The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1732: Battle against Li Zhen

Looking at the fairy that was taken out in the autumn, Xu Ziyan was a joy in her heart. She did not think that this autumn is actually a sound. At this time, he was sitting cross-legged, one hand raised, the five fingers crossed the strings, and a sound wave hit the Xu Ziyan.

Autumn is knowing that Xu Ziyan will move a lot, and the body is strong, but he is still not afraid. He firmly believes that under the sound of his own voice, Xu Ziyan did not use the time of great displacement, and there was no chance to approach him. In the face of her own voice attack, she can only passively defend.

Xu Ziyan saw that the sound wave was coming to himself, spreading in the air, and was rapidly turning into a sea of ​​fire. There was another huge creature of Vulcan in the sea of ​​fire that had already been generated halfway. The power has been dispelled without any disguise. come out.

Xu Ziyan did not take out the five-color sword, but smiled with both hands.


A syllable was released with the hands of Xu Ziyan, and the Vulcan, which was being formed in the fire, suddenly stopped.


The voice of Xu Ziyan's palm was screaming continuously, the syllables constantly changed, and the half of the Vulcan began to shake.

Qiu Yi was shocked by the look. He was a monk who practiced the sound. He immediately heard that Xu Ziyan’s repairs on the sound were more than him.


The half of the Vulcan crashed into a crash, and Xu Ziyan’s figure suddenly appeared in front of the autumn, smiling at him. Autumn is a red face, he knows that this is Xu Ziyan's mercy, otherwise a sword can kill himself, at least you can give yourself a downfall. Shyly stood up from the ring. Holding the piano in both hands, a slight ritual:

"Thank you for your sister's mercy!"

Xu Ziyan returned to his own viewing platform and thought about calling out the small soil, and turned him into a slap-sized earthen dragon on his shoulder. Let him wake her up tomorrow morning and immerse himself in the understanding of the sword of the earth.


Xu Ziyan was awakened by Xiaotu, and he was taken into the purple smoke space and placed in the chaos. Then fly towards the central square. From the air, she fell directly on a platform. She just fell, and Nanxiong also flew to the ring.

After the two people greeted each other, they stood opposite each other. Xu Ziyan took out the five-color sword and looked at Nanxiong. Her understanding of Nanxiong was limited to the other side being the peak of the late Xianwang, and her purpose was to learn from the monks of the Cangwu dynasty by continually fighting with these monks. So she is waiting. Waiting for the other party to shoot.


In the vision of Xu Ziyan, Nanxiong raised his hand and threw a flag. The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. Is Nanxiong a repair?

At this time, the laughter of the male repaired from the opposite side: "Xu Shimei, under the monk peak, is a squad, you have to be careful."

The bright and upright of the other party made Xu Ziyan’s heart rise a bit of good feelings, and she also wanted to see what kind of realm the other’s formations had cultivated. The Yuanshen of the first one was moved to his own sea of ​​knowledge, but he did not hand over his body to the first one. Instead, the two gods shared a sea of ​​knowledge and observed Nan Xiong there through their eyes.

"Array one, see what realm is he?"

The sound of the first one is very disdainful: "In general, it is the initial state of eight products!"

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan suddenly lost interest. She was not a squad, and she was not interested in the arrangement. She lost the strength to continue to compete with each other. At this time, a thick fog has shrouded the entire platform, and the monks under the ring have not seen what happened above the platform.

"Who do you say you will win?"

"Do you still ask? One is ranked 90th, and the other is ranked 18th. Who do you say will win?"

"It's hard to say! There are a lot of unexpected things that Xu Ziyan made!"

"This time she is escaping! You didn't see Nanxiong. She was still stupidly standing there? Now Nanxiong is in a good position. Even if you change, can you win?"

"No!" The monk shook his head decisively: "If it is before he fails, he will be somewhat sure."

At this time, Nanxiong's battle has been laid, and at the same time in Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, the array of manuals is also constantly sketching a path within the sea. This path is the most direct way to reach Nanxiong through the array method.

Xu Ziyan remembered this route and opened the eyes of Kun Peng. The figure disappeared in an instant.

The thick fog above the ring gradually dissipated, Xu Ziyan still smiles and stands opposite Nanxiong, but the distance between the two people is very close at this time, and the purple smoke can be used to make Nanxiong kneeling as long as the five-color sword in the hand is raised. Downfall. Nanxiong is a stunned look.

"Southern brother?" Xu Ziyan whispered.

Nanxiong woke up and shook hands toward Xu Ziyan: "I admit defeat!"

Xu Ziyan took a step back and Xu Ziyan sent the Yuanshen back to the first place. He just wanted to fly down the platform, but he heard a voice under the ring:

"Xu Ziyan, I am Li Zhen from Danding Peak. I am a monk in the late stage of Xianwang, ranking fourth in the king's list. Can you dare to fight with me tomorrow?"

