The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1621: Last ban

I am very grateful to the students flying among the students, hughva classmates, Shang Yi classmates, Yunhuo Tianshen classmates, Bao egg mothers~ classmates, Taiwan Xiaoyouyou classmates, Yiyi Jianxin classmates, Yiyi Jianxin classmates, magic rhyme baby classmates, t366 classmates, me I really like the pink ticket of Jin Ling’s classmates!


Ouyang Ling locked her brow and wondered there. The monks in the hall looked at Ouyang Ling, and suddenly Ouyang Ling’s eyebrows were picked up. There was a hint of joy on her face:

"I remembered that the ancestors of our Ouyang family once had a nine-character late peak fairy, ice sword. I didn't know how to disappear. This thing was 50,000 years ago, if not today, think carefully. , have been forgotten."

"The patriarch, then let's go and see!" Several monks stood up from the chair and said excitedly.

At this time, Ouyang Ling had already thought about the excitement in her heart and thought about it: "Ning Zhifeng I have been there many times, and I have not found any strange things there. I am afraid we will not find anything when we go."

Having said that, Ouyang Ling looked at Xu Ziyan, looked hesitant, and finally became firm:

"Xu Daoyou, I heard that you are a fairy sect?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded unceremoniously.

“Can you please accompany me to visit Ningzhifeng?”

Xu Ziyan’s look was hesitant. Ouyang Ling immediately said: “Xu Daoyou, whether or not we can find treasures in Ningzhifeng, we will give you a thank you gift.”

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I am not thinking about this. I just think that Ning Zhifeng is the place where your family buried the body of the ancestors. Is it appropriate for me to go?"

Ouyang Ling smiled bitterly: "What else is inappropriate now?"

Xu Ziyan also understood the meaning of Ouyang Ling's words. Then nodded and said: "What time is it for us?"

"Let's go right away!" The words fell, she stood up from her chair, her eyes swept through the halls and said: "You must be careful these days. The safety of the family will be given to you for the time being."

"Yes!" Thirty of the late monarchs of the late Xianjun stood up from the chair and answered in unison.

"Ziyan. Come with me."

Ouyang Ling flew out of the hall and flew toward the sky. Xu Ziyan's body shape appeared on the side of Ouyang Ling, and Ouyang Ling was shocked:

This... The speed of Xu Ziyan is really fast!

quickly. Two people stood in the peak of Ning Zhifeng, Ouyang Ling looked at the four eyes, and finally found no clues. I couldn’t help but be depressed, and I couldn’t help but turn to Xu Zi’s flue:

"Xu Daoyou, trouble you!"

Xu Ziyan had no words, just nodded lightly, and the knowledge spread over and over, and it would be covered in the whole of Ningzhifeng. Scan it a little bit.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a hint of joy, and whispered: “Come with me!”

The body shape fell to the peak, Ouyang Ling was overjoyed in the heart, followed by Xu Ziyan behind the peak to fall. About a third of the height has fallen, and Xu Ziyan’s figure is standing in the air, facing a raised rock above the cliff.

Ouyang Ling is standing beside her. Looking up and down the raised rock, and reaching out and touching it on the rock, it was a real rock. Her look was not accompanied by a trace of tension:

"Xu Daoyou, but found the entrance to the treasure?"

Xu Ziyan whispered: "The entrance is found, and it still needs to be seen if it can be broken."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and the blue eyes in the eyes. The rock appeared in the eyes of Kuangpeng. Xu Ziyan reached out and took out the three flags and sacrificed them to the air. Double hand-drawn a piece of afterimage, playing a few handcuffs in a flag. Then single point. Lightly drink:

"go with!"

The flag spurred toward the raised rock. There was no loud noise, no gravel flying. The flag was silently shot into the raised rock and disappeared.

Using the same method, Xu Ziyan quickly put the other two sides of the flag into the rock. Then a pair of sleeves:

"Follow me!"

The figure spurred toward the raised rock. Ouyang Ling’s look is a stay, but she only touched it. The rock is real, and this purple smoke will hit hard?


Xu Ziyan's body slammed into the raised rock, and it was not imaginary to be bounced out. Instead, Xu Ziyan's body shape directly penetrated into the rock and disappeared.

Ouyang Ling grew up in amazement and suddenly reacted to the past. The right foot stepped on the cloud and the body spurred toward the raised rock. But when she approached the rock, she instinctively closed her eyes.


When Ouyang Ling opened her eyes, she found herself standing in a dark place, only feeling vaguely standing next to her.

"Xu Daoyou?" Ouyang Ling whispered softly.

"it's me!"

