The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1708: Fried fryer

Yan Tianhua nodded: "Now the peak of a sword is not there, the retreat of retreat, only Zhang Wujie and Xu Ziyan two people, that Xu Ziyan can be ignored, we just deal with Zhang Wujie. Zhang Wujie is just a late stage of Xian Wang, Here we sent a peak of the late king to challenge her. Everyone belongs to this class of the late Xian Wang. Even if someone can't see it, they can't say anything."

Li Wuji smiled and said: "You can't ignore Xu Ziyan! Isn't she showing the repair of the peak of the Mahayana? Isn't Danding Peak not a disciple who has no peak in the late Mahayana, just let them go to Xu Ziyan to discuss it? ""

"But..." Yan Tianhua’s look was hesitant: "The disciples are not really true disciples of Dan Dingfeng, they are just registered disciples, and they have not experienced the experience of leaving Zongmen, fighting strength..."

Li Wuyi waved: "It is to use our Danding Peak to remember the disciple to go to a Jianfeng challenge. Isn't the purple smoke a true disciple of Jianfeng? We just want to use Shadingfeng's famous disciple to humiliate a Jianfeng. As for saying We have no experience of the recorded disciples of Dandingfeng. This time is an opportunity for them to experience and tell them who can disappoint Xu Ziyan and the deity has a reward."

Cangwu Zong.

Rainbow Peak.

Cang Jiuyi was behind him, holding a writing brush, writing on a piece of rice paper, putting down the brush, and measuring the word "and" written by himself, said faintly:

"Teacher, these days, the news after the war with the Yaozu should be summarized?"

The earth said with a sound of water: "Yes, all the demon people have returned to their territory. However, since the natural changes occurred in the western mainland nearly a hundred years ago, the nine major sects have sent a monk to investigate, and it is known that ancient times have emerged. The Mozu Holy Land. The Mozus of all parts of the mainland have gathered together there for nearly a hundred years. And our Terran has also been associated with the levy, but there are layers of formation, and they have never broken into their center. And because of the distance The millennial battle with the Yaozu. Our Terran has never been fully levied, and it has not been thought that this nearly a hundred years has made the Mozu gradually become a climate."

Cang Jiuyu said with a deep sigh: "The nine major sects of this matter have long been conclusive. It is only a broken sacred place of the devil. It does not pose any great threat to our human race. If the sect moves to the levy, it is inevitable that the people will suffer." The plan is to use it as a trial field for the Terran monks. This matter will be put aside for the time being. The biggest enemy of our Terran is the Yaozu."


Cang Jiu’s eyebrows pointed out: “Is the investigation of the cruel double emperor clear?”

The soil eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "The cruel old emperor has a very rich experience, and he can't figure out his details. Don't say that in recent tens of thousands of years, there are no information about this person in the hundreds of thousands. I am working on it. Let's continue to look up the information to see if he is an old-time figure from a million years ago. But there is a legend that he is the **** of killing God who suddenly disappeared more than five million years ago.

The cruel Emperor could not find any information about him. But these two people also have a clear difference, that is, the cruel old emperor is very high from the time he appeared, and the cruel little emperor seems to be in the early stage, his cultivation is not high, that is, the immortal period, But the speed he improved was very fast, and it was so fast and jaw-dropping. Inferred from this. The cruel emperor should be an old lover who has been living in seclusion. I don't know what happened and ran out. The cruel Shaodi should be a cultivation genius, that is, he does not know where he was born. ”

"It's best to investigate the details of these two people. The tyrannical emperor is fine. It seems that as long as no one is going to provoke him, he never takes the initiative. But the cruel emperor seems to have a hatred for our nine sects. Especially for the Stars, he almost saw one kill. The direction of your investigation shifted to the Stars, and the Stars were offended by the powerful characters."


“Is it still stable recently?”

The earth sinks into the water and said: "The overall situation is still stable. This time, the battle with the Yaozu, the peaks are somewhat damaged. And they feel the pressure. So they are diligent in cultivation. Just..."

"What is it?"

"It’s just that the inner moon’s moon peak wants to replace the Jianfeng peak into the Xuanmen. The one behind the moon peak is Danding Peak.”

Cang Jiuyan frowned deeply. After a long time, he finally turned into a long sigh: "Hey! I didn't think that the most brilliant sword peak of Cangwu Zong has now declined to such a degree. It used to be the pride of our Cangzong. Therefore, I have always been a bit of a sword. However, a Zongmen wants to develop is not able to suppress competition. Otherwise, the disciples in Zongmen will not see hope. We will remain neutral now. Let's go!"

