The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1626: Juxiancheng

The third is even more! begging……


Xu Ziyan saw the sincerity in Ouyang Ling’s eyes and nodded gently.

"Ouyang is out of the cloud, Ouyang incense."

"In!" Two elders Ouyang Yuyun and Ouyang Xiang stood up from the chair and looked at Ouyang Ling.

Ouyang Ling said with a serious look: "You two accompanied Xu Zongshi to travel to the mainland, responsible for the clothing, food and shelter of Xu Zongshi."

"Yes!" The two men answered in unison.

Xu Ziyan immediately understood that Ouyang Ling let Ouyang Xiang accompany himself. It is because Ouyang Xiang has been in contact with himself. There is already a friendship between the two people, which is convenient for taking care of themselves. And Ouyang Yuyun, who was at the peak of Xianjun, accompanied himself, to protect himself. After all, the hidden continent is a strange continent for himself.

For such an arrangement, Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest resistance, and thanked Ouyang Ling for her hand:

"Thank you for the Ouyang Patriarch!"


Between the blue sky and white clouds, a fairy boat slowly moved, and Xu Ziyan left the Ouyang family in the fairy boat of Ouyang.

"Xu Zongshi, those places that I just introduced to you, where are you going to go first?" At this time, Ouyang Xiang has changed his name to Xu Ziyan as Xu Zongshi. Xu Ziyan did not stop, knowing can't stop it. If you want Ouyang Xiang to call yourself a purple smoke sister like the original, it will let Ouyang Xiangyu, simply follow her. At this time, I heard Ouyang Xiang’s question and thought about it:

"Let's go to the fairy city!"

Between the blue sky and white clouds, from the other direction, three figures came. Far away, I saw the fairy boat of Ouyang. The three monks suddenly accelerated, and in a few moments, they stopped in front of the fairy boat of Ouyang Yunyun, but it was Yin Zhiyun. Shi Rhino and Qian Li three.

It turned out that Yin Zhiyun could not get the Ning Zhifeng treasure, and when she attacked the Ouyang family for the last time, she also found that Baoguang on Ningzhifeng disappeared and knew that the treasure had been taken away. Under the disappointment, they left the Shijia and Qianjia. Shi Xi and Qian Li are coming to send Yin Zhiyun.

Far away, I saw the fairy boat of Ouyang Yunyun, and Shiliu and Qianli, who are very familiar with the Ouyang family, immediately recognized that it was the fairy boat of Ouyang, and the three people stopped in front. There was only one fairy boat on the other side. The three of them did not put the other party in their eyes, so they appeared directly from the fairy boat and shouted to the opposite side:

"Out of the cloud brother, please show up."

But what they didn't think of was that there were three people in the opposite side of the fairy boat. An Ouyang out of the cloud. An Ouyang incense, there is a Xu Ziyan that makes the three people both resentful and extremely light.

Ouyang Xiang's strength can be neglected, but Ouyang Yiyun and Xu Ziyan make them jealous. Especially Xu Ziyan, the feeling on the surface is just the peak of Xianjun. However, all three of them knew that this was not the case. According to the monks who participated in the small world, Xu Ziyan once defeated the peak of Xianjun in the hidden continent, and had a ghost that they had already seen.

And Yin Zhiyun believes that this is definitely not all the cards of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is very mysterious, mysterious and horrifying. When he is not very sure, he is unwilling to be an enemy.

Yin Zhiyun quickly measured it in his heart, and he knew that today he could not stay in front of the three. A faint smile appeared on the face immediately, and he turned to Xu Ziyan:

"I have seen Xu Daoyou!"

"I have seen Yin Daoyou!" Xu Ziyan also bowed his hand.

"What is Xu Daoyou coming to the hidden world?" Yin Zhiyun's look is very peaceful, and there is a touch of kindness in the peace, as if she and Xu Ziyan are friends who have not seen each other for a long time.

Xu Ziyan also smiled and said: "There is no special purpose, just want to travel."

Yin Zhiyun’s face suddenly burst into a sunny smile: “Xu Daoyou is willing to accompany Xu Daoyou to travel to the hidden continent. Our Yin family is one of the top ten families in the hidden world. It is convenient to have a companionship.”

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "Yin Daoyou is too polite. But I have already traveled with two Ouyang Daoyou friends, so I don't bother Yin Daoyou."

Yin Zhiyun frowned a little, and immediately smiled on his face:

"Xu Daoyou, I am asking you something. I hope Xu Daoyou will not bully me."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "When you say it, you don't say it if you don't say it. I think Yin Daoyou won't be embarrassed about me?"

"That is of course!" Yin Zhiyun smiled kindly: "I want to ask. Is the thing inside Ningzhifeng taken away by Ouyang?"

Xu Ziyan knew that Yin Zhiyun would look forward to qi, which would not hide her, and then nodded gently.

"Can you tell me what it is?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I can only tell you that it belonged to the Ouyang family and was left by the ancestors of the Ouyang family."

