The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1861: Capturing space mouse

A space mouse appeared on the head of the dance color coat, and a claw slammed on the water property shield. The water property shield swayed sharply, and a huge stone was thrown into the water.

The speed of the space mouse is really fast. I haven’t waited until the dance color suit has reacted. The second claw has been slammed on the shield. The water property shield has a dense crack, as long as the space mouse attacks another blow. It will be destroyed.

At this time, the dance color coat also sacrificed a long scorpion, like a water dragon rolling, tangled toward the space mouse. However, the space mouse gave up the third hit and disappeared into space.

The color of the dance color was pale, and the eyes revealed extreme tension. The fingers and fingers repeatedly twitched the fingers, and the long scorpion turned into a water dragon around her, protecting her body inside, and releasing the protective cover. Restore as ever.

Xu Ziyan’s brow wrinkled slightly. She didn’t know anything about the space mouse, but as long as she heard the name of the space mouse, she felt that it would not be that simple. So he whispered to Ma Jingying:

"Mr. Ma Shijie, what kind of supernatural power does this space mouse have?"

"It's the biggest magical power is to ignore all the space, you can freely shuttle! Dance color clothes are in trouble! Ha ha ..." Ma Jingying is still there to gloat.

Xu Ziyan heard the face but changed, and asked in a hurry: "Isn't that the shield that the dance color clothes hold up has no effect on the space mouse? The space mouse just slaps the mask of the color dance just to be confused. Color clothing, in fact, is it able to directly enter the shield attack dance color coat?"

Ma Jingying's face is also a change, some hesitantly said: "I don't know, the space mouse is a very scarce monster. It is difficult to meet one."

The Lan Bailing over there also changed his face and shouted in the dance color dress: "Color clothing, the space mouse is likely to ignore your shield, you have to be careful."

Her voice has not yet fallen. When I saw the shield of the dance color coat, the body shape of the space mouse suddenly appeared, and the "吭哧" bite on the shoulder of the dance color coat, and the nine-piece fairy was actually crushed by her. However, it is precisely because there are nine kinds of fairy wares, so that the dance color clothes are not injured, and the long dragons open their mouths and bite into the space mouse.

The shape of the space mouse suddenly disappeared, and the face of the dance color was extremely pale, and the face was full of sweat. Both of them looked around in a panic and wrapped their long squats around themselves, posing a completely defensive posture.

This space mouse is too strange!

At this time, Xu Ziyan has changed the idea just now. The dance color suit is definitely not the opponent of this space mouse. Although she is a half-step fairy, it is higher than the space mouse of the late peak of the fairy king, but the space mouse has a space magical power, the dance color clothes can not find the trace of the space mouse, which makes her attack? Only passively beaten.

The space mouse ignores the space enchantment, the long-selling nine-piece fairy in the hands of the dance color suit, and the space mouse is also the fairy king. Its teeth can definitely bite the long scorpion, so soon the space mouse will make the dance color suits have no genius, and the body of a half-step celestial emperor can't help the space mouse bite a few times.

Dancing color clothes are dangerous!

Sure enough, the space mouse suddenly appeared on the side of the dance color coat, "snap" a bite, biting on the long scorpion, letting the finished dragon tail disappear, and then instantly disappeared into the air. The nine-character fairy scorpion was bitten off, and the spirit of the fairy spirit in the fairy immediately began to leak, and the power was reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a hint of appreciation. This is definitely a monster that can be challenged more and more. And has the power of space. It is a good helper for treasure hunt.

Xu Ziyan’s heart immediately had the idea of ​​conquering this space mouse.


The shape of the space mouse appeared again, and the long bite was bitten.


A piece of ocean is created with the center of the dance color, and a turbid wave forms a circle of water, while holding a dance color coat. Numerous eyes were born above the water wall, watching the surrounding space.

The space mouse appeared in midair. Quietly floating in the air, a pair of small eyes staring coldly at the dance color inside the water wall, the body did not have the slightest force fluctuations, as if the whole space blended into one.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan flashed, and the strength of the dance color clothes broke out at this time is equivalent to the early Emperor. Xu Ziyan secretly nodded, it seems that this is her limit, the disciple of the medium-sized Zongmen can not be compared with the big door, so the heart is also secretly relieved, even if these small and medium-sized Zongmen won the twelve ancient Tianzun Inheritance, it is impossible to cover up the glory of the nine main gates for a long time. What's more, will the 12 ancient Tianzuns impart the inheritance without reservation? As long as the twelve ancient Tianzun does not personally provoke the Terran war, the nine major sects do not have no chance.


