The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1714: Come to the treasure

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Seeing the rudimentary form of the cold and clear world, Xu Ziyan understood from this heart that it seemed that the cold and clear and carelessly pulled out a sword, but the cold and clear, but did not have a slight contempt, but used his own strength.

I am afraid that the reason why the three sisters are retreating is to understand the world, and they have already realized the embryonic form of the world. Although they have not fully realized the true meaning of the world, they have already gotten started. If there is no face and no enlightenment, there will be no suspense in this battle. What's more, the repair of the cold and clear is still slightly higher than the lack of beauty?

Sure enough, when I saw the sword of cold and clear, I changed my face.

At this time, there appeared to be two continents on her upper and lower levels, squeezing toward him. This kind of power is not completely unstoppable, and the figure quickly recedes. However, the two upper and lower layers of the continent seem to have become infinite, and they cannot fly out of the cover of these two continents.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but secretly nod. Now that the cold and clear can unite the two continents, and then based on this, they can slowly cultivate a boundary of soil properties.

But nowadays, this rudimentary shape is just a little bit unrecognizable. The two continents are constantly merging toward the middle, leaving little room for beauty. Now she is crazy in a narrow space. The ground flies, but there is no hope at all.


There was a sudden shock on the two continents, and countless hilts slowly emerged from the two continents. The countless hilts slowly bulged upwards, and the dense sword appeared.


There was a humming sound, and the dense and long-soiled swords on the two continents had no wind and no vibration. Suddenly broke through the ground and went to the endless bombardment.

In the narrow gap between the two continents, a series of buzzing sounds came, and the blast continued for a quarter of an hour. The dense long sword circling in a narrow space, "squeaky" into the mainland, and then sinking into the mainland as if it had melted.

The two continents gradually narrowed down to a size of one foot, slowly hovering around the cold and clear body, and the cold and clear eyes fell on the side of nothing, faintly said:

"You go up!"

Fang Wuwu's face changed, looking around. There is still nowhere to be seen. It has already been smashed into a powder. He was only an early Emperor, and it was an early Emperor without a slight understanding. The cold and clear is a peak of the late Emperor of the Emperor, and the gap between the two is only one step, but the power of this circle completely fills the gap, and the party has nowhere to emerge. A trace of fear.

I am so hard to cultivate to the Emperor, if I am killed by the cold, I am not dead. The heart has already retired. Although it is so shameful, it is better than death. A tribute to the cold and clear:

"Behind the self-confessed, stay in the next practice, then come to ask!"

To be honest, no one laughs and has nothing to lose. There is no doubt that the decision at this time is wise, and that a monk who cultivates out of bounds, and who is a monk who is not far from him, is not a smart person.

But from this point, I can see that the preciousness of Xu Ziyan just now, a Luo Tianshangxian dare to fight with a fairy king, and finally won the battle.

I looked at it with contempt and contempt. Coldly shouted: "Roll!"

The party has nothing to look at. But still tolerated, turn around and leave. Originally, today is the face of the next Jianfeng, things have been promoted by Li Wuyao, but they did not expect to lose face. The strength of a Jianfeng has once again made the Cangwu sect pay attention to it.

What are these people?

A monk of Luo Tianxian lost a fairy king? At this point, everyone has already understood that the body strength of Xu Ziyan must be very strong. At the very least, it reached the realm of the early Emperor.

There is also the cold and clear, even in the Xianhuang period, the initial understanding of the world, killing the same level opponents, Megatron Xiandi, this Jianfeng people are few, but more genius!

The gods on the top of a sword peaked and went back. The onlookers outside the mountain gate dissipated, and a cold-eyed look at Xu Ziyan, said softly:

"Small sister, the sister went to retreat!"

If the words fall, the figure will disappear in the space. Xu Ziyan could not help but smile, and said in his heart: "These people are mad at cultivation!"

But think about it, Xu Ziyan also understands these brothers and sisters, a Jianfeng has been in crisis, these people are thinking about revitalizing a Jianfeng, refused to waste a little time.

Xu Ziyan stood on a sword peak with a negative hand and looked around. A Jianfeng Peak is not a mountain peak. Each peak of Xuanmen Baifeng is a continuous mountain range. Such a large place with Xu Ziyan has only eight masters and apprentices. Xu Ziyan looked at the vast area around him, and suddenly there was an idea in his heart.

If the disciples who brought Xu Jiafei up in the future will receive a Jianfeng residence, on the one hand, they will add some popularity to a Jianfeng, on the other hand, it is definitely a good thing for the family.

