The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1645: Gradually disadvantageous

Ask for a pink ticket!


These families do not know that the Xu family has a monarchy monk, and they do not know that their family does not have a monarchy monk. But they were tempted to fascinated their eyes and wishful thinking that they could make a profit.

Their idea is that Xu Ziyan is dead, and now the Xu family must be a mess, and the four old super families and the Tianzhu League must be actively preparing to deal with the Xu family, and the Xu family is also nervously guarding. The four super families and the Tianzhu League. There is no need to spare no effort to guard them, which gives them a chance.

These second-rate families naturally do not want to provoke the Xu family of Yueji City, they turned their eyes to Xinghai. There are sixty-one planets in the home, there are extremely rich resources, and the resources that Xu family gets from Xinghai.


Xu family holy land.

Xu Qinyang’s front line was touched, and Xu Qinyang slowly opened his eyes. Xu Ziyan still has no slight message, and his cultivation is also trapped in the middle of Xianjun because of the five attributes. More importantly, Xu has recently noticed that dozens of second-rate families are secretly united and have a deal with Xu. The signs, and the forces that originally fled to the Xu family also have an unstable trend.

The entire Xu family has signs of falling apart.

Gently sighed, got up and opened the array, and went outside the Dongfu. A disciple was standing outside the door and saw Xu Qinyang hurriedly praying:

"The patriarchs, patriarchs and saints ask you to go to the main hall."

Xu Qinyang frowned at the slightest invisibility, and there was a slight feeling in his heart. When the sky is empty, the figure is floating. Fly to the hall of the Holy Land.

Xu Qinyang hurriedly landed at the door of the main hall and walked quickly into the hall. I saw that there were already many people in the hall at this time. Xu Yuntian and Xu Zhenshan were in the upper position, and a picture was suspended in the center of the main hall. What appears above the picture is the chart of the Xinghai.

Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan saw Xu Qinyang coming in, just nodded and no words. Xu Qinyang put a light footstep and walked to his seat to sit down and look toward the central scroll.

Xu Tianlang, who was already in the early days of Xianjun, stood in the middle of the main hall. The temperament of the Jade Emperor, who was once the king of the lower galaxies, was undoubtedly revealed. Reach out and point to the various planets in the picture:

"The distribution of the 61 planets of our Xu family is extremely reasonable, forming a stable big league, and within the Xinghai, we have four immortals in the early days of the Xingjun, and there are two peaks in the early days of Xianjun. Guardian, it can be said that as long as there is no problem inside our home, Xinghai will not have anything."

To say that in today's Xu family, after the Xinghai fairy magic war, there are a number of monks with strategic vision. However, no one has reached the height of Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwo. Xu Ziyan founded Xu in the mainland of Cangwu. In the lower galaxies, the foundation of the fairy country was laid down. I don’t know how many times of crisis and how many times of war. As the head of a country in the lower galaxies, Xu Tianlang led Xu Jiadong to discuss the West. The vision is not the ones of the Zhongyuan galaxies Xu family who only know the cultivation monks can compare.

Therefore, when Xu Tianlang said his opinion in a positive tone, the monks in the entire hall secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Xu Zhenshan slightly thought about it:

"Sirius is doing a good job. But we have only four immortals in the 61 planets in Xinghai. Even if we add those two scorpions, it is only six sages. How can we take care of them? If those second-rate The family coalition forces have figured out the details of our Xu family, and then suddenly attacked our Xu family without the planet where Xianjun sat, which has a great impact on our family.

On the one hand, they will be able to steal the resources on the planet, and on the other hand, they will deal a heavy blow to the reputation of our family. In this way, it will play a chain role, so that the family of the Zhongyuan galaxies feel that our family is not unable to attack. If this kind of thinking is formed, the whole family of the Chinese galaxies will attack us. Let alone be our home. It is that any family will be destroyed. ”

At the beginning of Xianjun, Xu Tianzhu stood up from the chair and said: "If those second-rate families really do this, we will destroy them all."

Xu Zhenshan frowned and shook his head and said: "No, according to the investigation, there are more than fifty second-rate families in secret union. Although the strength of each family is far from our family, but if we want to fifty Several families have eliminated one by one, and we will not have to do anything else in the next few decades. Fifty families are distributed throughout the galaxy, which will cause us to fall into a long family war. .

