The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1833: Xu Ziyan VS dream colorless

The five eyes of the dream flashed. He felt the threat of Xu Ziyan to him, but he was not very worried. He had his cards, but his heart had already killed Xu Ziyan. Before I decided to kill Xu Ziyan, it was Zongmen’s order, because Xu Ziyan’s Cangwu Zongwang ranked first, not because of Xu Ziyan.

Now he wants to kill Xu Ziyan, but it is entirely because of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan gave him a sense of horror. He had to kill Xu Ziyan before he really grew up. He had a feeling that once he allowed Xu Ziyan to grow up, he would become his most terrible opponent.

The second round of the game is over.

At that time, no one has paid attention to the competitions on the other two platforms. All of them have their eyes focused on the collapse of Xu Ziyan and Luo Qiu Shui.

After the end of the second round, the dreams of Shenji Zong were five colors, and Xu Zi’s Xu Zi was two points. Xu Tianqi of the sect was defeated by Fu Zong's building into the cloud, so that the building fell into the cloud, and Xu Tianyi lost a point and became a zero. Danzong's eclipse dance defeated Hanzong of the ancestor and won a point. The score changed from a negative one to a zero. And Hyland has become a negative dichotomy. Luo Yuzong of the confessed Luo Tianzong had two points. The lazy lazy of the Baihuazong is still a single point, and the falling autumn water of the already dead Stars is now zero.

Thus, the second round appeared in the rankings: the five colors of the **** machine sect and the Xu Ziyan of the celestial sect.

The third place is Fu Zong’s building into the cloud, which is one point.

The Xu Tianzhao of the sect, the sacred moon dance of Dan Zong, and the fall of the celestial domain, the three people of the fall. Tied for fourth.

Li Huazong of Baihuazong has a score of one point and is ranked seventh.

The sect of Haizong and Luo Tianzong’s Luo Yu each scored two points and tied for eighth place.

The third round started very soon, and the order of this match was. The five-color dream of Shenji Zong on the Xu Zun of Xu Zongzong, originally supposed to be the Hailan of the Fallen Waters of the Stars, but because the autumn water has died, the subsequent confrontation has changed. From the sacred moon dance of Dan Zong to Fu Zong's building into the cloud, Xu Tianqi of the sect of the sect was lazy to the Bai Huazong's Li, and the ancestral Hailan to Luo Tianzong's Luo Yu.

Not to mention that the third round has already begun. On the viewing platform of the Emperor-level Yongtai area, the lords of the nine major sects are seated here, and they are all watching the stage of the disciples of the emperors.

At this time, the face of the sect of the sect of the celestial domain is very ugly, because in the second round, the heart of the celestial sect has just killed the disciples of the celestial domain. This means that the celestial sect is not just losing a talented disciple. It also means that at the level of the emperor's list, the star domain has been destined to rank first. This makes one heart want to win three levels first in the grand ceremony, by the power of the host, one third of the dream of the world's first major gate honors from the **** machine.

Cang Jiu is a happy face, but he is also patient, because this is only the stage of the disciples of the emperor, the second round of the royal disciple and the disciple of the king has not been reported, and there are some concerns in his heart.

At this time, the results of the second round of the emperor disciples were reported. The look of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect is a stay. He never dreamed that in the battle of the emperor's disciples, the ruthless sect of the celestial ancestor killed the disciples of the celestial sect. The dream of winning the first one was shattered by a third.

There is still no time in the past, and the results of the second round of the disciples of the king have also been reported, and the road is completely sluggish. The disciple of the first place in the star domain was also killed by Xu Ziyan of Cangwu Zong.

This time is not the first problem, but the bottom. This joke opened up. At the beginning, he was still confidently raising the specifications of the ceremony. It is not just redistributing the interests as in the past, but the nine major sects are officially ranked in this way, and directly related to The number of monks who were sent to the Western Mozu after the ceremony. That is twenty-five thousand monks! This is also a big burden for the Stars!

But this bitter fruit can only be swallowed like this. Repentance is impossible. The other eight sects will not give the Stars a chance to repent, and even the sacred machine will not give him this opportunity. Moreover, it is also regrettable that the reputation of Zongmen cannot be destroyed, if the reputation of Zongmen is destroyed. The Stars will be isolated immediately and the decline will be inevitable.

"It’s just a thousand years!" Shang Dao thought in his heart: "The millennium after the millennium is coming back. The time of the millennium has passed, and the foundation of my genre is still affordable. Pay more attention to them, their three disciples... Hey, there will always be opportunities."

