The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1716: celebration

Breaking the space lock that is tightly hung in the big level of Luo Tianshang's late peaks, the force of the purple smoke space is like a dislocated wild horse violently impacted.

In three days, several space locks were broken, and the repair of Xu Ziyan was restored to the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian. In the past three days, someone finally made a decision. A descending Zongmen disciple of the Arctic sect wanted to challenge Xu Ziyan as a sect.

His cultivation is higher than the disciple of Eryi Zong, and the cultivation of the two disciples is the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, and his cultivation is the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, which shows that Even if it is a sinister gate that is not in the stream, but because it is a veteran patriarch, it is also deeper than the emerging sect.

However, the process is still not very exciting, and Xu Ziyan is killing him from a distance. This time there are still several peaks of the late Luo Jinxian, and they are prepared to continue to challenge Xu Ziyan once the disciples of the Arctic sect are defeated.

Because they found that they couldn't see the repair of Xu Ziyan, there is only one possibility, that is, Xu Ziyan's repair at this moment must exceed them. Waiting for them to hear the people next to them exclaimed that Xu Ziyan is now the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian late, one by one in the pale face and secretly glad that he did not come forward to challenge Xu Ziyan.

These people are distracted and distracted. Some of them can't understand what Xu Ziyan is all about, why they will grow so fast. I asked the monks of the Cangwu sect, and my face was distorted by excessive shock. Xu Ziyan was only repaired after more than half a year. In just over half a year, he reached the peak of the nine days of Xuan Xian.

This is too abnormal!

So everyone understands that Xu Ziyan should have been injured when he entered the Cangwu dynasty. At this time, it was only after the restoration. but. What was the repair before Xu Ziyan was injured?

On the summit of Danding.

Li Donglai frowned and asked: "Big brother, what is the real state of Xu Ziyan's real cultivation? What is her origin? Was it that you grabbed her and threw it on the high platform of Jianfeng?"

Li Wuji said with a sullen face: "I am free to do nothing? Grab a genius and throw it on the high platform of a Jianfeng? Are you in the head?"

Looking at Li Donglai’s face, he spit out a sigh of anger: “This is really awkward. I investigated it carefully. It seems that no one has grabbed her and threw it on the high platform of Jianfeng. I thought about it. I want to go, Xu Ziyan is likely to fly up from the Zhongyuan galaxies, but it is just a problem in the passage. Not only the body is injured, but also inexplicably thrown on the high platform of Jianfeng."

Li Donglai said with a look: "So, the true cultivation of Xu Ziyan should be the beginning of Xian Wang. In the early days of Xian Wang, who was less than 200 years old, a sword genius had a genius!"

"Can't wait any longer!" Li Donglai hurriedly said: "I feel that things are shifting in a bad direction. Now we must speed up our actions and force a sword to squeeze out the Xuanmen."

"What do you want to do?" Li Wuyi looked at Li Donglai.

"There is a mine in the eastern part of Zongmen. It is a sword peak. We have to find a reason to grab a mine in Jianfeng. When a sword peak is bound to be red-eyed. Fight with us, then we This opportunity will kill a few people in Jianfeng."

Li Wuji frowned and thought for a while: "You can do this yourself, Dan Dingfeng will not participate, but will cover you in front of the Sovereign."

"Big brother can be so relieved, as long as the sect does not pursue my responsibility, I will not be afraid of a Jianfeng at the strength of my monthly peak. Now the sword is not in a sword peak, I can alone A sword peak sweeps."


Rainbow Peak.

The soil whispers softly: "The Sovereign. The origin of the Xu Ziyan is very mysterious!"

Cang Jiuyi said faintly: "Since a Jianfeng can keep her, it proves that Xu Ziyan has no problem. Although Jianfeng is now going out, retreat, even my lord does not understand the strength of Jianfeng. However, I still trust a Jianfeng. The people of Jianfeng are not fools. Since we left Xu Ziyan, we should not doubt it. What happened to the younger brother, what about the celebration?"

"Everything is ready. But..."

"But what?"

"This time the battle with the Yaozu. Because there is not a few people at the Jianfeng Peak, and the peak of a Jianfeng is not there, so the Sovereign only symbolically notified the next Jianfeng, and did not give a Jianfeng at all. What mission."

Speaking of it. The earth smiled with a bitter voice: "And the disciples of a Jianfeng are doing enough, they simply did not go out. They just sent Zhang Wujie to symbolically play, so this celebration will not only give a sword. Any reward of the peak, I am afraid it will cause other mountain peaks to dissatisfaction with a Jianfeng."

