The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1667: A visit

Five days later.

There were six figures in the sky above the Tianzhu League. The virtual standing on the clouds looked down. These six people are the Xu Ziyan, the peak of Xianjun’s mid-peak, the ancient vine hope of the late Xianjun and the Xiaopeng white, the peach tree demon peach and the spider demon spring 30 in the middle of Xianjun, and the early stage of Xianjun, but it is nine In the later period of the product, the peak of the singer’s squad.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked down. At this time, Tianzhu League was taught by Xu Qinyang’s previous destruction of the base camp. Although he was surrounded by Yueji City, he was still afraid of Xu’s sharp counterattack. Therefore, the big array is completely open, but there is a gateway to the big array at the gate. There are thirty-six rookie guards at the portal, eighteen outside the portal and eighteen in the portal.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze glanced at the big squad of the Tianzhu League. This is just a big stage in the late stage of the six-piece, with a sneak peek at the corner of his mouth.

"Array one, take over the control of this big array."

"no problem!"

The array said with a faint smile. The hand was raised, and the eighteen-faced flag was turned into eighteen streams, which fell from the sky and instantly entered the big array of Tianzhu League.

The thirty-six monks who stood guard at the door looked up and faintly could see six figures above the high clouds. The eighteen rays of light were released from the six people above the clouds.

Nine of the eighteen monks outside the portal immediately emptied, and nine of them flew over the clouds and screamed:


"Xu Ziyan!"

Xu Ziyan’s beautiful voice hangs from the clouds. A sapphire blue figure has already rushed toward the nine big Luo Jinxian, behind her behind the hope of the ancient vine and white.

The figure of Xu Ziyan instantly came to the face of the nine big Luo Jinxian, when the three words of "Xu Ziyan" were heard in the nine big Luo Jinxian ears. The body is not a stiff, full of unbelievable.

In their field of vision, I saw only the purple purple sleeves and a wave of light, the body of the nine big Luo Jinxian suddenly slammed like a heavy object. "嗖" and flew out. The shape of Xu Ziyan has already rushed to the gate of the Tianzhu League below, and the sleeves are swung again, and the figure rushes into the gate of Tianzhu League.


Beyond the gates of the Tianzhu League, the bodies of the nine big Luo Jinxian in the air and the nine big Luo Jinxian at the gate were blasted. Turn into powder.

"Xu Ziyan is here!"

"Xu Ziyan is here!"

The eighteen Luo Jinxian in the gate suddenly woke up, smashed away, and ran towards the inside, screaming loudly.

Xu Ziyan was faintly holding hands and standing in the gate. He did not go after them. He just stood there quietly and looked at the Tianzhu League, but the eyes were stunned. Standing behind her, white and hope, both eyes are murderous.


Three figures were dropped behind Xu Ziyan. It is exactly the peach blossom, the spring thirty mother and the array one. Behind them, the big-mouthed portal was closed, and the first one had won control of the big array and closed the entire Tianyi League.

"嗖~~嗖~~嗖~~" Numerous monks rushed out from the Tianzhu League and rushed toward Xu Ziyan and others.

Xu Ziyan screamed in the flickering voice, whispered: "Array one. Use the big array to find me the monks of every Tianyi League, and let me not miss one."

"Yes!" Immediately, his forefinger drew a circle in the air and immediately showed a mirror-like image. As soon as he integrated his own knowledge into the big array, the scenes in the image constantly changed, and the images of monks were revealed.

The opposite monk shocked over here, Xu Ziyan, hope, Xiaobai, peach blossoms stood quietly there, and one of them controlled the big array. Only Chun 30 is very busy. First, I got together with Xu Ziyan and cautiously asked:

"Master, give me a scorpion out of the space?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at her with a smile, thinking of the hobby of Chun 30, or her advice to her when she was in the mainland. They no longer refused, and gave him a sly demon directly from the purple smoke space. Chun 30 was happily turned over and sat on her back. Then the hands did not know where to grab the two money, and the monks who flew in the sky and threw the past, and shouted in the mouth:

"Peach blossoms are not in the grass, and the money is not guaranteed!"

"Oh la la..."

The sky was greeted by the other side, and the monks thought that it was a powerful fairy, and hurriedly released the fairy to those money. Chun Sanniang did not use the power of Xianjun in the middle of the period. She did not want to use money to kill the other side immediately, but aimed at the other side's head and revealed her prestige. However, I did not think that the money I threw out was directly hit by the opposite monk.

Spring 30 maiden anger, a pretty face becomes gloomy, and then see a few people like Xu Ziyan are looking at her with a smile, "Teng" face and become red.

