The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1697: Come to my mouth (more pink)

The Xu family has completely entered a benign development. At this time, Xu Ziyan left here and went to the Shangyuan Galaxy. The next goal is to upgrade to the king of the king and go to the upper galaxies. As soon as I thought of the Wanli and Yanshan souls of the Shangyuan Galaxy, Xu Ziyan’s heart was also excited.

Xu Ziyan once again retreats. The primary purpose of her retreat is to accumulate her own senile power to the critical point of breakthrough. For others, it seems that in a place where Qixianyuan is almost liquefied, It is not difficult, but it is not a simple matter for Xu Ziyan, because the eclipse that Xu Ziyan needs is too large.

ten years.

Xu Ziyan relied on Jiu Pin Xian Dan and the nearly liquefied Xian Yuan Li to accumulate the body's fairy power to the critical point of breakthrough. After that, it was not the accumulation of Xian Yuan Li, but the need to comprehend.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan felt a humming sound in his purple smoke space, and immediately entered the purple smoke space.

As soon as I entered the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan immediately felt the difference in space. It seems that the whole space has been stabilized a lot. The original loose space seems to be connected by what is generally. Spreading his own knowledge quickly, the entire purple smoke space was covered in an instant, and the face was shocked. The various planets in the purple smoke space seem to be connected by one channel, and they are found along the various channels, and the purple smoke planet is found.

When Xu Ziyan was in shape, he landed on the purple smoke planet and stood in front of the building. At this point, the time array that had been shrouded in construction had been broken, and the entire building was fully mature. It grows to cover the sky.

Xu Ziyan realized it in an instant. The time frame that he had set up at the beginning was outside for a hundred years. It has been more than twenty years now. It has been more than two thousand years. In such a place where Xianyuan is extremely rich, and he has once given some wood to chaos, how can this building wood be immature?

As soon as this building was mature, it actively connected the stars of the purple smoke space to one place. The center of each plane is formed. In this way, the time array that enveloped it will naturally be blasted by it. I am afraid that from now on, I will never think about any array of methods to cover it.

Jianmu shook a little, suddenly jumped out of the trunk and a three-year-old girl, with a finger looking at the Xu Zi flue:

"Are you the master?"

Xu Ziyan was shocked and then ecstatic. He did not expect that Jianmu had cultivated human form. But think about it is normal, more than two thousand years. In addition to the chaos that was given to her at the beginning, it is normal to cultivate the human form. Not to nod:

"Small wood, I am your master."

“Small wood?” Jianmu said with a finger on his head and thought, “Is it calling me?”

"Yeah, you are Xiaomumu!" Xu Ziyan took her up and sat on the grass, then said: "I will introduce you to some small partners."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan summoned him in his heart. In a short while, Huo Linger, Xiao Wudao, Xiaotu, Xiaojin went to the front of Xu Ziyan, and saw Xiao Jianmu, who stood there in shock. Xu Ziyan put Xiaomumu on the ground with both hands and smiled and said:

"Look, the little friends are shocked! Go and say hello to them."

Xiaomumu looked at the little friends with some slyness. At this time, Xiaowudao jumped up. With a small finger on the small wooden road:

"You are the tree?"

"Yeah!" Xiaomumu nodded seriously.

"Oh. Great!" Xiaowu Dao, who is also a property of wood, was overjoyed. He jumped to the front of Xiaomumu and pulled up the small hand of Xiaomumu:

"My name is Enlightenment, and the fire-fighting one is called Huo Linger. The dragon-shaped one is a small earth, the golden one is Xiaojin. There is also a small water. She is now sleeping."

Xu Ziyan leaned back on the grass and looked at a few friends to have a good time, and a heart was happy. I didn't want to disturb the play of several small partners. When I stood up from the grass, I quietly left to see the peach blossoms.

The cultivation of Peach Blossom and Chun Sanniang has reached the end of Xianjun. Xu Ziyan simply called them and they also called it. They found that six people were also trained in the middle of Xianjun. Xu Ziyan thought about it and decided to open a dojo preaching here.

The ancient vines and Xiaobai were also called back, including the dark attribute tree demon of the Nether Star. Xu Ziyan also summoned them, plus some high-landed bears. Xu Ziyan began to preach, from shallow to deep, and always explained to the cultivation of the boundary.

For a whole year, Xu Ziyan sat at the peak of a peak, and the sound hangs from the peak like a fairy. Sitting in front of Xu Ziyan's knees, sitting in white, hope, peach blossom, spring thirty mother, array one, Fu Yi, Yi Yihe Er, Dan Yi and Dan Er, Xiao Jin, Xiao Mumu, Huo Linger, Xiao Tu, Xiaowudao.