Xu Ziyan looks awkward. This kind of big challenge is the challenge behind the rankings. The challenge that Nanxiong issued yesterday can also be seen as Nanxiong seeing Xu Ziyan constantly challenge the monks who are leaning against the former name, with the psychology of joking I challenge myself, but Li Zhen is probably not that simple. After all, she came from Danding Peak.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan could not refuse, and did not want to refuse. He nodded and accepted the game. He flew down the platform and returned to a Jianfeng.

On the viewing platform, Xu Ziyan is still immersed in the sword of the earth. Suddenly, the earth dragon on the shoulder of Xu Ziyan raised his head and looked to the left.

The two figures fell from the sky and looked at Xu Ziyan, who was comprehended on the viewing platform. The look of the heart hesitated and finally called out:

"Little sister!"

Xu Ziyan woke up from the comprehension and looked back at the second brother and the third division sister. Then he took the sword and flew toward the two. His face smiled:

"Two brothers, three sisters."

"Little sister. I heard that you accepted the challenge of Li Zhen today?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan looked at his heart and nodded.

"Hey ~ ~" heart looked at Xu Ziyan half-sound, and finally turned into a sigh: "Small sister, since it has already been fought, then you have to prepare. I will introduce you to Li Zhen's situation first."

"Thank you two brothers!"

Three people sit on the ground. The look of the heart is very serious, and the voice said: "Small sister, you must be more careful in the battle of tomorrow. That Li Zhen is the daughter of Li Dian, the leader of Danding Peak, and she is practicing the water system. Law. The temper is cold and arrogant, the means is cold-blooded, and the combat power is also very amazing.

And she as a daughter of Li Wuji challenges you, you must have the heart of life and death to prepare. Tomorrow, I will go to you with your three sisters. If you feel uncomfortable, you will admit defeat immediately. Don’t give Li Zhen the chance to kill you..."

Danding Peak.

Li Wuya looked at the daughter standing in front of him. This daughter was very satisfied with him. The water property variability Linggenbing root made Li Zhen's cultivation always advance. Just less than five hundred years old has reached the peak of the late King of the King, and his talent even surpassed his eldest son.

"Zhen, do you have the confidence to kill Xu Ziyan on the ring tomorrow?"

Li Zhen’s eyes flashed a bit of disdain, and said coldly: "No problem!"

Li Wuyi sighed in the heart, and this daughter is all good, that is, the temper is too cold. Slightly thought about it, turning his hand. A treasure lane was taken from the storage ring:

"Zhen Er, you have a nine-product late-stage attacking fairy in your hand. This ice-Roller is the defensive fairy of the late nine products that my father just bought from Wanbao today. You took it for sacrifice. !"

Li Zhen’s cold eyes flashed a touch of emotion, and his hands took over the ice and said: “Father, you can rest assured that tomorrow is the death of Xu Ziyan.”

Above the ring.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze passed through Li Zhen’s body, and there was a hint of surprise in the shackles. The opponent's body actually wore a nine-product late-stage defensive-type fairy, and the same hand was a nine-product late peak sword. This makes Xu Ziyan's advantage instantly reduced, his body is only the beginning of the nine-character. I can't completely resist the late Jiu Pin Xian Ji in the hands of Li Zhen. And because she is used to her own body, this time she forgot to wear a defensive type.

In terms of attack power, although the five-color sword in his hand is a congenital fairy treasure, his own cultivation is different from the other. There is no advantage in making an attack.

At this time, the two sides have already given the ceremony, Li Zhen no longer talks with Xu Ziyan. In the middle of the pair, the cold mang flashed, and a sword stabbed toward Xu Zi.

With her thorn, there was a thousand-handed ice sword in the air whistling toward Xu Ziyan, and the ice was cold and the whole space seemed to be frozen.

Xu Ziyan’s nerves were immediately tightened. At this time, it was impossible to cast a large shift because the entire platform was almost filled with Li Zhen’s sword. Unless Xu Ziyan moved out of the ring, but she lost. Moreover, Xu Ziyan is not able to defend, and her body is not resistant to the peak of the nine products.

Only attack and attack.

In an instant, Xu Ziyan transported the fire attribute to the Universiade, and the five-color sword became like a flame. The sword of the fire was sprayed out like a volcanic eruption, and the magma spurted toward the opposite ice.


A fire and ice collided in the air, raising a white mist.

“Wanli is frozen!”

The long sword in the hands of Li Zhen trembled sharply in the air. With the shaking of the sword, a mysterious sword pattern was sprayed out, and the whole space was frozen rapidly. The purple smoke was like the fish in the winter lake. The lake gradually frozen, leaving The space given to her is getting smaller and smaller.

Although the sword of Xu Ziyan was vertical and horizontal, the gap in the repair made the swords of the vertical and horizontal sides hit the wall, and the ice was cold and oppressed.

Xu Ziyan’s sword seems to be gradually frozen, and her face has become pale.

On the high platform, Li Donglai smiled enviously: "Big brother, you have a good daughter!"

Li Wuyi proudly smiled: "Zhen Er told me yesterday that within three strokes, Xu Ziyan will surely kill the sword!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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