The machine **** machine of Shenji Zong is very proud. It is more proud than Cang Jiuyi. At this time, Shenji Zong and Cang Zongzong are tied for the first place. Will Cangwu Zong be placed in his eyes? Is it qualified to compete with him for the first door?

How can this be?

This first sect must be a sacred sect. The celestial sect is only temporarily juxtaposed with himself, vying for the first? Not enough.

At this time, on the collapse of the royal disciple, Xu Ziyan and the dream five colors have already fought together. Xu Ziyan took the sword with his left hand as soon as he came up, and hoped to merge and continually pull out the kendo.

The dream five colors sacrificed an octagonal compass to rotate in the air, shooting the golden light, and accurately shooting the purple smoke. Moreover, he seems to be strolling in the air, but he is always able to take the lead in avoiding the sacred attack of Xu Ziyan, and let Xu Ziyan’s attack fall through.

Xu Ziyan was a little anxious. On the one hand, the consumption of kendo was very huge. On the other hand, even if she was repaired to reach the peak of the late Xian Wang, the time of integration with hope was only forty, and the forty interest was over. I lost this ability.

And this is a continuous battle, there is no rest recovery time in the middle. She had just exhausted the power of Dantian in the battle with Luo Qiu. Although she took the elixir, it took time to recover, and she could not recover it all because she was still using the kendo and was constantly consuming.

The dream of the last five rounds because Luo Yu's admit defeat, there is no battle at all, this time is the peak strength of the battle, but also in the ring to watch the battle of Xu Ziyan, have a certain understanding of Xu Ziyan, no matter from that point of view, Xu Ziyan It is now at a disadvantage.

Xu Ziyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly thought about it in his mind. Can the dream five colors be expected to take the lead? Know the direction of my next attack?

Not bad!

It must be like this.

God machine sect! Not only is the practice peculiar, but also good at calculating, his compass is not only attacking, but also has the function of calculation. I still don't believe it. When I stuff the whole platform with kendo, I see how you dodge?

Xu Ziyan made a sigh, relying on the water of one palm of his body, and did not dodge it. The sword and the sword quickly smashed out the kendo. It was only the time of twenty interest, and the whole giant was filled with green giants.

But the result is that Xu Ziyan is more nervous. The dream five colors can always find the weakest part of the green giant. The octagonal compass will kill the green giant in the weakest part in an instant, and then he will smash out from the cracks. Continue to attack Xu Ziyan.

The face of the dreams has a playful smile on his face, and his eyes are filled with the eyes of the winner.

Although Xu Ziyan’s attack is very fierce, in the heart of the dream, he will definitely be the winner of this duel, because he has the magical power of anticipation.

However, at this time, the heart of the dream is also a little depressed. He found that his octagonal compass has been accurately bombarded with Xu Ziyan from the eight horns of the octagonal, but he did not see the slightest damage.

It is clear that the defensive mascot on her body has not restored the effect of defense! There is no defensive fairy from her body!

What is going on here?

The dreams of five-color hands hit the sleek handcuffs, and one palm was shot on the octagonal compass.


The octagonal compass suddenly turned sharply, revealing the mysterious pattern in the center of the octagonal compass, and a large golden light shot toward Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan’s figure flew out. Although she had a palm of water that made her not hurt, the huge power still affected her.


Xu Ziyan’s heart is turning, and the power of his own kendo is not enough. Moreover, the defensive celestial body of the dream five colors is basically not consumed, and the situation is more and more unfavorable to her. She is not sure whether the water of one palm can continuously resist the attack of the octagonal compass.

As soon as the mind was moving, there was a roar of noise. There was a dense flying otter around Xu Ziyan’s body, and it was condensed into a huge spear in front of Xu Ziyan.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan sang high and the huge spear rushed toward the dream. The five-color face of the dream still faintly smiles, and stepping out in a step-by-step manner, the spears are flashed off. However, his face was changed. He found that the spear was very flexible in turning the gun head and shocked him again.

"Are they alive?"

The dream five colors realized that this is not a fairy, but some creatures. At this time, the spear slammed open and turned into a water shovel and rushed toward him.

These otters are much more flexible than the green giants in the kendo. Only a few moments of water rushed to him, and the sound of biting sounded in the ear, followed by the water that rushed to him. The more you come, the biting sounds are loudly ringing.

The dream was full of eyes and eyes, and behind him there was a huge shadow of a huge heart, and the heart began to rotate.

One turn... two turns... three turns... seven turns...

Then the virtual image of the heart flew toward the octagonal compass in the air, and merged with the octagonal compass to a large power from the octagonal compass. All the people can see that the octagonal compass Weineng has reached the beginning of Xiandi.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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