"I have a lot of things in this matter. Originally, the war between the Terran and the Yaozu was not as intense as before. The Terran and the Yaozu have scruples, because the Mozu has the momentum of revival. Not only the Holy Land of the Mozu reappears, but The Mozu, which was originally hidden everywhere, has gradually emerged, so this time the war between the Terran and the Yaozu is just a passing game. It is said that the Terran and the Yaozu fight, it is better to say that the Terran and the Yaozu passed this war. Show our strength to the Mozu. So, I will not let a Jianfeng participate, and then they will be just a few people, many of them are not many, less of them.

As for the dissatisfaction of other peaks, nowadays in the small city of Jiancheng, which is bordered by the Xingyu Ancestral Hall, we have had some disputes in the past ten years, so let a Jianfeng send someone to deal with it. Block the mouth of the Lord of the Peaks. ”

Xu Ziyan still comprehended the meaning of the sword on the viewing platform, but no one came to challenge her. At this time, all the ancestral gates that came to the Cangwu sect also secretly learned that Xu Ziyan is probably a prince, so it was a moment. Everything was quiet. This is not a monk without a fairy king, but now Xu Ziyan reveals only the cultivation of the nine-day Xuanxian period. The monks of the Xianwang period are not good at challenging, and that is the true disciple who challenges a Jianfeng.

The monks below Xianwang did not dare to challenge Xu Ziyan. Who knows when Xu Ziyan will return to the Xianwang period. If he is fighting with himself, he happens to return to the Xianwang period. Isn’t he looking for death? To know that through the performance of Xu Ziyan a few times ago, she is definitely not a soft person.

The celebration was grandly held. Cangwu Zong first rewarded some small and medium-sized ancestral gates that performed well in this Terran and Yaozu wars. Later, they rewarded the sacred gates of the Cangwu dynasty, the inner gates and the outer gates, but only There is no reward for a sword peak.

Zhang Wujie's face was hot, and she felt that everyone's eyes were focused on her, so she couldn't wait to find a place to sneak in.

At the beginning, she also suggested that the two brothers should be mindful, and all five Jianfeng peaks were dispatched. How could the Terran and the Yaozu battles of the millennium not have a Jianfeng figure? Besides, when the sword of the beginning of the Jianfeng Peak was destroyed after the war with the Yaozu, how could this hatred not be reported?

However, Zhang Wujie’s proposal was rejected by the heart and gave her a serious explanation.

This time, the war between the Terran and the Yaozu was basically a passing game. The two sides did not fight for the sake of fighting, but to show their strength. It was to shock the demon who began to revive, so such a Terran and the Yaozu did not participate in the war. A Jianfeng needs to improve its strength quickly, because in the near future, the situation on the Upper Yuan will be more complicated and more dangerous. To participate in such a more powerful battle, it is better to continue to retreat to enhance their own strength.

The process of the war between the Terran and the Yaozu is also as analyzed by the mind. This makes Zhang Wujie worship his second brother in his heart. However, worship and worship, standing here to shame, but also let Zhang Wujie's heart complain to the two brothers, even if the brothers and sisters came out together in the time of the Terran and the Devils, they can also avoid being shameful here. .

This is the case, but Li Donglai, the leader of the Lanyue Peak, was very happy. In his heart, he even determined that the Sovereign still gave up a Jianfeng in his heart.

After the celebration, it was revealed that the Sovereign commanded a Jianfeng to send disciples to Jianting City, so that it was not only Li Donglai’s heart that Cang Jiuyi had given up a sword peak, even Li’s heart was so.

After the celebration, it is a one-year exchange. During this year, all the small and medium-sized sects belonging to the scope of the Cangwu sect will be staying in the Cangwu sect. Everyone can exchange things and exchange ideas.

After the celebration ended, Zhang Wujie returned to a Jianfeng with a frustrated mood. Upon returning to a Jianfeng Peak, he heard the voice of Xu Ziyan practicing sword on the viewing platform.

The figure fell to the edge of the viewing platform, looking towards Xu Ziyan, and his eyes showed the envy of Xu Ziyan. For more than a month, Xu Ziyan gradually brought the sword of the earth closer to the realm of Zhongcheng.

However, she also knows that this is because Xu Ziyan has already cultivated the meaning of the sword of the earth to the great consummation. On this basis, the cultivation of the sword of the soil is naturally more effective.

The practice of a Jianfeng is different from that of Xu Ziyan. They start from the understanding of the sword and reverse the push. They first practice the sword to the great perfection, and then cultivate the meaning of the property. Of course, the time to cultivate the sword is very long, but when they practice the sword to the great perfection, the time to cultivate the meaning of the property is shortened a lot, just the opposite of Xu Ziyan.

Zhang sat on the ground and looked at Xu Ziyan to practice the sword, drawing on and comprehending.

Seven days later, Xu Ziyan held the sword and stood up. After an hour, a thick temperament was radiated from the body of Xu Ziyan. When it was released, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and cultivated the sword of the earth to the realm of Zhongcheng.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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