Xu Ziyan responded with a light, and immediately released a circle of light in her hands. Ouyang Ling looked at Xu Ziyan's hand and suddenly reacted. He also took out a night pearl from the storage ring. During the time, the two people were bright and white.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s eyes were blue and strobe, and in her eyes, she saw countless bans, layered. The beginning of the forbidden product level is not high, Xu Ziyan began to crack together, while cracking and moving forward, Ouyang Ling nervously followed behind Xu Ziyan.

The entire forbidden passage spiraled from top to bottom toward the bottom of the mountain. The day and night passed quickly, and the prohibition in the passage began to strengthen. When the fifth day came, the banned Xu Ziyan in the passage could not be solved. The ban on the front is carefully scanned with the gods and then transmitted to the array. Then, after the research and cracking of the array, and then under the guidance of the first one, crack one by one.

As a result, the speed of cracking slows down. Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in the cracking of the ban, and did not pay attention to the progress. However, Ouyang Ling on the side noticed that at this time, the two of them not only fell to the ground level. It has already entered the underground.


In front of the waves, Xu Ziyan broke a ban under the guidance of the one. She spit out a long breath and suddenly her face changed slightly. She felt the air around it was a little cold.

Searched around with the knowledge of God. Did not find anything, and then began to cooperate with the array to crack the ban. However, as Xu Ziyan broke the ban together, as their position became lower and lower, Xu Ziyan felt the air getting colder and colder.

It is another day. Even the body of Xu Ziyan felt that the extreme cold made her somewhat intolerable, and Ouyang Ling behind her was shaking gently.


Another ban was broken, and an extremely cold air rushed in the face, that is, Xu Ziyan could not help but shudder, only that the ice was hard to resist. Ouyang Ling behind her is even a "cucking" of the teeth.

Until then, Ouyang Ling admired Xu Ziyan from the bottom of her heart. She had frozen teeth colliding there, but Xu Ziyan only showed some cold appearance.

Xu Ziyan took out two six-fibre defensive symbols and released a fire defensive shield on his body. In the Ouyang Ling's body, a symbol was released. Two people immediately showed a fire hood around them, resisting the cold outside.

Xu Ziyan looked forward and never saw a ban, and his face could not help but smile:

"All the bans are broken, you have to see the treasure."

I heard that Xu Ziyan said that the spirit of Ouyang Ling is also a boost. Follow the body of Xu Ziyan slowly toward the inside...


The two teams gathered in the air, which was the monk of Shijia and Qianjia. The thirty-five centuries of Shijia’s late monarchs and the thirty-two monarchs of Qian’s family were all led by their respective patriarchs. With them, there were thousands of monks from all realms.

In the middle of Shi’s family Shi Rhino and Qian’s family, Qian Zhiyun stood Yin Zhiyun.

This is the eighth day of Yin Zhiyun’s ultimatum to the Ouyang family. In the Ouyang family, all the monks are also very nervous. They know that Yin Zhiyun will come today, but he does not know what attitude Yin Zhiyun will come. The patriarch Ouyang Ling has not yet come out from Ning Zhifeng, but the dispatch sent out has sent back the message. Shijia and Qianjia concentrated all the masters under the leadership of Yin Zhiyun.

The news that came back also had good news. Apart from the monks of Shijia and Qianjia, they did not see other strange monks. It seems. In addition to Yin Zhiyun. Yin Jia did not send a monk to come. Or to say, as Xu Ziyan had expected before. This thing Yin family does not know, is Yin Zhiyun's private action.

But what if it is so?

The Ouyang family is simply not the opponent of the joint venture between the family and the Qian family. And looking at today's situation, the two of them have taken all the strength. This is to completely wipe the Ouyang family from the hidden world.

Ouyang Da’s elders said helplessly: “The order is to let all the dark whistle be withdrawn, and then open the guardian squad. We are fully defended and wait for the patriarch to come back.”


The command of the elders passed down. In the two quarters of an hour, the dark whistle arranged outside was withdrawn. The elders sighed:

"Open up!"

The brilliance of the road rushes to the sky and meets in the sky, forming a huge mask that encloses the entire Ouyang family.

Every monk of the Ouyang family stood at the edge of the big array at this time, each holding a fairy, ready to break through and fight with each other.

Shi Rhook looked up to the brilliance that suddenly burst out in the air, and his look changed: "Yin Shao, the Ouyang family, was prepared, and they opened the guardian."

Thousands of Guanghua rushed to the sky in the distance, gathered in the air, and then formed a mask to appear in the vision of Yin Zhiyun. Yin Zhiyun’s face showed a hint of martyrdom:

"It’s just a seven-piece fairy tales, it can’t help us. Go!”


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Title: "Starcraft First Technician"

Book number: 2669392

Introduction: The stars are bright and the technicians are powerful! (To be continued~^~)

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