the monks were holding their breath and hiding in the rocks.

The dragon smashed six monks, and the anger in his heart seemed to pour out and retreated toward the cave. After a while, the space was silent, leaving only the sound of the dragon's breath breathing.

Thirty-five monks climbed up from the ground cautiously, sticking their heads from behind the rock and looking across. Seeing that dragon and closing his eyes, it seems to have slept.

The dust came out with a gesture, and the monks quickly left the ground a few inches and flew away from the distance. It was enough to fly away from the dozens of miles, and everyone fell to the ground, and the face was relieved.

"Sure enough, as Xu Daoyou speculated, the dragon was locked." Hong said with joy.

"Yeah, thanks to Mazan's six monks, if they didn't appear in time, they attracted the dragon. Let Xiaolong fly a little further. We still can't determine if the dragon is locked. Gong Ming said with some emotion.

“Not bad!” Hung nodded and said: “The Ma family is also a family famous for the fairy tales. It is not unusual to know about the maze. However, other monks who want to get out of the maze don’t know how long it will take.”

Having said that, Hong Dust will look at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou. Now you have seen it. Although the dragon is locked, but we 35 people may not be able to kill it. You can You can't pick up the monks in the maze. So our power can be bigger."

Xu Ziyan immediately nodded: "I can try!"

When the dust came out, Xu Ziyan agreed to have a good time. In his heart, he had a good impression on Xu Ziyan. He turned to Gong Ming and Xu Ditian and said:

"The three of us went back to meet the monks with Xu Daoyou, and on the road, we could clear the fairy beasts in the maze for the Taoist friends."

"Good!" Gong Ming and Xu Liangtian nodded no doubt.

The dust turned to look at the remaining thirty-one monks and said: "You will stay here and wait, don't provoke the dragon, wait for us to gather all the power, and then kill the dragon together. ”

"Good!" The monks also whispered softly.

Xu Ziyan, Hong Dust, Gong Ming and Xu Ditian four people leaped up and flew toward the maze. Flying towards the labyrinth, Xu Ziyan combed the message from the flying water in the sea. The eyebrows were secretly picked. From the messages sent back, it was learned that many monks had been attacked by the immortals in the maze, especially those who died in the late Xianjun. Xu Ziyan immediately sent orders to the flying otters to collect the storage rings on the bodies of the monks.

Although there are guidelines for flying otters, Xu Ziyan is not very fast because they encounter the fairy in the maze from time to time. In fifteen days, Xu Ziyan took all the living monks in the labyrinth and counted the number, but only eighty-nine. Among them, sixty-one Xianjun peaks in the late period, and twenty-eight Xianjun later.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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