Once caught in a long period of fairy war, and our opponents are not super family, just those second-rate families. Don't forget, there are four old super-families and Tianzhu League behind us. We have been involved in the battle for a long time, not to delay the cultivation of the monks of Xujia, causing a lot of consumption, and it will inevitably reveal flaws and give veterans The four super-families and the Tianzhu League can take advantage of the opportunity. Once the four old super-families and the Tianzhu League launch a fairy war against the Xu family, they will soon sweep the entire family of the Chinese galaxies to attack our family. Unimaginable. ”

At the beginning of Xianjun, Xu Linghou stood up and said: "The Holy One, there is a defensive array on every planet in our star sea, and there is a transmission array on each planet. The defensive array can block the invasion of the second-rate family. The transmission array can quickly assemble the monks, and we should have nothing to do with the family?"

Xu Zhenshan glanced at Xu Ling, and looked at Xu Tianluo again: "Sirius, let's talk about it."

Xu Tianlang said with a sigh: "This is what I just said. As long as there are no problems inside our Xu family, there will be no problems with Xu. But if there are problems inside the Xu family, those who have gone to our family and the second-rate family will join forces. It should be external, ruin the transmission array, open the defensive array, and the result will be..."

Xu Ling waited for a glimpse of his face, and said afterwards: "This is impossible. Our family will do what they want to do. They just need to give us the benefits of the family every year, and they will be protected by Xu." Where do they go to find such a good thing? After they are outside the second-rate family, they can still get more benefits?"

Xu Tianlang said faintly: "You just said that they handed over the benefits of Xujia Sancheng in order to get the protection of Xu family. When they feel that Xu family has no ability to protect them, there will be another Let's say that letting a family betray Xu has various uncertain factors. We can't ensure that those families don't betray us, and sometimes we don't have to betray us with the whole family. As long as several people are bought by the second-rate family, they can Make something that is hard to beat."

Xu Haotian said with a deep voice: "But we can't now have any monitoring actions against those who have gone to our family. If we do that, it will cool everyone's heart. At that time, it is Xujia. The moment of true discretion."

"Not bad!" Xu Tianlang nodded. "This is also my biggest concern."

Within the hall, there was a moment of silence. Everyone was locked in a brow and thought about the countermeasures. For a long time, Xu Qinyang said:

"Then we sent a Xianjun guard on all sixty planets. Now we can't send it to our home."

Xu Tianlang gently shook his head and said: "We don't have more than a hundred monks in the Xianjun period. If we send sixty-one immortals to Xinghai, the family will almost never have Xianjun to sit down. Little patriarchs, don't forget, In recent years, our Xu family's business has developed rapidly, and many shops have been established throughout the Zhongyuan Galaxy. We have more than a dozen Xianjuns stationed on various planets. If we send Xianjun almost all, the ethnic land once What happened, regret it."

The monks in the hall have revealed a bitter smile. This matter makes the Xu family very passive, as if it can only wait, there is no solution at all.

Xu Haotian looked up at Xu Tianlang and whispered: "Sirius, you once laid a big fairy in the lower galaxies. Based on your experience, can we have no other way to make a home?"

Xu Tianwo’s look became dignified: “There is no way.”

Xu Haotian’s eyes were bright. When she just wanted to ask questions, she felt that her communication jade slipped and hurriedly took out the jade. By the time he put down the jade, the face became more gloomy, with an endless murderous path in his tone:

"The secret agents of our Xu family just came back from the news. The second-rate family coalition forces sent several monks to the old four super families and the Tianzhu League to lobby, and wanted to form a bigger alliance for us."

There was a sigh of relief in the entire hall. Before I said that the Xu family had no real tension, this time it was really tense. If such a major alliance is truly formed, the Xu family will be truly annihilated.

The ants are more likely to die, not to mention the four old super-families and the Scorpio are not ants, they are giant images.

Xu Qinyang hurriedly asked: "Father, they said that they moved the four old family and the Tianzhu League?"

“Tianzhu League, Chujia, Yunjia and Jiang’s attitudes are ambiguous. Only Xiangjia gave a clear answer. They agreed to form an alliance with the second-rate family coalition. At this time they are talking about each other.”

Just said here, Xu Yutian’s communication jade slipped again. Xu Weitian opened the communication jade Jane in the face of water. After listening to the report there, he just put it down, and the communication jade was simple and shocked. In this way, after shaking for more than a dozen times, Xu Haotian’s face became more and more gloomy.


I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (200), the sea ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la classmates (100) reward!


*(To be continued~^~)

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