The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1840: Blood tower

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"Oh..." The Emperor smiled aloud: "These are also called fairy instruments? Also called magic weapons? You don't see how much they are broken. Even if it's called garbage, it's not too much. How much do you want? ?"

The words fell, the Emperor also touched the storage ring, "哗啦" fell to the ground of the broken fairy and magic device.

The face of the Emperor was red again, and he said with a muffled voice: "I have a well-preserved magic weapon here, which is absolutely worth 10 million."

When the words fell, squatting down next to the pile of rust-scarred fairy and magical devices, reaching out and pulling, and then found a battle axe from inside, and said to the stall owner:

"How? At least 10 million of the best, I think I am suffering, use it to add these to your bones."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the giant axe in the hands of the emperor, and his look could not help. Although the giant axe also has rust, it has very little rust. There are more than 60% of the rust on other fairy or magical instruments, but the rust on this magical weapon is only less than one percent.

Xu Ziyan couldn't see through this huge axe, and he pulled the Yuanshen of the first one into the sea, let him go and see this giant axe.

At this time, the Emperor did not take over the meaning of the giant axe. Instead, he said sarcastically:

"You didn't make a mistake? Even if you keep the magic weapon intact, it is not damaged at all, but we are all people who cultivate the fairy. Do you let me use a magic weapon?"

"This..." The Emperor said, "You can sell it."

"Sell?" The sarcasm on the face of the emperor is more intense: "Who is it for? You ask someone here to sell it? At least 10 million best stars? Do you want to sell one million?"

The emperor could not help but look around. What I saw was a pair of sarcasm. Everyone is a person who cultivates immortals. Who will buy a magic weapon?

At this time, in the Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, he was exclaimed: "Master, buy it."

“Hmm?” Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up: “Why?”

In a tone, he said anxiously: "This magic weapon is an ancient magic weapon forged with a dark attribute star. The master has already cultivated the dark attribute to the great consummation, and can definitely use him. And the next can be used to re-extract this tomahawk. Refining a dark attribute sword for the owner."

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked up, and her heart was excited. She didn’t want to give her a refining of a dark attribute of the fairy sword. She’s not yet able to grasp the skills of the device. She thought that she would meet the Yanshan soul in the future. Yanshan soul will add this dark attribute to the axe and add it to the five-color sword. By that time it was a six-color sword with the ability to have dark attributes.

Compared with the white bone flower, this giant axe is much more important for Xu Ziyan. So, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, stepped forward and said to the emperor:

"This Taoist friend, I have the idea of ​​acquiring these fairy instruments and magic weapons. You can open a price."

That fairy emperor. Then he looked very happy, looked at the giant axe in his hand, and looked at the pile of broken fairy and magic weapon under his feet. He looked hesitant about what price it was. To be taller, afraid to scare away Xu Ziyan, to be low, not enough to buy this white bone flower. Finally, a bite:

"Five million best crystals."

Xu Ziyan nodded and took out a storage ring and handed it to the other party. After the other party checked, a wave of sleeves closed the pile of broken fairy and magic weapon on the ground. Then stretched out the finger and pointed at the giant axe in the other hand.

The Xiandi hurriedly handed the giant axe to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took over the giant axe and scanned the past with his knowledge. Star nuclear she has seen, but just did not see it. Nowadays, I was reminded that I was using God’s knowledge. Sure enough, it was made from the dark attribute star nucleus, and the face showed a happy color.

There was a sneer next to "嗤~~": "There is really a fool in this world. Buy a bunch of broken pieces with five million best crystals."

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at it. It was the fairy emperor of the Stars, and he said faintly:

"This magical device can't let the people who cultivated us immortalize the immortality. It is not because of its own weight and sharpness that you can resist."

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already seen it. This giant axe is definitely a middle-class ingenious weapon. It's just because it has nearly 10% rust, which makes it hard to recognize. But Xu Ziyan is different. Although she is not a master of refining, she has a vision. She firmly believes that it is not injecting strength, as long as it is an axe on the body of the emperor, absolutely killing it.

"Do you want to compare?"

The emperor was obviously not convinced, and he also knew Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan won the crown as a disciple in the ceremony, he stood below. At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan. I didn’t like it in my heart. Then I saw that Xu Ziyan actually bought the huge axe. Isn’t that his vision is not good? With a finger movement, the sword of the late peak of the nine products was taken in the hand, looking at Xu Ziyan provocatively.