The Upper Yuan Dynasty is almost a world of Zongmen. Although there are also family members, they are all vassals of the Zongmen. If you build a family outside and become a vassal of other sects, it is better to establish family power in Zongmen. In this way, Zongmen will be protected from the initial stage of development. Otherwise, it is easy to establish a family in the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

Taking back the long-awaited thoughts, Xu Ziyan could not help but laugh. Mind, now that I have not established a foothold in Jianfeng, let alone in the Cangwu sect, I think so far, it is somewhat unrealistic, and I don’t know whether Cangwu Zong allows the establishment of family power. Waiting for the six divisions to come back and ask.

With the resurgence of the name of a Jianfeng, Xu Ziyan’s reputation has also been passed out, and the reputation of Xu Ziyan’s monk is changed by the repair of Luo Tianshang’s immortal.

But there are also unbelief, extremely unbelievable. These are the monks who did not come to watch Xu Ziyan slamming Wu Qing, but no one came to easily challenge Xu Ziyan.

Because the monks above Xian Wang challenged Xu Ziyan to be inappropriate, it was not to challenge Xu Ziyan, but to challenge a Jianfeng. When it’s time to get out of the cold, or if there’s a second brother’s heart, there’s really no disciple who has this grasp and won’t be killed. However, it is even more inappropriate for the elders of the Xianzun period or the sects of the small and medium-sized sects to challenge a Jianfeng. After all, the peak of the sword peak is in vain. If you are going to challenge, it is not a challenge. It is to challenge the clan.

Therefore, if you want to challenge Xu Ziyan, you can only be a monk of Luo Tianshangxian. At the very least, it is also a half-step monk below the Xianwang. Because this kind of cultivation is not a true disciple in the peaks of Cangwu Zongxuanmen, it can only be counted. As a registered disciple, then you are challenged in the scope of the registered disciple, even if it is a Jianfeng, you can't say anything, and Xu Ziyan's brothers and sisters are not good at shooting.

Then some disciples who did not know the situation were eager to try, and some disciples who knew the situation were equally eager to try. After all, their hearts felt that Xu Ziyan was not victorious, but it was not true that Wu Qing did not pay attention to the success of the attack.

However, those monks who understand the situation have also calculated in their minds that the monks of Luo Tianshang are sure not to challenge Xu Ziyan, because they have thought about it, even if they are not paying attention to Wu Qing, they cannot defeat a peak of the late Xian Wang. . They have a lot in mind, but there are not many monks who haven’t watched Xu Ziyan’s madness and Wuqing’s heart! There are a lot of monks in the late peaks of Luo Tianshang, who have already tried to defeat Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not know this, at this time she was practicing swords in the quiet room. Suddenly the sound of the Thunder giant sword came out of her body:

"Ziyan, it is useless to cultivate like you."

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan heard the voice of the Thunder giant sword. Her opinion on the Thunder giant sword is very important. Then he asked humbly:

"Why do you say that?"

"The strength of your body has reached the beginning of the nine-character sect, but it is only the cultivation of swords, and there is no external force to help you get a breakthrough? Pointing at you so slowly cultivation? Do you have to cultivate for ten thousand years, or 100,000 years?"

"What should I do?" Xu Ziyan asked in a wrong way.

The Thunder giant sword was silent for a while: "Ziyan, you still remember that you promised me, will you do something for me after going to the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Well, of course. You say it!"

"I remember that there is a mountain in the northern part of the original fairyland called the Thunder Mountain. The mountain is named after the constant lightning. There is a valley in the depths of the mountain. There is a thunder pool in the valley. I hope that you can Take me there."

"Is it going to restore your repairs?"


Xu Ziyan was silent for a long time: "Thunder giant sword, can you put this thing back, I..."

"I know!" Thunder's giant sword said softly: "With your current cultivation is not suitable for the Thunder Mountain Range, I am talking about waiting for you to have strength in the future."

"This is no problem!" Xu Ziyan immediately agreed, and then asked: "Thunder giant sword, I remember you said to me. To tell your experience to me, why not talk about it now?"

The Thunder giant sword sighed a bit: "Well, I will tell you."

Silence for a while, it seems that the Thunder giant sword is thinking about the past, then the voice is low and said:

"Ziyan, how much do you know about the fairy?"

"Well, I know that there are instruments, spirits, fairy, and congenital treasures."

"So, do you know what grade of Xianxian Xianbao?"

"This... is it not a product, a middle product and a top product?"

"Not bad!" Thunder giant sword said: "But there is another grade called super product, I am the super innate fairy treasure."

"Super product..." Xu Ziyan opened his mouth. There is a voice circling in my heart: "I have a treasure!"


*(To be continued~^~)

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