Behind them, strong to weak is a demon, the demon of various attributes has been discharged to the foot of the mountain, continue to row down, around the entire mountain, the demon is listening carefully.

one year later.

Xu Ziyan dispersed to the dojo, those demon people reluctantly dispersed, Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and sent Xiaobai and hope back to the chaos. The dark attribute tree demon was sent back to the Nether Star, and the earth bear was sent back to Saturn. Then he asked about Peach Blossom and Chun Sanniang about the purple smoke star, and then let them leave.

Looking into the first line, thinking about it, reaching out to the eyebrows of the first one, a ray of light transmitted into his knowledge of the sea, imparting information about the time array to the first one, then telling him, go back and comprehend, when After comprehending the time array method, all the medicine gardens on the purple smoke planet will be laid with time array method.

After the departure of the array, he asked about the status of Fu Yi, Yi Yi and Yi Er, and waved them to leave. Finally, I looked at Dan Yi and Dan Erdao:

"Is the crystal marrow extracted?"

Dan nodded: "Yes, master. We both use five billions of fine crystals to extract five crystals."

When the words fell, five jade boxes were taken and handed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took over the five jade boxes and opened a jade box. Looking into the inside, a pearl with a sparkling radiance appeared in front of her, and immediately felt the huge power inside. With a smile on his face, they continued to refine the elixir and waved them to leave.

Looking at Xiaojin, Xiaomumu, Huo Linger, Xiaotu and Xiaowudao in front of him, Xu Ziyan was in a good mood, and suddenly his heart suddenly moved. One thought came to an unstoppable state, and his eyes fixed on Xiaomumu Road:

"Small wood, if it is not in this space, I will take you to another space, can you take me to various planes?"

Xiaomumu thought with a finger on his head and finally nodded. "It should be OK, but it will be very laborious."


Xu Ziyan’s heart was excited, and there was a hint of impetuousness in his heart. This kind of impetuousness, she knows what it has been, has been suppressed by her for more than a hundred years, and has been suppressed for so long, has begun to affect her mood.

This impetuousness comes from two aspects, two of which have no causal consequences.

One is the soul from the earth before he crossed. After the inexplicable passage of his own, he left only the grandfather. This cause and effect, although the purple smoke has been trying to forget, because it is not forgotten. I can't go back, and even if I can go back now, Grandpa is no longer alive.

The other is the soul from the vast continent after the crossing. It is a calculation. Although the Xu Haoguang couple on the mainland of the Cangwu have the Yanshou Dan that they gave them, they only extended their two hundred years of life. Now think about it. Xu Haoguang and his wife also arrived at the time when Shouyuan will be exhausted. No wonder they have a kind of impetuousness. It seems that I have to go back and look at it. Now I have refining the new Xiandan Zengshou Dan, which will allow my parents to live for thousands of years. Although the couple like Xu Haoguang will eventually die, but in spite of their ability to do so, this is a mistake.

As for the grandfather on the earth, Xu Ziyan has no way. Only use time to slowly calm down the impetuousness in your heart.

However, now it is different, with Xiaomumu, she can finally go back and have a look.

With a decision in mind, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated. With Xiaomumu, he left the purple smoke space and appeared in his own cave house.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and sent the message about the flying star of the lower galaxies to Xiaomumu. After Xiaomumu digested the message for a while, he turned into a small tree half a meter tall and a mouth appeared on the trunk. He said:

"Master, come to my mouth!"

Xu Ziyan's body shape shrunk instantly, turning into a stream of light and entering the mouth of Xiaomumu. Xiaomumu closed his mouth and slammed into the space, and his body suddenly disappeared in midair.

Lower Yuan Galaxy.

Flying star.

Suddenly in the void, a space crack cracked open silently, and a green light shot from the inside. A small tree half a meter high rushed out of the crack in the space. A mouth appeared on the trunk, and the purple smoke was spit out.

Xu Ziyan's body shape quickly returned to its original size in the air. Looking back, the green color of Xiaomumu became dim and the leaves began to turn yellow. Let Xu Ziyan feel a heartache, it seems that the repair of Xiaomumu is still shallow, and here is not her main space, which makes her consume a lot.

Mindful action, with small wood into the purple smoke space, let Xiaomumu return to the body of the building wood, and took a large chaotic gas buried in the roots of the building wood, this is from the purple smoke space Come out inside.

Xu Ziyan adjusted his cultivation to the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, and then fell to the flying star.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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