"Don't dare to violate my order!"

The spring 30-year-old mother gnawed her teeth and shouted, and the life of the gods passed out instantly, and her arms showed in the air.


From her body, she burst into a dense silk spider silk. Each scorpion has a thumb thickness, which is instantly interwoven into a giant net in the air, almost covering a few squares. The power of Xianjun’s mid-term can be fully displayed. Just put all the flying scorpion scorpions to the nets.

The body of the monks was caught by the spider's body, and a trace of venom immediately infiltrated into their bodies. In a mourning sound, the bodies of the monks quickly became black and stinking.

Chun Tie Niang will take the spider silk and say with hate: "Look, you dare not listen to me."

At this time, a group of Tianzhumeng monks rushed out and saw the bodies everywhere. The look was a glimpse. Just between this time, the shape of the peach blossom has already danced. With her graceful dance, many peach blossoms have fallen from the sky, and the time has blurred the eyes of everyone, blurring the wisdom of the people.

The sky is falling!

So beautiful!

The circling blossoming peach blossoms through the beautiful trajectory in the air, passing over the neck of a monk...


A stream of blood was sprayed from the throat of a monk, and the body turned to the dust, and the **** that emerged from the body was instantly twisted into powder by the peach blossoms.

These people are too weak!

In the Tianzhu League, there is no such thing as a fairy in the middle of the immortality like Peach Blossom and Chun Sanniang. The limited number of monarchy monks followed Xu Ditian in the siege of Yueji City, that is, the nine-day Xuanxian monk almost fell out of the nest, the original Tianyi League's heritage is the thinnest in the super-power alliance, staying in the Tianzhu League The monk is too weak.

Xu Ziyan opened up the purple smoke space, and countless demon people rushed out from the purple smoke space, but there were tens of thousands of moments, and the cultivation of these tens of thousands of demon people was higher than the repair of these monks.

The massacre has begun!

There is no such thing as Xu Ziyan at the end of the day. I hope that it will be shot with Xiaobai. It is only the peach blossoms and the spring thirty maidens. In the middle of the two seasons, the tens of thousands of demons will kill all the monks in Tianyi League in one day. Under the surveillance of the first one, no one slipped.

In the next half of the day, Peach Blossom and Chun San Niang led the demons to move all the treasures of Tianzhu League into the purple smoke space.

One and a half days later.

Xu Ziyan took everyone into the purple smoke space, left the big array, and looked at countless monks in the distance outside the big array. When the appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared, it caused a fierce commotion.

"Really is Xu Ziyan!"

"Is she not dead?"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful to let Xu Ziyan hear."

"Xu Ziyan came out, this ... shows that Tianzi League..."

"This... is too great? She is alone!"

"Xu Ziyan is back, and the super-power alliances have suffered."

"Not necessarily, even if Xu Ziyan is iron, can he burn a few nails?"

Xu Ziyan ignored them, but flew high above the clouds and took out a flag. The entire squad of Scorpio has already been hand-footed at this time. The flag in her hand is like a detonator. Xu Ziyan raised his hand with one hand, and the flag on the side of the flag went to the Tianzhu League, and it fell on the node of the good one.


The whole big bang exploded, and the entire Tianzhu League was razed to the ground, allowing those who watched in the distance to open their mouths and lose their ability to think.

Xu Ziyan, above the clouds, reached out and grabbed a hand to the ruins of the Tianyi League below. A small mountain peak rose from the ground. Xu Ziyan stretched out his index finger in the air, and a line of fonts appeared on the small mountain:

"Xu Ziyan is here!"

Then, Xu Ziyan landed on the cloud head, and in the eyes of the public, he rushed to the transmission line. At the transmission line, the Tianyi League disciples had already escaped without a trace. Xu Ziyan started the transmission array and began to go to the Yun family.

When Xu Ziyan changed his appearance, when the transmission of a piece of land was transmitted, the news that Tianzhu League was destroyed was transmitted to the ears of the super-power alliance outside Yueji City. Xu Tian immediately became red eyes, and Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiangmou They are all still there.

"Xu... purple smoke... come back..."

And when I came back, I began to retaliate against the super-power alliance with such violent means. So... Where will the next stop of Xu Ziyan go?

Is it a cloud home? Or Jiang?

Xiangmou hides a glimmer of misfortune in his eyes. In his heart, he said: "Let's make a lot of money, you have today! When our family was Xu Qinyang, I didn't lose the family. You said it was very light. I have to look at this turn. You and your Tianmeng League have been killed twice by Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan. What will happen to you?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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