The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1640: caught

Xu Ziyan stood in the sky above the purple smoke planet and looked down. Today, one-third of the purple smoke planet has become a medicine garden. These herbs are all accumulated from the sky on the mainland of the sky and from the galaxy. Carefully taken care of by the tree monsters such as peach blossoms, it has now become a large-scale. It can be said that as long as it is not an extremely precious herb, Xu Ziyan will never lack Xiandan, or he will not be able to throw it while eating.

Xu Ziyan was relaxed in the riverside, forest, bamboo and other places in the space, and relaxed for seven days. These seven days have not been cultivated. Every day is a walk, fishing, eating, drinking, drinking tea...

Seven days later, the completely relaxed Xu Ziyan spirit left the purple smoke space and removed the array of alchemy interiors, opening the door to the alchemy room.

"See the Holy Father!"

Inside the passage, there were disciples who guarded the alchemy room and gave a gift to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan nodded and smiled out of the long passage and came to the hall of the discussion to understand the development of the family. In addition, a small part of the resources exchanged in the hidden world was selected and left to the family. Finally, the location of the transmission island under the colorful islands and the small islands in the hidden world was informed to Xu Tiantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang in detail, and then the law of control was passed to the three, and the three immediately went to close the details.

Xu Ziyan is in the alchemy hall of Xujia, the Fufutang, the Xiandiantang and the refining hall, and preaching in turn, cultivating family disciples, and trying to make Xujia’s four disciples have a long way in the four aspects of the alchemy system. improvement. After Xu Haotian and others went out, they occasionally joined Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan. Xu Qinyang and the elders of each pulse sat down and talked occasionally, accompanied by Xiao Bai and Xu Xiang.

So five years later, Xu Ziyan was very quiet and decided to go out and travel again.

Xu Jiazhong did not say anything about Xu Ziyan’s decision. However, Xu Xiang is not living in the Xu family. He wants to go out with Xu Ziyan to go out and practice. Everyone who is a big and small man is sitting on the ground and swaying. Xu Ziyan knows that Xu Xiang has not been integrated into Xu. He just believes in himself. Then he nodded and agreed to travel with Xu Xiang and Xiao Bai. Moreover, she also wants to observe Xu Xiang through the tour, because Xu Xiang has been in the process of entering the country very slowly for so many years, and still stays in the realm of Luo Tianshang.

Before leaving the Xu family, Xu Ziyan took out four donkeys and handed it to Xu Haotian. Looking at Xu Yutian and the monks in the halls, Xu Ziyan smiled:

"This is four gongs, one is the late Xianjun. The other is the mid-Jianjun. These two baboons remain in the family protection family. And these two 傀儡 are the peaks of Xianjun, the family can put them in the Xinghai Go over there and help protect the Xinghai."

Originally, Xu Tiantian and others have already known that Xiaobai has broken through to the late Xianjun. Xu Ziyan went out to take away the white, and felt that the strength of the Xu family would drop one level. I did not expect Xu Ziyan to give them a The embarrassment of the late Xianjun, the excitement in my heart is beyond words. Happyly, Xu Ziyan, Xiaobai and Xu Xiang were sent away from Yuejicheng.

With Xu Xiang accompanied, Xu Ziyan naturally could not accept Xiao Bai into the purple smoke space. She could not fully trust Xu Xuan. The extremely delicate and vigorous magical seal of his body made Xu Ziyan jealous.

Xu Ziyan did not enter the hidden world. With Xu Tiantian’s original words, Xu Ziyan did not want to provoke the hidden family. He temporarily traveled through the Zhongyuan galaxy for a while, and the time was five years in the tour. .

In the past five years, Xu Ziyan has traveled around. Also visited the Chu family in turn. Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia, respectively, received the cost of selling the planet to them from Chuyun, Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong. That is a big expense. In addition to paying a large amount of resources to Xu Ziyan, the three companies also paid Xu Ziyan's six billion yuan.

But these resources and Xianjing are only a small part of the benefits they have gained from the Xinghai for decades. At first, the purple smoke was used to unite them against the hidden family. Originally it was half sold and half delivered, and the three were full of gratitude to Xu Ziyan. In the end, Xu Ziyan did not let go of the Tianmeng League, and went to visit Xu Liangtian. Xu Tiantian also enthusiastically hosted Xu Ziyan, two people boiled about wine, as if they had never had hatred between them.

Xu Ziyan is a daring artist. She has a small white and chaotic two sages. She does not think that Xu Tiantian can leave herself. And she also wants to see what Xu Tiantian has now, and whether he has reached the half-step fairy king.