The shape of the space mouse disappeared again, and when it appeared again, it had entered the inside of the water wall, and rushed into the dance color coat of the center of Wangyang in the space.

The distance between the two sides was quickly pulled in. The dance color clothes pulled out the afterimage with both fingers, and the surrounding space was swift and densely smashed. "Awkwardly", there were five large water hammers in front of her, facing the space. The mouse bombarded the past.

The five-handed sledgehammer blocked the space, and one of the sledgehammers slammed into the space rat and flew out the space rat.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked, and the precise calculation ability was able to predict the position of the space mouse in such a short period of time and block the path of the space mouse. This is not the path to block the space mouse alone, and it can The path to avoid, the difficulty is not generally high.

A scream was screaming, and the space mouse rolled and disappeared into the space. When the space mouse appeared again, it was far away from the dance color coat, away from the water wall, and the hair on the body fell off, and a piece of blood leaked out.

In the small eyes of the space mouse, a fierce light was transmitted, and a corner of the mouth oozing a blood.


A fountain was raised at the foot of the dance color coat, and the figure of the dance color coat was topped up, exceeding the surrounding water wall. The hands were raised continuously and quickly, and a water knife was rotating and smashing toward the space. A water knife in the sky whirls and whispers to the space mouse to kill the past.

The space mouse was beaten by a sudden burst of dance color, its magical power is a space attribute, but the body is not powerful. It was hurt by the hammer of the dance color. At this time, the space was full of dense water knives. Although the space mouse disappeared into the space and disappeared, it still spilled a piece of blood in the air and dropped a half tail from the air.


A scream of anger swayed through the space, and it was unclear from that direction, as if the space was rattling around.

The space mouse suddenly appeared in the side of the dance color coat, covered in blood, opened a big mouth and bite on her back, this is still a dance color machine to dodge a bit, otherwise the space mouse will bite in her neck unit. Bloody, biting a piece of meat on the back of the dance color coat.

"Not good, the space mouse is desperate!" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"Bai Ling saved me!" The dance color suit was scared, no longer calm, and shouted at Lan Bailing.

Lan Bailing’s face was pale at this time, and eventually he rushed over with a bite. The fairy weapon was a set of eighteen flying needles, which went to the space mouse.

The shape of the space mouse disappeared. At this time, Lan Bailing’s body shape had already flown to the side of the dance color coat, and eighteen flying needles were wrapped around his side. The gods understood and nervously watched everything around him.

Suddenly, the face of Lan Bailing was changed, and his body shape went away. However, even if there is no time, the space mouse appears at her feet, biting a piece of meat on her calf, and the blood is sprayed, and Lan Bai Ling screams.

"Xu Daoyou, help!" At this time, Lan Bailing's face is no longer proud, but a panic. However, even so, in her subconscious mind, Xu Ziyan is much stronger than Ma Jingying, so instinctively shouted for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s right eye faintly appeared a whirlpool and slowly rotated. The trajectory of space became clearly visible in her right eye, and the shape of the space mouse appeared in her field of vision, moving through the space, and darting away toward the head of Lan Bailing.

Xu Ziyan moved a little, but it appeared in the back of Lan Bailing, and the mark on the eyebrows flickered. The eight-piece fairy bottle appeared on the bottle, and the bottle mouth reversed, aiming at a certain point in the space.

At this time, at that point, the figure of the space mouse smashed out.


“嗖”, the space mouse was taken into the Ruyi Aquarius by Xu Ziyan. Then Xu Ziyan immediately transferred the Ruyi Aquarius to a planet in the purple smoke space.


It was this moment that the space mouse had bitten a piece of Ruyibao. Xu Ziyan immediately reversed the bottle mouth and poured out the space mouse.


The space rat has no trace, and Xu Ziyan spreads the knowledge in the purple smoke space, and then sees the space mouse passing through the space. However, this space mouse is still low, and the ability to cross space is limited. It can only shuttle back and forth in the space inside a planet. It is impossible to shuttle to another planet.

Xu Ziyan sneaked a sigh of relief, knowing that as long as this space mouse stayed in the purple smoke space for a while, it would become a loyal subordinate.

The gods were removed from the purple smoke space, and their hands were moved, holding the wishful bottle between the hands. Attention to look, the wishful bottle has been bitten through a hole, this fairy has been scrapped.

Xu Ziyan stood there looking at the wishful bottle between his hands, and this wishful bottle began to follow her from the mainland of the sky, all the way, but did not expect it to be damaged here.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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