The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1859: Trial of the small world

"Wrong! Not very famous, but very very famous. It is the disciples of your nine sects should also have heard of him." Ma Jingying's eyes flashed a trace of admiration:

"He is a disciple of the original North Gate Baise, at the age of ten, he entered the fairy period, and at the age of fifteen, he entered the Tianxian period and became a true immortal. At the age of 30, he became a fairy king, now one hundred and twelve years old, the late Emperor Feng Feng. Once known as the first day of the door."

Having said that, Ma Jingying’s face showed a bit of frustration: “Ten years ago, he was the same as the peak of the late King of the Kings. In just ten years, he reached the peak of the late Emperor. I really don’t know how he is. Is it genius?"

"Genius! The 112-year-old Emperor's late peak, the age is smaller than himself, and he is higher than himself." Xu Ziyan's heart is also curious, and the short ten years have been raised from the peak of Xianwang to the Queen. At the peak of the period, there must be an adventure. Xu Ziyan traveled four ways:

"Mr. Ma Shijie, which one is the only step?"

"On the right, about five hundred meters, the one in white."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze followed Ma Jingying’s advice and saw a white boy standing there with a sigh of relief, and a few monks whispering in a smile.

Xu Ziyan secretly nodded. Although she had never seen a disciple, she did not have a disciple to attend. However, she has seen the kindness of a large disciple from the one-step body, which is an extreme confidence. And the whole life is also very handsome, the shape of the stalwart, the handsome appearance, giving a first impression of the sun.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away, and sure enough, the only step was the cultivation of the peak of the Emperor. And the feeling for Xu Ziyan is to break through to the critical point of the Emperor.

Does the side door have such a talent?

Xu Ziyan recalled that at least she had not heard of such a disciple in the nine major sects.

At this time, there are many monks around the one-step, and each monk looks at the one-step gaze full of worship, and the one-sided face always smiles with the sun shining. I greeted everyone, didn't ignore anyone, and kept the faces of the monks around him always excited.

"This person is a thoughtful person!" Xu Ziyan immediately had a judgment in his heart: "Compared with his strength, I am afraid his mind is more dangerous."

"What kind of sect is Baise Zong? Can you cultivate such a genius?"

Xu Ziyan whispered to Ma Jingying to ask about the origin of Baise. Ma Jingying also whispered and Xu Ziyan said. At this time, Xu Ziyan felt keenly that the breath of Lan Bai Ling was fluctuating.

Turning to look at Lan Bailing, I saw that Lan Bailing's original white face was swollen red at this time, his eyes flickered, and his chest was undulating due to the instability of his breath.

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but look at Lan Bailing’s gaze, but he saw the one-eyed gaze and looked at Lan Bailing. Then he smiled and walked over.

"Oh... Bailing, I really didn't think of it. Ten years ago, you and I were the peaks of the late Xian Wang. After ten years, you were only half a step." 啧啧..."

The face of the original Sunshine became ridiculous, and looked up and down with Lan Bailing, but did not look at Xu Ziyan and Ma Jingying. Even the nearest dance color suit from Lan Bailing did not look at it.

Lan Bailing’s hands behind him were twisted together, and the nails went into the meat. The body trembled slightly.

"Bai Ling, to tell you the truth, you are too unexpected. I originally thought that you are not as good as me. But now the worst should be the early Emperor, but I did not think that you are a half-step emperor..."

The one-step face is laughing, and it is still sunny. However, Xu Ziyan suddenly felt his smile and annoyance.

"Roll!" Lan Bailing finally spoke up, and an opening clearly revealed her dislike of her own step.

"Oh, huh..." I still smiled very sunnyly: "Bai Ling, you are still childish. Ok, don't be angry, I will leave, but you should not let me down too much. The worst is to pass the trial into the rankings. Race!"

At this time, the one-eyed gaze was understated from the dance color. Xu Ziyan and Ma Jingying swept over the body. There was a hint of contempt in the eyes:

"This is your companion? Is it a half-step fairy? This is how good luck, huh, huh..."

His eyes stayed on Xu Ziyan's body and said faintly: "You are the royal disciple Xu Ziyan?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan had no good impression of the single step, and said faintly: "Have you seen me?"

Reluctantly shook his head: "No. It was told by several monks of the Eastern Zongmen, huh..."