"How is it?" Xu Ziyan looked at each other with a smile.

"We don't use Yuanli. I use this sword. You use that broken axe. We cut it and see who is hard?"

Xu Ziyan looked at him seriously and asked: "Do you really want to try?"

The opposite emperor nodded proudly: "What? You dare?"

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "You first traded the Bone Flower with this friend."

The Xiandi heard and hurriedly handed the prepared storage ring to the Emperor. The Emperor glanced at the gods and took it up. Then he held the kendo with both hands:

"are you ready?"

Xu Ziyan asked him extremely seriously: "Are you sure you want to try?"

"Crap!" The immortal is a little impatient: "How can I let you know that you are a big fool?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "But, why didn't you mean it?"

"What? What do you mean?" asked the emperor inexplicably.

"Let's bring some color to the head." Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "On the 10 million best fairy crystal."

"Ha ha ha..." The emperor smiled and said: "You have to send me a fairy, I have no reason to refuse."

"So you promised?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"Of course!" The fairy replied proudly.

"Good! Then let's get started."

Xu Ziyan stepped back half a step. The hands raised a huge axe, and the opposite Emperor also lifted the sword in his hands. His heart was very excited, ruining the giant axe and sweeping the face of Xu Ziyan. Then I got another ten thousand cents, and it’s good to be transported today! If the master knows that I have humiliated Xu Ziyan, I am afraid I will give me some rewards?

Both sides did not use the fairy power, but also made the strength of the whole body. Two rays of light crossed the air.

"When ~~"

A sword and an axe collided together and then separated.

The eyes of the people could not help but look at the giant axe in the hands of Xu Ziyan. The look was a revival, and the giant axe in the hands of Xu Ziyan did not change at all.

This is not true, nor can it be said that there is no change. At the very least, the rust on the giant axe has fallen.

Since the giant axe has not been damaged, what is the damage to the sword?

Everyone's eyes are focused on the fairy sword in the hands of the Emperor of the Stars.

"Well? No change?"

In the late stage of the celestial sect of the Emperor, the sacred swords of the nine dynasties in the hands of the emperor are still intact and radiant. but. The heart of the celestial celestial emperor was not flat. He felt that he had lost his face. In the late stage of the nine-character martial arts, the sword did not break the broken axe, so he shook the sword:

"Come back!"


As he swayed the sword, he heard a crisp sound in his ear, and there was a small crack in the sword of the late stage of the nine products, and then the crack quickly spread. Like a spider web, the sound of "咔咔" is endless. Pieces of debris fell, and a nib was left in the hands of the emperor.


All the people took a breath, and the Emperor of the Stars was unbelievable and stood there with a dull face.

Xu Ziyan took the giant axe into the storage ring and said faintly: "Would you like to give me 10 million best crystals?"

The star-shaped celestial emperor looked pale, and he not only did not humiliate Xu Ziyan, but was humiliated by Xu Ziyan, and also lost 10 million of the best.

This million-dollar fairy crystal is not yet hot!

But in the face of so many people, he did not dare to pay the bill, and Xu Ziyan is not the person he can rely on. The look was unwilling to take out the storage ring that was handed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took the ring. Arch handing:


Turned around and left the booth and continued to stroll to other stalls.

Day by day is like this. As the fairy gods destroy the demon spirit of the people, Xu Ziyan and others follow suit. But it did not get any benefit. Because those immortals simply do not allow them to enter. I waited until those sages searched inside and let Xu Ziyan enter them.

Xu Ziyan and others have no opinion. Those devils are all killed by the immortals. They are indeed not qualified to compete for those resources, and they have no strength to compete, and they are honestly obeying orders. Anyway, Cangwu Zong also has a lot of fairy deities in it. In the future, if there is any good thing, then it will be with Cang Jiu, so Xu Ziyan is very leisurely.

This day.

Before the people finally came to the **** tower, a seven-story blood tower surrounded by **** clouds. At this time, the human race monks who came here have exceeded one million, and the black pressure has surrounded the blood tower in the middle.

The blood-stained tower is spectacular. It only has a radius of five miles. It is really not known how the Mozu built such a giant tower. What is the purpose of this giant tower?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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