Yin Zhiyun lowered his eyes and looked for a little while, looking up and looking at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, there is something to do next. As long as you help to break down the Ouyang family's guardianship and help me get that thing, you can ask for it."

Xu Ziyan still smiled and shook his head: "Yin Daoyou does not want to be strong. I am a friend with the Ouyang family."

Standing on the side of Xu Ziyan, Ouyang Yuyun and Ouyang Xiang’s face showed excitement, and they were called friends by a master of the eight-character sect. This is a great honor.

Yin Zhiyun's face became ugly, and the voice said: "Xu Daoyou, rejecting me is equivalent to rejecting our Yin family. It is not a good thing to offend our Yin family in the hidden world."

Xu Ziyan said calmly: "I don't want to be an enemy of the Yin family, because this may not be a happy thing for me, but it may not be a good thing for Yin."

Yin Zhiyun stared straight at Xu Ziyan and said halfway: "You are very confident!"

"I have always been very confident!"

"There will be a period later!"

"There will be a period later!"

Yin Zhiyun's body shape flew away, and after exiting 100 meters, the disk turned and flew away, followed by Shi Rhino and Qian Li behind her.

Xu Ziyan looked at the back of the disappearance of three people and said softly: "Let's go."

"Yes!" Ouyang Yuyun and Ouyang Xiang respectfully responded. Three people returned to the fairy boat and flew toward Juxian City.

Inside the city of Juxian.

Xu Ziyan is in the middle, Ouyang is out of the cloud, and Ouyang Xiang is in the left. Three people walked slowly on the street.

Xu Ziyan looked at the surrounding scenery and the flow of people and agreed: "A good and prosperous city."

“This is the largest city in the hidden world. There are various forces here. Almost every family with some strength has shops here, so it is also the most prosperous city in the hidden world.”

"This is the best!" Xu Ziyan said excitedly: "I brought a lot of resources from the outside. Just in exchange for some of your resources here, hehe..."

On the side of Ouyang Xiangwen heard immediately understand what Xu Ziyan brought in, and could not help but smile, these news are also revealed to Xu Ziyan. On the side of Ouyang Yunyun asked curiously:

"Xu Zongshi, I don't know what materials you brought, can you let me see it? My value to various materials is still very clear."

Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile and handed the three storage rings to Ouyang. Ouyang Yiyun uses the knowledge of God to sweep over the three storage rings, and the look is a change. On the one hand, he found that the materials brought in by Xu Ziyan were very specific. They are all missing in the hidden world. On the other hand, the quantity is very large, and it can be seen that the purple smoke is prepared.

Taking a deep breath and calming down his emotions, Ouyang whispered out of the clouds;

"Xu Zongshi, why didn't you take it out when you were in our family? Although our family can't buy these materials completely, they can still buy some."

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I don't want to sell. I want to exchange materials."

Ouyang out of the cloud is only a little thought to understand the heart of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan to the Ouyang family's favor, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan once asked to trade with the Ouyang family, Ouyang family will certainly give a very high price, Xu Ziyan does not want to account for the Ouyang family this cheap . The evaluation of Xu Ziyan in the heart is a step higher, respectfully said:

"Xu Zongshi, if you want to trust me, these materials will be handed over to me to trade, let Xianger accompany you around, and the security in Juxian City is guaranteed."

Xu Ziyan thought slightly about his head. It is really cumbersome to feel that it is cumbersome to exchange so many materials one by one. It’s best to have Ouyang’s help, but take out a jade and hand it to Ouyang.

"Eurasian elders, this jade slip records the materials I need to exchange. If there are Wu Yunshi and Jin Jing, I will exchange them first."

"Good! We will meet at the inn when we arrive."

After the two sides broke up, Ouyang went out to exchange materials. Xu Ziyan was hang out in Juxian City accompanied by Ouyang Xiang.

While visiting, Ouyang Xiangbian explained everything in Juxian City for Xu Ziyan. Two people also entered some shops. Xu Ziyan learned about the situation in the hidden continent through various commodities in the shop.

From the grade of Xiandan Xianfu Xianji Xianqu, Xu Ziyan has a clearer impression on the hidden world. This hidden continent is indeed one level higher than the outer Zhongxing galaxies. The various commodities in the six elements of the Zhongyuan Galaxy are already of relatively high quality, but they are quite common in the hidden world.

Seven products belong to the mid-range, eight products belong to high-end goods. Nine products are rare, and the innate celestial treasures are rare. There are only a few of the two super families. Moreover, through Ouyang Xiang’s remarks, these nine or more fairy wares are found in some ancient ruins, not refined. That is to say, there are no nine products of Xiandan, Xianshi, Xianfu and Xianzhen in the hidden world.

In the room on the third floor of a restaurant facing the street, three young men and women were drinking wine and looking out the window. Two women and one man, one of them is Yin Zhiyun.


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