The face of the earth is so unbearable, and whispered: "The meaning of the sovereign is..."

The eyes of Cang Jiuyi fell on the big "and" on the rice paper. There is a tired color on the face:

"If a Jianfeng really does not have the strength of Xuanmen, I can't break the general trend, let the moon peak come up."

A Jianfeng.

Xu Ziyan sat in his own quiet room and arranged his own understanding of the sword of the earth. However, before she realized the half-day time, she heard the voice of the red-haired old man on the peak of a sword:

"Zhang Wujie, give the deity out."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth passed a bitter smile, and she didn’t have to think about it. The old man with red hair was coming to her. Because Xu Ziyan has already sniffed out the refining of the elixir from the taste of his robes on his robes, it is a celestial dan, which can fill a sacred monk’s sacred time in the rest of his life, and there is no Side effects. And this kind of medicinal medicine needs five kinds of medicinal materials, and these five medicinal materials are all active medicinal materials with extremely unstable performance. If you add the same active leaf scent, it is strange to not fry.

At this point, it must be a fryer, and the red-haired old man remembered that he had reminded him and ran over to ask himself. However, she is also somewhat strange. Cang Zongzong is also one of the nine major sects of the Upper Yuan dynasty. How can there be no Dandan in the same day?

Sure enough, the voice of the red-haired old man came from outside: "Unbounded teacher, did you accept the sister?"

"Shi Bo, you..."

"Less nonsense, take me there."

"Shi Bo, if the sister is offending you, I will sue you on her behalf!"

The sound of Zhang Wujie from outside made Xu Ziyan moved, perhaps because the situation of a Jianfeng was not good, perhaps because there were only a few people on the peak of a sword, which made these people more united. Anyway, at this moment, let Xu Ziyan have a sense of belonging to a Jianfeng.

"Taro, what kind of person do you think of Shibo? I just have a question to ask her, take me there."

Listening to the conversation between the two people, Xu Ziyan knew that the red-haired old man should take care of a Jianfeng, otherwise Zhang Wujie would not respect him so much. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan stood up and pushed open the door and went out.

Just outside the door, the red-haired old man and Zhang Wujie’s figure have already fallen to her front, and Zhang Wujie smiled helplessly toward Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, this is the peak of the Fenghuo Peak.

"I have seen business divisions!" Xu Ziyan respectfully bowed.

However, Shangrong did not hear Xu Ziyan’s words at all. He grabbed Xu Ziyan’s arm and said:

"Say, how do you know that it will be fried?"

Xu Ziyan did not answer, but asked curiously: "Shang Shibo, don't you have Dan Dan of the Japanese?"

"Chong Ridan! You really know Guan Zidan!" Shang Rong was excited. The more excited he was, the harder he was. What was he doing? He is the monk of the late peak of the earth. Even if the body strength of Xu Ziyan is already in the early stage of the nine-piece fairy, it is only the strength of the body of the early Emperor, and it can withstand the power of a late monk. In an instant, I was able to pinch the purple smoke and lick my teeth. The pain that I have not experienced for a long time made Xu Ziyan hurriedly say:

"Shi Bo, hand! Hand!"

After a glimpse of the business, he immediately responded and slammed his hand and slammed it on Xu Ziyan’s arm, saying that he apologized.

Xu Ziyan hurriedly hid his arm behind him, why? I am a girl's arm to give you an old man to pinch how it is going!

"Shi Bo, let's talk in the house!" Xu Ziyan asked.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Shang Rong’s face is still awkward, but the look of Xu Ziyan is different. I remembered that I had just tried to hold Xu Ziyan’s arm. Although I didn’t use my full strength, it was not a monk who could endure in the late Mahayana. Her arm should have been crushed by herself, but it’s not like looking at Xu Ziyan’s appearance. .

When I came to the room and sat down, Xu Ziyan brewed tea. This time, I whispered: "Shi Bo, have you not answered what I said?"

"Oh!" Shang Rong shook his head: "Guan Ridan is just a kind of eight-medicine medicine, but Dan Fang has already lost his biography. Now the Xidan, used in Xiu Xianjie, is called Xiao Guan Ridan, which not only restores a monk. It takes time to repair, and there are side effects. After the effect is lost, the monk will not be able to use the fairy power within one day.

I got a broken Biandan Dandan party by chance. This broken Dan Fang only left four herbal names, but I have not been able to refine these four herbs. Guan Ridan, so I started to try to add other herbs. According to my analysis for many days, I think I should add Ye Qingxiang. ”

Having said that, Shang Rong’s face blushed and continued: “Then like you said... the fryer!”


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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