The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1658: Jiu Pinxian Fu Shi (two more pink)

The four major super-power alliances have lost more than 300,000 monks and seven sages. Relatively speaking, Xu’s speed of losing the planet is accelerating, but there is almost no loss in real strength, and there is still reinforcement in the dark. .

In the fifteen years, Xu’s nine sages appeared again, and the total number of Xianjun has approached one hundred. And the third war castle has been completed, and Xu Family began to make the fourth war castle.

Two years ago.

Xu Qinyang raided the headquarters of the Tianzhu League on the Scorpio Star, and wiped the base camp of the Tianzhu League from the Star of Heaven. This allowed Xu Tiantian to be under the wrath of extreme anger. While rebuilding the Tianzhu League base camp, it became even more low-key, and the alliance's rights returned to four balanced states.

In the next two years, Xu Qinyang did not return to the Xu family, but with the Xu family monks began to attack a third-rate family.

The third-rate family is simply a cockroach ant for the strength of Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang destroyed the forty-eight third-rate family in two years.

Xu Qinyang's flow action case made the four super forces very headaches. Usually, Xu Qinyang is a person. When he attacks, he will release the Xu family monks from the Qiankun ball. It is hard to prevent. Moreover, the four super-power alliances still don't know that Xu Qinyang will transform the shape, so they also spent a lot of energy to chase and intercept Xu Qinyang, but there was no success.

The third-rate family was originally small, and Xu Qinyang killed them easily. Moreover, the most popular in the middle galaxies is the third-rate family. The four super-powers simply cannot guess which third-rate family Xu Qinyang will raid. And Xu Qinyang is very cautious, he often comes to a place will be carefully explored, as long as there are any signs of inappropriate. He will fly away immediately.

Xu Qinyang’s two years of killing finally came into play. Those third-rate families began to be afraid. They were afraid to follow the footsteps of the third-rate family that Xu Qinyang had destroyed, but they did not dare to withdraw from the four super-power alliances. if that is the case. They will be destroyed by the four super powers.

Many third-rate families began to secretly dismiss the tribes of the tribes. They secretly concealed some elite disciples of the family. After doing all this, they began to secretly escape from the Xinghai.

The number of monks in the four super-power alliances has sharply decreased in a few months. The main force to attack the Xu family's defensive array is that these third-rate family monks are driving the cannons as cannon fodder, and each third-rate family is small, but they have the largest number, so their number in Xinghai is the most. huge.

The trio family monks began to escape, and the four superpowers immediately felt that the number was not enough. After figuring out the truth, the four superpowers were angry. They knew that if the wind could not stop, it would spread to the second-rate family. First class family. By that time, their alliance was a joke, leaving only their four superpowers.

Therefore, the four super-powers took extremely tough measures, and with the foundation of the four super-powers, they quickly dug up the majority of the three-stream families who escaped and then killed them all.

At the same time, it has increased the monitoring of various families in the alliance. And publicly sent monks to monitor in various families, once they find out which family has signs of escape, they will immediately encircle their families. Moreover, the four super-powers also put the patriarchs of each family under house arrest, forcing these families to obey the orders of the four super-power alliances.

Under various measures, the four super-power alliances finally stabilized again and began a crazy attack on Xu. However, cracks in the league have also appeared. The first-class family, the second-rate family and the third-rate family began to doubt that once the Xu family was captured, they were given the inheritance of the Xu family. Will the four superpowers make it public?

This day.

The Chu family came to a visitor.

There are three people sitting in the study room of Chu Yun. Chu Yun moved, Chu Yunfei and the mysterious visitor.

Chu Yun looked at the opposite mysterious visitor and said faintly: "You said that you are a Zhou family, representing Zhou Wei?"

Zhou Renjie sat half-shouldered in the chair and said with respect and respect: "Yes. It is the family who sent me secretly to visit the Chu chief."

There is no slight change in the expression of Chu Yun’s movement. Although they have been out of the disputes of the fairy world for 15 years. But this does not mean that they do not understand the situation of the fairy world, but they are very concerned. They are like a latent tiger watching the battle between the two alliances. I don't know when it will be fiercely thrown out.

Therefore, he basically speculated on the purpose of Zhou Renjie’s money. He did not speak, but looked at the opposite Zhou Renjie faintly. In that week, Renjie felt the pressure of the sky to pour on Chu Yun’s body. Come over. A monk in the early days of Xianjun actually sweated on his forehead, raised his hand and wiped a sweat, and said cautiously:

"Chu chief, our patriarch let me come to see you is to want to go to you."