However, Xu Tiantian, who did not reach the half-step Xianwang, was very clear about the strength of Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai. He did not want to leave Xu Ziyan without any self-reliance. Instead, he was very enthusiastic to entertain Xu Ziyan, and then another reluctant gesture would be sent to Xu Ziyan. go. Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearance, Xu Tiantian's gangsters bulged high, apparently gnashing their teeth.

Chu Yundong, Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong, although the tone is very tight, never revealed a trace of Xu Ziyan sold to them Xinghai Planet, but the amount of the old tyrannical Xu Tiantian simply does not believe that by the cloud, Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong can be in the small world He won so many jade slips, and he also thought that Xu Ziyan was able to freely pass through the labyrinth of the ancient ruins in the small world. He believed that those planets were the trade of Xu Ziyan and the three, which made the X-Sea almost no interest in the Xinghai. More hate Xu family. Only now that the Xu family has grown up, the most important thing is to have Xu Ziyan, so that he does not dare to act rashly.

In the endless void, the color becomes darker and darker, and in the depths of the void, the endless black clouds are hovering, emitting a sense of silence.

Within the black cloud, there are dense black whirlwinds everywhere. Like a huge black pillar hovering in the air, there are countless meteorites flowing around the black cyclone.

A huge galaxy appears in the dark, standing on a planet in the center of a huge black palace. Inside the palace, a huge black high-backed chair was sitting on a double-headed demon, and below him stood a demon monk in the late peak of Xianjun. At this point, the head opening on the right side of the double-headed demon said:

"Samori, the only purpose of your trip to the Zhongyuan Galaxy is to bring Xu Ziyan back to me."

"Yes! Devil handsome!" Samori said respectfully.

"Would you like to capture Xu Ziyan like this?"

"Magic handsome, I will defeat her in a bright and fair manner, and then take her to the front of the devil handsome." Samori said proudly.

"Wrong!" A word of the devil screamed in the ear of Samori, making Samori's gods stunned, and hurriedly slammed down on the ground, hurriedly said:

"Please enlighten the Master!"


The devil opened his mouth and spit out a bottle from his mouth, which flew toward Samouli. Samori hurriedly grabbed the bottle with both hands and looked up at the devil.

"Samori, this bottle is temporarily loaned to you, it is a Chinese product congenital treasure, after you go out, do not expose yourself, but to visit Xu Ziyan. After learning the traces of Xu Ziyan, do not fight her, directly Bring her into the bottle and bring her back to me. Remember! I want the result of success. If you dare to make a mistake, the coach will let you die."


"Get up, let the handsome send you away!"


Zhongyuan Galaxy.

On this day, Xu Ziyan was invited to participate in an alchemy conference with Xiao Bai and Xu Xiang as a reviewer. Xu Ziyan sat in the middle of the judging panel, and Xiao Bai and Xu Xiang stood behind her. There are also some Xiandan divisions who are judged, but the high platform they are on is lower than the high platform of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan is highlighted. This is a kind of respect. Nowadays, the level of alchemy of Xu Ziyan has been respected by the alchemy of the Zhongyuan galaxy. In the middle of the galaxy, no realm of Xiandan can surpass her.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was smiling and watching hundreds of Xiandan divisions in the square below, alchemy, and thoughts drifted to the mainland of the sky. I remembered the scene of the alchemy in my alchemy city and fell into the memory...

On top of the cloud above her head, there was a figure suddenly appearing, but it was Samori. His eyes looked down through the clouds, and soon he found Xu Ziyan on the high platform. Quickly took out a bottle, and thought about it in the mouth, and suddenly threw the bottle out to the purple smoke below.

Xu Ziyan, who was in the memory, was shocked and suddenly looked up and looked up. A bottle was instantly magnified towards himself.

Immediately stretched out his hands, grabbed Xiaobai and Xu Xiang, and moved away, but suddenly found that he could not move, but before she responded, she was sucked into the bottle and sucked at the same time. There are also small white and Xu Xiang in the range of the bottle mouth.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, the bottle shrank sharply and flew like a meteor toward the sky above.


Samori grabbed the bottle in his hand and his body disappeared instantly in the clouds.

Dan Da Dabi was completely chaotic, and Xu Ziyan, the legend of the alchemy world, was taken away by a mysterious person with a bottle. The news spread quickly, and the images on the Dandao Conference were copied and countless copies were sent. In the family of the Zhongyuan galaxies.

Xu family, in the hall of the proceedings.

Xu Haotian had to send a message: "Give me a check and immediately search for all the news of Ziyan at no cost."

Chu family, the hall of the discussion.

Chu Yun is looking at the scene above the central image of the main hall. The look is very dignified: "This bottle is not simple!"

Yunjia, the hall of the house.

The cloud leopard looked at the scene above the central image of the main hall. The eyes were shocked and said: "If I didn't guess wrong, this bottle is a congenital treasure!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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