Xu Ziyan took a soft breath. Press to resist the unhappiness in your heart. The meaning of this single step is very obvious, that is, today's world is no longer the world of the Eastern Zongmen, it is the world of the Yuanmeng League, they are the world that was originally a side door. Your eastern sectarian disciples have begun to flatter our fellow disciples.

"Oh... don't be angry!" Looking at Xu Ziyan's cold face, he said: "Women's anger will get old, and then you are so old, just a half-step fairy, what is the meaning of cultivation? Go and enjoy life!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly became angry, but there was a feeling of wanting to laugh. This is the first time she has heard people say that they are old and low.

At this time, the single step has become the center, and the surrounding monks have looked at it, and a whisper quietly sounded.

"That person is Xu Ziyan, the disciple of this year? It is said that she is now 189 years old. It is a half-step sacred emperor. It is also said to be a genius in genius. But standing in front of the one-step is stunned. It’s lost, and the only step is now one hundred and twelve years old, but it’s the cultivation of the peak of the late Emperor. It seems that the nine major sects are really lonely, and it’s really the world of the Yuanmeng.”

"That man is the Lan Bailing of Qinglianzong? It is said that in order to compete for a colorful fruit, Lan Bailing and the one-step conflict occurred. At that time, both of them were the peaks of the late Xianwang, but they were defeated cleanly. Lan Bailing, rumored that Lan Lan Bai Ling also suffered a unique humiliation, do not know if this is true?"

"Oh, the original woman is Lan Bailing! It really is a beautiful woman. I don't know how to humiliate her when she was alone. Hahaha..."

"It is estimated that you didn't think so, otherwise the original Qinglian will not be so..."

He walked alone and smiled and listened to the surrounding arguments, then turned and left in the discussion. After two steps, I turned to look at Lan Bai Ling Road:

"Bail, if you don't want to have a group with three garbage around you, you want to change one group, you can always ask me."

"What's so great!" Ma Jingying spit in the back of the single step.

Xu Ziyan asked with a funny smile: "Mr. Ma, don't you worship him?"

"I admire him?" Ma Jingying's face looked angry at the moment: "I am not so embarrassed, to worship a person who despise me."

There was a figure in the air, Xu Ziyan didn't know, and his eyes flashed blue, so he saw that the person was an early Tianzun. Since it is not twelve ancient Tianzun, it should be a certain Tianzun in the original door.

The early monk's gaze swept the majestic monk underneath. The pressure of Tianzun hangs from the sky, and the slamming sound of the square immediately silences. Everyone looks at the early Tianzun in the air.

"I am a black ink, you have to call me a black ink god."

The voice of Black ink sacred from the sky and clearly passed into everyone's ears:

"follow me!"

Black ink Tianzun simply did not talk nonsense, then turned and flew. The dense figure on the square fluttered like a large cloud behind Black Ink.

Xu Ziyan flew around Ma Jingying and whispered: "Mr. Ma Shijie, this monk who participated in the trial is not only our eastern monks, but also the northern monks."

“Yeah!” Ma Jingying nodded. “In order to show the justice of the Yuanmeng, the original disciples also participated in the trial. And the disciples also refused to obey our eastern Zongmen disciples. They also did tyranny during the disciples. Although it is mostly side-by-side, it is extremely powerful. Just because they practiced more slanting exercises, there are very few monks who can break through the Xianzun period."

Speaking of this, Ma Jingying sighed a bit: "But now it is different, these side doors have joined the Shangyuan League, there are twelve ancient heavens, and they will no longer lack inheritance in the future. The grievances of the door, I am afraid that there will be another battle between the Yuanmeng and the Eastern Zongmen in the future, and it will be an eventful autumn!"

Soon, everyone came to the sky above the main hall and fell to the ground. The black ink sage still floats in the air and says to the trial monk below:

"Starting from the trial now. You have all seen this hall. After you enter, you will be transferred to a small world. Each of your groups will be distributed in the outer world of the small world. Your trial destination is to go small. In the center of the world, there is a transmission array, and you return here from the transmission array, even if you try to succeed.

Now you can go in! ”

There was a commotion in the crowd, and the monks rushed toward the door.

"Ziyan, let's go!" Ma Jingying was squeezing forward, but Xu Ziyan grabbed her wrist and said:

"Sister Ma, we are not in a hurry. Not bad for this time."

Ma Jingying glanced at Xu Ziyan, and took a look at Lan Bailing and the dance color coat. Seeing that two people were also in a hurry, this snorted, and Xu Ziyan slowly moved toward the gate.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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