Chu Yun’s expression still has no change, just a faint saying: “Go to me?”

Zhou Renjie said with some sorrow: "Yes, we want to go to you in the Zhou family. As long as you can protect our Zhou family from being destroyed by the four super leagues, we will go to the Chu family in the Zhou family. You can mention that. As long as it is not too much..."

Chu Yun faintly shook his head and stopped Zhou Renjie’s words: "You can go, I have not been here, no one will know this thing."

"Chu chief you..." Zhou Renjie stammered.

"You don't understand what I mean?"

Chu Yun’s eyes suddenly condensed, and the eyes in the eyes shot two real-like eyes. Zhou Renjie only felt that the gods had a pain, and they burned their **** from the fire and suddenly smashed from the chair:

"Understand, understand, I will leave!"

Looking at the back of Zhou Renjie being taken out by the family disciples, Chu Yunfei whispered: "Big brother, Zhou is also a first-class family. Now they are willing to come to us. Why don't we take them?"

Chu Yun took a look at Chu Yunfeidao: "If we accept the Zhou family, we will bear the dead venge with the four super powers. It is not terrible to have a dead hatred, but it is too early. You dragged our Chu family into the fairy war. The timing is wrong!"

Chu Yun moved up from the chair and walked to the bed, pushing the window and looking out at the long Baiyun Road:

"Once we receive the Zhou family, we will force us to stand on the side of the Xu family. This is not the result I want. Xu family!"

Chu Yun’s gaze became deep and profound: “Xu’s family seems to be constantly retreating, but in essence there is no damage. After waiting for the real collision between the Xujia Alliance and the four super-power alliances, it’s our Chu family’s appearance. At that time, perhaps since then, in the fairy world there is only one super family."

ten years.

Xu Ziyan has been in the Mozu Holy Land for twenty-five years.

She finally became a pinnacle of the early stage of the nine-character, and the first one reached the peak of the nine-character.

At this point, the chaos is sitting in the room, Xu Ziyan and Yan Yi are sitting opposite each other in the bamboo building in the purple smoke space. On the table between the two people, there was a pot of Wudao tea, and when he put down the teacup, he directed the large array of the Mozu holy land to Xu Ziyan.

"Master, this big squad is really very powerful. That sorcerer Saduo said yes, once this big bang breaks, it will break the barrier to the upper galaxies, and the entire Mozu Holy Land will fly up. Yuan Galaxy."

"Can you crack this big array now?"

The array shook his head and said: "This big squad, as Sado said, is a collaboration between the singer and the singer. If you want to break this big squad, you need a nine-character late stage. The division and the cooperation of a nine-product late peak Feng Fufu. Master you now..."

"I haven't reached that level yet! But it's fast."

After thinking about it, "Master, if we just open this crack and open a crack, we can do it now."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "No. I have thought of this method, and I also thought that Xiao Bai would use this smash to open this hole and escape. But this is not the solution to the problem. If we do this Now, the next time they send another fairy to go out and grab us back? So, the best way is to completely break this big array and send the demon holy land to the upper meta-galaxies. The problem I am worried about is that We cracked the big squad, and while the Mozu Holy Land flew up to the Yuan Galaxy, could I fly up the Yuan Galaxy along with the Mozu and successfully escape to the Zhongyuan Galaxy?"

A frowning frowning thought: "When the sacred sacred land of the Great Devils is swept up, the monks of the entire Mozu Holy Land are hard to control themselves. It is impossible for Sado to be the Emperor. After all, the Mozu The flying of the Holy Land is not through the normal passage, and the passage will be very unstable during the ascent. According to my speculation, even if they successfully fly up, there will be great damage, and many Demon monks will be shredded by the power of space. Therefore, the owner of the Mozu does not need to consider this.

The owner needs to consider the space turbulence that the Mozu Holy Land is flying when it is soaring. Under that kind of power, how can the owner get out of this space vortex and leave safely. ”

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan raised his eyebrows with sorrow.

"Master, if you enter the purple smoke space, then control the purple smoke space maybe..."

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head immediately.

Two people fell into silence again. They all sat there and frowned and thought. Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a move, remembering the Thunder giant sword. When the mind was moved, the figure left the purple smoke planet and floated in the endless void, shouting:

"Thunder giant sword!"


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Crushing Cui"

Author: wooden snow

Brief introduction: Cold eyes are broken, and wealth is in danger. (To be continued~^~)

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